Club 69 and Monox are bastions of quality techno and they don’t get much better than the rolling acid beats of Woody McBride. The Minnesota resident is the king of the caustic cut as he explains: ‘lt’s taking my influences of metal and psychedelia and tossing it with my subconscious recollections of my ancient ancestors.’ And all this from a man who doesn’t touch drugs. 16 Oct. Monox. CM) 69. New Sneddon Street, Pals/8y. 074/ 5:32 :3 797, I 7.30pm—3am. 5‘5) (5‘7).
Death Disco at tlic Archcs. llpiii r 3am. £10 (£8). lo ()ct. Monthly. .-\ tinc night in storc at thc dcath disco. with thc yy'ondcrl‘til (ilimnicr 'l‘yy'ins and sonic gtiy namcd 'l‘yy'itch in thc housc all damn night long. Rcad my lips: this will rock. SL‘L‘ prcy‘icyy‘. I Deathkill4000 at Barfly. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4). \Vcckly'. A hit of hair mctal. a twist of hrcak'corc and sonic hanging tcchno. scry'cd yy‘ith lashings ol clcctro-punk and a sidc ol Scandinay'ian rock'n' roll. I Divine at (ilasgoyy School (it Art (tloyy'ttstttit‘s). ltlpni 3am. £(y (£5v£-l)‘. £3.50 (iS.-\ studcnts. \Vcck’ly. l)ccp t‘tink. (ills and 7(ls gi'ooy'cs and a loyal croyy'd go into thc mix at this y‘cry‘ long running (ilasgoyy' l‘CSlthlllS. night. I Eskrima at Glasgow School of Art. ltipni—3am. £7 (£4 £6). \\'cckly. Bil/y. Sptidd and thc rcst ot‘ thc liskrima rcsidcnts niix tip a storm as the Saturday party at thc ‘School gcts going for anothcr acadcmic y'car. I Freakmenoovers at (tlasgtm School ot'.-\rt. ltlpin» 3am. £7 (£4 £6). \Vcckly. Thc tht dcdicatcd hip hop club in thc city. in thc mclting pot of thc .-\rt School cycry‘ Saturday. I Haptic at thc Liquid Loungc. l lpm-3am. £8. () ()ct. Monthly. (iianni and Colin do thcir bit for thc ()ctobcr Saturday night rclaunch with this linc tcch-liousc night. Fahricc Lig is thc y'cry prcstigious guest on this datc. .-\ grcat collcctiy'c in a syy'cct spacc.
38 THE LIST 7—2) Oct 200.1
I Homecookin’ at liclo. ltlpni 3am, l-‘rcc hcl'orc l lpm; £5 al‘tcr. \‘y'cckly. l)Js Stcyy art Mc(‘al|tim and Joc lliggiiis kccp thc dancc lloorjumping' all night long. tithing Rtfili tracks with thc otltl classic of old-school lay'otiritc. .-\ ncyy ycntic conccpt. but thc samc attitudc to haying a good timc. so gct on it.
I Homegrown at Bamboo. lt).3()pni-—.‘\am. £8 (£6). \\'cck|y. Stcy c Middlcton. Dominic Martin. and Scotty H likc to ptit on a hit ol~ a shoyy l'or thc Bamhoo masscs on a Sat. l‘unky hotisc music and sonic top notch Rtkli.
I Inside Out .\'csi datc 3() ()ct.
I Jet Set Go-Go Lounge at Budda.
l lpm 3am. £thc. chkly. (‘olin Barr and Jaincs Bcst dccidc to turn on tlic l’ucci
sty lc at this ncyy. glamorous party at Budda. l’alrons arc iny itcd to book a tahlc and get dccadcnt.
I Life at Lilc (Corinthian). ltlpiii 3am. £5. chkly. .-\ torinidahlc night of funk (or thosc ys ho Iikc tlicir cntcrtainmcnt maturc. but still jammin‘. Ross Macmillan prcscnts a sclcction ol‘ soul. funk and disco augmcntcd yyith original loops and samplcs to guarantcc a ncyy (akc on familiar sounds.
Check out the
on page 13
I Lite at (’orinthian. 9pm 3am. £thc. \\'cckly. licaulil‘ul ncyy modcrn bar and club at this gorgcoiis Ingram Strch mcga-ycnuc. 'l‘hcy alyyays ptit a lot into tlicir \cntics. so try to makc an cllort. will you'.’
I Lush at thc l’olo l.otingc.
10.30pm 3am. £5. \Vcckly. Andy 's in thc Trophy Room yyith hits l'roin thc ()(l\ to thc Slls. yyhilc 'l'om proyidcs aii tip-l'roiit dancc sclcction in thc main room. Has to hc thc prctticst gay cltih in thc city.
I Melting Pot at Riycrsidc ('ltil). Ncyt datc tlk‘.
I Mish Mash at (‘iiha \ortc. .\'c\t datc llk‘.
I Mixed Bizness at thc ()Mt'. 9.30pm 3am. £S/£l(). lo ()ct. 'l‘hc hip hop night prcscnls a liy c shoyy l'roin dccks and douhlc hass duo l-ingathing. I Mixmag Present Bosh at tlic :\rchcs. l lpm 3am. £thc. ‘) ()ct only. .-\ night (it big housc. courtcsy of thc dancc maga/inc. liddic llalliyycll. Montana. l‘iltcrhcad/ and John .-\skcyy arc on thc tlccks tonight.
