Music rock & pop listings

Wednesday 5 conitnued

I Dave Alvin 8. the Guilty Men and The Sunshine Delay 'l‘hc l‘crr}. 42 (ink l’lacc. 3538000. 8pm. £i3.50 t£i i.50i. .'\l\in “its l'ormcri} thc guitarixt and songnritcr in LA rootx rock hand thc Blaxtcrx and a mcmhcr ol‘ thc X. Non hc comhincx hiucx. countr} and a \ocial conxcicncc ill ltl\ \ct. l’ur! (If/flu Big (’uu/ilrr.

I King Adora and Mutterfly King 'i‘ut'x \Vah \Vah llut. 272a St \‘inccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). 8pm. £7. ()\L‘i'-l~l\ \lto“. (ilani indic rockcrx \\ ho ha\ c hccn quict oi" latc htit ha\ c hrokcn out thc

c} ciincr and littlt‘xpl‘u} again tor anotlicr tour.

I Future Kings of Spain, Go Universe and Josephine Halli). 2(a) (lulc Strcct. 0870 ()07 000‘). 8pm. £5. Altrock uhich comhincx thc intcnxit} ol' Ninana and thc mtmmmnm oi" \Vcc/cr. I Jim McCulloch, Ally Kerr and Larry Guild 'l'hc l’ailcn .v\ngcl\ ('iuh. thc lidgc. 57 (‘ochranc Strcct. 204 5i5 I. 8pm. £5. li\-8oup Dragon and Ble Bandit .\ic('uiioch hcadiincx thc iatcxt 'ttonthi} l‘allcn :\ngcl\ night. pla} ing matcrial irom hix iorthcoming \oio alhum .luni'i (inn/m. Support irom local \ingcr/wng“ritcrx. aixo \\ ith alhumx to \honcaxc.

I Selador, Derailed and Close in Finding \icc‘rfSlca/y 42l Sauchichail Strcct. 333 0037. 0pm. £3. (‘ollcgc hand\.

I The Red Bee Society and Emma Forman Your Sound. Stcrco. i2 14 Kchinhaugh Strcct. 57o 50l8. 8pm. £3. .\ionthi_\ \honcaw ior ncu artixt tlL‘llltt\. \tith li\ c pcriormanccx irom upcoming act\.

I Lou Hickey and Claire Woods ‘liliL‘ l5ill Noit‘ (Kli‘c‘. 50 (ii) King Sit'L‘L‘i. 553 i038. 9pm. £3. :\cou\tic \ingcr/ \ongn ritcr night.

I Azzuri, Japan 4 and Soul Cellar Rockcrx. l—l \litllttlld Stt‘ccl. 22l 072(1. 8.30pm. £3. Rock hill.

I Playback Bt‘cl. .v\\hton l.anc. 342 4066. 8pm. lircc. ('anadian iwaxxixt .lack (inc) \iiclds guitar and \ampicx.

I Vague Space Mac-Suite) x. 42 Jamaica Stt'ccl. 248 858 l. 9pm. l'rcc. l’ltl\ tuo morc local hatldx lo ik‘ conlirmcd.

I Catcher 'i'hc Bunkcr. 10.3 Wt) Bath Sil'L‘L‘i. 22‘) l—l27. lllptll. l'il'L‘C. (‘ommcrciai pop/rock.

I Open Stage 'l‘hc llall Bar. lot) \Voodlandx Road. 5(i4 l527. 8pm. l‘rcc. chki} \L‘\\tttll i-ot‘ local ttttlxictttlh.


I Jungle Brothers 'l‘hc liquid Room. ()c \‘ictoria Strcct. 225 2504. 7pm. I i 2. Sec inc 4.

I Exposure Suima}. (it) ('ougatc. 225 (i766. 7.30pm. l‘rcc. .\'c\\ opcn mic xt}lc night. juxt comc along and pla_\.

I Paddy Casey and The Honeymoon 'l‘hc \cnuc. 17 2| (‘alttm Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £7.50. Scc pancl pagc 56.

I Jetplane Landing, Tryptamine, Sykik Vandals and Bulb ‘l‘hc Bongo ('luh. Mora} llUli\L‘. 37 lloi_\rood Road. 558 7(304. 8pm. £5. Scc inc 4.

I Natural Act and Thevirginteeth \Vllhllcl‘lllkk‘x. 4 (i South Bridgc. 557 5i l4. 0pm. l‘icc. lndic gtntar action.

I Fleamarket Funk ('aharct \‘oltairc. 36 38 Blair Sti‘cct. 22l) (ii 70.

ilpm 3am. £2. l.oca| outiit pia_\ing thcir oun kind oi hig hand iunk in lili\ ncu \xcckl} rcxidcnc} \\ ith a \mattcring ol' l).i \tlppnl'i\ and othcr li\ c act\.

