Starsky 8. Hutch 1 151 I):1iI\: 11.30am. 3.05. 7.311. 11.311. 111.115.
.'\l311|:11e1‘1‘i1k 8:11: midnight. 13.30am. Welcome to the Jungle 1 13..\1
I)ai1}: 11.35am. 3.111. 4.50. ".15. 0.50.
.'\1311 laie [’11 1k 8:11:
4.30. 7.0.5.
1’1'11531':1111111e likel} 111111‘ 31111i|:11‘1111|1e I’l‘ex 111113 11 eek. 1’1111111‘ 0133(1434434 1111' dei:1113:111d 111111‘3.
Showcase Cinema, Paisley
(11111111 .r\\e1111e. 1’11111‘1113 131131111‘33 I’ai'k. 014188700111111110141887003044. 1111111111133201418870011.11)].11'.I.£5.35 1£4.3011e1’111'e(1111111.('IiiId/(MI’: £4.30; 8111111‘111: £4. Tue :11] 111‘13e13: £3.75.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’(i1 1145:1111. 3.15. 4.411. ".1111.
Along Came Polly 1 13.\1 “.35. 111.1111. Cheaper By the Dozen 111111 111111111.
1.51). 4.35. Dawn otthe Dead1131 13.15. 3.15. 5.311. ".35. “.55. 9.15. 10.15.
Haunted Mansion1l’111 11111111. 3.15. 4.45. 7.311. 9.311. Honey11‘111 13.311. 3.411. 4.55. ".311.
Looney Tunes — Back in Action 11’( 11 1130:1111. 1.45. 4.15.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.\1 1 1.1511111. 1.55. 4.35. 7.15. 9.55.
Open Range113.\1 1.111. 1.111. “.111.
The Passion of the Christ 1 131 3.1111. 5.1111. 3.1111.
The School of Rock 11’( 11 3.115. 4.35.
Starsky 81 Hutch 1 151 11.30am. 3.00. 4.311. “.1111. 7.311. 11.311. 111.1111.
21 Gram51151 11.311.
Under the Tuscan Sun 1 13.\1 1.45. 4.30. 7.115. 9.40. Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.\1 113511111. 3.10. 4.50. 7.15. 9.50.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 1I’(i1
Dail}: 1145:1111. 3.15. 4.40.
Along Came Polly 1 13.\1
1):1i|3: ".35. 10.00.
.»\1311 Iaie 1"1'11k 8:11: 131011111.
The Cat in the Hat 11’( 11
Dail}: 1100:1111. 11111111. 1.00. 3.00. 3,00, 4.00. 5.00. ".00. 8.00. 0.00. .I\|311 1:111‘ 1511 :3 8:11: 1100. Dawn of the Dead 1 131 Hail}: 13.15. 3.45. 5.30. 9.15. 10.15.
.-\|311 Iaie 1'11 1\ 8:11: Gothlka1151
I):111_\: 11.50am. 3.30. 0.40.
.'\I311 1:111‘ 151113 8:11: 11111111133111. Haunted Mansion 11’( 11
Dail}: 11111111. 3.30. 5.05.
Honey 11‘111
I):1il_\: 13.30. 3.40. 4.55. ".30. 945. Mm 1:111‘ 1'11 1\ 8:11: 13.10am.
Looney Tunes - Back in Action 11’( 11 hail}: 1130:1111. 1.45.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.\1
Hail): 4.15. 8.00.
".35. .55
13.05am. 13.35am.
.1\|311|:11e 1'11 13 8:11: 10.45. Open Range 1 13.\1
Hail): 8.05. .'\13111:111‘1"1'11& 8:11: 11.05.
The Passion of the Christ 1 131
0:111}: 11.1111:1111. 3.1111. 5.1111. 3,1111. .1\I311|:11e 1‘1'11k 8:11: 11.00.
Scooby Doc 2: Monsters Unleashed 11‘( 11 I):1iI_\: 1100:1111. 1145:1111. 13.15. 3.15.
