.. )P;t,.,.5xl‘;u)a,,,¢ y, ,i If ever there was a man who defined a movement it was Gilles Peterson and his Talkin’ 12:31:; ‘29 L'Lljjl' :j'yfl/ . ~ . . . . . . . Loud Records, With their cutting edge Jazz infused With a modern sensrbility and
futuristic slant. At the moment he seems to have a bit of a South American obsession, which is no bad thing, so expect Brazilian beats down the Funk Room this month.
,th Oct. [he / (III/x How/It, [he fur/tea. (Hafigrn‘r. Argyle 831M >f. (ti-Z7 :'>(j:':
douhlc and cnticc (iillcx l’ctct‘xon to thc .-\rchc\ l'or an cwning ol~ niind c\panding tuncxtnithcr}. llax thix gu_\ c\ci' pla}cd a dtill \ct'.’
I Goodfoot at tlic Ri\cr\idc ('lulw. \t‘\l tlltlt' llk‘.
I Kinky Afro at thc Slll‘ ('luh. \c\l tlillk‘ ll‘t‘.
I LiveVEvil al (ilaxgtm School ol .'\l’l. \L‘\l (lillk‘ ll‘L'.
I Lite at thc ('orinthian. lllpin Rani. L'thc. \\cck|_\. 'l‘hc ('orinthian lacclil't gctx into lull wing. \xith thc l.itc bar and club taking o\cr thc action on l‘il‘ldll)\. :\ll lllt‘ [up l).l\ ll’tlltt (ilK othcr \cnucx tnakc rcgnlar appcaranccx. I National Pop League at \\'ood\idc Social. \L‘\l d;th llk‘.
I The N00 Groove at ()ran .\lor. llpin 2am. to 1H). \Vcckl}. 'l‘liix \xondcrl'ul. long running club gocx
\\ L‘t‘lxl} :tl llll\ nc\\ \VLNI l'.lltl inxtitution. Brian and Nick p|a_\ thc hcxt rccordx l'roin c\cr_\ anglc ol' thc l'unk \pccli‘uui. .|a//. \oul. liouxc. hip hop and \thatc\ci'. .-\ hrilliant \tcckl}. lit a nicc big church. .luxt tor thc rccord. t\\o nicct' cluh proinolcrx )ou'd \trugglc to lind.
I Offset at ('uhc. lllfitlpni Rant. {3 ([5). \VL‘L‘lxl}. l);lllL‘L‘ t‘l;l\\lL‘\ ‘.llltl lull hoth li'oin rcxidcnt l).l\. .\ \cr_\ popular \cnuc and club night.
I Pressure at tlic .-\I‘L‘llt‘\. .\'c\t datc 2‘) ()Cl.
I Pukka Funk at thc 'l'unncl.
llpm Sam. [5 HS). \Vcckl}. .\la\\i\c nc\\ night l'or thc 'l‘unncl. bringing togclhcr thrcc ol' (ilaxgou '\ hcxt kno\\ n l).l\. Krix chgan. lain 'Santox' llltlllhtlll and .-\.l. li\pcct hig \ ihcx. cm llll\ UllC.\ lk‘t‘ll llilllL‘tl ;I\ Sk‘tlllilllkl.\ ;llt\\\ Cl‘ [0 llL‘d Ktllltll.
I Pulse Meets Red Eye al tlic Soundhaux. llpin 5am, L") if). 15()cl. .\lorc hoth and lcclmo )oincd h} \pcctal gucxtx I).l 'l'onlo and Suhurhan l’unk (’onnnand.
I Pussy Galore at tlic (‘oi-iiitliiaii. 0pm 2am. L'thc. \Vcckl). llugg} in hix lll'\l L‘H‘l‘ \\ cxt L‘tlthl I'C\lthllL"\. pla} tllf.‘ alongxidc .liin l)a licxt in thix grcat (ilaxgott \cnttc.
I Relentless at tlic Sub ('luh.
llpnt 3am. L'lhc. 22 ()ct. .\lonthl_\. ch Siininx l\ thc tinc \pinncr hclnnd llll\ i'clatixcl} ncxt Suh l‘rida). .\ grcat night it] [\l‘thpt‘t‘l llL‘l‘t‘.
Return to Mono at tlic Slll‘ (‘lub llpin Rain. Uhc. 8 ()ct. Monthly It \\a\ a haptixin ot' lirc \\ ith Stuart and ()rdc l'i'ont Slain in Scp. and \x c hax c a \\ Clctllllt‘ hith [it lltt' Stll‘ lttl' Slllcttllt‘ Soul. (iood to \cc thctn hack hchtnd llltl\L‘ dcckx I Rockit at Bamboo. Ill..‘~llpin 3am. u» it-l l. \Vcckl}. ()nc i‘ooin houxc. onc rooin \otll and lunk and \oinc clnllout lll thc loungc. .r\n iinincnwl} popular night I Stateside at liquid l.oungc.
llptn 3am. £5 it} t. \Vcckl). (ict _\cr ai\c
Statcxidc tor a night ol l'unk. will. )a//. hip hop and hrokcn hcatx \\ ith rcudcntx .-\aron l’ctric and .\lichac| Ral'l'ct‘t}.
