I The 60-60 at (‘octeau Lounge (downstairs at ligol. 1 1pm 3am. £5 (£4). 19 Mar. .\lonthly. Swinging (i()s garage. sotil. mod. sotil. R&B and sleazy listening. The righteous 'l'all Paul Robinson and Angus A (io-(io remain resident.
I Manga at lloney comb. I 1pm 3am. £9 (£7 members). l9 .\lar. Monthly. Scotland's premier drtttn & bass session hay e just celebrated their eighth birtltday. They keep up the quality with special guest ('oncord Dawn (Renegade Hardware) and li.\'(). Manga‘s pre-club sc\sion the Bass'l‘rap is at Batnbtt ey'et'y l‘ri li‘ottt 8pm with 1)] (i-.\lac and guests. l"or more info check 0788-7616061 ol'
w ww.basstrap.com.
I Mocha Rocka! at Berlin Bierhaus. .\'ext date 26 Mar.
0 Modern Lovers at ligo.
1 lptii 3am. £5 belot‘c midnight; £(i alter. 5 Mar. Monthly. t'p-bcat ntix of Northern Sottl. deep lttnk. llamtnond (all and retro soundtrax sct'y ed tip by yottr hosts (’raig .lamieson and Andrew l)i\ ine (l)iy ine. l-‘unk Room). .loined by a wry special guest in tlte form of Bob Stanley (St litienttel.
O Nuklear Puppy at l-Lgo.
ltlpm 3am. £11. 12 Mar. .\lonthly. Residents .lason ('ot'te/ and Phil York keep the ltard dance lilag l'ly ittg in the capital and hay e picked tip nominations l‘or Best Scottish (‘1th 3003 lrom .llitmug' and Best Small (‘1th from the Hard-Dance Awards. Joined by the ((llL‘L‘ll (tl' lllC \L‘L‘HL‘ l.ls;t Lashes.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. 10pm 3am. £5. Weekly. l-tmked up \‘ocal house and dance classics l'rotn Stey ie (i attd (‘allum Murray.
I Planet Earth at (‘itrus ('lttb. l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. .\lusic l'rom
sm Lino/wait itstt.x:t./\sii SUPER SATURDAY The Venue, Edinburgh, Sat 6 Mar
1976 through to 1939 or. in other words. a healthy dose ol~ punk. new wayc. new romantic and electro pop. 0 Pogo Vogue at the Bongo (‘lub. 10pm 3am. £12. 12 Mar. lixperimental electronica skirting all the \arious forms of music machines tnake. l.iye showcase l'rotn tlte mighty l’laid with a lull liye set and audio-Visual showcase. I Pop Fiction at .\lassa. 10pm 3am. £5. Weekly. 'l‘t'endy Wendy and Betty l’ord lay down a lusciotts selection ol~ tunes from the (itls. 7(ls attd SOs (and for the hardcore ()yertitne. free entry. runs from 5pm).
I Radio Babylon at ligo. Next date Io .\lar.
I React at ligo. Next date lb .\lar.
I Roadblock at l’o .\'a .\‘a.
10pm 3am. l-"rce bel‘ore l lpnt: £5 alter. Weekly. .\'icci 1" stops the trallic in bad ntusic when she digs tip the best itt funk. disco. house and block rockin' licltls.
O Sweat at lloney cotnb.
ll).3()pm 3am. £11) £12. 5 Mar. (me of the trtte innoyators ol' the Detroit techno scene. .luan Atkins makes a rare Visit to the capital. Stephen Brown (liycl. Yogi llaughton and Brainstorm pt'oy idc support. See prt't'it'tt;
I 30 at the Venue. l().3()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. A new concept at the Venue as each week (liree big ttatne clubs are gathered togetlter under one roof lor ottc tiny entrance lee. Soul Biscuits. 'l'okyo Blu and lleadspin join forces to play on 5 Mar while it's ()bscette (contittuing tltcir second birthday with special guest lXtra’s 1. Double). Soma and litinkey .\lagic on 12 Matt
I Tokyo Underground at the (’ellar Bar. 9pm 3am. £3 before midnight; £-l alter. 13 .\lar. Monthly. A new night hosted by the duo behind
There’s something amiss with the Venue. Has anyone else noticed this? A while ago it was a reasonably uninspiring local joint, and now - by way of some great gigs, nights like lmpotent Fury, Optimo and 3D, and a lick of paint - it‘s rapidly becoming one of the very finest clubs in Scotland. And one more reason to celebrate is Super Saturday, a night which puts
the, erm, super back into Saturday.
‘lt’s very much a local product, so to speak,’ says promoter Lloyd McDermott of the monthly event. ‘_lt’s not something we use to bring in big guests, so it’s a night out for the DJs as much as it is for the public. And it means we can keep the price relatively low for a Saturday night. Plus we can offer a different type of music over three floors, and we’re the only club in Edinburgh that’s in a position to do that.’ With Gary Mac & Beany, Kev Wright, Pagan, Felix, Wreckage, Oli and Frosty J playing breaks, trance, funk and soul at the next night, it’s a bargain to even the most miserly of sods. And a great night out, but then we’re coming to expect that at the Venue these days. (David Pollock)
'l’okyoblu with [be percussion l'orm l’epe Satttatnaria attd a selection of local gtiests.
I Trouble at the ('ellar Bar.
