Around Town

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to for sport or for all other events. Listings compiled by Morag Bruce and Rachael Street.



I Look Who’s Talking: Emma Richards [lit-.iiit-lti1).il. 353 lliipt- \iit-t-i. ii3 Ullllll lpni t5 5lliL-11 l;111111.i \.lliL'ti 1111i1lhc1cci1iill1oi1k\1113lllliul1cn \hc l1cc.1111c Il1c lll\l iilllhll \111111.111.111illl1c )oiingcxt cxci c11111pctilo1 Ii1ci1111plclc .‘\ll‘llllti.\illllt'.iilt' longcxt 1.1ccli11'an} 111il1\ 111.111} sport 11111111il1l1c\xorlili. Hcar .il1iiul hci 1c111.1rk.1l1lc .iil\ci1turc\ at \c.1.a\ich.11lcil111l1c1'l111ok 11.1111cilatlc1 llll\ cpic cliallcngc

I Sigga Bjorg Sigurdadottir ( '( ‘.v\. *5” Sauclnchall Strcct. i53-1‘lel "pin. l'rcc. ltckclctl Sigga til\t'll\\t'\ lhc [H'I 1cc\\t'\ alttl coltccph i1l hc1' \Htl'ix. \omc ol \\ ltlch can hc \ccn il\ part of \iiiinila} l)c1111111\ .1t ('( ',\. I Sue Tompkins ( iallt'l'} ()l \ittth‘l'll .1\l'l. ()uccn Strccl. 33‘) l‘)‘)(1.(1.,ill 3, illpni. l'rcc. .\ icailing l1} Si1c"li1111pk111\ “how work is lcaturcil 111(‘111111Ir} (irannnar.

Name Bethsy Gray

Profession Jewellery designer Based I11 my workshop and shop inside Starry Starry Night.

How long I've worked here for 20 years.

Background l'm Danish and I trained 111 Denmark in the 508 and 603 but have lived here ever since.

Best thing about the job That I make things that people like and that I can make a liVing from what I do I only work in silver and semi-precious stones.

Worst moment We had a flood two and a half years ago. There was a big mains pipe that burst in the Botanics. We were under several feet of water.

Most interesting commission I made all the Jewellery for a wedding. There were 30 pieces cufflinks for the men and necklaces and earrings for the women. all with amethysts. Favourite thing about Glasgow The people the very friendly people.

What would you do on a day off? (30 about town and catch up on all the things that I need to do. Open I work every day: 10am—6/7pm and l work when I get home.

I Bethsy Gray, Dowanside Lane. near Hi/lhead Underground. 0741 334 4 778.

28 THE LIST Oct—J No1. 303$


I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Horilch Book. ‘I.\ Buchanan \trcct. 333 "NH lll Main \11 i1ppi11'1111111_\ ti11 .ltillil\ Ii1 c\pli11cthc11cicalixcpotcntial


I Rangers v Dundee United lhiiix Slathuni.l;tl1111\li111l)11\c_llh'llf1llfl l‘l‘lI ipin Sl’l, toothall match


I Felix Dennis ( ‘(' \. ‘5I18.iiicl11cl1.ill Slicct. ‘53 JUN” "pin l'1'cc l'cl1\ l)c111\1\ i111c i1l Britain's l1cxl kiiim 11 cnI1cp1cncuix. hcuax1111p1‘1\i111cil 111 l‘l‘l .1\.1ci1-ctl1ti11 i1l ()/111.1g.1/111c.1111l rccoiilcila \111glc \kllll .li1l111 l,c111111ttli1t‘.1t\c lllUllL'} li11 .1 lcgal ilclcnxc luntl llc c111nc\ to rcail lri1111l11\ l1cxl-xcll1ng ci1llcclii111i1t poclr} \(i/irn



I 10 Years of South Africa 'l1.1111ii.i_\. 35 .-\lhc1'l l)1'1\c. llh~l5 3 ill i5lll lllarn (1pn1. .-\ ila} of pcrlornianccx .lllti \\i1t'l\\ltop\ lo cclchialc lll _\c.11\11l \‘i111Il1 .-\l1‘1c.1.


I Glasgow Rugby v Northampton Saints llughcnilcn. i3 llughcnilcn Road. ;53 Hob. lpni. {l5 [With Ll5i. llcinckcnfup111.1Icl1.

