hccnuic icalit'. xi. ilh c".ci}lhin: )oti ncctl lot lL'tiL'\i‘_'lilll‘_' .unl lllll‘lt|‘-lll‘_' Ztoui hoiuc \cc Shoppin:

Saturday 16

AlglNIIK-flj I“) Events

I One Million Days in China: Themed Tour Hum-ll (‘ullt-ctinu, jumi i’illitli.\il.t\‘.\ Rtldti. 33—. 255‘! i I litlll. i tcc \cc i ll \

l airs

I Musicmania \lzt '( ‘. i'llllllt‘\ltlll Qua}. lithi tilll ~1llllll lilaiu 5pm. Li Hugc \alc ol (‘l )x. \ lll_\ I. l.tllllc\. tik'it'llllll\ and lllll\lc lllL'llllllni‘lilil.

I Ideal Home Show Scotland SH '( ‘. i‘llllllt'\ltlll ()ua}. “5"” Hill -lllllll_

Illain "pin L5 Lb (UH; laintl} {2‘ Scc in l5

I 30 2D Craft and Design Fair Rn\.ti ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Sticcl. 45-; \llllll Ill {Ham .1. illpitt. Ll ("llpl lhc luxt lll contcinporar) cralt. tlcxiggn .lliti .lll\\iili\\ lit-inf: \Hiti thrcct h} thc lll.ti\cl\ lhcinxchcx I'alttllottx itlcax lor thc \cll .uttl Ironic.


I Celtic v Hearts ('cluc l’ark. Kci'rulalc Sltccl. i’at'kltcatl. 55| 5055. *put. Sl’l. loothall match.

l* airs

I Musicmania SH '( '. i'llllllL‘NlHll ()ua}. (IN—‘li (Nil Milli), Ilium Jim], {3. Spy Sui If).

I Scotfairs Antique Fair Kc|\ in Hall Intcrnatioual Sporh Arcna. 14-15 Arg} lc Strcct. 35“ 3525. lllain 4.30pm. L'l. Itroxx \c \lal|\ latlctl \\ illt ic\\ cllcl'}. colll\. lincu. lllk'ti;l|\ antl antiqucx.

I Ideal Home Show Scotland Sli( ‘( '. i'llllllL'\ltllI Qua}. 0370 (Hi) -l(l( ll).

Illain “pin. t5 [N 1th lautil§ LCM. Scc i'l’l l5.


I Scottish Rocks v Birmingham Bullets Ht‘achcatl .At'ctla. Kingx Inch Roatl. 5M lHll. 5pm. £8 U5 i£5 LN): lauul} (33. Hill. haxkclhall match.

Monday 18


I Ideal Home Show Scotland Slit ‘( ‘. l'innic\lon Qua}. l).\'7ll (Ht) .Illllll.

llaiu ‘lpin. £5 [X it'm; liiiiiil} £33. Scc I‘ll l5.


I Creative Writing Classes with Alistair Paterson lIoi-tlcrx Hookx. ()x Buchanan Strcct. 232 Till). (lplll. Scc .\lon l l.

Tuesday 1 9

ActIVIties & Events

I One Million Days in China: Themed Tour liurrcll ('ollcction. Illhll l’ollokxhaux Roatl. lb" 355”. llain. l‘t'cc. Scc I'i‘i .\'.


I Ideal Home Show Scotland Sli(‘('. l-'innic\ton Qua}, ll.\"'ll ll—Ill ~lllllll

llain “put. [5 LN iU» lainil) LCM. Scc l'ri l5.

Wednesday 20


I Ideal Home Show Scotland Sli( '(‘. i'IlllllcNIUll Qua). 0870 (Hi) Jilllll.

llain ‘lpin. £5 £8 lfh Itllllli} (lit. Scc l'iri l5.


I Curator’s Favourite Bun-cll (‘ollcctioiL lehll i’UiiUk\il;l\\\ Road. 38— 2550. l2..‘~ll lpni. l-‘rcc. l’atricia (\lliith. curator ot‘ inctlimal and chaixxancc art. talk about hcr lamuritc c\hil\it at thc Burrcll. thc ('haloncr (‘arpct and thc Kiinhcrlc} 'I‘hronc.


EDINBURGH MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL George Square Theatre. Edinburgh, Fri 8-Sun 10 Oct.

With the release of the brilliant 2003 film Touching the Void, the rather specialised sport of mountaineering came to the forefront of popular consciousness. The heart stopping tale of Joe Simpson and Simon Yates' attempt to climb Siula Grande in Peru brought many people much closer to clinging onto the side of a mountain than they ever imagined. Undeterred, Yates has continued climbing across the globe and will be retelling some of his experiences at the Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival. The weekend of short films, covering everything from extreme skiing in Chamonix to climbing in Morocco, is complemented by some great speakers including hardcore Scottish climber Dave McLeod and South Pole explorer Andrew Cooney.

