xeen the laxt ol K}iiaxtoii l'._\re'x big xcreen take on Jellre} llatcher'x likeable pla} about the change that took place ix that rare thing a portrait ol a precioux world underlined vet made accexxible b} an inxider‘x touch (i/uxgtm I'll/m I'llt'tlll'i'. (i/ilvgmi. The Stepford Wives t in) 0. thank ()1. IS. 2004) Nicole Kidmaii. Matthew Broderick. Bette Midlei'. (ilenn ('loxe. (‘hrixlopher Walken. ‘Hmm. ()I‘x update ol the l‘)75 claxxlc Br}.in l'orbex' adaptation ol lra Levin‘x bextxelling novel ix an abject lexxon on how to dehuiiianixe a claxxic lii()\ ie. In thix new incarnation oi l.ev in'x tale ol xiiiall town llil\()}1)li} atid (lolliextic gmltlexx perleclion. xtixpenxelul horror and the xubtle xocio-political critique ol' lemmixiii have been dixcarded in lavour ol xlapxtick coined} and a hatiglit} cleveriiexx. Joanna liverhart (Kidman) movex lrom the Big Apple to Steplord when xlie loxex her _|tih ax head ol a TV network. ller partner Walter (Mathew Broderick) wantx to reaxxert liix inaxculinit}. You know what happenx next. A predictable c‘tiltletl} that revelx in bland lloll}v\ood \aluex. ()di'on. Edinburgh. T-Rex 3D (1') (Brett Leonard. l'S. NUS) 40mm. Aiiia/ing looking IMAX movie about a lather and daughter in danger l'rom a vicioux cariiivoi‘t‘ux dinoxaur. (ireat lun. [MAX 'Hit’tlll't'. (iluxgmv. 0 The Third Man (PU) ooooo «(xii-at Reed. l'S/l 'K. 1949) Joxeph ('otton. ()rxoii Wellex l00min. lloll) Martinx hax been invited to unxtable. poxt-World War ll Vienna b_v liix old chum |.iine. who ix now in the gi‘aiid-xcale drug dealing buxinexx. only to dixcover that he ix dead. lixcept. he ixn't ol' courxe. and a iiiultilavei‘ed cat and inouxe xcenario ix triggered. So. what'x xo good about it'.’ Well. _\ou have a xtirring lllliel’ xcore b)‘ Anton Karax. the l'errix wheel and the ‘cuck‘oo clock‘ xpeech xet poxxibl)‘ itx greatext triumph ix to cram xo much wonder into xo little titiie. I-ilm/iouu'. Edinbm'g/i. This Gun for Hire ( IS) 0000 (Frank Tuttlc. th. l‘)-l2) Alan l.add. Veronica l.ake. Robert Prexton. Tully Marxhall. 81min. liarlv coiixpiracy/murder drama with Freudian overtonex. looxel)‘ baxed on (iraham (ireene'x A (fun For Sale. in which l.add pla_vx the unxmiling hired killer who lindx himxell involved in political xubverxion. Downbeat and atiiioxpheric. Film/tome. Edinburgh. 30 Mania (t') (the. t'S. 2003) Stuart Pankin. lilvira.l.\lAX 3D animation hell. l-‘or maxochixtx and computer render geekx onl_v. Lil/AX ThiYHI't’. (i/uxgim: Thunderbirds (P( i) O (Johnathan lirakex. l'S/l’K. 2004) Brady (‘orbet. Ben Kingxle)’. Bill Paxton. Sophia Mylex. Ron (‘ook. 92min. International Rexcue ix in need of rexcue. Not from .xome terrorixt cell with accexx to the Saudi mixxile .xurplux. but from mediocre American producerx. Reall_v rubbixh live action verxion ol‘ the beloved puppet adventure xeriex. .\’o wonder (lerr_v Anderxon wantx nothing to do with it. Sm- (‘i’nitujv ('i'nc'niu. Edinbiu‘g/i. Touching the Void ( IS) 0000. (Kevin Macdonald. Canada. 2003) Nicholax Aaron. Brendan Mackev. Simon Yatex. Joe Simpxon. l0omin. Brilliant clill-hanging reconxtruction feature documentary ol the terrible eventx that overtook mountaineerx Joe Simpxon and Simon Yatex when the} tried to climb a Peruvian mountain in WSS. Macdonald pullx ever_v trick out of the bag to make thix ax heart-churninglv xcarv ax a real climb in bli/lard conditionx. lt ix. ax they .\a_\’. quite a ride. I‘iIIn/iuuxt’. Edinburgh. The Tracker (tbc) 0.. (Rolph De lleer. Auxtralia. 2002) David ('iulpilil. (Ear) Sweet. Damon (iameau. 90min. [922 Australia: a native Auxtralian man ix accuxed of murdering a white woman. Three white men are given the mixxion of capturing him with the help of an experienced native Auxtralian tracker. lnterexting Auxxie .xocial drama. (ii/liltil‘i'lllll(;/:. (i/uxgow. “no Brothers (PG) 0. (Jean- lacquex Annaud. l-‘rance/l'lx'. 2004) (luv Pearce. Jean-Claude l)re_vl‘ux. Freddie Highmore. ()anh Ngll}eti. l09min. Tiger cubx Kuinal and Sangha are .xeperated when legendar) merchant Aidan .\lcRor_\ (Pearce)
turnx up in the Thai iungle to xL’l/L‘ xomc litiddhixt xtatuex Will the brotherx be reunited alter their man} trauinax ‘ Annaud returiix to the xame territor} ol hix WSS hit Illt Ht'tll'. with exotic. thrilling and m‘caxtonall} xomnambulixtic eltect Thix
w ill lllxl about keep kidx and their pareiitx entertained o\ er itx excexxne length. Sin ('t'niurv (inc/nu. Edinburgh.
