Clubs listings
Glasgow Fridays continued
I Little League at The RAl-A (Tub. ()pm lam. £3. l3 Atig. Monthly. The more social side of the National l’op Leagtie party. This date sees the club incorporate a set frorii lan Watson of London ('lub How Does it lieel to be Loved‘.’ A club with heart and sotil.
I Moda at .‘vloda. 9pm 3am. liree. Weekly. Darren l)titiii eases his way through the night with tlte finest in ltouse. garage and R&B.
I The N00 Groove at ()rari Mor.
l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. This wonderful. long running club goes weekly at this new West lind institution. Briart and Nick play the best records frotn every artgle of the furtk spectrum.
I Offset at ('ube. l().3l)prrt 3am. £8 (£5). Weekly. Dance classics and ttiff hotise from residertt l)Js. A very popular venue and cltib rtiglit.
I Pop Noodle Fridays at tile (iarage. l lprrt 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Retro. Britpop and alternative pop is played otit iii the attic. while Briart Macquillan. litian arid ('hris llesketli play in the rrtain hall. I Pukka Funk at the Tunnel.
1 lpiit 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Massive new riigltt for the Tunnel. brirtging together three of (ilasgow‘s best known l)Js. Kris Keegan. lain ‘Santos' Thomson arid Al. lixpect big vibes. cos this one's beert hailed as Scotland‘s answer to llcd Karidi.
I Pussy Galore at the (‘orinthiarr 9pm 2am. £tbc. Weekly. lluggy irt his first ever west coast residency. playing alongside Jim l)a Best in this great (ilasgow venue.
I Red and Gold Room at Arta. l()pm 3am. l’ree before llpiii; £7 after. Weekly. [)1 Michael ()‘Sliea pops tip to split only the finest salsa and Latin tunes to a very well-heeled Arta crowd.
I Rockit at Bamboo. |().3()pm~ 3am. £6 (£4). Weekly. One room house. one rooin sotil arid ftirik and sonte chillottt iii the lourtge. Ari immensely popular night.
0 Skaacid at the Soundhatis.
l lpm 5am. £tbe. l3 Aug. Monthly. Skarsoles (ugh) and (iilbert provide the live action. while 1)] action comes front l’tissy'pow'er and ska genius Khatirtt.
I Stateside at Liquid Lounge.
l lprit 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (iet yer arse Stateside for a night of funk. soul. jilll. hip hop arid brokeit heats with residents Aarort Petrie and Michael Rafferty.
I Tidy at the Shack. l().3()pm- 3.30am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Let that infectious l-‘ri feeling take hold of you while DJ lain llartlort takes control of the dance floor. I Tiger Tiger at Tiger Tiger.
1 lprtt 3am. £6. Weekly. This hugely popular bar. club and restaurant goes wild after hours with a selection of commercial dattce arid R& B for all those stunning ladies and swanky boys.
0 Time Lines at the Sub Club.
1 lprit 3am. £l() (£8). 13 Atig. Artother genuine techno legend drops by the Sub for the Time Lines party. Blake Baxter is the influential figure. See preview:
0 Urizen at the Universal. 1 lpms 3am. £3. l3 Atig. Monthly. A brilliant drum & bass night iii a litre venue. with 1)] lies. Jnr Bry'son. Martrtan and Jay Double l'. How does that sottnd'.’
Glasgow Saturdays
I Bailamos at Havana. l)pm-—2am. £tbc. Weekly. 1)] Keith 1) brings you a world selection: salsa. R&B. Latin chart action arid whatever else gets ‘em going. I Base at the Tunnel. l().3()piit~-3am. £7 (£5). Weekly. (‘hris and Martin llesketh. along with (‘hris Harris and Al Kent. weave a fine fabric of funky house and R&B at Mitchell Lane's fittest dance emporium.
I The Buff at the Buff. Spin—3am. Free before 10.30pm; £5 after. Weekly. Nick Peacock and Mark Robb cook tip a little rtevv school jazz. business at Glasgow‘s new tall. soul and funk club.
30 THE LIST 13— 19 Aug 2004
I Club Cuba! at (‘tiba \ttr'te ‘lptii 3am Free. Weekly. (iet trt touch with your l atrrt spirit at this rtrgltt of classy dancing Duncan. l'arah arid Shannon supply the finest Latin beats Make sure you arrive early to guararttee erttry.
