Exhibitions are listed by city, then alphabetically by venue. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to art@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges.

Glas 2 ow Public Galleries


:ilirll I’illli)i\\ll.l\\\ Rom . 33—. 33;“

Volt lhti 8c Sat litatu 5pm. I II A Sun 11am 5pm lrcc

One Million Days in China l'niil Sun l3lch licc \ inaioi minimum that lllIllNlll\L'\ and c\p|oic\ l. 3H“ )can oi ('qucw lil\liil_\ and cultuic through Sit \\ illiain littiicll'x iiictcdihlc collcttion oi (‘hrncxc ail. lpntci through (illlllk'Sk‘ thilt'\‘-.i}\. llk'dl llit' \llt'cl \tllllltlS oi old Shanghai and hc ttanxportcd through tunc arid dtxtancc lo a diiicrcni \xollil


35” Sauchichall Strccl. 353 JUN“.

luc \\cd tk l‘l‘l Sun llain opnr; lllll Ilatu Spin.

Emmanuelle Antille: Angels Camp - First Songs 000 Sal Aug Sun 30 Scp. l'icc, Sm“ haxcd itl'll\l Antillc pi'cxcntx a hod_\ ol uork haxcd on a liclional \tor}. \lto\\it at lltc \cnicc llicnnalc 3Hii3. icatttring an arm} oi charactcix uho haxc tun a\\a} iroin \ocict} and dccidcd to conxtrucl thcir out! rulcx. l‘hc \ltou cott\t\l\ oi a lull lcngth iilnr. \ound and \ tdco iltxlallaliotlxpltologi';tpl1\.ol‘lcch. niuxic and a no\ cl. l’hc\\. Scc t'c\ tcxx.

GALLERY OF MODERN ART ()uccn Slt'ccl. 33‘} I‘M». .\lon \Vcd & Sat liiain 5pm; 'l‘hu liiani Spin; l'l'l & Sun llani 5pm.

Glasgow’s Art: Selected Works l'ntil Sun 3 ()ct. Sclcctcd painting\ and \culpturc ironi thc gallci'} \ Ill-ii) 31W) collcctiou. including \Hil‘le h) thc Hinlc luiiiiil}. (Bra) \ott l’crr}. Stanlc} Spcnccr aitd .lohn H}t'nc.

Glasgow’s Art: New Acquisitions l'ntil Sat 35 Scp. (i().\l.v\ un\cil\ il\ nc\\ ililkllllilllS to lllL‘ collcclion \\ ith norkx h} (ilaxgtm liaxcd arttxtx ('hrixlinc liorland. Rodcrick Buchanan. (irahani lagcn. lob} l’atcrwn. Roxx Sinclair and llannclinc \.l\llC\. SOC l.l\l.

Alan Currall 0.. [mil Sun 33 Aug. (ilaxgou horn artixt Alan (’urrall. lk‘\l l\l1o\\lt ior lil\ conlcmional \ ltlco \Cll-“Pl‘l‘ll'illlS. gt‘h lii\ lil‘xl \olo \lto\\ tlt hix honic to“ n. lll\ \\ol'l\ icaturcx hi\ tradcinark tragicoinical rclationx oi truth\ and iiclionx.


33 x 35 King Strcct. 553 u‘ui ‘l'uc Sat liiaiu 5.30pm.

0 Steven Campbell l'niil lhu 3.1 Scp. o Spin. .\'c\\ \hou iroiu Stc\cn (‘atnphcll callcd .lcim-I’Icrrt' liou \\ tilt 33 nc\\ largc—xcalc camaxcx linking thciucx inxpircd h} thc iu_\\tcric\ and iu_\thologic\ that \urround thc l{o\\l_\n (‘hapcl and idcax portra}cd h) l'i'cnch actor .lcan-l’icrr'c l.caud in lililh h) l't'ancoix 'l'ruiiaut. Scc llit l.i\t.

GLASGOW SCHOOL OF ART 'l'hc Mackintoin (iallcr). to“ lx’cnircu Strcct. 353 45M). .\lon 'l'hu loam “pm; Fri ltlaru 5pm; Sat liiaiu 3pm.

Terra Nova ll ooo l'nt'il iii In .SL‘p. .‘\ clittitct‘ to t'L‘\ tStl \onic oi thc l‘cxl “orb in llil\ _\L‘;lt"\ ilt‘gl‘L‘L‘ \ho\\ l‘} graduating iiuc art \tudcnh. co—curatcd h} thc c\hihition\ dcpartntcnt at thc (ilthgo\\ School oi Art and _\Ulll'\ trul). I‘llf [.lAI.

Atrium (iallcry l‘oulix Building. I58 chircn Strcct. 353 45S”. .\lon ’l‘hu lilant Spin; l'ri loam 5pm.