9pm 3am. £2.99 £4.99. 5 8t 19 Mar. The Beat Jan. Basement is reborn in a slightly dit'l‘erent format as the 'I‘rouble guy's bring their jazz-inflected dance selection back home. The special guest is Blackbeard. from the otitskirts of lidinburgh and now hooked tip with .\'Y(“s coolest label. Wayc. and on retnix duties for the likes ol‘ .\'AS and Jay -/. (5 Marl; followed by ex-Beat regular 1)an Bland ( 19 Mar). For 5 .llur (Ht/y 'xi-IJlSlit'UIt/ Ito/(let's gr! [I (rift/(MW /)I'i(‘(’ all night.
I UTI presents: RUBBERED at Studio 2-1. 10.30pm 3am. £8 (£5 tttentbers). 12 Mar. Monthly. l'nderground techno night l’eaturing resident I)Js Semaj. Johnny ()hl attd 'l‘ormod .\lor playing the best of electro through to hard techno joined by l-‘iddle and Ram.ls'an..\lan who promise to ‘gitnp things ttp‘.
Chart & Party
I The BIG One! at .‘ylood. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree bet-ore l lpm; £3 alter (free to members). Weekly. A fantastic start to the weekend as you cay'ort to all those pop classics from the last the decades. I Boogie Juice at l.‘ Attache. l().3()pm 3am. £3 before I 1pm; £5 alter. Weekly. Playing out the best in R&B. chart and funky layourites.
I The Dog’s Balearics at Reyolution. l().3()pm 3am. £5 before midnight: £6 (£3 £4) alter. Weekly. The best lbi/a and chart dance numbers from throughout the summer.
I Fridays @ City at ('ity: lidinburgh. l lpnt 3am. £5. Weekly. 1)] Tony entertains the masses with the best in current house. R& B and chart.
I Office Party at ('ay'endish/l)iy'a. 4pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekly. .\'ight ol' alter work silliness and cheesy lttn. Bucking broncos. games and tnore to keep the suited masses entertained. Bullet for pre-booked parties (as well as a btis pick tip seryicel.
I The Subway at Subway. 7pm 3am. £ l. Weekly. .\'igh on a ('owgate institution of commercial dance and chart hits with [he odd indie classic.
Edinburgh Saturdays
I Ascension Goth Club at 'l‘eyiot Row l'nion. 10.30pm 3am. £5 (£2 lil)(i&R members). 31) Mar. .‘ylonthly. In association with lidinburgh l'niy'ersity‘s (iotlt and Rock Society comes this cheery tnix ol up-to-date darkness featuring all the latest goth. rock and industrial greats.
I Asylum at Studio 24. 1 1pm 3am. £5. b Mar. l’ortnightly. The Mission's down and dirty brother specialising in rock. nu metal and other hardcore sounds.
I Audio Tourism at l’iy'o Bar ('lub. ()bm 3am. Free. Weekly. A serious alternatiye to cony'entional night clubbing.
I breakitdown at lloney comb.
ltlpm 3am. £8 (£6). 2() Mar. This new night continues apace with special guest Anthony l’apa.
I Blooms ill (‘(‘ Blooms. 10.30pm 3am. l’rec. Weekly. 1)] Ally is back again w itlt more of her trademark liiglt-camp-to-house deckttical expertise at this always hoaching gay \enue.
I Club Red at (‘ointnplex 9pm 2am. £7 (£51. 30 Mar. Residents Blair & Ryan llarrow er and 1)] Beefy are joined ltil‘ a (K exclusiy'e l‘rom 1)] .\loshic.
I Colours Live! at the liquid Rootn. 10.30pm 3am. £tbc. 20 Mar. (‘olours iny ite their pals for another session of the best in house. (iet ready for a big date as ('olout's step olt‘ the road marked ‘hottse' with yet-y special guest l)aye ('larke (liyel. l’hil Kieran and Alan Simms.
listings Clubs
Dogma Two of the UK's most unrelenting techno DJs/ producers combine forces for the sonic assault that will be the British Murder Boys (aka Surgeon and Regis). Studio 24, Fri 5 Mar. Modern Lovers A compulsive record collector spinning a selection from 503 rock to 70s glam, Bob Stanley of St Etienne fame fills the guest slot admirably. Ego, Fri 5 Mar.
:12; Sweat All you need to know is the ‘Godfather of Techno' Juan Atkins is in attendance. Get down there. The Honeycomb, Fri 5 Mar "offbeat You wanted him back so the Funkeymagic guys were happy to oblige. One of the UK's finest house talents and favourite ex-pat — it‘s Murray Richardson. Ber/in, Sat 6 Mar. Soul Biscuits Plus 1 (pictured) is a true local hero. going on to claim the World DMC and now a permanent fixture in the Scratch Perverts. back on his old stomping ground with Dynamic Duo partner DJ Extra. The Honeycomb, Sat 6 Mar.
Low Gravity Perhaps the best midweek party any week, but factor in a third birthday and a live set of progressive breaks (and when we say ‘live’ we mean drums. guitar. bass, vocals, the real deal) and it's one of the best nights any day of the week. The Liquid Room, Wed 70 Mar. Nuklear Puppy Few people are keeping hard dance alive in the capital with as much passion as the Puppies. welcoming back leading lady and ever delectable Lisa Lashes. Ego, Fri 72 Mar.
i Pogo Vogue Starting off as Black Dog and now known as Plaid. these Warp signings have helped shape the world of electronica with a truly live audio- visual set. The Bongo C/ub, Fri 72 Mar.
Progression Danny Howells returns and with his sets being described as ‘deepsexyfuturistic techfunkhouse’, he should fit in just fine at Progression. The Liquid Room, Sat 73 Mar.
t-iB Mat 2(ItE-l THE LIST 87