Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk. Listings compiled by Ruth Hedges.



:llhll l’tilllll\\ll.t\\ \ RIhltl. 255‘ .255”

.\lon 'llin tk Sat Ill.ini 5pm; I‘ll tk Sun ll.ini 5pm. lit-c.

One Million Days in China l‘iinl Siiii lil-t'h l'it't' .\ iniiloi' c\hihition lllill llllllltlllt't'\ .llltl L'\[ll(llt'\ ~l. illll )t'arx ol ("hint-w ll|\ltll} iintl t'nltui'c l'.lllk'l through ('htncxt' f._'.llt'\\il'\ \. lit-.ii lllL' \ti‘t't'l \tlllll(l\ ol olil Shanghai and lw linuxportcil through tinit' .llltl illxtunu' to .I tllllt'l‘t'lll \Mrt'ltl


i5” Saut'lut'hiill Slim-l. l53 ~l‘lllll. 'luc \\t'tl tk l'll Sun ll.nn (ilini; 'l llll l|.ini 3pm.

21! Noonday Demons 0...

[Nil Sun 2| .\'o\. lt'x ii lk't'llllfJ that can pct Io _\ou .it llll\ tunic ol )t'ur \lt'lgint'holin lour IL'L‘lillltllk' .u’tNx t'l'L'illL‘ \\Ill'l\ that mplort'x .‘l\[lL‘t‘l\ ol thix \uhtlt' L'llltlllUll ll\lllf_‘ .iniinution. tlrnu ing. painting. \t‘ulpturt' .intl \iilt‘o. Soc llitlixl.


l'uiwrxit} ol Strutht'lylt'. 32 Richmond Slit-ct. 543 2558. .\lon l‘i'i Illillll 5pm; Silt noon ~lpni.

Image 28: The Best of British Illustration l'iitil Siit In \(H. (lit-r NI) tll‘llellill lllll\ll';lllUll\ h_\ lllL‘llll‘t'M ol lllL‘ .\\\IIL‘l.'IllUll ol lllll\ll'illtll'\ \\ ithin t‘dlt'fJIH'lLN Ill .\Il\t‘l‘ll\lllf_‘. lilltlk\. (Illlltll'k'll.\lit)tll\\_I)L‘\l}1llillltl\k‘\\ \lt‘tllu. l'.tlIlUI'I;Il. Sltltlt‘lll .llltl l'npuhlixlit'tl.

I GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Slim-I. 32‘) WW». .\lon \Vcd &

\it lll.ini 5pm. lllll likini \nn il.ini 5pm

Country Grammar 0.0 l-1\o‘. lict' \n ulnhition ol \I‘lllk'lllllrlldl} \ll.l\‘-lll:.' h} (il.l\_'_'il\\ lxm-il .Illl\l\. lllxllltllll‘.’ Kate l).l\l\. \lL'\ l tml. Km in lluttlicxon. .\llL' loinpkinx. Hols} ll‘lllllhlllx \ill} ()\l‘lllllk' .llltl (lit-got

\\ ll_‘_'lll

Sue Tompkins ’l lltl II (M. W

" illpni llk't' \ ruitling h} \u.‘ loinplunx \xlioxc will. I\ lt'.ilutt'tl in (‘oiintt.\ (ii.iinln.ir

\;‘rii_ l r: .\

l ntil \nn


:3 t\ 25 King: Stit't't. 552 It‘lll ltit' \.it Ill.ini Jo Ganter: Paperpieces l lllll \.ii I l \'o\. Warn 5 illpin l'lt'L' \ tit-u pollution ol [‘llllh and light ltou'x h} In (Linlci'. including PIL'\\L'tl P.1Pk'l made .it Hit l)icu l)IlllllC l’IIIlcnnill lll \cn \orl. txigh \Hlll ilillt-icnt .inil r.itht-r /cnlikt' lll.Ill\lll_‘_‘\ Museograbado: Mexican Contemporary Printmaking l‘iiiil .\.Il l3 \o\. lll.iin 5.‘llpin. l'rct' “oil. h} .l \iirit't} ol .\IC\I(;lll t'ontt'nipomr} [‘l'llllllltlle'H puhlixht'il .it \lti\t‘iij:i.ih.iilo lll /.;it‘;ilct‘;i\_

S {llpm


'l’hc \liickintoxh (killcr). lo" Rutler Strccl. 353.1500. \lon lhu llliiin "pm; Hi lllgiin 5pm; Sat Illiiin :Plll. Artists l'nltl l'l'l letlt't Rcwrxing lhc i‘olt'x tlux ulnhrtion \Iioxx \ oll tht' \\\ll'l\ h} \t'wn \lilll cunt-nil} l‘.l\k'tl .it lltc ( il.i\;_'im St‘lltltll l‘l .'\I'l. SCL‘ t‘tlplltlll. l..\5l ('ll.i\.\'(‘l: 'l’() fill.

