
I Raff, The Hustlers and The Usual Suspects \Vhixilchinkicx. 4 (i South Bl‘itlgc. 557 5| l4. (rpm. l'l‘L‘L‘ hcl‘orc midnight; £3 al'tcr. l'tinlx) hcatx and rock.

I Maya29, Starry Wisdom Cult and Duke 69 ('aharct Voltairc. 3o 38 Blair Strcct. 220 ()l7h. 7pm. £3. \lill’lt‘tl and compclling night ol‘ rock and indic turnx ax ncu rcgular night Situation Normal launchcx. lixpcct muxic ol' all gcnrcx and ach l‘rom all o\cr thc countr}. I T-Break ’l’hc Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Slt‘L‘L‘i. 225 2504. 7pm. £llk‘. 8LT Thu (l.

I Alec Lowe 'l‘hc Mct‘cal. 28 Wm Maitland Strcct. 225 38M. 8pm. £5. 'l‘hc c\-llurricanc “l lronunan conicx to lidinhurgh lot” a onc-ol'l' datc ol' acouxtic indic.

I Chris Rea l’la}houxc. I8 22 (it‘L‘L‘ltxltlL‘ l’lacc. 0870 0003424. 8pm. £22 £25. Rethx L‘\L‘L‘pli0tt;tl L‘ltl'L‘L‘t‘ litm xpanx l0 alhutnx. u ith o\cr 22m alhum xalcx \HH'ltl“ idc. Scar}.

I The Beagles l.ord liotlox. 3 Dublin Strccl. 477 2563. 0pm. l‘rcc. ('laxxic (i0x and 70x traclxx lroni l’clcr .\lichacl Rouan and l‘rank .\lacdonald.

Saturday 8


I Fairport Convention 'I‘lic l't't'l‘}. 42 ('l)dc l’lacc. 420 10l0. 0pm. £l4. \ctcran l'olk group lrom \xhoni Richard 'l‘hoinpxon and Sand} l)cnn_\ graduach and \\ ho ha\ c dcl\cd into thc murlx} uorldx ol' rock and ial/ in thc courxc til at carccr \\ hich xpanx cloxc on 40 _\carx.

I The Icarus Line, Modey Lemon and Johnny Fantastico King 'l'ut'x Wait Wait Ilut. 272a 8t Vinccnt Strcct. 22] 5270. 8pm. £8. ()\cr- l4x xhou. Mood}. charixmatic l8 garagc nictal liw-piccc punt ncu alhutn I’mimu' Suiru: Support l'rom ha} \\ irc garagc rock duo Modc} l.cmon.

I Slaid Cleaves 8trathcl_\dc Suitc. Ro}al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm £ll (£0). .v\uxtin-haxcd lt‘ouhadour. inxpircd h) llank \Villiamx. ('huck Bcrr} and Budd} lloll). addx to thc conxidcrahlc 'l'cxan conliugcttl at thix )carx llig Big ('ountr) l'cxti\al.

I Minus g2, 400 Sauchichall Strcct. 35.3 3| l l. 7.30pm. £5. ()\cr- l4x xhon. 'l‘hc \orucgiaux ha\ c xo lar dominatcd thc Scandinaxian mctal markct; thix lcclandic nu-tnctal coniho ol’l'cr a hit ol' compctition. \Vithout thc church hurning. I Solar X & EPS lixld'itna. (ilaxgou ~School til. :\t'l. l08 RL‘lll-l'L‘“ SII’L‘L‘I. 353 4530. l0pm. £4 hcl‘orc midnight; £7 (£(il altcr. Rtixxia'x prcniicr clcctronic muxician and Moxcou ‘x lcading \'.I join l‘orccx at ilttx cluh night. ax part (it. lltL‘ .\lachinixta 2004 inultiincdia l'cxtixal.

I Gonga Barll). 3m (‘l'\tlL‘ Strcct. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. £5. Rill'mongcrx lrom Brixtol.

I Galchen, For Attention of Jesus and The High Commissioners \icc‘n‘fx'lcux}. 42l Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0o37. 0pm. £3. Mix (it dark clcctro and indic.