I Tongue’n’Groove at thc l'nixcixal. lllpnt Rain. £5. 22 ()ct onl}. 'l‘hc) 'rc cnticing \UlllL‘ ol' thc lincxt l)J\ on thc l'K hl'cak\ \ccnc lor lhix hit'lhda} dalc. 'l‘i'an\t'oi‘incrinan. (‘hrix (‘onl'uuoir l)illl:_‘;llllttll\L‘. lino and .i-Stripc pla} tlic choonx “hilc liunk l)cltght and (‘rah Scrainhl} arc in chargc ot' tltc \ l\ll;tl\. Hrcakdancing coincx trotn thc l‘l_\ing .lttlalk‘tltlx
I Ya Dancer at thc ()riginal Bull ('luh. 0pm lain. £5 H3). chkl}. .~\ ncxx club
HAVE, I 70/77—{31'1/7}, 5‘70 «Hm.
at thc old Bull. \\ ith \ound\ lroni thc Sllx right up to lhc hcrc and no“, lflfll lioxoni and l‘t‘icndx pl'cxcnl an cclcctic arra} ol lainiliat‘ and lltllNU-lllllllllitl' \oundx in dL'L‘cnl \tll'l‘otllltl\.
Chan & Party
I Babaza at Hclo. ()Plll Rani t|)J\ lroni l lptn). l‘i'cc hclorc I lpin; £5 itllt‘l'. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc \cnuc\ lcgcndar} in night\ takc thc nanic ol‘ thc clubbing inxtitution that uxcd to hc hci'c. l’aul 'l‘ra'mor. Bill} .loncx and Rii\\ Macmillan arc in chargc ol lhc lltlhlL'. and lhc} ’\c hccn known to rip it up in thc paxt.
I Pop Noodle Fridays at lhc (iai-agc. I lptn Rain. 5 tUt. \Vcckl}. Rctro. liritpop and altcrnatn c pop ix pla} cd out in thc attic. \‘.llllt‘ Brian Macquillan. liuan and (’hrix llcxkcth pla} in thc tnain hall. ()n 1 ()ct. lltl\ night changcx llx nalnc to Jcam l-or (icncx. lt'x a charit} night raixing inonc} tor lhmc \ull'cring lroin coinp|c\ gcnctic dixordcrx.
Glasgow Saturdays
I The Buff at thc Bull. 3pm 3am. l‘rcc hcl'orc Illfillpin; t5 altcr. \Vcckl). chan Slmcnx and Mark Rohh cook up a lilllc ncxt \cltool _ia// huxincxx at (il;l\:_'(l\\ '\ ncxx via/x. soul and funk club.
I Caledonia Soul at lhc \Voodxidc Social. \c\l datc lhc.
I Club Cuba! at ('uha .\'ot'tc.
0pm 2am. till (£5). \Vcckl}. (ict in touch \xith _\our l.atin \pirit at llll\ night ol claxx} dancing Duncan and Shannon \uppl} thc llllL'\l Latin hcats. .\lakc \urc _\ou arm c carl} to guarantcc cntr}.
I Colours at thc :\t‘c‘llc\. .\’c\t LllllL' 6 Not \\llll ('arl ('o\.
The latest club news
Jungle Magik, as well as hosting their second birthday this fortnight, are also starting up their DJ Competition. So any aspiring drum & bass DJs out there should send a 30 minute mix tape or CD to: Jungle Magik, PO Box 14049, Edinburgh, EH9 1WD. There will be four heats with six DJs per heat at the City Café, Edinburgh, on 21 & 28 October, 4 & 11 November with the winner and runner up of each heat going on to a final on 18 November. The winner will secure a residency at the club as well as records, clothing, a mixer and shed loads more, with prizes also on offer for second, third and fourth places.
You may have noticed hard dance king Fergie's date in Edinburgh (21 October at the Honeycomb) as part of club night Jetl. Jet! are also (10th a full tour with the Irish fella in tow calling at Fat Sam's, Dundee (20 October); the Ministry. Aberdeen (22 October); Blue Inverness (23 October) then back around for Decked at the Tunnel in Glasgow (24 October).
Just time for a wee competition as Huggy welcomes the chunky, funky tribal sounds of Eddie Amador to Defected in the House (16 October, the Honeycomb, Edinburgh) for his Scottish debut. They have two sets of T-shirts, Most Rated 005 and guestlist passes (two per winner) up for grabs. If you fancy getting your hands on these goodies and checking out the night send an email marked ‘DEFECTED’ with your name address and a contact number to promotions@list.co.uk by no later than14 October.
Finally. a gentle reminder: promoters in Glasgow. the email address to send details to has changed Slightly. From now on use ctubsglasgow@hotmail.com.
T'—2‘ ’J’,‘ 27,41 THE LIST 37