(‘flt . 7 it i Ten of Edinburgh’s best clubs under one roof, across three floors. Do we really need to {I I o c . o .

say more? Well, if you in3ist, Fresh Air FM has brought together Motherfunk, Flipptn', Manga, Obscene, Taste, Access, Majestica, Dogma, Ultragroove and Pogo Vogue for another humongous

party. With all those names on offer there’s a bit of something for everyone.

L! Sat 76 Oct. The Venue. Ca/ton Road. Edinburgh, ()13/ 5:37 .3073. llpm—(9am, .‘L’S-llf.

capital and haye picked up nominations for Best Scottish (’lub 200.3 from .‘lli'tmug and Best Stitall (’ltib from the Hard—Dance Awards.

. Obscene at the Venue.

10.30pm 3am. £l0 £l2. 22 ()ct. 'l'he undergrotmd drum & bass night returns joined by jump up fayotirite Nicky Blackmarket.

I Pop Fiction at ('ity: lidinbiirgh.

l lpiii 3am. £(i. Weekly. Trendy Wendy and regular guests (inc Betty l’ordt lay doun the coolest blend of pop. funk. soul. disco. R&B. hip hop and house

\y ith a real sense of fun. And please note they have moved to a spanking neys \‘L‘lltlL‘ just up the road from their old haunt. Plenty of drinks promos on offer an‘ all.

I React at the Venue. l0.30pm 3am. £8 (£6). 8 ()ct. 'l'he rayy techno night is back with special guests (‘at'los Rios \' Vincent de Wit t:\yyakenings llighball/.»\udio Assault) providing a

li\ e PA.

I Roadblock at l’o .\'a Na.

|0pm 3am. l5ree before I 1pm: £5 after. Weekly. l).l Nikki and friends dig up the may best in funk. disco. R&B. house. kitsch classics and party jams.

I Special Blend at the \"aults tentcr \‘ia Nicol lidyy‘ards). l0.30pm 3am. £4. 22 ()ct. liaryyax and the Don breyy tip a set'\‘ittg of fttnky breaks. beats and beyond.

I Stet at the Bongo (‘lub. l lpin 3am. £5. 22 ()ct. We'll be honest. it's a hard one to sum up so \ye'll haye to let them do the talking. ‘With a purposefully erratic aim. a night at Stet Ventures objectiy'ely through sonic lields ol' surging bass. forests of micro-sampled clicks and \s'hirrs. eyen driy'ing through the marshland of eski-dub and grimef Joined by the cutting edge sounds of special guest Lady Soy ereign.

I Tokyo Underground at the Cellar Bar. 0ptii-~3aiii. £2.90 before midnight; £390 after. 8 ()ct. Monthly. .»\ neyy night hosted by the duo behind Tokyoblu with the percussion form Pepe Santamaria and a selection of local guests.

I The Trap at Wee Red Bar. l0.30pm-~3am. £3 (£2.50 with Loy e Rats badge). l5 ()ct. Monthly. Rock'n‘roll. northern soul. indie. electro and fit/1y foot tappers with guest DJs from the best indie clubs around the LR.

I Trouble at the (‘ellar Bar. 0pm 3am. l-‘ree before I Ipm: 2.‘)‘)vr-£-l.*)‘) after. Weekly tnot 8 Oct). The Beat Ja/l Basement is reborn in a slightly different format as the Trouble guys bring their ja// inflected dance

selection back home. l)om Betmead of hip hop production duo the .\'e\tmen mans the decks fusing (‘aribbeaiL \eu York and London flayours \\ ith funky loops and tight rhymes t l5 ()ct i. l-'ol|oys ed by Kirk l)egiorgio 122 ()ct) making his lidinburgh debut \\ ith a liyc laptop set ofja/I enthused techno.

I Vibe PM presents Peace Division at the Venue. 10.30pm 3am. £8 £l0. 8 ()ct. ('liye Henry and Jiistin Drake l:\l\':\ Peace l)i\ isiott) \\ lto helped shape the face of current house music put in a three hour set.

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Ascension Goth Club at 'l‘ex iot Royy l'nion. 10.30pm 3am. £5. 30 ()ct. Monthly. In association with lidinburgh t'niyersity's (ioth and Rock Society comes this cheery mix of tip-to-date darkness featuring all the latest goth. rock and iiidustrial greats.

I Audio at Berlin Bierhatts. Next date 23 ()ct.

I breakitdown at lloney comb. .\'e\t date 30 ()ct.

I Defected in the House at (‘abaret Voltaire. llpm 3am. £l0. lo ()ct. This label redefined the fttnky house compilation throughout the 90s are back yyith their next monthly night at the ('ab. lluggy is the resident of choice and he‘s joined by Iiddie Amador. the man behind the seminal ‘llouse Mttsic'. making his Scottish debut.

I DEFinition at the (‘ellar Bar.