3.45. 3.30. 4.30. 5.00. 5.45. ".15. 7.4.5. 0,30. 111.00. .1\|3111:11e1‘1'11& 8:11: 1145. 13.15am.
Starsky8. Hutch 1 151
I):1iI_\: 1130:1111. 3.05. 4.30. 7.00. 7.30. 0.30. 10.05.
.r\1311 1:111‘ 111 13 8:11: 11111111133111. 13.30am.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.31 I):1i|}: 11.35am. 3.10. 4.51). 11.511.
.’\I311 Iale 1511 1k 8:11:
7.15. 13.30am.
I’i‘11g1'aiiime likel) 111111‘ 3i1111|:11'i11111e [11'1‘3 111113 \31‘1‘k. Phone 0141 887 0030 1'111'111‘1ail3 :11111 lime3.
UCI Clydebank
('|_\de Regional (’enii‘e. ('13111‘l1ank. 11371111 111311311. 1111. [5.3511435 1111111111 51111111111111: £3.(10. ().I\I’: £3.(10. 8111111‘1113: £4.751£3.95. M1111 11111. 111 111‘1'111'1‘ 5111111.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’(i1 1135:1111. 3.115. 4.35. 11.511.
Along Came Polly 1 13.\1 9.111.
Dawn of the Dead 1 I31 11.11111111. 3.111. 4.111. 7.111. 11.411.
Honey11’(11 13.511. 3.111. 5411.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.\1 1 1511:1111. 3.411.
5.311. 3.311.
Open Range113.\1 1131111111. 3.511. 11.311. 11.311.
The Passion of the Christ1131 1100:1111. 3.1111. 5.00. 8.110. Starsky&Hutch1151 1.1111. 1.511. 3.311. 4.311. (1.1111. 7.1111. 3.311, 11.311. Under the mscan Sun 1 13.\1 3.35. 11.311. 11.1111.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.\1 1.1111. 3.411. 11111. 3.411.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’( i1
Hail}: 1130:11111111111"1‘11. 1511. Along Came Polly 1 13.\1
Hail}: 9.30.
Brother Bear 111
8:111k 81111: 11.00am.
The Cat in the Hat 11’( 11
1111113: 3.111. 3.511. 4.511. (1.111. 7.111. .v\1311111:11111ee 8:11 11111: 1140:1111. 13.311. 1411.
Dawn of the Dead1131
1111111: 4.311. 7.311. 11.411.
50 First Dates 1 13.»\1
'1'1111: 1110:1111. 1.311. 4.111. (1.40. 9.00. Gothika1l51
Hail}: 1301111111111. 4.00. (1.30. 0.011.
Haunted Mansion 11’( 11
8:11 11111: 10.50am.
Honey 11’( 11
1'11 \\'ed: 11111111111111 1111. 3.30. 4.40. Looney Tunes - Back in Action 11’( 11 8:11 11111: 1130:1111.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 1 13.r\1
81111: 4.00.
1111‘: 7.00.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 I3.\1
11.1111: 3.211.
The Passion of the Christ 1 I31
I):111_\: 1100:11111111111'11'11. 3.00. 5.00. 3.1111.
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(11
11.1111: 3.111. 3.311. 4.311. 5 511 11.511
3.1111: 11.111. .\I311111:111111‘1‘ 8:11 11111: 1150:1111. 1.00. Starsky 81 Hutch 1 151 I):1il_\: 13.511111111 1‘1‘11. 7.1111111111'1'111‘13 111111. 111111.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.\1
I):111_\: 1101111111111. 3.4011111! 811111. (1.30111111 81111 1k ’1'111‘1. 8.50111111'1111‘1.
3.30. (1.00. 8.30. 0.3011111!
