Music rock & pop listings
Thu 29 Edinburgh
I Burrito Deluxe Quccn's llall. (‘lcrk Slt'ccl. 668 2019. 7pm. £16.50.
(‘ountry and rock comc togcthcr in a ticw
all-star hand with ittnoyatiyc stch guitar work of Sncaky l’ctc chinow with (iarth Hudson.
I Carahter, Knited, Boxed In, The Process and Afterbirth Studio 24. 24 26 (‘allon Road. 558 3758. 7.30pm. £5. Night of hard and hcayy thrashy hardcorc from Brazil. lrcland. Iingland and Scotland.
I KT Tunstall Bcansccnc. 99 Nicholson Strcct, 667 5697. 8pm. lircc. l'p-and-coming Scottiin sittgcr/ songwritcr shows off hct' tcndcr musical warcs ahcad ol‘ thc rclcasc ol‘ hcr dcbut albtttn.
I Brink, Star and Funktree \\'ltist1cbitikics. 4 6 Sottth Bridgc. 557 51 14. 9pm. lit'cc. Rock L‘oyc‘t's and indic gttitar.
I Stealer (‘ityz lidinburgh. la Markct Strcct. 226 9560. 9pm. I-rcc. l'p-and- coming lidinhurgh funk-rock liiy'otit'itcs. I Unnecessary Surgery, Essence and Biotoxin Banncrman’s. Niddry Strcct. 556 3254. 9pm. £3. .-\ night of guitar and clcctronic cra/incss l‘rom tcclmo. junglc punks l'nncccssary Sttrgcry.
I Born to Be Wide Thc \cnttc.
17 2| (‘alton Road. 557 3073.
1 lptn 3am. |-‘rcc. .\'cw music industry social club that plans to bring musos, journalists. pt'ottiotcrs. I'ccot'd shop workcrs and musicians togcthct'. With a yaricd soundtrack l‘rom yariotis industry hods.
I The Undertones King Tut’s Wah Walt ||ut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 5279. 8.30pm. S()|.|) ()l'T. ()nc of thc all timc grcat adolcsccnt mislit post-punk gangs rclorm as a middlc-agc tnislit post- punk gang. (ircat tttncs thottgh no argumcnt about that.
I Vertigo 101, Ten Miles Tall, Marciano and Urban Poetry The Perry. 42 (‘lydc l’lacc. 01698 265 5| 1. 8pm. £5. local band showcasc.
I The Goldenhour and Delta Mainline Barfly (upstairs). 260 ('lydc Strcct, 0870 907 0999. 8pm. Sttnny 60s- inllucnccd cll’crycsccncc t'rom thc (itildcnltolll‘.
I Merika Barfly. 260 (‘lydc Strccl. 0870 907 0999. 8pm.
I Nibushi Shang Hong and The X1 Nicc'n’Slca/y, 421 Sauchichall Strch 333 9637. 9pm. I’crky indic pop. I Liquid Sound, Page 4, Serve Chilled and Fade l'tll’)‘ .‘ylurrys. 96 .\|a.\wc|l Strcct. 221 6511. 8.30pm. £4. including cntry to post-gig club. Bill of upcoming local indic bands.
I Roads Country (it‘and ()lc ()pry. l’aislcy Road loll. 429 5396. 7.30pm. £4 (£3 mcmbcrsl. ('ountry.
I Pete Loaf Bourbon Strcct. 108 (icorgc Strcct. 552 0141. 7pm. £5 (£12.50 with dinncr). 'I'ributc to thc man tnountain that is .\|cat |.oa|'.
I The Fusion Experience The Bull (‘luh. 142 Bath I.anc. 248 1777. 8pm. lircc hclorc 10.30pm: £5 al‘tcr. \Vcckly ja/l.) loungc sct in thc low ct“ bar.
I Meta .\1c('hui||s.40|1igh Strch 552 2 I 35. 10pm. l‘rcc.
