An anchorman more man than the rest of them

‘3‘ W“ Dr ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND OF RON BURGUNDY (12A) 94 minutes 000

‘It was a time before cable, a time when only men were allowed to read the news,’ begins Anchorman, a snappy comedy vehicle for Saturday Night Live veteran Will Ferrell that's set in the sexist days of the 19705. The eponymous newsreader is Ron Burgundy - ‘an anchorman more man than the rest of them‘ whose TV station decides that it‘s time to introduce some diversity into the news team in the lithe shape of Christina Applegate’s go-getting female reporter. Aghast at the idea that a woman might be allowed to read the news (let alone the discovery that ‘diversity’ isn‘t actually ‘an old, old ship used in the Civil War era’), Ron sets out to prove who wears the polyester suit trousers at his TV station. Consolidating his man-child roles in Elf and Old School, Ferrell’s on top form here - better form, in fact, than the material actually warrants since it’s strung together like a collection of hit'n’miss SNL skits. While the satire quickly palls, Ferrell’s oversized presence as the unreconstructed male ass-grabber makes for some hilarious moments he plays Ron as a tongue-twisting nincompoop with completely incongruous aristocratic accent and a

penchant for murdering the English language (‘jogging’ becomes ‘yogging’).

The 705 medallion man targets are soft and the plotting is flabby, but any movie that has the Chutzpah to suggest that the city of San Diego was named after a whale’s vagina is surely far greater than the sum of its parts. (Jamie Russell)

I (3: trtr/ re/et'rae from /rr 1051);).

l ,»\l.t|l ’r l )l {AMA FATHER AND SON (PG) 84min 0..

the aerorrtl Hi the Hrrssrarr (lrret:lor Alemrrrler Sokrrroy‘s trrlom ol lrlrrrt; ahorrt larrtrlral love, lat/rel arrtr' Sorr hegrrrr; \‘Hlll luao l)tll()*(illt?t;l(?(l rrrerr tiratllrrrg) ear h other rrr herl alter orre ol them has had a rrrohtrrrare. It trrrrrr; out that the\ are the lather arrrl t3()ll ol the title, \Jxlro'xe lr\.etl together for \eart; srrrrte the rrrother‘s early death. the rrrrrrarrtetl \orrthltrl Iookrrrt; patrrartih (All(llt)\ Shehelrrrrrrr r:; a retrretl arr l()l(‘,l? ollrt‘er. arrtl hrs; ollsprrrrg; Aleksey (Alektxm Nt?\lll\t§lt(‘\.| rs arr arrrrx tiarlet at the local at‘atlemv But earl the all-- (Tllllt§llllll!lg)_ rtlealrt;etl lo\e hetweerr parerrt and adult l‘ltllll he sustained rrr the ltll‘t‘ ot the realorm ol orrtsulers ,rrrtl ol Aleksm '5; rrrtrrtrrrerrt (lepartrrre tor rrrrlrtar\ :;er\'r(‘,e':‘

Set rrrarrtk mthrrr the ttorrlrrres ol a rooltop apartrrrerrt It) a seasrtle l‘ll\. the trance lrke Father and Son rs arr alrrrost DIOIIPSS tattle. rtotattle tor its “UltltllL hired t‘rrrerrratograpm. whrsperetl errtotrorts. rTorrt Da‘.'.’80ltr tiralogrre arrtl tlrearm etlrtrrtg. Its I F.»'rrr‘toa$e. Etlrrtmzrgrr from F! '/ er'otrt‘rsetl characters are less flesh, Sep.

arttl-hlooo tireatrarrt; tharr rr“,tho|or;rr:al errrtrotlrrrrerrts; ot rrrteose trlral arrrl paternal leelrrrgp At; Alexei (Tl?t§(?".(:f%i "A tatlrer's lore (TlLK‘lTll‘fy A rzo't's loge allows hrrrtsell to he ttrtrtirlrerl.' Ollprrttrrtgly Ill‘plflkflldltli‘: at trrrtess. 't's Strll a work that‘s; trrratr'aro ol grapplzrrt; mth \.l‘.|tl arrrl t‘orttrarlrttton, htrrrtarr

A dreamy whispered affair


wbmii'dré Mantras (15) 127min 000.0

4' I r ' ~ \ a -_ . . . Hi I 1 i I O: l' K" .‘ h; V.- 'I.‘ 'r r' t' 1 u v z ' ' Opaque, mystifying and r' r « ' psychologically troubling

rr . v b I' ‘y ’r 3 r '0 t P I I . l\ n‘lxr'wl ' 'r ' ' ";~ 1. ' :«' 1': tr» 'r‘z Ivrl' r ' r ' ':- : \ ~ ' ftr‘» ’r' l. :.~r " t tll_l' from» . l‘ . [\ft la'lw.r'“,wf".']:.r"t r If}; ', ,- .:' 1' auKtrlrrrAtrW'M a: _" ritfg

rrr mart-1H trio. ‘5 THE ISL (18) 88min 0..