1’1'11331‘:1111111eIikel} 111|1e 3111111ai‘1111111‘ [11'1‘3 111113 \31‘1‘11. 1’1111111‘08700 103030 1111‘ 1111:1113 and Hum. \1‘33 1111113 due 111 11111‘111111 111 93111:
Blind Flight 1 151
50 First Dates 1 I3.-\1
Shaun of the Dead 1 I51
UGC Parkhead, Glasgow
1111‘ 15111331: I’ai'khead. 0141 55(14383. 111111111111 ((3 1111111111113: 08701 5.55 130 |1)|. llil.:\du|1 £4.85 (£4.35 hel‘11re 5pm M1111 11111. (’Iiild/8ludeni/().-\I’: £3.50 (£3 before 5pm M1111 '1‘11111. 15am”) ticket £13.40. .-\11 11111113 11el11i‘e 11111111: £3.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London11’(11 10.45am. 1.15. 3.45. (1.15.
Dawn of the Dead 1 131 4.15. (1.35. 9.1111.
Honey11’(11 1131111111. 1.511. 4.311. 11.411. 11.1111.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.'\1 5.30. 3.15.
Open Range 1 1331 3.35. The Passion of the Christ 1 131 3.1111. 5.1111. 3.1111. StarskyGHutch1l51 11111111111. 1.311. 3.45. (1.30. 3.45.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.\1 11151111111. 1.15. 3.411. 11.111. 3.411.
I 1.30am. 1.50.
1150:1111. 3.40.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London mm
111 Wed: 1045:1111. 115.
The Cat in the Hat 11’(11
I):1il}: 1000:1111. 11.00am. 11111111. 3.11). 3.30. 4.30. 5.30. (1.30. Dawn of the Dead 1 I31
1):11|}: 8.51).
50 First Dates 1 13.31
11111: 11.00am. 1.30. 3.45. (1.10. Gothika 1151
1‘11 13 8:11: 11.30am. 9.15.
81111 11111: 9.1111.
The Passion of the Christ 1 131
1):1i1_\: 1100:1111. 3.00. 5.01). 8.00. Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(11
1):111}: 10.30am. 1130:1111. 13.45. 1.45.
8.40. 1.45. 4.15. (1.45.
1110:1111. 1.30. 4.00. (1.30.
3.111. 4.111. 5.311. 11.311. 3.1111. 3.511. Starsky81Hutch1151 I):11|\: 9.110.
Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.\1 111 11111: 3.411. 11.111. 3.411.
1’1‘11331':1111111e 1113e1_\ 111111‘ 3111111ai‘1111he 1‘I‘e\ 111113 \\ee13. 1’1111ne 087111 555 13(1 1111‘ 1Ie1.1113:111d lime3. .\'e\\ 111111311111‘11111111‘11 1111 1'11 9 Apr:
Blind Flight 1 I51
50 First Dates 1 l3.'\1
Shaun ot the Dead 1 151
UGC Rentrew Street, Glasgow
7 Renli'e“ 8li'eei. 111111 :11111 ('(' 1111111111133:
0870 907 0789. Adult £5.35 (£4.75
M1111 '1‘11111.('|1i1d: £3.35. 8ludeni3 £3.51). (.(HlL'L‘\\1(lll\: £3.00. 1'31111111} iiL‘kL‘l £3.35
per pe1‘31111. liai‘l} Bird :111111133111113 before 13am: £3.35. l’nlin1iled(‘:11‘d: £94)” Per
Agent Cody Banks 1 13.31 1114511111.
1.311. 3.411. (1.111.
Along Came Polly 1 1331 11111111111. 1.311. 1.1111. 11.311. 11.1111. Camages1 151 1131111111. Dawn ot the Dead 1131 4.311. (1.511. 11.311. FearX113.\1 1141111111. 3.1111. 4.311. 7.1111. 11.111.
Grand Theft Parsons 1 l3.-\1 1.30. 3.50. (1.10. 3.30. Honey11’(11 3.1111.
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King 1131\1 1130:1111. 3.30. 7.40. Lost in Ttansiation 1 151 1 1511:1111. (1.1111. 3.311.
The Missing 1 151 11.111. Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.\1 5.311. 3.311.
Open Range 1 13.1\1 1111111111. 3.311. 5.311. 11.1111.
1100:1111. 1.4(1.
11.00am. 3.00.
listings Film
The Passion ot the Christ1131 3.111. 5.311. 3.311.