I The Impossible Flower, Frogpocket and Organica 'I'chai ()yna. 42 ()tago Lanc. 357 4524. 8pm. £2. lixpcrimcntal sounds.
I Grant Campbell Bcansccnc. 5 (‘rcsswcll Lanc. 334 6776. 8.30pm. 1-‘rcc. Blucsy. country singcr/songwritcr. inllttcnccd by Springstccn and 'I‘owncs Van Zandt.
I Gratis Quo MacSorlcys. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 8581. 9.30pm. lircc. Status Qtio tributc act.
I Independence Samucl Dow‘s,
67» 7| Nithsdalc Road. 423 0107. 8.30pm. l-rcc.
I Frank O’Hagan 'I‘hc Scotia.
112 114 Stockwcll Strcct. 552 8681. 9pm. 1-‘rcc. Covers of Dylan. thc Band. ('rccdcncc.
I Live Music Rockcrs. 14 Midland Strcct. 221 0726. 9pm. l-‘rcc. 1"our rock bands to bc conlirmcd.
I Tom Jilbert, Chase and Roguestar \\'hist|cbinkics. 4 6 Sottth Bridgc. 557 5| 14. 6pm. lircc hcl‘orc midnight; £3 altcr. (ilaswcgian rock from (‘hasc with stadium sottnds from Rogucstar.
I Saorsa (‘\\'l'. 15 Brunswick Strch 8pm. £4 (£2). A mixture of liyc music. poctry. lilm and thcatrc with cach pcrl'ormcr only allowcd a maximum of 15 minutcs on stagc as a monthly hcnclit for Scotland Against (‘riminalising (‘ommtmiticx
Glasgow I Mother & the Addicts King Tut‘s
Wah Walt llut. 272a St \"inccnt Strcct. 221 5279. 8.30pm. £5. Art school rullians playing a mixtttrc ol spunky garagc rock and spiky post-punk. who arc a hoot |i\'c. Pogo along to such l‘uturc classics as thc straight-talking chat-up song ‘You Look Quitc Nicc'.
I Black Wire, OBE and Phelix Culpa Barfly. 260 (‘lydc Strcct. 0870 907 0999. 8pm. Black Wirc arc glamtronic punk rockcrs from what cycryonc's calling ‘thc l‘crtilc |.ccds sccnc'.
I Loss Leader Barlly (upstairs). 260 (‘lydc Strcct. 0870 907 (1999. 8pm. AKA Joc from Rcd Adair with guitar and drttm tnachinc.
I Latonic Nicc'n'Slca/y. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 9637. 9pm. lndic rock.
I Stripping Velvet and X-Tigers Stcrco. 12—14 Kclyinhaugh Strcct. 576 5018. 8pm. X-Tigcrs hay-c bccn dcscribcd as ‘sinistcrly angular mclodics mixcd with a punk pop shimmcr‘ by . . . ooh. by us hcrc at My List no less.
I Ex-Rental, Luxury Car and Bozilla 'l‘hc end of thc Month Club. lhc 13th .\'otc ('al'é. 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 9pm. £3. [ix-chtal arc a London- hascd clcctro disco duo; Luxury ('ar arc in morc of a synthpunk win and without clcctropoppcrs Bo/illa thcrc would hc no Ii()'1‘.\|(’.
I Cortez, Daybreak, Archangel, The Mercy, The Jaks and The Haze Fury Murrys. 96 .‘ylachll Strccl. 221 65| |. 8.30pm. £4. including cntry to post-gig clttb. Bill ol‘ upcottting local indic bands. compcting {or a £250 lirst pri/c.
I Duke 69 'I‘hc \'alc. 5 Dundas Strcct.
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J - 6 South Bridge Ed’nburgh EH1 KL
50 THE LIST .9? Jul 1') Aug; 2004
Saturday 31 July Cottier Theatre
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Featuring Alyson
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To advertise your gigs in this section call 0131 550 3060
Mad about music Out every two weeks