lrrf;t moreerte'r to l ,rrope: :ar‘.

appalled arr lr-a'rve rr‘. err l' rr‘. .’ ,(rr, Krrr‘ kr “llrk'x f' lrr‘ itng takt-rr a lorrrl to» to l>e l‘fllrtlfh' 1 re tire I 1K rr‘arrri, rlrre totlreqraptrr Irrrr'.'.‘partrall, w‘ :;<:erre:; :rr‘.'ol'.rrrr; trulr hooks. 1terrrtai rrrtrtrlatrorr arm the item", real: altlrne :tt rlelerlt‘el :t;%; ,rrrrrrtalty (Llearl‘, urrrr trial arrrt orr tltt- rrrrr l lu'rrrr rKrrr ',ll Rt‘rlllkl rent; a llfsltlltg) ralt lrorr‘ llllrll,‘ on! Her

Graphic, shocking, defenseless ,Jrrr 'Seo ,Jeorrrlr no a rerr1ote take. A

sexuall‘, atrlrfuxe, arterrt tar‘rrro lll:‘.’l'll)l)T» lret.'.<:err titer: Krrr kr rlrrk rrxr, haw

:;rrr(:e lotrrrrl rerierrrptrorr ‘.'.’llll lrrf; I’Wllcl litrrlxlhrut tattle Spurn), .J.‘/‘r'r.'?rr /

{Yr/rte! . a/rrl fS/rrrrrr; trrrt (he (are rs; utrl! rrrterentrrrrr ,r‘, the Mtl', t'rr't r|:r:«r :t r rr‘alor rt;rr:kr <:rrrerrtalr(: talerrt. rl’arrl l)a|et

I f§e/er.‘ter1’Ie’eaue fro/rt Ir, ll) Set),

Tlrlx‘l; t E H COLLATERAL (15) 120min 000

l)rrer:tor Mrrthael Marrrr llislkf; arrrl tillll‘sttf‘) the l l til, rnr ntar ',,'.to,-'r‘ rrr tlrr‘, rrr'rr ’.'."."retl lit tar: ’lfh‘r.’ M.”

rrrt, trrnt ruler t

the mill thrrller that rrrrlkt; ex'er‘, thrrlier «,trrhe r", the v ttJarrrre l o>o<r prekf; up US} Attorrre. [\rtrrre Illa/la l’r'rkett f‘vrrrtlr .r‘, the exerrrrrrl the, shoot the hree.'e arm at the erwi of the rrv 2e, 2hr: «lr',,rrrr~:.rr', till“) the rrrtlhtt But ll<)tl\.‘.'.'o(>tl riorl‘.'t:lrtrr)rr rle'rrarrrl‘; that firrrrth in too it; a star tr tr 'an t: a arrrall (tarrteo, So we rr‘rrf;t (to through the rrrotrorrf; .‘xllrlt: a'.'.artrrur her retrrrrr l-rrter lorrr (Irrrrue aé; hrtrrrarr Vrrreerrtt (lllllhé: r‘. the lrllll arr, .'.'rtlr :lre, hart rl,e arrtl utrrprrne, tkllllrt'lfst.‘ Max'f; rrext rrrle. When The lrrmt rt, true, your; Max trertorrret; Vrrkterrt'f‘, err‘xxrllrrrr; urtlekrrk 53o lar_ mo r,r'lrrr;rr,, 'Lllnl‘ We Met «teen (lowrrlrrll. Yet (Io/r’aterxrr" ll; rlot l.‘.'rtlror_rt rrrerrt, Marrrr parrrtx l A rl’ writeumrrrrxtrr, strokes to reveal a ert'. f3llll(}<}l|lltl to aporrt lrreak'tmwrr arr“: .Ja'r en l‘\J‘.-.‘.’t’)ll llo\.'.'ar<l'f; f;()llll(lil£l’ik r5; arr esssa, orr vortltrrtrorr ar 4 'lli‘fllhl‘ afll‘rilltl But the lrl‘r’A: <leres1rstarrm: w; the lrf;l:()l Cruise"; rrgorrrr; mtatrr‘. mrrrel, l1er .‘rrr't «:re", t', rrurrrrtarrr arr<lrerrrte rrttereat trrrtrl the bitter err/l, Kaleerr‘ Altat):

I GlPr'Trl't." Hunt»: Mm?“ /' '/ / ,yrpf

An ode to Cruise the icon and LA the city of dreams

/‘ fr '1 (we: 2’,’ '1 THE LIST 27