Last year, the annual award for the best film was presented to snowboarder Paul Raistrick, who captured himself descending a series of steep gullies by positioning his camera in the snow. This year he returns with more of the same, showing off the Scottish mountains at their most exhilarating. ‘lt‘s a shame that Scotland doesn’t get more adventure sports films made about it,‘ he says. ‘It’s a great location that is really accessible - you can get up on the slopes and out in one day.’ Raistrick first started snowboarding for fun, but gradually began to set his sights on slopes with no lift systems, and it is this sense of adventure that inspires his movies. ‘I think the best thing about this film festival is that it really shows people what is possible and what you can achieve if you put your mind to it.’ (Rachael Street)

I ....i...i>:,. ..)., it. .m at t


I Drawing and Painting Classes Pollock Ilottxc. Pollock (.Ullllll'} l’at'L. 3W)” i’tliitlck\|l;l\\\ Road. llain lpni. LN (UH. Scc \Vctlllc\ti;t) I3.

I Open Mic Lab Night (‘('.I\. 35” Sauchtchall Strccl. 353 JOHN. Tillpin. [3. A chancc l'or ttt‘li\l\ “orking in film. inuxic. thcatrc. tlancc or li\ c art to It} otit thcir \\orkx-in-progrcxx in lront «it a li\ c autlicncc. \xith ll) or I5 ininutc \loh.

ActiVIties & Events

I One Million Days in China: Themed Tour Burrcll (‘ollccuoir Slim l’ollolxxhaux Road. IN" 35.50, noon, l‘t‘cc. Scc i'l'l .\'.


I Ideal Home Show Scotland Sl-’.( ‘( ‘. |5innicxton Quay ll.\‘"tl lull Jillll),

llain 0pm. £5 £8 it!» laintl) LCM. Scc l‘n l5.


I Look Who’s Talking: Emma Richards 'l‘hcatrc Rtl_\ai. 2R3 Hopc Sin-ct. 332 Ullllll. lpin. £5.5ll l Hi. liinina \ailctl Illltl lhc l'cctll‘ti hooin ill 3MB \xhcn \hc hccainc thc lirxt Bl'llhil woman and thc )ttttllgcfl L‘\CI' cotnpclitor [U cillllpiclc Around Alonc. thc longcxt racc l'or an} liltii\ ttlual in an} \pot'l trountl thc \xorltl l. Hcai‘ ahoul hct‘ t'ctnat‘kahlc atl\cntut'c\ at \ca. ax tlctailctl in hcr hook naincd altcr lill\ cpic challcngc.

I Sigga Bjorg Sigurdadottir ('(‘.v\. 35“ Sauchichall Strcct. 352 401K). "pin. l-‘rcc. ltckctctl. Sigga Lil\c‘tl\\L‘\ thc pl‘oc‘L'\\L‘\ and conccl‘tx ol' hcr \xork. \oinc ol' \\ hich can hc \ccn a~ part ol .\'oontla_\ i)L‘llIUlI\ at ('('.-\.


I Creative Writing Classes with

Alistair Paterson - Poetry MUNICH Book. 93 Buchanan Strcct. 333 770“.

ill..5li;tlll. Scc 'I'hu "

Edinburgh amm—


I Cultural Policy in the Developed Nations and Regions of Europe litlinhurgh l'nixcrxit} (Rachurn Roonii. ()hi ('ollcgc. Stltllil Iil'itigc. 5.50 i350. iii._‘\(illlli 4pm. UH inclutlcx lunch and cHIIcL‘. 'I-ili\ conl'crcncc. (it‘gttllhcti it} lhc Saltirc Socict). ailllx lo tiixctlxx i\\uc\ til cultural policcx in Scotland and othcr tlc\clopctl rcgioih ttL‘l'tlxx liuropc. Spcakcrx includc I’rol' l.ui1_'i Blanco. l’ni\cr\it'\ ol 'l'rcnto. and Prof \Voll'gang Schncitlcr. atlx I\tll' to thc (icrtnan l'ctlcral (iowrnnicnt on cultural polic}.


I Lacrosse Open Day i'cllcx (‘ollc-gc. i'cllc\ (ittiiL‘l'). i'.;l\l I'cllLW .‘\\ CNN. 55: 32%|. 7 H.3llpui. l'rcc. 'l‘hc ('apital i.;lL‘l't)\\L‘ ('Iuh throxu opcn itx training \L‘\\ititl\ tor tuo cxcningx. Bcginncrx. ainatcurx and prox arc in\ ilL‘Li to conic along and hclp kickxlart thc \L‘LNHI in thcw coachctl opcn cxcningx. ('hcck out n \\ \x.ctcatit/.coin/capital or call “7734 5 I (i ll“),


I Poetry Workshop National (killer) ol Scotland. 'l‘hc Mound. 63-1 6300.

h "pin. ('clchratc National l’octr} Ma} and lct thc paintingx lllxpil‘c )till to uritc

Around Town

pot-tr}. \\ ith Ron llutlui. onc ol Scotlanth lllt‘\l \ctxatilc and original \\lllt‘l\

Friday 8


I Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival (icoigc Squaw lhcattc. l nncmt} ol ltlinhuigh. (icotgc Stiuaic Ilium \.tl_\

