Film listings

Glasgow, Gosvenor


Dawn oithe Dead 1181 D1111): 3.55111111 S1111). 8.45. Freaky Friday 11’(11

S111: 10.3011111.

Lost in Translation 1 151

1.1111‘ 1511 1% S111: 1 1.30.

S1111: 3.50.

Monster 1 181

Daily: 1.00. 3.30. (1.30. 0.1(1 111111 111111. :‘11811 11111‘ Fri 1% S111: 1 1.40. :\181111111: 0.40.

Touching the Void 1 151 I)1iil_\': 1.30. (1.10.


1’1‘11321'111111111‘ 1111111 111 111‘ 8111111111 111 1111‘ l1r1‘1'i11118 \1'1‘1‘11. 1’1111111‘ 0141 330 8444 1111‘ 111‘111118 111111 111111‘8.

IMAX Theatre

(11118321111 S1‘11‘111‘1‘ ('1‘1111'1‘. 50 1’111‘1111‘ Qtlzt)‘. (1141 430 511110. £0.05 (£49.51. 10‘} 111811111111 1111 11111'111‘8 11111111 1111111

Ii-IURSDAY ,_1__

Bugs! 30 (1'1 12.311. 3.15. Ghosts of the Abyss 3011‘111 1.45. 4.30.

FRIDAY 2—THURSDAY 8 Cyberworid 3D 11‘111

1)1111}‘: 13.30.

Ghosts oi the Abyss 3D 11’( 11 1)1111_\': 11.0011111.

The Lion King 1t'1

Daily: 1.30. 3.30. 5.30.

FRIDAY 9—THURSDAY_1§1 Cyberworld 3D 11’( 11

1)1111_\': 13.30.

Ghosts oi the Abyss 3D11‘111 1)1111_\': 11.0011111.

The Lion King 11‘1

D1111): 1.30. 3.30. 5.30.

Ddeon at the Duay, Glasgow

()11 1’111811‘}‘ R11111l 111111118111‘ 11111'1‘} R111118111‘11'x. 0141 4180111. 111111111111 ('(' 1111111111132: 087050 50007. [1)l. |1i|. :\111111 £4.50 111‘1‘111'1‘ (111111; £5.50 11111‘1‘ 1111111 1111 1111) S111 1& Sum. \\'1‘11 1111 111‘1111‘18: £3.(10. Students/(111111 1111111‘1' 14: £3.75. 151111111} 111‘111‘12 £14.40. 1.1CL‘IISL‘LI 11111:.


Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London11‘111 12.15. 2.311. 5.1111. Along Came Polly 1 12.41 0.311. Cheaper Bythe Dozen11’111 4.15. 0.15. Dawn oi the Dead1181 2.1111, 4.311. 7.1111. (1.311. Honey11‘(11 2.1111. 11.45. Mona Lisa Smile112..\1 (1.311, 0.15.

Open Bange112A1 11111111. 3.1111. 11.1111. 0.1111.

The Passion of the Christ 1 181 11111111. 3.1111. (1.1111. 0.1111.

Starsky&Hutch1151 1.1111. 2.1111. 3.311. 4.311. (1.15. 7.1111. 8.45. 0.311.

The StationAgent1151 12.311. 2.45. 5.1111, 7.15. 0.311.

21 Gram51151 1.1111. 3.45. 11.311. 0.15. Under the Tilscan Sun 1 12.-\1 12.311. 3.15. (1.1111. 8.45.

Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.4.1 1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 0.15.


1.00. 3.45.


Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11’(11

1111111: 12.15. 2.311. 5.1111.

The Cat in the Hat 11‘111

I)1111_\': 13.15. 3.30. 5.00, 7.15. Charlie 1 181

1);111_\': 7.15. 0.30.

Also 11111‘ 1‘11 1& S111: 11111111132111.


36 THE LIST ' 1?:A1>1;}ZLT§.'.

Dawn of the Dead 1 181

D1111}: 4.31). 7.110. 0.311.

.1\1\11 11111‘ 111 1k S111: 11111111132111. Down with Love 1 12.1\1

1111‘: 10.3011111.