I0pin- 3am. £5. to ()ct. Nasty P aitd P- Styl/ host a night of turntablism hip hop from (‘hile & Lime as l)lil-'inition makes its return. M(‘ Profftsee and Nasty P \inI also be proy iding a taster of their new LP tout Jan 2005 i.

I Diggity at the listablishment.

l0pm 3am. £7 t£5i. Weekly. l)J l-‘abuloI. llarry 3t). Rico and M(‘ liloyy get doyyn \y ith their bad sely es. playing \yildsty le R&B. hip hop and street soul. With a guest set from lXtra's ('hris (ioldlingei‘ t 16 ()ct) dropping roots amongst the urban licks.

I The Egg at Wee Red Bar.

llpm 3am. £4.50 (£3.50). Weekly. Still the best mis of indie. o0s garage.

Check out the

on page 13

northern soul. ska. 70s punk and neyy “me you‘re likely to stagger across~ ;\ \\ ell loycd institution that refuses to change. I Fever at ligo. llpm 3am. £ It) i £5 to 'l'astc members before I l.l5pm; £8 for members after). to ()ct. the folk at 'l‘astc tlidinburgh‘s original and longest running \yeekly gay—friendly nighti launch a next monthly \enture. taking in er a Saturday night lot” those \yho really do hayc to “ink on Monday. 'l‘astc mainstays liishei‘ tk Price and Martin Valentine are joined by Paul lleron t(‘rashi on the iiiaitifloor \shile the Visitor and ls'auptiss take an anything goes attitude in the ('ocleau lounge. l’rc» club party at Planet ()ut froin 0pm. I Funkysensual at l’o .\'a .\'a. 0pm 3am. l‘ree before 1 lpm; £5 after. Weekly. Mark B plays syyeet funky house music to the rhythmically adycnturotis. I Give it Some! at the Bongo ('ltib. Next date 23 ()ct. I Gusto at the Vaults tentcr \ ia .\'icol lidyyardsi. l0.30pm 3am. £4. l(i()ct. Specially selected electro. ass—jackin' and funked-up house is simmered to perfection by Mark Balncay es il)iggm' l)eepcri joined by special guest Mike Marshall (Random). I Headspin at the Bongo ('liib. 10.30pm 3am. £8. ‘) ()ct. Monthly. The best in hip hop. funk. sotil. house and bi'cakbcat as we say welcome back to the resident [)1 display team featuring Allan. the Resonance ll)a\a and (‘oliii Millari and Stey e Spin. (’ut ts paste hero 1)] Yoda joins the lleadspin team to make tip for his no shoyy a text months back. lmpotent Fury at the Venue. l0.30pm 3am. £8 £l0. lo ()ct only. l’rcd l)eakin tl.emon .lelly. (ioing l’laccsi brings his club night back to Scotland for one more night of madness across three floors. Slitii't'rs lli't‘kh take oyer the upstairs t\\ e can only guess at the carnage inyolyedi. l-‘red and hostess Saucy Sal spin the Wheel of Destiny on the middle lloot' t\\ hatcy er it lands on you haye to hear. no qtiestionsi. While (iregor and ('alyerto head the ('hat Shim Karaoke in the ('oolcr. I Joy at the Venue. Next date 23 ()ct. I Kaleidoscope at the \‘attlis tentcr \ia .\'icol lidyyardsi. l0.30pm 3am. £4. 9 ()ct. l)r Ayykyyard and Koyyalski‘s \apour trail of psychedelic rock and pop. I Luvely at the Liquid Room. llpm 3am. £l2 t£l0 membcrsi. lo ()ct. :\ saucy soit‘ee. geared timat‘ds a gay/ini\ed croyi d and featttring a music policy of full-on. driy ing liotise from residents 'l’ommy K. (il’. \cytlott & Stone and Jared.

4* ‘7’..-


-1:1:rim/mnmmm-‘f '



1 He’s the cut and paste king. In fact. he's so confident about this that he's called his mix album series How to Cut 8. Paste. Now standing at three volumes llflClllfllllg the 805; Edit/on). 2 He’s got a sense of humour If the 805; Edition, which mixes everything from Paul Hardcastle to A~Ha. isn't proof enough. his retro pastiche album covers and cheeky irreverent miXing style hammer home the point. As he says himself: 'I don't think anybody else is quite as stupid and ridiculous' 3 He knows how to rock the party He proved it in the Slam tent at this year's T in the Park. and his expanswe take on all musical forms means he can reach those parts other DJs fail to reach. 4 For a post-modern take on hip hop Everything is fair game to Yoda. from Neigtht/rs samples to Herbie Hancock. ‘I love to take the funniest moments from mowes. music. computer games. radio ~— even myself brushing my teeth.’ he explains. 5 He wants to say ‘sorry’ He's heading up to make good on his no show at Headsoin a few months back.

Headsp/n at the Bongo C/ut). Edinburgh, Sat 9 Oct.

/, ~'~ THE LIST 41