I Cobra Grande lllL‘ Hm Note (‘alc. 50 (ill King Strcct. 553 M38. 0pm. £3. (iuitarx/hcatx h)hrid.

I High Roller Stcrco. l2 l4

Kch inhaugh Strcct. 57o 50l8. (ipm. £3. .\'otc carl} xltt)“.

I Free Candy Collective liquid l.oungc. 04 \cht chcnt Strcct. 353 (i333. 5.30Pln. l‘rcc. :\ dict ol lunk. xoul. hlucx. tall and uhatcu‘t' clxc at lhix altcrnatix c prc—cluh night.

I Open Stage 'l‘lic llalt Bar. loo \Voodlandx Road. 504 I527. 4 8pm. l‘rcc. chld) xcxxion tor local inuxicianx. I Kong Sainucl l)o\\‘x, ()7 7| \itlixdalc Road. 423 0l07. 8.30pm. l’rcc. Rock.


I T-Break 'l‘hc liquid Room. 0c Victoria Strcct. 225 2504. 7pm. £thc. 8cc 'l'hu (i.

I Ellis, Baltic, Freeview and 14 Hours ('alcdonian llackpackcrx. 3 Quccnxlcrr) Strcct. 47o 7224. 8.30pm. £4. limoth c. cxccllcnt. lidinhurgh pop/rockxlcrx lillix makc a \\clcotnc rcturn to thc li\ c xccnc and arc ioincd h} xomc (ilaxgou palx.

I Lee Paterson, Capstain Pole and Jojocoke \Vhixtlchinktcx. 4 () South liridgc. 557 5| 14. (“10]. l'rcc hcl'orc midnight; £3 altcr. lincrg} and hig hcalx \\ ith a tu ixt l'rom (‘apxtain l’tilL‘.

I Stealer llanncrinan’x. Nitldr} Strccl. 550 3254. 0pm. £3. Scc Thu 20.

St Andrews

0 Joy Zipper and The Fence Collective 8t .-\ndrc\\x Studcnt l‘nion. St Mar} 'x l’lacc. 01334 4o2700. 8pm. £5. SL‘L‘ prc\ lL‘“ lot" [00 (lt‘L‘ttlll pop lilixx ol Jo) Zippcr \\ho arc joincd h} l’ilc'x lincxt hunch ol' inxpircd. xkcxxcd xttllf_‘\lt‘L‘l\ lllC l'AL'llCC ('(tllL'L‘ltH'.


I John Miller 8. the Country Casuals and The Moonshiners 'I‘olhooth. .lail \\'_\nd. 0l78o 274000. 7.30pm. £(i (£4). Radio Succthcartx xingct’ .\lil|cr and hix hrand ol honlx} tonk countr} promoting latcxt alhuin Spit ck l’oltxlt.


I Sting 8l-’.('(’. l-innicxton Qua}. 0870 040 4000. 8pm. £3(i/£3 l. l’t‘iot‘ lo touring thc [‘8 \xith :\nnic l.cnno\. Sting xuhicctx hix adoring lanx to xonic morc ol' hix xonic prccning. plux xoinc llillli-LlL‘L‘Clll Ultl l’ttlch‘ xttltgx.

I The Vines, The Duke Spirit and The Open Barronland. 244 (iallougatc. 552 4001. 7.30pm. £14. ()\cr- l4x xll()\\. ()wr-ratcd. o\cr\\ rought and in ct ltL‘t'L‘. .’\ll\\lL‘ llltllL‘ l‘nckct’x lltL‘ Vincx arc notorioux l'or thcir crratic li\ c xhou x. l.ct‘x hopc that xingcr ('raig \ichollx ix not in a pcr\crxc niood.


0 The Skatalites, The Amphetameanies, Hector Selector and Sweet T & the Section ('arling .-\L‘tt(lL‘ttt}. |2l liglinton 8lt‘cct. 0005 020 3000/0870 77] 2000. 7pm. £| l.50. .laiuaica'x dancchall (loltx t‘L‘lltl‘tt in lllL' :\L‘;t(lt‘ltt) al'lL‘t‘ xkanking it to itx l'oundationx latc Iaxl )car. Support lil‘Ultl (ilaxgou 'x xka xupcrgroup thc :\inphctanicanicx \\ hoxc alumni includc .r\lc\ l'roni l‘ran/ licrdinand.