I Scottish Rocks v Newcastle Eagles Hrachcail.>\1‘c11a. Kings l11cl1 Roatl. 5(1l llJll. 5pm. LIN Ll5 1L5 th1;l.11111l§ £33. lilil,l1a\l\ctl1all111.1tcl1.

Activities & Events

I French Language Cate.r\lli.111cc l‘rancaixc l)c(il.1\go\\. 3 Park ('11'cn\. 33‘) 43%|. 7 0pm. l’rcc. .\ c|1a11ccto unprow _\i1ur languagc \l'xlll\ \\ ilh othcr l-rcnch \pcakcr\. ('all thc .\ll1.111cc l‘t’ancalx lo I'L‘xcn c .1 placc.


I Beginners Capoeira Workshop (‘.1r1u\al.i\rl\_ 311d l'lool'. 34 Albion Strcct. 553 81137. (1 7.30pm. U1 H.111. l.car11 ll11x gracct‘ul lira/than 111.11'lial art.

I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson liot'tlc‘h Book. 93 Buchanan Strccl. 333 7700. (1pm. .v\la\tair l’atlcrxiut l1o\t\ a 11 ritiug group UPL‘II 111 .111}i111c 1111c1'cxtctl 111 ilcwloping thcir crcatnc llan‘. .\c\\ 111cinhcrx al\\.1}\

\\ L‘lt‘ttlltL‘.

I Winter Night Sky (ilaxgim Scicncc (’cntrc. 50 Pacific (311.1}. J30 5000, 7 0pm. [3| lorl'ncclaxxcx19.15501. 'l‘hix L'tllll'\t‘ locuxLN i111 \\ hat can lk‘ \L‘L‘lt Ill lltL‘ ilark \\ 111tcr \k). Scc piclurc caption.

Tuesday 26


I Anne Simpson 8: August Kleinzahler (’11llinx (iallcr). l'nixcrxit} ol Strathclulc. 33 R1cl1111i111il Sti'cct. 548 355h. lpm. l-‘rcc. l'111111xxal1lcopportuiut} 111 licar .1\\artl-u11111i11g 111Ic1'11atioi1al poch .-\1111c Simpxon .111il.-\ugu\t chui/ahlcr rcail from thcn' rcxpcctnc \torltx.


I Meditation Classes (ii;l\:_'tl\\ .-\c‘.iilc'111}.(‘i1lcl1rook Strcct. (1..‘~llpn1. £5 19331 Rcilucc stress and c\pcr1cncc .1 pcacctul mind through thc ich c|i1pii1c111 oi concc11tr.1tion.cachclaxx includcx .1 talk and time for meditation.

Wednesday 27

Acvities and Events

I Mitchell Book Group Mitchcll l.ihr.i1'}.3lll North Slrcct. 38" 399‘). (1 - 3.30pm. Join thc .\litcl1cll Librar} \ 11c“ hook group. 'l'hc tirxt \c.1\on \1. ill c\plorc l‘)5l)\;1nd (\()\ Brilhlt tiction IllL‘ pcriod ol' the \o callcd ‘a11g1‘_\ )111111g


.p. .‘H .14, .~)". #4, '.\l"4.\l' .. )

1)”. 1' I«-'1‘,’l/“I,/I '1! (/n« "’-11. ’v.[ 4'

.).'i’”‘.f ."‘..‘/{t'.."1'/ it'l"..(1.)‘r. .."1'

'11 r~'V/\ [ LI'I I/l" {I r~ “r~ r ()i)-1'_.). .11../i,.. (I 11.4 1, 111,. , 1,1.

111c11‘. ch1xtc1' )11111' 111Ic1cxl and collcct tltc li1\t hook at Kcnt Roatl Rcccpllon 111' call llHl 387 200*),


I Celtic v Aberdeen ('cliic l’ark. Kc1'1'_\ila|c Sti'ccl. l’arkhcail. 55| M153. 7.45pm. 'l'hc lttmpx takc on lhc 11c\\ l_\ 1c» \.1111pcil .-\l1crilcc11 squad.


I Mars: The Inside Story of the “Ed Planet ( il.t\gi1\\ SL‘IL'HL'L' ('t‘ltlt'L‘. 5H l’acilic(‘)11.1}.-l3ll5flllfl. " Nillpin. £5.95 1934.051. llcathcr ('oupcr antl

\igcl iit'ltltt‘Nl L'UlllL' lo tll\L‘tI\\ lhc \lol'} ol' thc Rctl l’lancl. incluihng lhc c\i\Ic11cc ol lilc and othcr 111}\lc1’1c\. Scc caption.