I Cubism Hedonism at (‘titve Ill.3llpm 4am. £.S (£(ii Weekly Scott plays the best rrt ftrriky homegrown and l .S house. fused vvrth cornrrtercral and c ltrb classics in bar one. ('tit/ arid Have .\1 also continue to keep the daricefloors packed in (‘tibe 44 with urban beats. ()peri to 4am throughout summer.
I Deathkill4000 at Barfly l lpm 3am £5 (£4). Weekly. A bit of hair metal. a twist of breakcore arid some barigrrtg techno. served witli lashittgs of electro-ptrrtk arid a side of Scandinavian rock'rt'roll.
I Destiny at l)estrny. ‘)pm 3am £tbc l4 Aug only. ('hart-toppitig fttrtky hottsers the Shapeshil'ters play live at this large club at the top end of town. Massive l’A tti store. as their ttitte. ‘l.o|a‘s Theriie‘. went straight in at No l.
I Divine at (ilasgow School of Art (downstairs). lllpm 3am. £(i (£5 £4)". £3.50 (iSA students. Weekly. l)eep ftirik. ()llS arid 7()s grooves arid a loyal crowd go irtto the mix at this very loiig running (ilasgow residents' night.
I El Rancho Relaxo at tlte ota litttt (‘lub. Spin lam. £4 (£3). 14 Aug \lonthly Residents lil Patton and the l)ialogtre l).ls spin tip some fine indie ttrnesmithery. and there‘s live music lrortt Kerri Ann ()ttrck. front LA.
I Eskrima at (ilasgow School of Art. lllpm 3am. £7 (£4 £6). Weekly. .\ great weekly. with rolling residents Jonriie Wilkes. Bil/y. 'l'vv'itch. Martin (Rub-A- l)tib) and Spttdd. who plays once a month with new tip-and-cortiing l)Js Toni arid
(lose. and liitty larry lechno. electro and house sounds trorii ott the beaten track
I Freakmenoovers at titasgow School ot \i't ltlpm zaiti :7 (1-1 tot
\\ eekly llte best dedicated ltip ltop c ltll‘ iii the city. rt: the melting pot ot the \rt School every Saturday
I Homecookin’ at lit-lo lupin 1am l‘tee betore llpiii. £5 atter Weekly Ills Stevvatt \lc( 'alltirrt and Joe llrggrtts keep the dance tloor |tlllll‘lllg" all night lortg. mtyrng RtyB tracks with the odd classic or old school favourite \ new verttie concept. btit the same attttttde to ltav trig .i good little. St) get (\ll ll
I Homegrown at liaiiitsoo
ltt3llpm 3am £.S (Lb) Weekly Steve \ltddletort. l)oiittmc \lattm. arid Scotty B like to put on .i bit ot .t show tor the Bamboo masses on .i Sat l'tmky house music .ttid some top notch R.\B
I Jamboree at Reds llpiii vain t“ (£5). Weekly .loltri l yoits arid \lartrn llesketh ol \‘elvet Rooms larite llll\ tip a blettd of cortttttereral Rth and soul
0 Lashed at the .\rches llpm iaiii £15 l4 Aug only. Big house arid trance rttgltt at the Arches. l.tsa lashes takes trrrte otit lrorrt what vvtll no doubt be .t busy sutrimer schedule to play alongside \rtrte Savage. the Tidy Boys. .lasoit (‘orte/ and Phil York. .lort Mancini. lluggy. .\lichael Paterson and Ken l'ergtisort keep the (ilasgow end tip. l’hew, .yt-t- [llt'l lt'lt
I Lite at ('ortrithtatt. ‘lprit iatrt. £tbc Weekly. Beautiful new rrtodertt bar and club at this gorgeous Ingram Street mega vetttre. They always ptit a lot into their venues. so try to make art effort. w ill you’ I Lush at the Polo lounge.
10.30pm 3am. £5. Weekly. Andy 's m the Trophy Room with hits from the (itts to the Slls. while Torit prov ides art tip front
Timelines at the Sub Club. Glasgow. Fri 13 Aug
One of the most exciting things about music is the thrill of the hunt. FOr example. does anyone remember the rush that accompanied the Chemical Brothers' ‘Leave Home‘ and its ‘brothers gonna work it out' intro? 80 who spotted that it had been lifted from Blake Baxter's techno classic of the same name? The more you learn. the more there is to learn.