50 First Dates 1 12..\1

11111: 11111111. 3.15. 4.30. 7.00, 0,30. Gothika 1 151

1)1iil_\: 1.30. 4.15. (1.45. 0.15. .»\1\11 11111‘ 1511 1k S111: 11111111132111. Haunted Mansion 11’( 11

D1111): 11.1511111111111 15111. 1.15. 3.15. Honey 11‘111

D1111}: 11111111. 3.15.

Looney Tunes - Back in Action 11‘( 11 1)1111_\: 11.1511111111111 15111. 1.30. Mona Lisa Smile 1 12.11

D1111}: 3.45. (1.30. 0.15.

Open Range 1 12..\1

D1111}: 5.30. 8.45.

.-\1811 11111‘ 1'1'1 1k S111: 11111111132111.

The Passion of the Christ 1 181 D1111}: 11111111. 3.00. (1.00. 0.00. .'\1811l1111‘ 1511 1k S111: 11111111132111.

The School of Rock 11‘111

D1111}: 11.4511111. Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(}1

D1111}: 114511111. 1.15. 3.00. 3.45. 4.311. (1.15. 7.1111. 15.45. 0.311. .'\1\1111111‘ [’11 1\ S111: 11111111132111. .v\l\11 1111111111‘1‘ S111 11111: 1 1.0011111. Starsky 81 Hutch 1 151

D1111}: 3.00. 4.30. 7.00. 0.30. .'\1811I1111‘ 1'11 1& S111: 11111111132111.

21 Grams 1 151

1‘11 \\'1‘11: 3.30. 0.00.

.-\I\1111111‘ 1'11 1k S111: 11111111132111. Under the mscan Sun 1 1211

1‘11 “111: 1.00. (1311.

Welcome to the Jungle 1 12..\1 D1111}: 11.1511111111111 15111. 1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 0.15.

.-\1\1111111‘ 1511 1k S111: 11111111132111.

11111)AY E1-111URS1)AY '51

1’1'11321'111111111‘ 11114} 111111‘ 8111111111'1111111‘ pl‘1‘\11111\ \\1‘1‘l1. 1’1111111‘0870 5050 007 1111' 111‘111118111111 111111‘\. \1‘\\ 11111111111‘ 11111111‘11 1111 1‘11 0 .-\111‘:

50 First Dates 1 12.I\1

5(1 1(1‘11111‘111 S11‘1‘1‘1. 0141 333 3413. 111111 111111 (‘(' 1111111111132: 0870 5050 00,". ID] 81:1'1‘1‘118 5. (1. 7111111 8. 111 S1111: £5.35 1£3.351: .\l1111: £3: 1111‘ 11111: £5 1£31. 151111111} 111'111‘1: £13 £13.

1111111811AY 1

Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London mm 1.45. 4.1111. 11.15. Dawn of the Dead 1181 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311. 0.1111.

Honey11‘111 1.311. 4.1111. 11.311. 0.1111. Mona Lisa Smile112.-\1 12.311. 3.15. (1.1111. 3.45.

Open Hange112.r\1 8.30.

The Passion oi the Christ 1 181 12.15. 3.1111, 11.1111. 8.45. Starsky&Hutch1151 1.1111. 1.311. 3.311. 4.1111. 11.111). 11.311. 8.311. 0.1111. Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12.v\1 3.15. (1.1111. 8.30.

Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.v\1 12.45. 3.311, (1.01). 8.45.


11111)/\Y :) 111111181)1\Y

Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11‘(11

1)1111}: 11.30111111111111"1'11. 1.45. The Cat in the Hat 11‘111

1);111_\3 11111111, 3,111), 4.111). (1111). Dawn of the Dead 1 181

01111): 1.311 4.1111. 11.311, 0.1111. 50 First Dates 1 12..\1


11111: 11.4511111. 3.15. 4.30. (1.45. 0.00. Gothika1151 1)1111\1 1.311, 4,111I_ (1,311. ‘HIII.

Honey 11‘111

1)111|_\: (1.15. 8.30.

The Passion oi the Christ 1 181 111111}: 12.15. 3.1111. (1.1111, 8.45. Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(}1

D1111): 11111111. 1.45. 3.30. 4.00. 4.45. (1.15. 7.00. 8.30. 0.15. .\I\11 1111111111‘1‘ S111 11111: 11.1511111.

