Films screening this fortnight are listed below with certificate, star rating, credits, brief review and venue details. Film index compiled by Paul Dale

Ae Fond Kiss I ISI 0. IKeII l.nach. l'K/lleleIuIII/( ierman} /lI.Il)/SIIIIIII. ZIIIIJI AIIa Yaquib. l:\a llII‘tlIIxIe. Shamxhad AkhIar. (th/ala A\an. Shahana llaklixh. III-1mm. See Iexiexx. page In. .Sll'h’t II'I/ I'I’ll'uu'.

Afterlife (15) .00 t.-\||xIIII l’echlex. l'lx'. :JNHI |.Indxa} l)uncan. Kenn McKIdd. l’aula Sage. Shirle) Henderxnn. III-1mm .\la_\ Il)uncanI lnnkx alIeI‘ Rnherta tSageI. her 3 I Aear-nld daughter \\ IIII l)n\\ IIx. Her nther clIIId Kenn) IMcKIdIlI Ix an amhIIInux lnurnalixl. lle (ll'lllx III and nut nl' their ll\ ex. alua}x putIIng the xII'exx nl‘ hIx unrklnad n\ er xpendine IIme mth hIx nId IIIIIIII and xix. But then Ma} decn\ erx xhe lIax cancer and Kenn} hax In I'e-e\aluate IIIx lIle. ax hix IIInIlIer'x nnl} I|_\Ing_' \\ Ixh xeemx In he that he and he alnne lnnkx alter RnherIa.

.\ln\ ing. ll l'aII'l} predictable. drama \xhnxe xuperh caxI IIIanage In II'aIIxceIId the anII‘ clichcx nl Ihe xcreenpla}. 'l'hix \\ ax clearl} a lahnur nl III\ e lnI' lier IiIIIe dIrecInr I’eehlex Il lmdcx \\ cll l'nI' lllllII‘c pl'Ichcl\. I'IIIII/Inuu'. I',’I/I'IIIIIu'|elI.

Aileen I ISI 0... (Nick BI'nnIIIIield. l’K/l'S. ZINIZI Alter l2 _\earx Brnnmlield rcIuI'IIx In Ihe xcene III the crime nl' hix I‘NZ lilm AI/I’I'n ll'unrnm: 'I'III' SUI/me n/ u Serial Killer. In xec her being c\ecuIed h} Ihe \cr} penple Min \\ ere happ} In cnndnne lIer explniIaIinII in the xIaIe nI' l‘lnrida. .\ln\ ing and incredihl) In“ ke) Inr Brnnmlield and lIix cn-direclnr JnaII ('lIIII‘cltill. (i/Inenu I'I/III 'I‘III’IIII'I'. (i/usenu.



The Alamo I IZAI O. tJnhII |.ee llancnck. ('8. 300-1) Dennix ()uaid. Bill} Bnh Tllnl'lllttll. Jaxnn l’aIric. l.‘~(Imin. A cnuple nl‘ hundred hrmc 'l‘exanx xIaIId agaian IlIe xe\'era| Ihnuxand-xlrnng hnrdex nt' nany .\le\ican dicIaInr SanIa Anna. \xa} hack in l836 (nr xnIIIeIlIiIIg like IlIaII. Reall) ruhhixh I'L‘Vixlnnixl \\'exIeI'II

See page 115 for Courses and Tuition feature

28 THE LIST 9—23 Sep 200.:

Eva Birthisle and Atta Yaquib enjoy the Costa del Sol sun in Ae Fond Kiss

\\ ith a In“ \xaIIage caxI. ’l‘he lilm \\ ax cn» \xriIIen Ialarminel} I h} the greal Jnlin Sa)|ex. (;('Il('l'lll I'I'II'IIH'.

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy I IZAI 0.. I.-\Ilam McKay. l'S. ZIIIBI \\'ill l‘errell. ('lIrIxIIna

Applegate. Paul Rudd. l’aul ('arell. ‘NIIIIII.

See re\ie\\. page 27. General rI'lI'IIu', Andrei Rublev I I2 I 00.0. t.'\lltll‘L‘l 'l‘arknxxk). l'SSR. WWII Anatnl} Snlnnitxyn. l\an l.apikn\. Niknlai (il‘inkn, lh’Smin. Ne“ prinI nl Andrei 'l'arknx xk_\ 'x quite brilliant. hI‘uIal lake nn die He nl a lSIh ceIIIuI') icnII painIer. 'l'arknx xk_\ and xcrcenxxriler Andrei Knnchalm xk) IurII Ruhlm iIIIn a ('hI‘ixI—Iike ligure \xlIn xul‘l'erx IlIe paiIIx nt a diVided RIIxxIa under the \‘ieinux 'l‘arIaI‘x. A Irue epic Inld in \ ixually quIIIIiIIg er piecex. Ihix ixa pneIic maxIeI‘piece IhaI exhihitx an uplifting xenxe nl Ihe xtrenglh nI Ihe human xpiI'iI. l-Ilm/umw. IiIlI'II/IIII'e/I. Around the World in 80 Days (l’(i) 0. (Frank ('nraci . l'SA. 200-1) Jackie (‘lIaIL Stexe ('nngan. Jim BI‘nadl‘IenI. ('ecille l)e l‘ranee. IZIIIIIin. Slapinek. cnmic update nt Julex Verne'x claxxie adxenture xInr_\' \\ itlI an all xIar caxI. V'ei‘ne'x Victnrian IIn\e| ix repackaged ax It \ehicle lnl‘ liaxl-“cxt martial aI‘Ix xupeeraI' Jackie (’han and Britixh enmedian SIexe ('nngan \\ illI Ierrihle rexultx. Fidelit} In Verne ix largel} ahandnned ax man} characterx lIa\c been reeaxI and. In put it hlunIl). Ihix acIinn— cnmed) ixn't I'unn). ('(‘I ('lwle/mIIA. (JAY/('IHIN/(I ('('I liIlI'II/un'e/I. Ink/III/Irujeh. Bad Education (La Mala Educacion) I ISI 00000 IPeIII-n AlIIIndnxar. Spain. 2004) (iael (iarcia Bernal. liele Martinel. Daniel (iimene/ ('achn. l.luix Hnmar. ltlfimin. A xuccexxI'ul _\'nung mnvie dirchnr linrique IMarII'ne/I receivex an unexpchcd \ iinnr xnIIIenIIe claiming in he hix childhnnd friend and ln\'cr lgnacin IBernal I. \xhn IIIm prel'crx In he called Angel. He xhn\\x linrique a xhnrt xtnr} The Hut ahnut a Iranxxexual xinger Zahara Ialxn BernalI \xhn xleepx \\ iIh a married admirer called linrique and “l‘IU aIIempIx In blackmail Ihe priexI Hillier