White Chicks ( I2Ai O (lx'eenen Ivor} \Va}anx. [8. 200-1) Shawn \\'.i'\anx. Marlon \Vavanx. Jaime King. Blh} Philippx. l0.Siiim. l)ire undercover copx in drag coined) xet in the Hamptonx. (it‘nt'm/ I'l'h'UH'.
Wild Chimpanzees ( t ’) (l)a\ ia tickle}. l'S/(‘anadm 2002) Jane (ioodall and a load ol chimpan/eex. 53mm. (iet up cloxe and perxonal with the wild (iombe chimpan/eex in thix big xcreen l.\lA.\ prexentation. [MAX I'lll'illl't'. (i/(lxgnii.
Wild Side ( l3) (Sebaxtien l.ilxhit/. l‘rance. 2004) Stephanie Michelini. Yaxmme Belinadi. lidouard .\'ikitme. 93min.
t'nconv entional. beautil’ul to look at iiienage atron involving atranxexual who returnx home with her two loverx when her mother tallx ill. With cinematogi'aph} b} the great Agnex (iodai'd. See preview. page (is. l'i/niliouu'. Edinburgh.
The Wild Thornberrys (t') 000 ((‘atln Malkaxian/Jel'l .\lc(ii'ath. lb. 300:) Voicex ol Tim ('urr}. Mun Redgrave. Rupert liverett. 85min. Like the popular children'x TV cartoon. the movie l’ollowx the adventurex ol _voung lili/a 'l'hornberi‘} w ho‘x been granted the power to talk to the animalx a hand) trick when )otii‘ pareiitx are w‘ildlil'e documentar} lilmiiiakerx. Thix time the) 't‘e iii Ali'ica where a team (it lu- tech poacherx have their ev i| e}e on a herd ol I000 elephantx B} combining a nail- bitiiig xtorv with a xatii'e ol' l'aiiii|_v l'oiblex. the liliii ix conxtantl) engaging and not a little rewarding. ('(‘l ('lvdvbunk. (‘lvdebunk‘ ('("I Edinburgh. Edinburgh. Wimbledon t IZA) 00 (Richard l,oncraine. l'K. 2004) Paul Bettan}. Kirxten l)uii.xt. Jamex .\chvo_v. Robert l.indxav 08min. llarmlexx rom com l'rom the people who gave tix Nolling Hill and I'imr llk'ddingx about a bumbling tennix pla_\er who lindx hix tournament interrupted by a ltixcioux American l‘emale pla_ver. Brainlexxl} diverting. (it’lit'l‘u/ I'r'lc'uu'.
Wondrous Oblivion t P( i) 0000 (Paul Morrixon. l'K. 2003) Sam Smith. Delro)‘ Lindo. limilv Wool. Stanle) 'l‘ownxend. Angela Wynter. ltlomin. David (Smith) lovex cricket. but ixn't any good at it. making him unpopular at xchool. llix loving. btit put-upon pareiitx workaholic retailer lather Victor ('l‘ow'nxend) and .xh)‘ voting mother Ruth (Wool) - aren't much help. Then. the Wext lndian Samuelx lamil'v move in next door and man ol. the houxe l)ennix (Lindo) erectx a cricket net in the back garden. lt‘x not long before David'x takitig lexxonx and making new l‘riendx. much to the chagrin ol~ the xenophobic neighbourx. who view the (‘aribbeanx with ximilar (though more xcornl‘ul) xuxpicion previouny heaped upon the Jew'ixh Wixemanx. Heart-warming ixxue-led period drama that liax been dexervedl} compared to Bil/v Elliul. Lindo givex the performance ol hix career. Sm ('c'nlmjv ('i'm'niu. Edinburgh.
You’re my Hero (Eres Mi Heroe)
( 12A) 0.. (Antonio ('uadri. Spain. 2003) Manuel Lozano. Toni ('anto. l-‘elix l.ope/. 103mm. (‘uadri'x .xemi- autobiographical lilin recallx liix _vouth at the end ol~ laxcixt rule iii the Seville ol the I970x. where Ramon (Lo/ano) mov ex to live with hix father and muxt deal with the u.xual coming-ol-age trialx: bulliex. new l‘riendx and love. St}‘li.\tic‘;ill_\ arrexting and .xenxitiv e (but nev er xaccharine) coming of age drama. (1mm). Edinburgh.
( N; M)
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.. ‘ 0PENS 061 22 IN cmrivms NATIONWIDE
2‘. Oct-<1 its. ECO". THE LIST 57