New York, Glasgow: From the Crowd l'ntil inc 3 Scp. An c\hihition oi photograplh h_\ Rohcrt 'l'i'ottci rc\caling thc contiaxtx and \inularitrcx oi ptthlic liic on lllL' \lt’t'ch ol \L‘u York and (ilaxgon. Scc [‘ltolo caption.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY l‘tttxcrxit} oi (ilttxgou. S3 lltllhcad Strcct. 33H 5~l3l. \loii Sal ‘).3()atn 5pm. l'l't‘c.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection trail in 1| |)cc. ,\ \clcction oi tltc llunlcrtan'x iinc art collcction oi lirtthh art iroin thc 3iith ccntur}.

Scottish Art 1800-1900 l'ntil Sat IS Scp. A \llidll hut \tgtuiicant collcclion oi I‘)th ccntttt'} Scotlixh art. gritcd to thc llunlcrian h} pri\aic collcctorx. 'l'hc tli\l)l;|} includcx \\ol'l\\ h) Sir l)a\id \\'tll\ic. llot'aiio .\lc(‘u|loch altd Sir William .\lcl‘aggart.

Rediscovering Mackintosh: The Restoration of 78 Derngate t'niil Sat I I Scp. ‘l'hc .\lacl\Itlto\l1 llouxc rcopcnx aitcr a iuaior pi'ograiniuc oi rciurhixluucnt \\ ith a nc\\ intcrprcm c dixpla) and a tcniporar} c\hihition which look\ at thc t‘c\tot'alion oi "S Hcrngalc. Stubbs and the Hunters l'ntil Sat 3 ()ct. 0.30am 5pm. thc. 'l‘hi\ ix a uniquc opportunit} to \cc \xorkx h} thc grcat annual paintcr (icorgc Stuhhx t |734 txnm that \xcrc coiniuixxioncd h} .lohn and William lluntcr. l\\o oi thc lllo\l important tucdical iigurcx oi thc Britiin linlightcnincnt.


l'ni\cr\it} .-\\ctitlc. 33o 4331. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm. l'rcc.

The World of Chaucer: Medieval Books and Manuscripts l'niil Sat 33 Aug. 0.30am 5pm. An c\hihition oi (ilaxgoxt l'nixcrxit} \ rich holding\ oi (‘hauccrian llltilllle‘l'iPIS and carl}

printcd l‘ooin. man} oi \xhich arc rarc. uniquc and hcautiiull} dccoratcd.


ll \liichcll l.anc. 331 (1303. Mon «k \Vcd Sat Ii).3(iaitt 5pm; 'l'uc llatit 5pm; Stin noon 5pm. £3 tumor.

Summer Garden t'ntil Sun I: Scp. (il.t\gtt\\ -l‘;l\L'tl LlL'\tgtiL‘t‘\ ()tiL‘ l‘oot 'l‘allcr rcx cal thcir thcnicd \utnmcr gardcn \\ ith icaturcx \uch ax thc nc\\ 'undulatc'.

City as Loft l'ntil Sun 13 Scp. A \llo“ caSL‘ oi Ihc \\ot’l\ oi \L‘llicl‘ltttitlS lcading practiccx K('Al"'.-\S'li(l('. knonn ior thcir work in tranxioriuing ‘xxaiting landx‘ \uch ax iorincr docklandx. induxtrial cxt‘atcx and unuxcd railna} \ into mcaningiul. \ ihrant urhan placcx. The Smithsons oooo t'ntil inc 3] Aug. Alixon and l’ctcr Siuithxoii \xci'c thc axant gardc dcxigncrx and architcch

5 n . . ?.i 1 1 ,‘g ..Q.-. "‘3 no}; J1 11311.1! f1 {JELIEJ 9.1-,‘1 ‘JL! .3

From Improve the Shining Hour by Cathy Keay on show at Market

oi thcn' gcncratton and ccntral iigurcx in thc carl} Britixh pop art iuoxciucnt. llci‘c lhc} arc t'cnrciuhcrcd atid cclchratcd. locll\\lllj_‘ particular!) on thcir coltlctiliolh llouxc oi tltc l-uturc. dcxigncd ior lhc I050 Mail} Mail ldca lloinc li\hihition in London and a prixatcl) CUIHIHISSIHllCtl propcrt} ncar laticniordc in (icrnian).

Graduate Showcase Sat 7

.Atlg Still .5 5CD. Sk‘lk‘k‘llilll ol \\ot'l\ l‘} rcccnt graduatcx it'oni (ilaxgoxt School oi Ari attd ladinhurgh ('ollcgc oi Art.


3"” Sauchichall Sti‘cct. 5(r5 »lliiil. l'ri tk Stui llani 5pm; Mon 'l‘hu & Sat

liiaui 5pm.

