Events are listed by city, day, type then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.
Edinburgh Thursdays
I Bounce at l’o Na .\'a. lllpm 3am. £3 £4. Weekly. Student night doyyn l’o Na .\'a quite literally gets the place itimpin‘ \yith its mix ol‘ hip hop. RrkB and drinks promos.
I Club Simba at the (char Bar. lllpm 3am. l‘ree betore l lpm; £3 alter. Weekly. The ('ellar Bar continues its reclamation as a quality clubbing yenue with this miy ol' .-\t‘rican. ('aribhean and Latin inl'ectious beats. I Club Together II at the Venue. ()pm 3am. £4 £5. 2] ()ct. lidinburgh student radio station l'it'csh .-\tt‘ proy ide the perlect club primer lor neyy students (and the perfect party l‘or
ey eryone else) as they bring ten clubs under one tool. So a brief introduction to all lidinburgh's hottest tiights \yith drum & bass. hip hop and funk on the top floor from Manga. l’lippiti'. ()hscene and Mothet'l‘unk’. lltittsc. pt‘tig and techno lit‘ottt Taste. :\L‘L’c‘ss. Dogma and Majestica on the middlelloor. lilectronics. hotise and liy‘e stul'l' iii the cooler l’rom l'ltragrooye and Pogo Vogue.
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40 THE LIST 7—21 Oct 2004
I Dfrnt Drum at ligo. llprn 3am. £4. 7 ()ct. .-\ \kc“ Cd take Ull the club lormat from this tyyisted indie/electro night featuring Hobbes and ()h liindlay. More liye oneliness trom 'l‘iger \Vood AKA lid Wood and Tony 'l'tger mash tip electronics. drum machines. sequencers and possibly eyeti a guitar alongside a DJ set l'r'om rising local heroes Aberteldy is lart Stoddart.
I Do-It! at Faith. llpiii 3am. £2 £4. Weekly. The 2Bad [Us lit} doyytt seyy and sassy urban rhythms tor a glammed tip croyy d teaturing RrkB. hip hop. disco arid soul.
I Fast and Hide This Train at the Bongo (’lub. lllpm 3am. £5 (£4). l4 ()ct. 'liyyo clubs lot‘ the price Ul one. last ol‘l'ers the best in high energy rock'n' roll. garage and punk \yhile Ride This Trail) goes all rebel country on your ass. l.i\ e acts seem to be becoming a staple at the Fast e\perience as electro punks l’ark .-\ttack
join the learn.
I Filthee Disco at ('ity: lidinhurgh.
l lprii 3am. £3 belore midnight; £4 alter. Weekly. l’rbari music lor the modern cltihber from 1)] liilthee and Disco Dan.
I Jet! at the Honeycomb. lllpm .‘sam. £7 (£5). 21 Oct. The Jet? (‘ollectiye bring the Irish king of hard dance. l-‘ergie. to lidinbtirgh as part ol‘ his Scottish Tour.
I The Snatch Social at the Liquid Room. 10.30pm 3am. £4 (£3.50). Weekly. Tap Water Auard \y'inner 'l‘ony ('arter arid Harry .-\insyy'orth cotnpere at this tilthy cabaret-disco t‘tision yyith hip hop and funky tunes from Babes and 'l’rendy Wendy (monthly resident).
Edinburgh Fridays
I Access at the Honey comb
llpm 3am. £tbc. .\ ()ct 'l'eclirio. L'lL'L‘lt‘tt alttl ltttlhc lt'ttltt the Dropout [Us tBodytunk. Rehab. Hustler. Blend and ltos) \y ho are iomed by l‘retich techno master .-\got‘ta.
I Audio Deluxe at the Horieycottth \eyt date 2‘) ()ct. Smooth. soulltrl hottse at this shindig hosted by resident (‘rarg Smith Illush Hush). yy ho eyen has the like ot Kenny ‘l)ope' (ion/ales singing his praises. Joined by .letlrey .-\llen link L‘l‘s t.-\K.-\ JaI/y .Iel'l‘) \ylto spins a night ot house rather than the hip hop he‘s become so lariiotis lot.
I Beatroot at ligo. llHllpm 3am. £5 U). 22 ()ct. l-iuriky house and techno t'rom Ryan 'l'urner and lam (iihson t'l‘okyoblu) \yith special guest the plus plenty ol~ drinks promos running until 2.30am.
I Beats & Pieces at the \‘atilts lL‘ltlL‘l' \ ia Nicol l‘.tl\\'.lt'd\l.
Ill.3ll[)rti 3am. £4. l5 ()ct. Monthly. Allan Dunbar ot‘ lleadspin lame launches his neyy night ot serioust funky beats. hip hop. soul. house and
I Bio-Rhythm at the Honey comh. llprn 3am. £0 t£7 students and Manga members). 22 ()ct. Motithly. ('otitintiing their reyerence for all things dance yy hatey er the genre yy e hay e a guest spot l'rom breaks king lireq Nasty.