I Monox at ('luh ()9. l l..‘~l)pin 3am. £9 (£7). to ()ct. Monthly. Woody McBridc is tlic acid pionccr gucst at this tinc tcchno party. (‘ymhoL l)an Mono\. Kcnny (iricyc. Mikc Singlcton. Jackmastcr. Jim Rodgcrs. Paul Singlcton and thc scratchtastic dclight that is Big Mikc all cnhancc tlic party.
I Nurture at (‘lub ()9. S'cxi datc thc.
I Ouch Presents Still Standing at thc ('('.-\. 10.30pm 5am. £thc. to Oct
only l‘lic t‘t' \ gcts anotlici ol its occasional clul‘ makcoycis \s ith thc appcarancc ol gcnic-dctying hand l‘nginc l‘hc tlags tip thc iclcasc ot lltt‘ l‘alitl\ licyy singlc 'Still Standing. Much has hccn crcating cscitcmcnt \yithout iclcasc (oi sonic timc noyy t'hcck this onc out Scc prcy my
I Rapture .it Mcdia llpni z.iin £thc \\cckly "Us and Stls classics tioni .laincs Rtisscll. .iiid giicst l).|s cyciy [\yo \yccks inakc this .i tun night out
I Red and Gold Room at \m
ltlpni iani l'rcc hcloic llpin. LS .ittci \\cckly liilly Milligan mans thc \lt‘\l\\ .it this linc night ot l atiii liousc ll yoiii litc nccds spicing tip. look no liii'tlici
I Shine On at t‘oiinthian llpin iani £thc \Vcckly (ioitlon Millci and Ross Macmillan iock thc ioint atici .i scssion iii thc l.itc har l.ots ol tank and ltiii all ioiiiid as thc icsidcnts lakc in thc gcnics thcy
I Sola at (‘luh l iyiiig "pin iani £" tUl‘U \Vcckly l).l .lttlcs plays sotlllttl housc and .-\lan Mackcn/ic plays ictio classics in this nicc and tasty ncyy hai cliih in \t‘lsoii Mandcla placc
I Subculture at lllt' Suh (‘Iuh
llpiii 3am, £lll. \Vcckly Ham and l)oni's lcgcndary hoiisc party undci .laiiiaica Sticct yyclcoiiics lltc liast (’oast limlglt‘lllt'll on " ()t'l.
I .ll lllt' “()(NlSltlt‘ Stlcldl \k'\l datc thc.
I Traxx at tlic|ttltl loungc llpiii iani £S. lo ()ct. Monthly. l.aui‘cncc lluglics. loin ('hurchill and ncys addition to thc stahlc Jainic 'l'lioinpson hring iis inoic ol that \Hltl 'l‘ra\\ lioiisc action. You knoys you loyc ll. you slags.
I VEGAS! at thc chlrcyy l-cri‘y. \c\t datc () No\.
I Voodoo at thc (’atliousc. 5pm (lpm £5 (£3). \\'cckly. Scotland's only altci'natiyc uudcr lSs cltih. 'l‘lic sight ol all thc yy cc punlcrs qucuing up l'nion Sti‘cct has piil tlic lcai‘ ol' god into tlic good pcoplc ot (ilasgoyy l'or sonic tiiiic tloyy. so ll you arc undcr thc agc ol IS. yyhy not scc \yliat all thc luss is ahotit'.’
I Winchester Club at lllL‘ \Voodsulc Social. 0pm 3am, £4. 9 ()ct. Monthly. |.iyc hands this timc includc Staliilisci and Si l)c|ti\c. and al'tcr thosc. it's dancing to music tiiitil 2am. 'l'lic \Vinclicstcr l)Js plays hits'n'hohs ol pop. indic. sotil and
\y hatcy ci'.
Chart & Party
I Base at thc 'l‘tinncl. ll). itlpin 3am. £7 (£5), \Vcckly. (Jim and Martin llcskctli. along \Hlll ('liris Harris and :\l Kciit.
\ycay c a linc lahric ol ltinky housc and Rtkli at Mitclicll l.;itit"s lincst dancc cmporiuni.
I Cubism Hedonism at ('ulic.
10.30pm Jain. £3 (£6). \Vcckly, Scott plays thc hcst iii lunky hoincgroun and [S housc. luscd yyith coinincrcial and club classics it) har onc. ('tit/ and Day c M also continuc to kccp thc dancclloors packcd in (‘uhc 44 with urban hcats.
I Grooveiet at 'l‘rash. l lpm 3am. £3. chkly. l’atll Mcjla prcsidcs mcl' thc city ls most poptilar Rtkli and soul night. attracting a loyal croyy d cy cry yycck. Room I has tlic Broyyn lirotlicrs playing yocal and commcrcial housc and Room 3 has l)ayc yyith thc party anthcins.
I Saturdays at Blanket at Blaiikci. 10.30pm 3am. £7 (£5). 'l‘lic liinkicst Rt‘kli in thc city rocks thc hig hack hcdrooin on a Sat in licd yyith thc lcgcndary Raymond Woods. Jim da licst and his musical antics kccp you ayyakc in thc l‘ront hcdrooni making this ncyy Sat night onc ol thc most popular in thc city.
I Saturdays at the Garage at lllL' (iaragc. 10.30pm 3am. £7 (£6. £5. £4). chk‘ly. (icrry Lyons hosts a nicntal night in tlic main hall. playing all your layouritc classics. anthcms. pop and indic hrilliancc. Kcnny 's in thc attic and Brian's in (i2.
Glasgow Sundays
Club I Bite at thc ('athousc. ll).3l)pm 3am. l‘rcc hctorc 11.30pm; £3 (£l.5l)) al'tcr.