Check out the


on page It

Mannln I('achnI \xhn .Ihuxed heI xchnnlhn} xcll. llul \xhn e\acll) Ix Alice] and uh} Ix he \‘.tl'l_\lllf_' .IInuIId Icanacin'x \xnIk And \\lI.Il Ix IlIe cnnnchInII hclxxeen \lannln and the In} xIeIInux IleIeneueI IllnIIIaI I l’nxxihl} the liIIc-xl ‘.>\ImndIaIua’ In IlaIc. IlIIx xI//lex \Hlll llIIclIcnckIan \eI\c aIIII RIple)eupIe menace. AII .Ihxnlute delIehI, .-\|IIIndn\aI Ix undnuhledl} nIIe nl Ihe linexl IilIIIIIIakeI'x \xnIkIne III lilllIIpc huh}. (I ‘/ ('III/I'IIIIIIA. (July/unit; (I 'I l.I/III/nue/I. I'.I/III/IIII'e/I.

The Basque Ball (La Pelota V8503) I l5! .... tJIIlIII \lcilclll. Spain. ZtNHI I lflmm. See Ieueu. page 35. MINIMUM". lzI/m/uue/I.

Battle Royale I IHI COO. IKIIIII l'ukaxaku. Japan. ZUUI I Jttlxllyl l-uimaIa. AkI Maeda. 'l'aIn YaIIIaIIInIn. 'l'akexhi Kllttlltt. I IXIIIIII. /,nu/ (" [/Il' l/I('\ Ix I‘e iIIIaeIIIed ax a \InlenI pie IIIIlleIIIIIaI IIIgIIIIIIaI'e ax a claxx nI teenage Japanexe xclIIIIIlclIildlclI Ix ahandnned IIII all leaIIIl. gnen a \aI'IeI} nl \xeapnnx. and Inld IIIaI IIIle the laxI xur\i\nr \\lll he allnued In lea\e. Superhl) \ InIeIII aIIIl xaIIrIcal Japanexe culI IiIIII IlIaI \xax clearl) made In gnad Ihe Japanexe athanIIex InIn acIInn n\ er Ihe cnunII'} 'x Imenile delinquenc} prnhlem. 'l'he athnI'IIiex I'expnnded h} pI'nIIIpII} hanmne Ihe Iilm Inr a cnuple nl )earx Ihux cnxurIIIg it a culI xIaqu. NnI had I'nI' a Iilm made h} an Htl-}c-;II'-nlIl \eIeI'aII diI'ecInr. ('IIIIII'II. IiI/III/IIIre/I.

Battle Royale ll: Requiem I IX) 0.. IKeIIIa l'IIkaxaku/Kinp l'IIkaxaku. Japan. ZINHI 'l‘aIxu}a l‘ll|i\\;tl‘.’t. Ai Maeda. Shugn ()xlIIIIaI'I. Ali-HIM Kanhe. INIIIIII. Mnre claxxex nI Iearaua} xchnnl kIdx are kidnapped h} IlIe IIIIIIIar}. taken In a dexerled ixland and tnrced In light nne annIheI' In the death. In BR l. the gun ernmenl empln} ed Ille c\crcixc III a dexpeI'ate aItempI In xIaIIIp nut delmquenc}; in II’II’ ll Ihe gner‘IIInenI relaunchex Ihe ulIra-x inlenI prngramme III IIrdcr III dextl'n} lhc lcrrnrlxt cell xuxpected nl I‘nckmg the capital In Itx lnundaIinnx. The pnxxertul xalirical harh nl the lier Iilm ix here nne. here III

ex idencc. which ix a greaI xhamc. hecauxe \eIeran tilmmaker KIIIII l'ukaxaku. uhn directed Ihe nriginal. xuccumhed In a lnng tight \\ iIh cancer and died while making Ihe xequel. Hix xnn. KenIa. prnducer nn anh Iilmx. cnmpleIed lIix I'ther'x wnrk. llnu 'x that [In paIlInx'.’ Still. BR ll \xax an e\ en bigger IIII in cinemax in Japan than BR I. See l)\'l). page HI‘). ('mm'u. Iz'IIIIIIIIII'elI.