:5 t" ital \tl\cntuic and mountain \l‘illh lilni lc\li\.tl \\llil l.lii\\ ll} Sutton \.ilc\ lioin limit inn: fist \i‘it.". plux clunth llaxc \lcl L't‘ti. inountaincci \ntl} lx'ukpatiick .lllti inotc lickctx .t\.ul.il\lc liont i‘l.lllcilt'\ ol ltw .tntl \licn Rock

\\\\\\ ctltnhuighutountainlt coin \cc pant-l I Winter Observing Evenings Roctl ()l\\c'i\.ttoi\ \ mtot ('cntic. Blacktoitl llill. him Mill 5 .\ ~15pm U5“ I L.‘ 5W. t" l.uuil_\ lintl out ho\\ to will \atuin. .lui‘itci. nictcot \houch .uitl coiuctx tn lhc tlaik \ktlllL‘l \k}

Actmties & Events

* The Opening of Holyrood Hoyti \lilc. ~15: Still“ Illain l'tcc \\itnc\\ thc ill\lilll\ ‘ittling' .l\ \chool clultlicn. conununit} groupx. cix ic lt'l‘lt‘\t'lll.lll\k'\ antl .\I.\'l’\ loiin a [‘lilct‘\\ltlll lioiu l’ailiantcnt Squaic to iitliAltNlti iill\ \\lii hc illiill\\t‘ti l\_\ thc ollictal opcnut}: luxt .lllcl llutlll i‘_\ iicl \i.t|c\l_\. lilt' ()uccn .\cc Hilihl.

I Hispanic Festival Ro\_\ \u Houxc. 3 Ro\hur§:h I’lacc. llVl "5H till“. lunm \;ti'_\. A cclchration ol lllll\l\‘. tlancc .iutl thcatrc li‘oiu .lt‘ll\\\ Spain and l..lllll .-\nicrica. Scc pancl,


I Declaration of Calton Hill (“.tliuu Hill. llain illlll. .Ioui lill\ gathcring: on (Kiltoii Ilill on lhc tla} ol thc opcnutg: ol thc Scottixh l’arhaiucnt to ;t\\ci‘l thc ncctl loi an lntlcpcntlcnt Scotlixh chuhhc. All thuinx. llagx. hanncrx antl pipcx \u‘ictilllc


I Edinburgh Mountain Film Festival (icorgc Squarc ’l'hcatrc. l'nnci‘xtt} ol latlinhurgh. (icoi'gc Squarc. 55-1‘)|l)l, 'I'uucx \ar}, L5 L") 1 (Ti. Scc in K and pancl.

I Edinburgh Capitals v Newcastle Vipers \Itii'ia)licltl Icc Rink. Rncixtlalc (‘rcxcan 33" (i‘) ‘3. UPI”. {Ill t L'" laiuil) film. IINI. lcaguc icc hockc} inatch,


I Flamenco Dancing Ro\_\ .\n Hottxc. 3 Ro\hur;_'h I’Iacc. UN”! 75” till”.

I lain l3. illpin. L5 tic-.1 l. \Vith 'lotc (‘onltz \ll'IIlfJill lroin Scxillc and at thc llixpanic i'cxli\a| to lcach all |c\c|\ ol lhtx illfJili} paxxionatc anti L‘\L'lllllf_' tlaucc lorin.

I Drama Workshop Rox} At'l Houxc. 2 Rimluu'gh I’lucc, 037] 750 0077. 3 4pm. £5 itlli, With Halo 'l'hcatrc ('oiupan) antl Alia ('ahrcra. l’art ol thc I’M/Hum /‘(’\Ill(l/. I Seas, Skies and Moonscapes i.attt'i\lon (‘a\tlc. 2a ('i'autontl Road South. 5 Vi JUN). lithium 4pm. U5 lot No tl;t_\\. Adult \xorkxhop. \Vith lrmt} Autumnal

tla} \. and llll\l} iuorningx upon ux. c\p|ot'c 'iuootl' illllti\L'Il[iL'\ in \xatcrcolour and othcr paint lcchniqticx. Booking: L'xxclllltli.

Food & Drink

I Sherry Tasting and Seminar Rm} Art llouxc. 3 Roxhurgh l’lacc. 0371 750 0077. () 3pm. U). \Vinc upcrt lgg} ol lggx chtaurant and Barioia pi‘cxcntx a \clcction ol up to ill-)car-oltl Spitllhil \hcrric'x: i‘IIIU. ()loroxo. .-\tnonti|lado and Man/artilla. til\L'lI\\lll:_' thcir ()l'lgllh and \aricticx. Snackx ol itillllllltix and olixcs includctl. l’at't ol thc NIX/mutt l't'Ullr/l.

Po itics

I Tibetan Feast and Film ()uakcr Mccting lluuw. 7 Victoria 'l‘crracc. 335 (in-13. 5 9pm. lircc. donationx \‘lCiUHlIL’. Join thc l-"rcc Tihct Campaign to mark the LIIIIII\CI'\;lI'} ol thc imasion oi Tihct with 'l'ihctan loud and a \crccning ol lliiir/liurw' 46.30pm l.