Clydesdale Bank Art for All I'iiiil Sat .ill ( It'l. ll'L‘t‘. lllt' lt'\llll\ til .I \L‘l'lL'\ Ill UllL' il.i_\ .it‘t .llltl ili'xiun \kot'lwlltlll h} pupih Horn 3—,. tllllL‘I'L‘lll \L'Ulllildl'} \k'lllllll\ .IL‘l‘oxx Scotland.

Kathleen Mann Embroidery l'iiiil l-ri 3‘)()t't. I.\l;icl\into\h litiiltlingi. |)i‘;i\\in;.'\. Plll‘llt'illltllh ginil crnhi'oiilcr} punt-Ix h} Kiithlccn \lunn. onc ol the kc) ligurt‘x lll Ihc lll\ltll"\ ol [caching .it (ilaxgou School ol :\l'l. “ho taught hctuccn Will 3 i. l..v\S'l~ ('ll.>\.\'('li 'l'() Slilz.

Talk \VL‘II 3.“ ()L'l. (i lell. l‘l’L‘t'. .\ ltlllx rill .\l;ilc\ it‘h and thc .ici'opliinc: lll‘L'lll in

m cm Roll up, roll up, get your solar powered ice-cream.

‘Sustainable lndulgence’ first exhibited as part of the Whitstable Biennale in June 2004 the idea being when it’s hot and sunny the demand for ice-cream will go up, and so will the capacity to produce it. Part-time lecturer in the Sculpture and Environmental Art Department of Glasgow School of Art, Justin Carter exhibits as part of the tutor/artist show which proves that those who can, do, and those who can do both, do double.

IAr'f/sts. Glasgow School 0‘ A'T. ti'tfi F"/ 2:? Oct.



l tli\ct\it_\ ol (il.i\;_'o\\. \: llilllimtl \llt't'l. Ill'51:] \lon \it " 5".Illl 5pm lice 20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection I iinl l ii ll

llct \ \t'lctlion ol thc lliintt'iiunk linc .iit \Ullklxlllllll‘lIlllll5ll.1lllll‘llllllk'3lllll .cntui}

Mackintosh Architecture 1 mil lliii :1 llct :25” In lllk' \l.i.kinto\h llouw. .i turnpomr} ilixpla} ol Ili.i\\in;;\ ulntli \ll.ll.l\lt'll\k' tlic \ll\llll\ll\k' \l\'\l:._'ll\ ol ('hailcx lx’t-nnic .\l.it’l\into\li Avant-Garde Graphics 1918-34 l lllll \.it I“ \o\_ " “Lint 5pm ltt't' \ \‘l'llt't'llr‘ll ol PH‘lk'l‘. [‘lllll\. hook \lt'\|:_'ll\ .intl lllllllltul .llltl t'onnnt'it'ml t'plicn‘it'iu. tout-Ilia \\ ilh HIlj.‘lll.ll l.i)iitit\ and photo niont.i;_'t'~. intluiling; \xoik h) lt.ili.in llllllll\l\. ( icini.in .inil l it'nt‘h l).ltl.ll\l\ .llltl


l'nnctxll} .\\cnuc. “It ~l_‘Il \lon \.it ‘l .‘lliiin 5pm l-ict'.

Historic Bloomers - 300 Years of Botany at Glasgow University l‘iitil In 3-1 Duh lhc lll\l\ll} ol hotan) .it (il.i\g_'o\\ l'niwixil} I\ told through .in .'\lnl\ttion ol [M'l\illlilllllt‘\. plut't'x .inil


ll \lllL‘llL‘ll l illlt‘. III (Ho: \lon .\ \\Ctl Siit lll,.5ll;llll 5pm. 'luc ll.ini 5pm. Sun noon 5pm. £3 rfillpi.

New Formations l'iiiil Hm I \m Slloutuiw ol \tor‘k l\_\ _\ouni_v it-ucllt-i'} ilcxigncrx plux Imttlc warn-x. hugs and

Architecture in Scotland l'iitil ll! 23 Oct. 'l'hc launch ol .i hiunnuul rm mt iil Scottixh .ii'clntct'lutc. Iciitutinu l‘lllltllll}:\ gintl liinilxciipt' piolct‘tx t'oinplclt'tl or tlllL' loi‘ UllllplL‘llUll in Still.; and Illlll.