Thursday 6


I The Orb ilillL‘ :\l'L‘llL‘\. 2.5.5 :\l':_'_\ lL‘ Strcct. 353 I023. 8pm. £l3.50. l)i' :\|c\ l’attcrson i'loatx h} on lllx iittlc l'iui'i'} cloud again prox iding a galactic amhicnt \oundtrack and a \uitahi} hcatiiic \ ixuai \hon.

60 THE LIST 79,141 ' -.

I Karnataka King 'l'ut'x Wait Wait lltit. 272a 8t Vinccnt Strcct. 22l 527‘). 8.30pm. £8. Boh llarrix-apprmcd prog rockcrx \\ ho go along \xith thc notion that it\ not prog unlcxx cach \ong laxt about Italian hour and l'caturcx ait cthcrcal (‘cltic-ini‘|ucnccd paxxagc.

I Big Sandy & his Flyright Boys and The Legendary Shack Shakers (Brand ()lc ()pr}. l’aixlc} Road 'l‘oil. 42‘) 53W». 8pm. £i2 t£l0i. 'l‘ickctx il‘ttlll illL‘ (‘UilL‘L‘l'l lltlll ho\ (ill—1LT. 3.5.5 8000. (’alil'ornian coinho “how am oi countr} \\\ ing. caiun \toinping and hiiihill} hoogic hax \ccurcd thcin a placc in thc Rockahill) llali oi l‘amc. llocdtmnl I’url “I lit: If]: (bu/HM.

I Leather Egg and Serenity Bari-l}. 2o0 ('i_\dc Strcct. 0870 007 000‘). 8pm. £4. ()\cr- i4\ \hou. .v\|tcrnati\ c rock and punk.

I Green Door Clinic and Mika Nicc'niSlca/_\. 42l Saucitichall Stt‘cct. 333 0637. 9pm. £3. iiiucx) rock.

I Capo d’Astro, The lnecto School and Scatter lltL‘ l3i|i \olc ('aic. 50 ()0 King Strcct. 553 i038. 0pm. £3. :\ l’x} chiatric Rccordx night oi i'or\\ard‘thinking \onic trcatx. cxpcciall} lllL‘ l-Ull'ultlk'llk'il llt;t\\ctl \\\;liltc\ oil ScaiiL‘l'. I Figure 5 ’l'hc l'nixcrxal. 57 5‘) Sauchichall l.anc. 332 880‘). 0pm. £5. l'igurc 5 launch thcir dchut \ingic "l‘oppcn on Simxtonc Rccordx. l’lux l).l\ p|a_\ing lunk. \ottl. mod and rock'n'roll. I Black Kama, Cove, Tony Shoebox and Glasvegas Rockct‘x I4 .\lidiand Strcct. 22] 0720 8pm. l‘rcc. lndic night.

I Lab 5, Snood, Highwatter and Among the Arrows lair} Murry. ‘Ni .\la\\\ci| Strcct. 22l ()5i i. 8.30pm £4. including cntr} to poxt gig cluh. Anothcr hcat in t-‘m; '\ l'nxigncd hattlc oi' thc handx 2004.

I Jupiter 8. Teardrop lltc Bunkt-r. W3 10‘) Bath Strcct. 22‘) H27. i0pm. I’rcc.

I Finnieston 'l'indciho\. l8‘) liy'cx Road. 33‘) 3l08. 0pm. l'ircc. .v\cou\tic \ct irom illi\ duo.

I Malice .\i;ic8oi'lc_\\. 42 Jamaica Sti‘cct. 248 858i. 9pm. l‘rcc. Rock. l)l1l\ tuo morc hand\ to hc coniirmcd.

I Open Mic 'l'chai ()\i1a.-i2 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. l‘rcc.

I Jam Session Samucl Dunk. ()7 ‘71 Nttltxdalc Road. 423 0i07. 8.30pm. l’rcc. lloxtcd h} lndcpcndcncc.

I Live Music .\ic(’huill\. 40 High Strcct. 552 2i35. 0.30pm. l'rcc. .\'c\\ handx night.


I T-Break 'l‘hc liquid Room. ‘Jc \‘icloria Strch 225 2504. 7pm. £thc. 'l‘hc hcxt local taicnt around compctc i'ot‘ thcir chancc to gracc tlic \tagc at 'l' in thc Park.

I Jim Lauderdale Qucctt'x llall. (‘icrk Slrcct. ()(38 2i)l‘). 7.30pm. £ll). Singcr \ongu ritcr irom countr} rootx uho gocx irom traditional to all in thc hiink oi' an c} c.

I Dopeamine and Anemic Studio 24. 24 2o ('alton Road. 558 3758. 8pm. £4. llard rocking cmo action irom \Vcixh thrcc-piccc Dopaminc.

I Full Moon Open Mic (‘ommplcx 40 (‘onuncrcial Sti'cct. l.cit|i. 555 5022. 8pm. i‘rcc. ()pcn mic i'or amonc irom pitch to l‘illltl\ lo \olo \ingcrx. l'itlll hack iinc iguitar. haxx ampx. drumx. micx ctcr prm idcd and a pic-hookcd hand on il'ottt around llpni. ll _\ou “ant to hook a \iot call l’rit/ on 077oo I75 74‘).

