I Flowers for Algernon liot-cxt. 3 Bt‘ixlo l’lacc. 220 4538. 8.30pm. lit'cc. Six-piccc pla} ing itL‘UllxllL‘ pop. lunk} toll and mclltm \llllllllL‘l' lllllL‘\ “ho arc namcd altct' a \iltll'l \lttl'} about a moth and a ho} \\ ith lc‘at'ning dillic‘ttltic‘x.
I The Comrades, Alfonzo and The Lease \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 0 South Bt'idgc. 557 5| 14. 0pm. litre. \ighl oi indic guitar \t)lll]ti\.
Thursday 29
I Busta Rhymes and Tim Westwood (‘at‘ling .-\c‘adcm). |2| [iglinlon Street. 0005 020 5000/0870 77| 2000. 7pm. £l4. ()wr- i-lx \htm. litiioyihl) inxanc rappct‘ “ho. rather than hothcr \\ ilh hip hop [I‘liILW such ax \tt't‘cl L‘l'L‘ti. 0ch [U L‘l’L‘lllL‘ it big \Ulllc‘ Ntl\lCl' \\ ith accompan} ing \ ixual oxct'load.
I Heather Myles and Evangeline Grand Ole ()pi‘}. i);ll\iL‘_\ Road loll. 420 5300. 7.30pm. £12.50. ()ld \chool honk} —ton|\in' cotintt‘} at'tixt uho grew up on a ranch in ('alil'oi'nia and hoaxtx lhal \ilal counlt‘} lllll\lc‘ acccxxot‘} SCUIIBI] itllL‘L‘\ll'}.
I Breed 77, Nugusta in Action and Second Skin King link \Vah \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Stt'cct. 22l 5270. 8pm. £0. ()\ct‘— l4x \hou. l.ondon-~ hawd. (ilhl';tilitl'-hlt\t‘ti mt-mclal quintcl \\ ho dixtinguixh thcmxch cw \\ ilh \UlllL‘ HitlllL‘llL't) lilotn'ixhw to thcn‘ lllthlL'. latin rock?
I Chain 'l‘hc Arc‘hm. 253 :\l'f_‘_\ lo Slrcct. 505 I023. 8pm. £(i. Shoxwaw
I Trap 6, No Hope in New Jersey and Nacoya Bartl}. 200 (‘i'\tiL‘ 50114.08700070000. 8pm. No Hope in NC“ Jct‘xc) arc a _\otmg Mancunian hand \\ ho lind llt\pll';tllttll in l‘uga/i. Neil Young. thc ('laxh and William Shatncr. ;t\ _\olt do.
I Neon Underground, Kai-axa, The Aerials, Somnus and Austin 'l‘hc (‘athouxcz l5 l'nion Slt'cct. 24X (iollo. 7.30pm. £4.50 tathanccl. £(i tdoot't. ()wr- l4\ show Rock/pop linc- up.
I After Xmas and Psykonauts 111,, 1301 Note (‘at't'x St) (it) King Strcct. 555 I053. 0pm. £3. Radiohc‘ndhh rock. not \tippot‘tcd. juxl in caxc _\ou \tct‘t‘ gelling miwd tip. h} thc .\lo \\‘;t\ alliliatcd hip hop hcad/ ol. the saint‘
I The Issues, Touchstone, Charlemagne and Stars Kill Sotmdwt. thc Sottttdhaux. 47 llylc Park Street. 221 4(150. 8.30pm. £4.50. \Vccki} \houcaxc ol' up-and-coming hand\.
I Laker The Bunker. I03 I00 Bath Street. 220 I427. l0ptn. Free.
I Daniel Smith 8: Alan Glen
Studio One. (il‘tl\\L‘l10l’ Holcl. (il'tixu‘lltll’
'It‘l‘l‘uL'L‘ (till~ H} l't‘\ Rtmti l. .54] (1510. 0pm. l‘t'cc. Rolling Stonc‘x u'ihutt‘ hand. I Carah Nugent lit-anxccnc. 5
(‘I-L‘\\\\ L‘H l.;tllL'. 5.54 (1771. 3.30pm. l-‘i'cc,
Laid hack background \oundx.
I Battle of the Bands \lilt'SUl'iL‘}\.
42 Jamaica Street. 24X 8581. 0pm. l’t'cc. I Open Mic 'l‘c‘hai ()\ na. 42 ()tago Lane. 55." 4524. 3pm. l‘t'cc. l-‘ot'tnighl|_\ \c‘xxion.
I Phil’s Session t'ixgc Bt‘alha. 332 \Voodlandx Road. 5(14 I500. 3pm. lit'c‘c. \Vcckl} 1am.
I The Vagabonds 'l'hc Scotia.
H2 il-lSltk‘kuc‘il511001.552 NONI. 0pm. l‘t'cc. Popular coth.
I Jam Session Satinth Dim ‘x.
()7 7| \llhxdttit‘ Road-1250“)? 8.30pm. l‘t'cc. Hoxtcd h} lndcpcndcnc'c. I Live Music Rockcix. 14 Midland Stt'cct. 22| 0720. 0pm. l‘i‘c'c'. i'ttlll‘ rock hand\ to ht' conlit'mcd.
I Live Music .\lc(‘htiillx. 41) High Street. 552 2135. 0.30pm. l‘t'cc. \cxt handx night.
0000(le lllll GUERWUEUW gaaemaoarcaam7ao ’“ From their debut album
7' 14/7,) -/'//;’///3;/'
'.t nittt'k_\ \talt/ (i()\\tl streets littct’t'd \\ilh tucken W lou‘ and (‘lll[)l_\ hottlt‘s' Logo ttttttttt/itle '4
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“1- should thank our Ittt |\_\ stats lot the existence
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5». 1. ~'- THE LIST 49