Donna Leishman l'iinl Sun 2.\' .\'o\. No“ inctliii .ii'IN oI (iiinihomcrt‘oin \lltl\\\ llllllllillltlllx “lllt'll rc-tcll iintl lllIlIlt‘l'lth' l;iit'}l.ilc\. plux .i pm lL‘\\ ol hcr loi'thconung: pi‘olt't‘t l)c\ nint: 'l‘hc l)U\\C\\lUll ol (‘lll'lxllgtn Slum, Scc l’l'olilt'. Art Nouveau En Projet l'l'l 200.1

Sun 33 Jun. ()nl} l'l\' \houing ol llll\ touring L‘\llllllllllll cclchriitnig Ilic lt'ggic} ol tltc .'\l'l .\'ou\c;iu Moxcnlcnt Ill lxut'opc. l'czitui‘ing (‘ltl'loi'tl'x propoxiilx lor thc Ro};il llllll'lllill'}. .\l:ickintoxh/“iiltiin‘x Buchanan SII‘L‘L‘I It'll Roollh and Page and l’til‘lx'x i‘cilcwll‘lltncnt ol' St .-\ntlrc\\ \ ( ~hutch llilll. \l-L\\' SHOW.


370 Stitlt‘hiclttill Slt‘ccl. 5(i5 J lllll. l'l'l tk Sun l|;un 5pm; .\lon 'l'hu .k Sat

Illuni 5pm.

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove I'iitil “M ii) NM 2005. .\x Ihc l\'c|\ ingrow .\lll\L‘ll|ll .& .’\l'l (lilllL'l'} ll;l\ no“ gloxul ll\ tlUIll'\ l'or lllil|tll i‘clurhixluncnt. owl lell ol le paintings take up rcxitlcnc} .it Ihc .\lcl.cll.in (inllct‘icx. lltc tll\lll.l} lllL‘llltlL'\ ’l'horntix l‘.ictl\ //Ir' /.(l\/ ul Ilii (‘liiil .intl Rctnlu'untlIK .-\ .lliur III .II'HII‘UI. plllx \xoi'k h} (‘hut'lm chnic \lllt‘lxllllthll. Dutch and l‘lcrnixh art.


lllgll Strcct. 53‘) 5 l 5 l. lth 5pm; Sun: 5pm.

World War One l'ntil ’l'hu ll \in, 'l‘lux )L‘ill' inurlu the ‘lllth .innncrxur} ol thc outhrcuk ol World \\';ii' I. 'l‘hix mirror Ill- houxc L'\htltilion ttikt‘x ;i lnxlot‘tcul look .it lllL‘ \uir .intl itx cllcctx on RL'llll‘L‘“ \llll'L‘ through Iiiniil} lll\l(lI‘IC\. photograle .inil rctninixccncc»

Sal llliiln


In King Strcct. 553 2l5l. luc Sat

lllzini 5.30pm.

Peter Kennard Decoration and

Award l'ntil Sat 2‘ .\'o\_ Digital printing

and oil paint collitlc l'or txto ncv. \L‘lx ol

political uork made during the lll\;I\lUll and

wcupution ot' Iraq Horn 3003 to thc prcwnt Decoration .intl .'\\\;ll'tl.



Gossip. chat and rumour from the gallery floor


l NEW YORK is being treated to Beagles and Ramsay’s latest self portrait Sanguis Gratia Artis (Black Pudding Double Self Portrait). Two black puddings made from a pint of each artist's blood will be hanging in a fridge in MOMA until Sun 7 Nov. According to their recipe, to serve ‘slice into medallions about one third of an inch thick. Fry each side for about five minutes.’ The yanks are gonna love it.

I MORE ORGANIC art is on its way from Glaswegian poet and land- artist Gerry Loose. He needs your seed. Loose is compiling a Seed Catalogue which Wlll he published as a book. and also creating a hortlcoltural exhibition at Yorkshire Soulpture Park in 2005. It you would like to donate your ollering please send a seed collected this autumn from any tree With the name ot the tree and your contact details to Alex Hodby. Yorkshire SCulpture Park. West Bretton. Wakefield, WFA 4LG. And watch your seed grow.

I LA ARTIST ED RUSCHA is coming over to Edinburgh for his opening at the National Gallery of Modern Art. The last minute decision to come from his west coast to our east has made one woman in particular very happy. Long time fan Janet Street Porter was scheduled to give a talk on her lonesome, but is now joined by the man himself. Details in listings.

I CONGRATULATIONS to Helen Gaftney. student at Glasgow School of Art who has won the 2004 Young Designer Silversmith of the Year Award. Her winning condiment set will be on display in the McLellan Galleries.


35 Alhcrt l)ri\c. 0345 A30 3501. Inc Silt noon Spin; Sun noon (iprn.

>.‘- Rosemarie Trockel: Retrospective Exhibition OOOO l'ntil Sun 3] Oct. The onl} l'K \lltmlllg ol Ihix rctrospctiw C\lllhlll(lll h} (ici‘niiin \lxllill itrlhl Rowinuric 'l‘rocltcl. Dating lrorn thc I‘llfllx until thc prcxcnt Ila}. the L'IlllL'L‘llUll includcx \ ltlL‘Il \xork. photograph}. rcliclx illltl knitted ’ptuntingx'. Scc llllll\l. LAST ('ll.-\.\'('l: 'l'O SH;

2' Cd? -1 233-1 THE LIST 107