I Al Stewart and Dave Machmonoff 'l‘hc l‘crr}. 42 ('|}dc l’lacc. (llo08 2o5 5| l. 8pm. £|o.50. SL‘olx-hot'll. (Xililtu'ttttt-tlu clling lollx xingcr/xonguritcr. \\ ho ix hcxt knoun lot' hix hit "l‘hc Ycar ol' thc ('at' hilt hax inorc rcccntl} rclcaxcd an alhum Down in [In ('r'l/ur in praixc ol \\ inc.

I Kevin Montgomery 8. the Roadtrippers and Jeff Finlin King 'l'ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St Vinccnt Strcct. 22l 5270. 8.30pm. £l2. 'lc\an cxponcnt ol' countr} and .'\nicricana \\hoxc iuothcr xang \\ ilh lil\ ix and uhoxc lathcr \\ ax thc l'ricnd and xonguriting partncr ol' Budd} lloll).

I Los Straitjackets (irand ()lc ()pr). l’aixlc_\ Road loll. 420 5300 8pm. £| l (£0). llL‘l\Cl\ lroni thc Ro)al (‘onccrt llall ho\ ollicc. 353 8000. 'larautiuo- apprmcd inxtrunicntal guitar coniho \xhoxc muxic hax lcaturcd in xuch auguxt liltux ax Put/In li’t’m'li I’urlr. ()ullaxighll I’rll'l of [its [fig ('urmlri.

I Machinista Festival Finale ‘l‘hc .-\rchcx. 253 .v\rg_\lc Strcct. 505 I023. 4pm. £5 (£4 l. A cornucopia ol' niuxic. pcrl‘ormancc and inxtallationx to bring thix \xcckcnd‘x tnulliincdia lcxti\al to a ClU\L‘.

I The Wholigans Built}. 2m) ('l}dc Sit‘L‘L‘i. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. £8. .-\ trihutc to thc \Vho. not thc ['8 undcrground rap outlit. xadl}.

I The Hugh Reed Explosion Stcrco. l2 l4 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 57o 50l8. 8pm. l.ocal lcgcnd “ho hax xuappcd hix \clxct l‘ndcrpantx for an lixploxion.

Ten years ago this month, renowned rapper Nas etched his name into hip hop history with l/lmatic. a dizzying debut which mixed his intense lyricism with a harsh and uncompromising vision of New York’s mean streets. Draped over the best beats of 1994. it made for a mesmerising. enduring set and. in this writer‘s humble opinion. the greatest hip hop album of all time. Despite a rather pointless spat with that other Big Apple big shot Jay-Z a while back. Nas is still one of the best to hold the microphone, and someone for whom the title ‘legend' is wholly appropriate. (Hugh Leask)

I .. \ \

rock & pop listings Music

I Solarise \icc'n‘Slczvy 42l Sauchichall Slrccl. 333 0037. 0pm. £3. liIcctronica-cinhc|lixhcd alt.pop.

I Ministry of Defiance and Kasule 'I‘lic l3th .\‘oic (are. So on King Strcct. 553 M38. 0pm. £3. .\linixtr} ol' Dcliancc ollcr niininial. atnhicnt clcctronica

I Soul Beneficiaries .'\tl l.ih. l l l llopc Strcct. 248 (i645. 8pm. l'rcc. Hammond jaw and rintlun'n'hlucx xoundx l'roni thix altcr cgo ol' thc lioogaloo lmcxtigalorx. pla_\ing a rcxidcnc} throughout .\1a_\.

I Figure 8 l’i\o l’i\o. IS \Valct‘loo Sll‘L'L‘l. 504 8l00. 8.30Pm. l‘lCL‘. :\L‘()letL‘ t'L‘xitlL‘liL‘}.

I Engine lllL‘ Scotia. ll: ll4 Stockncll Strcct. 552 8(i8l. 4pm. l-‘rcc. Rock cmcrx rcxidcnc}.

