“States of ivl-ly

pocrisy b Euan Sutherland, 2003-4,

on show at new Infrared Gallery. See Art Forum

graduating students from thc (ICPZII'ltltClll\ of line art. design. architecture and design. Sec I)cgt'cc Shou fcaturc. .\'li\\‘ SHOW.


2‘) 37 ()tago Street. 33‘) 32‘)“.

Art Auction Fri 1 l & Sat l2 Jun. An auction of mcr 2(lt) paintings including works by John Bcllany. l’ctcr “(MM)”. Kcn (‘urric and man) inorc. Vicuing is on Fri 1] Jtiii froin l()am (ipin folltmcd by the salc on Sat l2 Jtiii from noon.


182 Bath Strcct. 333 l‘Nl. .\lon l-‘ri 10.30am 5pm; Sat 10.30am lpm. Summer Selection t'iiiil Wed 30 Jun. A mixed summer SIN)“ including works by lilizabcth Blackaddcr. .IitlIlL‘\ Kay. Stuart Park. Hamiin Macdonald. Jonathan Rohcrtson. Mar} (iallaghcr. Blair Thomson and many more.


‘) l I (icorgc Stt‘ccl. 553 202-1. .\Ion Sat 9am 5pm.

Gillian McDonald t'ntil Sat ll Jtiii. Nc“ \t’atcrcolourx.

Mixed Show .\Ion l4 Jun Sat 3 Jul. Annual cxhihition of new “(ilk fcaturing Jloiio and (iillian McDonald.

HUNTERIAN ART GALLERY t'nitcrsity of (ilaxgou. SI Ilillhcad Strcct. 330 5431. Mon Sat 9.30am 5pm. Scottish Art 1800-1900 t'niil Sat l8 Scp. .\ \ltlitII but significant collcction of l‘)tli ccntur} Scottish art. giftcd to thc lluntcrian by pritatc collcctorx. 'l'hc display includcx \\t)l'I\\ h_\ Sir l)a\ id Wilkic. Horatio .\lc('ullocli and Sir William Mc'l‘aggart.

20th Century Painting from the Permanent Collection t'niil Hi 31 [kc :\ \clcction of thc lluntcrian'x linc art collcction of British art from tlic 20th ccntur};

Rediscovering Mackintosh: The Restoration of 78 Derngate t’niil Sat I l Scp. 'l'hc Mackintosh IIUUSL‘ rcopcns aftcr a major prograiiiinc of rcfurhishincnt \\ itli a nun intcrprctixc display and a temporary cxhihition which looks at the restoration of 78 l)criigatc. Stubbs and the Hunters Sat l3 Jtiii Sat 2 Oct. This is a uniquc opportunit) to \cc works h)‘ the grcat animal paintcr (icorgc Stuhhx

( I724 Isotii that ucrc L‘Ulllllllxslttllctl h} John and William lluntcr. I\\'() of thc most important nicdical ligurcx of thc Britiin lintightcnmcnt.


lSa Mcadou Road. 337 1383. Mon Fri Ilain 5pm; Sat l()am lpiii.

The Circus of Death - States of Hypocrisy .\Ion l4 Jtiii Sat ll) Jul. Digitally manipulatcd and conxtt‘tlctcd photo collagcs h} Iiuan Stithcrland “IllCIl cxploi'c rcccnt wars. lll\‘it\lt)ll\ and \illlL‘lIt)ll\ OI. IIIL‘ ['8 and it\ tllliL‘s. SL‘L‘ .'\rtl’oruiii. Nl‘ti‘.’ SHOW.


18 King Strcct. 552 25-10. l)ai|_\

l()am opin.

Artists in Exile Glasgow 8. Refugee Week in Scotland Exhibition Mott M Sun 30 Jtiii. l-‘olloit ing on front tlic success of their inaugural c\hihitioii at thc .'\I'CI1L‘\. Artists in lixilc (ilasgou prcscntss its \L‘L‘Ulltl \Ilt)“ with “orkx h} tll‘tixlx from chr ten countries.


300 Bath Strch 33] “73:. inc Sat

()ain (rpm.