I Blaze at ligo. llpm 3am. £4. Weekly. James Longyyot'th ignites the gay weekend. with plenty ol' £l drinks promos to fuel the l'riyolities.
.3 ‘. Bio-Rhythm and Low Gravity put their heads together and come up with a live gig of sheer class. That’s right, the Freestlyers are putting in a full live show (with support from Black Strobe, no less) of hip hop inspired grooves and mashed up b-boy beats. Tickets include entry to Low Gravity straight after. Sat 76 Oct. The LlQU/d Room. 9C Victor/a Street, Ed/nburgn. 0737 225 2564. 7pm. £9.
33¢ Dogma at Studio 2.1
ltl Mlpm 3am £ l 2 t£ 1” members) 1.5 ()ct Monthly Hard as nails and as underground as moles. techno ot the highest order as the Hogttta \yelcome let'ence l'i\met iliitettiatiotial ltl (iigolost putting in a tull liye set ot tiercc industrial l'BM l'hat‘s not all as one ot \eyy York‘s tinest ~\dam \ steps tip to the plate tor an intense and
poyy ertttl set. \\ hile upstairs the piece tripped otit ttitik act I‘ l’lan tom the usual insanity
I Evol at the l ititttd Roont
Illillpm iam £5 \Veekly lidmburgh‘s longest running indie night. With the Usual mi\ ol the best current arid classic altertiatiye. ci’ossoyet times. it‘s at) institution already atid \y ill) the recent addition ol the back room trioyy manned by the \erierahle (‘ho\\ arid llori/oiital on de\ and laptops yytth an “anything but mdie' remit ). the ttiture looks like a happy place lot all things l'yi)l
I Finsternis at the l’leasaiiee (‘aharet Bar: ‘lpm lam. £3. 22 (M We lighter side ol goth lll such a tliriig tttily eyists) unit a m)\ ot dark ambient. neo—classical illlkl ethereal ll.tcl\\ ('heck yy\yyy.linstermsorguk lot more lttl't).
I Globalista at the Bongo ('ltih. lllpm iam.£71£5). I5 ()ct. I).ls .latlat (Senegal ). lilll‘tqllc «Sonderttmhtn and [uppa lngIese tBogota) the lolk behind .-\rakatacal are back \yith more :\lllc;tll. Latin. Caribbean. Salsa and Arabesque beats plus belly dancing lrom /.al'irah and liye .'\l‘ro~l'tision li'om “HM”! and Samba Sene. “the past present and l'uture sound ol tropical dance’.
I The 60-60 at (‘octeau Lounge ldoyynslairs at ligo). Midnight 5am, £5 (£4). 15 ()ct. Monthly. Syyiiiging ()(l\ garage. soul. mod. soul. Rth and slea/y listening. 'l'he righteous 'l‘all Paul Robinson and .-\ngtis :\ (io (io remain resident ioined by Kaiser Matt til. the rum sadly deliuttcl beat combo lltc Kaiser's.
I gobble Gobble: party 0.1 at Wee Red Bar. lllflllpm 3am. £4 (£3). 22 Oct. The beginning ol sortiethirig heautilul'.’ Mr (lobee and ()llicer Mike hromise ‘lhe club. belore rioyy. )Ht) cottld only dream ol". The best in pop. electro. punk and hip hop.
I lndigitous at the Venue.
lt)..‘~()pm 3am. £5 beloi‘e midnight; £7 alter. l5 Oct. The psychedelic trance party returns yyith a l'reri/ied Iiye set lirom Voice ol ( 'od t( )rgatiic Records). l)J skills lt‘ottt (’hris ()rganic and Mr Biscuit and yet another Iiy e set lrom lidinburgh's yery oyy't) l’rolessiotial Misconduct.
I Jungle Magik (It ll()llL‘_\ comb. llpm 4am. £8 £l2. l5 ()cl. .lungle Magik promise lour memorable eyetits through 2004. and were pleased to report they are lailitig to disappoint. This time around it's their second birthday party “Hit a double hill ol Micky l'iitttt and Aphrodite alongside residents 1).] Kid and Mikey Dean till a l'urious DJ battle). M(' Bassman and :\.l. .S't'l‘ [)I't't‘rr'tt‘.
I Manga at Honeycomb. Next date 5 No\.
I Metropolis at the Vaults teriter y ia .\'ico| lidyyards). lt).3l)pm 3am. £4. 3 ()ct. Marigoriiad and Silyer Storic tYummi) combine turntables. samplers and l-‘X to proyide you with the finest it) dttb. electro. breaks and beats.
I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bier-hairs. Next date 2‘) ()ct.
I Modern Lovers at ligt). Next date 5 Noy.
>31 North South Link Up at the Bongo ('lub. l lprn 3am. £7. 8 ()ct. Messenger Sound System meets the Jah Lion Movement mith Skully at the controls) for this almighty dub sound clash for this liriday night special.
I Nuklear Puppy at ligo. ltlpm—3am. £10m; members). X ()ct. Residents Jason ('orte/ and Phil York keep the hard dance flag flying in the