
William Shakespeare

Terms & conditions

Free tickets are dleIdet‘ on tho lllght and (annot be booked in advance.

Queue starts at approximately 5.30pm. Free TKkC‘tS are given out from 6.30pm (max of 2 per person).

Perlormamc starts at 7.45pm

Sbonsorcd by




Films are listed by city, then alphabetically by cinema. Listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

35H Saudrrchnll Slrccl.fl14| 353-1‘Hi1l £4 (L‘ZSHL maxim-c: {3.51) rL‘ZI Soc Ihrcc films gel the fourth one free iHUPSbAY OCT?

16 Years olAlcohol 1 1M s 00,

SUNDAY 2.: DUI Goodtellasuxr 2.00

TUESDAY 37(3 ()(Zi Gangs of New York 1 Is. 500. 101 Reykjavikrlx. s00,

WEDNESDAY :3 ()(li 101 Reykjavikrlxr 530. Gangs of New York 1 Is) “.30.

THURSDAY 28 ocr Not the Albino (Noi Albinoi) r IS» .\',( u r

FRIDAY 29 OCT Falcons (Falkar) r lSr 000.


Not the Albino (Nol Albinoi) 1 IS) 300. Goodtellasrlm 3.00.

SUNDAY :31 001

Falcons (Falkar) r IS) 200. TUESDAY 2 NOV

Mama Loshen, Kinder Loshen uht-r (r. I 5. 7.30.

:10 as“ .5

‘i l 'm\ Cl~ll_\ .\\cnuc.

"S. -‘b . t \ Seven Songs for Malcolmxrtsr x15 EasyRIderrlm Stiff

5” r“ .‘tv

Canal (Kanal)rlfir "(in “w rF'iSi‘fo TheTrackeru x00 ittii\‘:\\r _ 't‘xi'

The Road Homerl . x00 SAitiix‘i‘A‘: 4‘ in"

Ashes and Diamonds (Popiol I Diament) r I.\r " (it)

Glasgow Film Theatre

I: RU\L' SII‘CCI. (IIAII it: NIJH (HIV/I‘d! .-\l| pcrfur‘rrmnt‘cx Imuknhlc. [DI Ill Izwnmgs: [Sit-ll. \lntmccx' 2.104%. In ilk-lore 5pm): U IL‘L (il~'l~ mwrx [31) film to we 5 films l\.llltl IUI lhu‘c munlhsi.

THUHSUAH L". (it‘l Vodka Lemonri’m l.‘ I5. Konb‘ollrlSr Iii N-lii,

Old BoyrIM H0_ 000, 5'30.

Distant Lights 1 15' 0,2”.

FRIDAY 1’? ()(Il

Old Boyrlm I230. .110. 3,30. Father and Son (Dtets i syn) mm 3 IS. (Lil).

Coffee and Cigarettes r Iii Hit). 500 7.00, v.00.

SATURDAY 913‘ ()()l

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Hi) I I.3();|m,

.i if!

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