Art Treasures of Kelvingrove l'liltl \VL‘tl .30 \o\ 3(lil5. .»\\ lltL‘ Kchingrmc .\lu\cuui tk Art (iallcr) hax Ito\\ L'lUSL'kl il\ illitil'S iot' lliaiot' rciurhixluncnt. our 3()() oi itx pglllillngx takc up rcxidcnc} at thc .\lcl.c||an (iallcricx 'l‘hc dixpla} includcx 'l'hontax laictl‘x 'I'lii' [ml of Illt' ('lim and chrhrandt‘x A .llti/i in Armour. PlUS \xork h} (‘harlcx chnic Mackintoxlt. Dutch and l‘lciuixh art.


Kchin Hall. I llunhouxc Road. 3S7 3730. Mon 'lhu & Sat Itiain 5pm; iii A Sun llain 5pm. l‘t'cc.

All Change! l'ntil l‘ri 3| l)cc. 'l'hc \lol‘} oi (ilaxgou \ tranxport and lL‘L‘lttiolog} collL'L‘liotix.

A Breath of Fresh Air: Scotland’s Railway Posters l'ntil iii 31 “cc. Au c\hihition oi 3oth ccntur} tra\ cl poxtcrx produccd ioi' \liipping ltncx and raihxa} coiupanicx.


High Sircct. SS‘) 315 l. 'l‘uc Sat

liiain 5pm; Sun 3 5pm.

Jon Schueler: To the North t‘niil Sun 33 Aug. 'l‘hc lil'\l cxcr Bi‘itixh rctroxpccm c oi thc \tork oi Aincrican paintcr Jon Schuclcr \\ ho rclocatcd to Scotland in l‘)7i).

World War One l'ntii Thu 1 I .\'o\. 'l‘hix _\car marlw thc With :iitiii\c‘i\;ii'_\ oi thc outhrcak oi World War I. 'l‘hix major iii-hoth mhihition takcx a hixtorical loolx at lhc “at and HS CIIL'L‘IS on chircu \hirc through iamil) hixtoricx. pliotogt‘aplh and i'cminixccnccx.


3 ('a\tlc Stt'cct. 553 355" Mott lhtt .\ Sat liiani 5pm; l'll A Sun llaiu 5pm l'lt't‘ Priests, Patrons and Piety t'niil Mon 3" Scp. A \uiall c\hrhition charting lhc htxtot'} oi ihc Scotx ('ollagc l’ath. Iiill3 :ilil“.

Just Another Day? l'nlil Sun 31 Apr l’rcc. (ilmgou \lttxcuiih photograpth .lnn l)unn c\plorc\ thc icligioux ltic oi (ilaxgou through ll\ lL‘SllMtlS.

Glas 2 ow Private Galleries


353 Arg}lc Sti'cct. 5H5 Iii3 3. liiaiu liipin. Sun noon liipin.

Bombay Sapphire Inspired lhu

l‘) Sat 3| Aug. 7.3iipiu midnight. .\lttlti incdia cwnt \tith UL and L‘UL'l'xliillS \lio\\c;i\titg \Hlllllllg cntricx to thc lioinha} Sapphnc glaxx dcxrgn auardx. lickch arc ircc hut )ou nccd to appl} ior thcni onhnc at tutu,xapphircinxpircd.coin

Showing Off l’ri Aug Mon (i Scp. An c\hihition \houcaxing \olttL‘ oi ihc dcxign proicctx \\ inch ha\ c hccn dcwlopcd during thc crght _\car\ oi thc Archcx 'lhcati'c l)c\ign Surumcr School.


l3—l lil}lli\\\ootl Strcct. ‘33 4H3? Mott l‘ll 0.30am 5.30pm; Sat loam lpiu.

Design Collection l'ntil Sal 3S Aug Snapxhot ol lcading [K and l'.tit‘opcan dcxigncrx \tilltlltcl' collccuonx


l'nncrxit} oi Slrathchdc. 33 Richmond Strcct. 543 3558. Mon l‘ri 10am 5pm; Sat noon 4pm.

The Glasgow Group l'niil Sal 2x Attg. A ruaior \him ior artixtx' co-opcratn c thc (ilthgtm (iroup. \klilcll uax ioundcd ill W57. icaturing prints. painting» draningx and \ctilpiurc h} cut‘rcnt mctnhcrx and thcir



l7S \\'c\t chcnt Strcct. 33l 057”.

Mott Sat 10am 5.30pm.

The New Generation Show t’niil 'iuc 3-1 Aug. 'l‘hc ('oiupaxs (iallcrt \ annual \clcction oi \mrk h} ncit graduatcx iroiii tlic iour Stottixh art school tlcgrcc SllilHS. Mixed Show l'ittil 'l‘uc 31 Aug. ('ontcmporar} paintingx. prints and \culpturc h} rcgular gallcr) artmx.


33 St Andrcus Strcct. 553 4333.

Mon Fri ()Lllll' 5pm: Sat noon 5pm. Brian Sweeney - Labbad Med Draugnum Aftur Heim (Walking the Ghost Back Home) lintil Sat 3| Aug. (ilaxgou-hascd photographer

u ho hcgan his carccr as a muxic photographcr trawlling uith handx such