As far as the history of dance music goes, one branch begins with Baxter. Everybody knows that Atkins. May and Saunderson invented techno in late 805 Detroit. but what not so many people realise is that Baxter (along with Eddie ‘Flashin' Fowlkes) helped out. This quintet were the extended family at the head of the table. and the purpose of this night — as the name suggests — is to reintroduce people to the skills of DJs/producers/figures who sometimes get forgotten. You owe it to the music and who knows, you might even learn something. (David Pollock)
dance seiectroir iii the (train rootrt Has to be the prettiest gay c itib in the c ity
0 Mish Mash al (‘tttva \oiie
"pin iarti tltl ll \rrg \ (ilasgoyv ritsttttrtroti returns with the (till \lish \lash Souiidsysterii teatuiiitg (lscai. \oidtii and lley ttr phrs spec tal guests l‘rsco ls‘oc kets. a three piece electto analogue act ititviitg tip dub. reggae. purtk and dance so they Sllv‘lllvl lv'v'l ltz'lll .fl llv‘lllv' llt‘lt' \tt
9"" "i‘ "" i
I Moda at \loda ‘lptii zarti ltee
l lllc‘ ( il.l\_;‘t)\\ lll Mtlltl lt‘t‘ll‘dllv'll Barry (teziiritei drops sortie eyplosrve sounds at this beautiful bar iii the gay vll\lllcl
I Red and Gold Room .tt \tla
lllprit iarii ltce before llpiii. LS alter Weekly Billy \lilltgait itiarts the dec ks at this true (tight of l .tttri house It your life needs spic trig tip. look no further
I Shine On at ('orirrthiait llpiii 3am 1th Weekly (iotdoti \lillei arid Ross \lacrrtillart rock the toirtt alter .t sesstoii iii the l rte bar lots ot ftiitk .trtd litii all round as the residents take iii the genres they want
I Subculture .tt the Stib ( ‘ltib
llpiii iarti £ltl Weekly like house .iiid techno’ llieit why riot get down to this utterly great party at the Strb every Saturday night ’ Seriously. it you haverii checked otit llatri arid llottteritc belore. do so before you the ol lllt'lallv holy
I Voodoo at the (‘athotrse 5pm “pm £5 (£ it Weekly Scotlaiids otily altetriatrve tinder lSs club The sight ol all the wee punters queuing tip I ’tiiott Street has pttt the feat of god riito the good pc'tiple ttl (ilasg‘tiyy lttl \(llllk' lllllt' llth. SH it you are under the age of IS. why not \t't‘ vvltat all [he ltlss IS .tltttlll’
O WinChester .ll lllt' \\(ttt(lSlth Social. ‘lpm 3am £4 l4 :\tig \loiithly The Winchester tetttirts rrt -\trg vvttli another special summer treat live music from Reading's Wintergreen. who have been described as ‘triarvellous rushing pop'. Support comes from Small ('reattrr‘es arid the Winchester residents (ireatl
Glasgow Sundays
I B’Lo at B‘lo. ‘lptii iam. l'lt‘t‘ before llpiii; £5 (£3) after Weekly look your Sunday best for a night ot sriiooth. classy dance music
I Boogaloo at llte Social. ‘lltttl iatri l'r‘ee. Weekly. Block style party grooves. urban Rth. scratch lirp hop. live percussion arid guest .\l('s all iii .t swanky .\'ew York style setting.
I Cabaret at the Tunnel. ll 3(lpm iam £4 (£‘t. Weekly. The Ttmriel's second gay cltib night. Things are defitittely fabulous at this Sunday night party
I Chill on the Hill at Bt'el 3pm ‘lpm l‘ree. Weekly. lltishpuppy and regular lrierids host this outside party with all the litll dwellers on a weekly basis tliiottgliotit August. so get to the start of .\shtori |.arie lot‘ it.
I Disco Badger at Bamboo,
llpiii zam. £5. Weekly Scottie B. l)oritmtc Martin and Robrti keep the Sunday throng satisfied in the venue whose trtarrtage ol Rth arid house has been an unqualified success
I Free Sundays at the ('ittversal llpiii 3am. l't'ee. Weekly. llrp hop. funk. soul. reggae. house and tau all itt this great. virtually unknown venue rust behtrid Sauchrehall Street.
I The Good Vibrations Sound System at Liquid Lounge. I lprii 3am (L4). \VL'L'l'yl}. Rc‘SltlelllS The Downtown lltistlers and the Revenge spin at this great (iill'lit)ll‘lllSPll'L'tl party.
I Liquid Cool at the Belo. Upm 3am. £5. Weekly. Al. Kris Keegari and Ian Thompson play top—notch vocal garage and house to a club packed with hyper- hedontstrc twentysorriethiiig revellers. all of whom seem to have forgotten that they have work iii the morning. If quality tunes and glatrtorotis antics are your bag. Stilt at Belo rs unmissable.