Starsky 8. Hutch 1 151

1:11 1k S111: 1.45. 4.15. (1.45. 0.15. S1111 11111: 1.30. 11.00, (1.30. 0,011, Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12.-\1

1'11 \\'1‘1I: 8.30.

Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.\.

D1111}: 13.45 1k 3.301k (1.011111111111111. 8.45. 111111AY $1 THURSDAY 1’1'11321'111111111‘ 111111} 111111‘ 8111111111'1111111‘ l11'1‘\11111\ \11‘1‘11. 1’1111111‘118705050007 1'111'111‘111118111111111111‘8. \1‘\\ 11111111111‘ 111 11111‘11 1111 1'11 0 .\pr:

50 First Dates 1 12.v\1

Showcase Cinema, Coatbridge

S1111\\1‘11\1‘ 1.1‘18111‘1‘ 1’111'11. 1.1111321111111' 11111111. (11111111111321: 1111’1111111‘:0133(1434434. ((3 1111111111132: 1113311 438111111. 11)]. £5.351£4.30111‘1111'1‘(1111111.(‘111111/'().v\1’: £4.301S111111‘11t: £4.1111‘1111111‘111‘18:


Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11‘( 11 7.1111.

Along Came Polly 1 12.v\1 “.411.

114511111. 3.15. 4.40.


Cheaper By the Dozen 11‘( 11 1 141111111. 2.111. 4.25.

Dawn oithe Dead1181 12.15. 2.45. 5.311. (1.211. ".35. 7.55. 0.45. 111.15. Haunted Mansion 11111 11111111. 2.20. 4.45. 7.35.

Honey11‘111 “.211. 0.35.

Looney Tunes Back in Action 11‘( 11 111511111. 1.45. 4.15. Mona Lisa Smile 1 12.-\1 4.35. 5.15. 0.55. Mystic River 1 151 0.211. Dpen Range112.\1 1.111. 4.111. "1.111. 111.111.

The Passion oi the Christ1181 11111111111. 1.1111. 2,1111. 4,1111. 5.1111. 2.1111, 81111. 1111111.

The School of Hock11‘111 2.115. 455.

Under the Tuscan Sun 1 12.v\1 1.45. 4.211. ".115. 0.411. Welcome to the Jungle 1 12.-\1 112511111. 2.10. 4.50. ".15. 0511.

111511111. 1.55.



111‘IDAY 7‘ 1111111531)1\Yi~2

Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London 11‘( 11

1)1111_\: 114511111. 3.15. 4.40. Along Came Polly 1 12.\1

1)1111_\: 0.111).

.\1\11 [1111‘ 1K S1111 11.111.

The Cat in the Hat 11‘( 11

D1111}: 1111011111. 11111111. 1.00. 3.00. 3.1111. 11111, 51111, (11111. ".1111. Chafl181181

D1111}: ".35. 0.5.5.

\Ix1111111‘ 1‘1'1 1k S111: 13.1011111. Dawn of the Dead1181

11.1111; 12.15. 2.45. 5.111. ".25. “.55. 0.45. 10.15.

.\1\11I1111‘1‘1‘11k S111: 13.0511111. 13.3511111.


I)1111\; 115011111. 3.30. 4,45. 7.30. 0.111.

.\|\1111111‘ 1'11 1\ S111: 11111111132111. Haunted Mansion 11‘( 11

D1111): 11111111. 3.30. 5.05. Honey 11‘111 11.111}: 13.30. 3.40, 4.55.

Mona Lisa Smile 1 12.v\1 11.111}: 8,011,

.\I\11I1111‘1"1'11k S111: 11.00. Open Range 1 12.v\1

D1111}: 8.05. .‘\I\11I1111'1'1'11k S111: 11.05.

The Passion of the Christ 1 181

011111: 11111111111. 1.1111. 2.110. 4.1111. 5115'. “.1111 81111, 1111111.

:\I\11I1111‘ 1'11 1\ S111: 11.00.

Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 11’(i1

D1111}: 1101111111. 11.45.1111. 13.15.

5. 2.45. 3.311. 4.311. 5.1111. .. 0.311. 111.111). .\1\11 11111‘ 1'11 1\ S111: 11.45. 13.1511111.

5. 7.45.

Buffy-(13nd the Brain prepare to fight unleashed monsters in Scooby 000 Too