I Peter Michael Rowan (are Ro}al l3i\tro Bar. l7 \cht chixtcr Strcct. 557 4702. 0pm. lircc. Scc Thu 2‘). I Tonebrae and Strait Jakit \Vllixilcltlllklt‘x 4 () Sottill lll‘itlgt‘. .557 5| l4. 0pm. l'icc. ()riginai guitar tuncx.


0 Nas and Artistix ('arling :\cadcin'\. l2l liglinton Sti‘cct. 0005 020 3009/0870 77l 2000. 7pm. £20. ()\cl' l~i\ \lttm. .'\ t't't't‘tll iltltiilillll it) illL‘ .v\cadcm) hill i\ ilil\ \upcrxtar rappcr ahout “hour \\ c pt)\\li\l} knou morc than \\ c nccd to. \incc lli\ girli'ricnd Kt‘llx outlincd hcr \c\ual procii\ itic\ on hcr currcnt aihum.

I Glenn Tilbrook King 'l‘ui‘x \Vali \Vah liut. 272a 8t \‘inccnt Slrcct. 22l 527‘), 8. 30pm. £l2.50. Scc inc 4.

I Pat Green 'l‘hc :\t'cltc\. 253 .-\rg} lc Strcct. 353 I023. 8pm. £0) t£8r. 'i‘c\an rootx rockcr \\ho hax hccn contparcd to thc likcx ol' Springxtccn. .lohn l‘ogcrt}

Brighton’s own ecentric electro indie kids Electralane play King Tut’s, Glasgow, Mon 3 May

and John Mcllcncamp. \Villic .\'c|\on \ing\ on his currcnt aihum llin'i' nit llitt'i'. \\ lllL‘lt ll;t\ c‘l‘t)\\L‘tl 0\ Cl in NW Amcrican pop chartx. \o hc\ quitc a dcai thcxc tla_\\. l’url n! Big Big (hunt/a; I Clive Gregson and Johnny Hill .-\cou\tic Altair. 'I‘ron 'l'hcatrc. 'l‘rongatc. 5.52 4207. 0.30pm. £3. RC\pL‘L‘iL‘tl \ctcran l‘oik} (ii'chon. alxo known l'or hix iruiti'ui crcati\ c partncrxhip \\ itlt (illl'i\lillL‘ (ittllixlcl‘.

I Videohometraining, Viewmysourcecode & Spoonbender, Mr Electron and Ignorant (‘(‘.'\. 350 Sauchichali Sll‘L‘Cl. 5.52 4000. li)..3l)pttl. £5. .'\ nuinhcr oi audio and \ ixual artixtx prcxcnt thcir digital \xarcx ax part of thix ucckcnd'x .\iacliini\ta 2004 multimcdia i'L‘xithl.

I Nerve 'l‘hc ('atiiotixc. l5 l'nion Strcct. 248 (i000. 7.30pm. ()\cr- l4x \hou. (iiaxucgian mciodic punk pouct‘ ll'iU. L‘litltll'\L‘ti it) Billic .loc :\t'lll\it'oltg oi. (irccn Ha}.

I Spacejunk and Paradox Bat-ll). 2(rll (lulc Sil'ccl, H870 ‘)(l7 000‘). 8pm. £4. i’unch) rii'i'x. \icck arrogancc and harroxx ing mciodicx. it \a'u hcrc.

I Kain and The Needles 'l‘hc Hit! ('Iuh. thc Vaic. 5 “Width Strcct. 333 0040. 8pm. £4 t£3t. Stoncx} garagc rocking irom liit? rcxidcntx Kain. \\ ho arc lioincd h} Ahcrdonian kindrcd \piritx thc \L'L‘tlltN

I Panda, Regular Slinky and The Echo Session ’l‘lic Hill \olc (tile. 50 (ll) King Strcct. 553 i038. 0pm. £3. lndic rock. garagc rock and Britrock. I‘L‘\[lL‘L‘il\L‘l_\. Rtk‘klll'.

I Spleen, No Escape and Holmes \icc‘n'Slcal}. 42l Sauchichaii Strcct. 333 0037. 9pm. £3. Rock and pop.

I Mush Stcrco. i2 l4 Kclxinhatigh Strcct. 57o 50l8. 8pm. indic rock.

I Hatch, Holy Bridges, Double Yellow and Plimsole l‘ur} Murr} \. W) .\i;t\\\ L'll Sll't‘t‘l. 22l ()5l l. H.3(lpltt. £4. including cntr) to poxt-gig cluh. Bill oi~ upcoming local hand\.

I The Fusion Experience 'l‘hc Bulil’iuh. 142 Bath l.anc. 248 I777. “Pm. l'rcc hci'orc i0..3()l‘m; £5 ai'tcr. .la///t'unk/rock \ ihcx to hrcak thc icc. Nltik‘.