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (it'oxu‘ttot‘ llotcl. (it‘ox\cttor 'l‘crracc. 3-ll o5lo. (L30pm. l‘rcc. lloxtcd h} thc .\'c\\ Blucx Surlcrx \\llll contrihutionx l'rom Studio ()nc rcgularx xuch ax Rm I)oc and thc .\'iinnio llrothcrx.

I Phil’s Sunday Session t'ixgc llcatha. 232 Woodlandx Road. 504 I506. ()Plll. l’rcc. Bring )ottt' out] inxtrunicnt. I Live Music .\lac8orlc_\x. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 858i. 0pm. l‘rcc. Linc-up to hc conlirmcd.


I T-Break ’l‘hc Liquid Room. 0c Victoria Strcct. 225 2564. 7pm. £thc. Scc Thu 0.

I Girl Said No, Eskimoblonde and Omniblob \Vhixtlchinkicx. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. l‘rcc. Sclcction ol' indic guitar handx.

Monday 10


I John Martyn Ro_xal ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Stt‘cct. 35.3 8000. 8pm. £20. Scc prc\ ic\\ for thc \ctcran jau/ hlucxman. haclx \\ ith a ncu alhum ()n (Irv (filth/(W.

I Mayhem, Deepcut, Cadaver and Defiled llztt‘l'l}. 200 (‘l_\dc SII'CL‘I. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. £8.50. ()\cl‘- l4x xlttm. 'l‘hc .\'or\\cgian church-hurning hlaclx mctal hand to cnd all \orucgian church-lmrning hlack nictal handx. 'I‘hcir “chxitc containx a Spinal 'Iiip- L'\t|llt‘ lixl ()l' (lczltl tttclttltct‘x and [ltL‘ nicthod ol' thcir paxxing.

I Tish Hinojosa and Abner Burnett l-‘o'\cr Bar. 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. ‘l'rongatc. 552 4267. 8pm. £0 (£7). :\tixtin-haxcd xiltgL‘t‘/xong\\ ritcr llinoioxa grcxx up lixtcning to .\lc\ican nmxic on hcr iiiiitlic‘i"x radio and xtraddlcx llixpanic and Amcrican l'olk it‘atlltionx. Support l-l‘otlt t‘ottlx} 'l‘c\an xingcr/xongu ritcr. l’url of Big Big (hull/rt;

I The Bronx and Danko Jones 'l‘hc (‘athouxc. l5 l‘nion Strcct. 248 (moo. 7.30pm. £7.50. ()\cr- l4x \ll()\\. l)ouhlc hill ol~ dcmcntcd rock actx l‘rom o\ct' thc Atlantic. 'l‘hc h_\ pcracti\ c Bronx actuall} hail l'rom l.ox :\ngclcx. \\ hilc Dauko .loncx arc a \ ixccral 'l‘oronto trio lapping up thc likcx of .'\(’/l)('. Soundgardcn and Jon Spcnccr Blucx lixploxion.

I T Break King ltll'x Wait Wait llut. 272a 8t Vinccnt Slt‘cct. 22] 5270. 8pm. £5. l'iil‘xl Ul' l-oltt' ‘l‘ltl‘x hcatx for thc annual conipctition. \\ ith “inncrx

pla) ing thc 'l‘ lircak tcnt at ’l‘ in thc l’ark.

. El Dog and Cat Kills Six SIL‘I‘L‘U. l2 l4 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 57o 5018. 8pm.

I Roddy Hart and OX Brcl. .'\xltlUtt l.anc. 342 40oo. 8pm. £5. Rixing local xingcr/xongnritcr llart ix ioincd h} Vancotnci‘~haxcd lo~li .r\mcricana nicrchantx ()X.

I Dopamine, Anaemic, The Declined and Modus 'l‘hc 13m \ttlL‘ ('ttlc. 50 ()0 King Slt‘L‘Cl. 553 1038. 8pm. £4. Dopaminc promixc catch) clioruxcx and mcmorahlc

inclodicx. b

M. a; THE LIST 61