Starsky 8. Hutch 1151 1 1.3011111. 13.31). 3.311. 3.311. 5.111. (1.311. 3.1111. 9.10.
The Station Agent 1 151 1 1.11111111. 1.311. 4.1111. (1.311. 3.411.
21 Grams1151 1131111111. 3.311. 5.41). 3.511.
Under the mscan Sun112A1 1150:1111. 3.40. 5.30. 8.30. Welcome to the Jungle 1 1331 11.30am. 3.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30. Zatolchl1131 11.50am. 3.50. (1.00. 11.1111.
1 100:1111.
Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 1P(11
Daily: 10.45am. 1.30. 3.40. Along Came Polly 1 1331
1‘11 M1111. Wed 13’; 11111: 1 1.00am. 4.1111. (1.311. 9.1111.
Blind Flight 1 151
Tue: 9.00.
Capturing the Friedmans 1 151 Wed: 8.45.
The Cat in the Hat 11’(11
1):1il_\': 10.30am. 11.30am. 1.00. 3.00. 3.50. 4.30. 7.00. Charlie1l31
Daily: 1150:1111. 3.00. (1.00. 8.30.
Chinese Honeymoon 11111‘1
1-‘1'1 Wed: 13.30. 3.00. (1.00 (11111 Tue 13’; “em. 8.5011111! M11111.
Dawn of the Dead 1131
Dail)‘: 11.00am. 1.40. 4.30. (1.50. 9.30.
.-\I311 late ["11 1% 8:11: midnight. Fear X 1 13.31
Daily: (1.30. 50 First Dates 1 13A)
'I'hu: 11.30am. 1.40. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.
Daily: 1150:1111. 3.00. 5.40. 8.50. .'\I311 late 1‘11 1% 8:11: 1 140.
Grand Theft Parsons 1 13A)
[-11 1% 8:11: 1 1.30.
Honey 1P(11
l'i‘i Wed: 13.30. 3.30. (1.00 (11111 Tue & \\'e111. 8.5() 111111 M11111. Lost in Ranslation 1 151
111 Tue 13 Thu: 9.10.
Mona Lisa Smile 1 13.31
1)ai1_\': 1100:1111. 3.10. 5.30. Monster 1 I31
l):1il_\: 11.50am. 3.40. 5.30. .v\l.311 laie 1‘11 6’; 8:11: I 1.30. Open Range 1 1331
Daily: 11.00am. 5.30.
The Passion of the Christ 1 131 Daily: 11.00am. 3.10. 5.30. :\1311 laie 1‘11 13’; 8:11: 1 1.40. Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(11 ):111}':
11.30am. 13.30. 5.00. (1.10. 7.40. 8.40. .‘\1.311 1'11 1Q 8:11: 10.30. Starsky 8. Hutch 1 151 Daily: 1130:1111. 3.30. 9.30.
:\1.311 Iaie l‘l‘l (M 8:11: 1 1.00. The Station Agent 1 I51 Hail): l 1.50:1111. 3.30. .-\I311 l'i'i 13 8:11: 10.30. Touching the Void 1 151 Tue: 11.30am. 3.30. 5.30. 21 Grams 1 151
hail}: 3.30. 5.40 1% 8.50 (11111 M11111. Under the Tuscan Sun 1 13.511
I):1i|}': (1.30. 9.10111111'1'111‘1. Welcome to the Jungle 1 13.31
Daily: 11.30am. 3.00. 4.30. 7.00. 9.30.
Zatolchi 1 131
Daily: 3.50. 9.00.
.'\I311 late Fri 1% 8:11: midnight.
3.30. 3.30. 11.30.
5.10. 8.00.
5.40. 8.00.
Programme likely [11 he 3imilar 111 [he pi'e3'111u3 week. Phone 0870 907 0789 1111‘ de1ai|3 and 1ime3. New 1111113 due 111 open 1111 1'11 9 Apr:
Blind Flight 1 151
50 First Dates 1 13.31
Shaun of the Dead 1 151
1 15111113 9:111: THE LIST 37