I Drawing and Painting Classes l’ollock ('ountr} l’ark. 3flf1fl l’ollockxhaux Roail. (14‘) f).\‘,“5. l 1.1111 lpin. £3 1 U11. I.c.1rnlop.11nt .1111lil1‘.1\\ 111 thc \xontlcrtul \111‘1'111111ihng\ ot l’ollock Houxc. Ulll\ltiL' and 111 l\\c.1lhcr tiL'PL'lltiL‘llli l. .-\ll iL'\ L'l\ \\ L‘lL‘olltL'.

I Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('.11'11i\a| .v\1't\. 311d Hour. 34 Albion Sli‘L‘L'l. .553 M157. (1 7.30pm. U11L4l. SL'L‘ Honda} 35.

Thursday 28


I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson - Poetry Bonk-1x Buokx. US Buchanan Slrcct. 333 77f)”. 10.30.1111. Scc 'l‘hurxtla} 31

Saturday 30


I Singing Workshop Rilllhilttrl] 'l‘hcatrc. Uh’ Ingram SIrch. 5-13 34-1-1.

3 5pn1.£51£3 133.501. lt’ _\oI1 arc .1 toiling lcnor or turti\ c t'alxctlo. Ihcn this _\ourcl1.111cc lotiC\L‘lUp singing \lxlll\ out \\ 1th )i1u1‘ \hoxxcr.

Activity & Events

I Ghosts, Ghouls, Graveyards 'l‘ratlm Hall. 35 (ilaxxlord Strcct. 53(1 5533. £35. .-\11 cwning ol' horror starting \\ ith a tour of R.1111\l1i11'11 ('cinctcr}. thcn hack t‘or .1 part} at ‘l‘radcx Halls. ’l'ickct

The only way is up this winter, as those in the know look skywards for a glimpse of inter-planetary goings on. But if you don't know your Orion from your elbow. there are lots of workshops and star gazing evenings to get you up to light speed for the Leonid meteor shower and the lunar eclipse. Inter-stellar! .inill111tlcl lc1\ part} gltoxll11t‘111l\'\t‘t'lllll1\l


I Rangers v Aberdeen ll1ii1x Slaihuin. iltilllhltlll How. “33” NM l‘Ni. 3pn1 Sl’l li1i11l1.1ll111.iltl1


I Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('.11‘111\.1l.-\1‘I\. 311d i‘itltll. H \ll1ii111 Sin-11553 M1!“ 11 tiipm U1 .1 1. St't‘ \itttltlgt}


I Meditation Classes ( il;l\_‘_'t m .'\L'illik'lll'\. ('11h‘l‘l1111k Sll’t‘t'l. (1 Hlplll L5 it i l. SCL' ‘i‘llk' 3“.

Wednesday 3

Activities 8. Events

I La Matinee Francaise .\lli;ii1ct- l'1'.111c.11\cl)c(ila\go\\. *l’ark ('ncnx. 33‘) ~13hl. Illani 11oi111.lrcc. lionioin 111cxan11xl |11lor111al gcl Iogcthci organixcil l1} Il1c l't'allco SL‘Hllhll Socict}

Talks I Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations

'l'roii'l'hcatrc.(13'I1'o11gatc. 553 431‘. Hpin. L'lfl 113M. \cu York pcrlorinancc .11'II\I l’cnn} .'\lL'iltiL' tallm about what it Incanx to hc .1 hail girl and ipiccr icon \\ ilh hpr troin winc tiilllt't'l\ anil pcrlor111c1\_ Part of (i/iiwiit'


I Beginners Capoeira Workshop ('ar111\al:\1‘t\. 311d Horn. 3‘4 Albion Strut-L 552 M13". (1 3, illpllt. U1 lHi. SL‘L‘ Honda) 3.5.

Thursday 4


I Town and Gown Lecture: Moving Towards a Zero-Waste Society Strathclylc l‘nixcrxit}. .\lc('.1nccBuild111g.5-lt< 3 l 33. 5.30pm. l‘rcc. Robin Harpcr MSP and l’clcr Jo11c\ l-RSA lcad Ihc til\L'll\\lUll.

I Penny Arcade: Bad Reputations 'l‘ron'l‘hcalrc.(13'l'ro1igatc. 553 43(17. 3pm. till 19.31. Scc\\ctl11c\tla} ‘1.