David Kiely t'ntil Sat 17 Jul. .'\n c\tiihition of i‘ccciit Pitllllillg’x h} Il'ixlt ilt’llxl l)a\id Kiel}. Knoun for Illx abstract \torkx. he has rcccntl)’ \tai'tcd to introducc pcoplc and buildings into llllx L'UIIlPUSJIiUIIS.


I l Mitchell l.aiic. 33l (i362. .\lon.

\Vcd Sat l().3()ain 5pm; 'l‘uc llani 5pm: Sun noon 5pm. £3 (SUP).

Field Trip l'iitil Hi 2 Jul. The familiar and unfamiliar landscapes. Ittliltlittgx and placcs in Scotland arc uplorcd in this touring c\hihition.

Field Trip Seminar in l l Jun.

9am 4.45pm. U5 Lot). to accompan} the I‘icld ‘l‘rip cxhihitioii. a seminar organixcd h} thc Lighthouxc. uhicli looks into \\ hat constitutcs Scotland‘s landscapc. chaircd h) landscape architch liclco llooftman.

Wish You Were Here Sat l3

Jun Sun S Aug. Sotncnirx from thc tackicst to thc c\'cn tackicr arc on shou. Plus mull) othcr traxcl curiositics pickcd up and included in this c\hihition that cxplorcx “Ilill \outcnirs incan to us and ho“ placcx can tic i'cprcscntcd and rcnicmhcrcd in tlicir trinkcts. .\'li\\’ SHOW.

Gran Sera: Italian Fashion 1950-1980 Sat [0 Jun Sun 4 Jul. .-\ displa} of (TI) cwning dresses h} \tilttc‘ of Italy‘s nioxt faiiioux designcrx including Armani. \‘alcntino. \crxacc and Misxoni. in an c\hihition which documents thc Ili\tt)l’} of Italian fashion from thc 5()\ to lItL‘ Xllx.


Station Road. .\Iilnga\ic. 578 83-17. ’l‘uc Sat l()am lpin & 2 5pm. Milngavie Art Club t'iiiil Hi 2 Jul. Annual cxhihition of \tork h} local itl‘llxls fcatui‘iiig landscapes. \ttll Iil'c and figuralch studicx.


5 ll)ndland Strcct. 342 4 l 2-1. \Vcd I’ri llain opm: Sat llain 5pm; Sun

noon 4pm.

Desirous without Landing .\Ion l4 Jun Stiii 4 Jul. .\ solo \hou of ncu liguratn c paintings h} Stuart Buchanan inspircd h} Victorian shipping postcrx. NHW St l(,)\.'\.’.

listings Art

From Here to Eternity Beautifully conceived show exploring the mysteries of the natural and metaphysical world. from the minute natural patteririg of a single leaf to the big wide open spaces of the night sky. The show centres arOund James Turrell's light pro] action Prado Red. See reView. l/ig/eby Gallery. (5 Carlton Terrace. Edinburgh. until Sat 2/1 Ji 1/.

Beck’s Futures 2004 Yoko Ono handed the biggest art prize in the UK to Saskia Olde Wolbers earlier in the Spring for her surreal video installation. "he winning piece of this prestigious prize and the shortlisted entries. including Glasgow—based Hayley Tompkins. travel up to Scotland for a six week showcase. See preview. CCA, 350 Sat/chieha/l Street. Glasgow. Sat 12 Jun—Sun 25 Jul.

Enchanting the Eye: Dutch Paintings of the Golden Age Dutch artists knew about light in the 17th century. They did phenomenal things with it. Or rather. they painted the clear. bright northern light of Holland i)li(—)ii()iiieiizilly. Still lives. portraits by Rembrandt. landscapes by Cuyp, a rare scene by Vermeer and more jewels from the royal collection are on show. The Queen's Gallery Palace of HO/erOd/iouse. Edinburgh. tlllil/ Sun 7 Nov.

The Degree Shows - Edinburgh College of Art and Glasgow School of Art Come and see this generation‘s talent and the culmination of their art school life. It's more than just sporting the right aSymmetrical haircut as hundreds of graduates across the two cities are here to show. See feature. Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Lauri‘stori Place. Sat 19 Jun— Thu 1 Jul; Glasgow School of Art. The Mackintosh Gallery. 167 Perilr'ew Street, Sat lQ—Sat 26 Jun.