Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Rachael Street.
I Ice Hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Dundee Stars .\lurra}1ield lce Ritik. Ri\er\dale ('i‘ewetil. 337 (i933. 7.15pm. £11) 1%); lamil) ticket £30. lidinburgh ('apitalx take on their Ta} side ()ppt)llelll\.
I Rugby: Glasgow Rugby v Gwent Dragons llughentlen. 32 lltighenden Road. 353 3468. 7.30pm. £15 £11) 1£5). (ilaxgou pla} hoxt to the tier) (Extent Dragons.
Outside the cities
I Skiing: Braemar Telemark Festival Braemar. Aherdecnxhire. 0133‘) 880531). A three-day lextnal \xith races. demos and e\ening entertainment. ’lhere \\ ill be ceilidhx on botlt nightx and a torchlight procession through the toun on the Saturda}.
I Six Nations rugby: Italy v Scotland 1.30pm. \Vatch 1i\ e 138(‘1 Scotland co\erage as the home team battle it otit with ital}. Both \idex “ill be anxious not to end tip at the bottom ol the pile. btit “ill Scotland’s pluck) running be enough to heal the Italian delence a! honie'.’
I Football: Hibernian v Motherwell liaxter Road. 13 Albion Place. 601 1875. 3pm. llihx and penal!) klck\ ha\ e been strange hedlelltmx lhl\ season. “111 the} get an} in this Sl’l. elihh againxt 'l‘err} Butcher's ’enthuxiaxtic” _\otiiig \ide'.’
(EH 0111 MOHL
Outside the cities
I Horse Racing: Kelso Races Kelw Racecourse. Kelw. 111573 23-1767. 3.30pm. £11) 1£5 1: under £165 lree. National hunt horse racing staged at Britain'x lriendliext course. in the most picturexqtie ol \ettings.
I Football: Celtic v Rangers ('eltic Park. Kerr} dale Street. l’arkhead. 551 8053. Noon. Yep. it'x High .\'oon llx Alex ‘Quick Draw .\lcl.eixh goex gtiiiiiiiig loi' Martin ‘(’oo1 llatid' ()‘Neill iii llll\ Scottish (’tip quarter-final. 'l‘he ltixlllg manager better get otit ol here h) \lllltlt)\\ll. .lll\l don't mention Splll‘x.
I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Milton Keynes Lions liraeliead Arena. Kiligx lticli Road. 5M 1 1-11). 5pm. £7 £10 1£5 £8): lamil} ticket £21). The home team “ill be hoping loi' another \ictor} o\er Milton Ke}iie\.
I Ice Hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Guildford Flames .\ltiri‘a}1ield Ice Rink. Riierxdale ('rexceiit. 337 (#33. (rpm. £11) 1£(ii; laini1_\ ticket £2(i.\\'i11t1ie ('apitalx be able to ptit the [)l'L‘\\lll'e on
\ l\llUl'\ (itiildlot‘d'.’
I Rugby: Edinburgh Rugby v Neath/Swansea Ospreys Meadoithaiik Sportx ('entre. 13‘) London Road. ool 5351. 7.30pm. Edinburgh take oit the \ealli/Suanxea ()\[)1'L‘}\ in thix ('eltic league match.
I Football: Celtic v Motherwell (‘eltic l’ark. Kerr} dale Street. l’ai‘khcad. 551 8653. 3pm. lambs to the slaughter" ()r Da\id toppling (ioliath. 'l‘he biblical analogies llhl keep on coming lor lhl\ Sl’l. ‘matcli' ax 'l‘eri'} '.\lo\e\' Butcher attempts 11) Dill‘l ('eltic'x Red Sea-like tlelellee.
I Football: Partick Thistle v Dundee United liirhill. 81) l-‘irhill Road. 57‘) 1071. 3pm. SP1. points are tip lor grabs \\ ith Thistle needing them \lightl) more thaii l'nited. Neither ol them nil] “in the league though.
I Wrestling: Scottish Open Wrestling Championships Spt'inghurn l.ei\ttre ('eiitre. Ka} St. 557 5378. The Scottixh “‘l'exlllllg Axxociation husls lhl\ ()pen (‘oiiipetition
I Football: Hearts v Rangers
'1‘} necaxtle Stadium. (iorgie Road. 301) 7201. 3pm. Hearts keep reminding us that the) 're lhe third lol'ce iti Scollixh loolhall. And then proceed to pro\ e it b} loxing to the ()1d l‘irm at exer) possible opporttiiiit}. But \urel}. thix league encounter l.\ the best chance the} ‘11 ha\ e lhix \eilxtili Hill] the
\ tiliierahle (ierx making their linal trip to '1‘} necaxtle. See prei 1L‘\\.
I Ice Hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Newcastle Vipers .\ltirra_\ lieltl lce Rink. Ritersdale (’rexceiit. 33.7 (N33. (ibm. £11) 1£(ii; lamil) ticket £26. lidinhtirgh pla} host to Neucaxtle in thix l‘llNl. pla} oil. I Motorcyling: Scottish Motorcycle Show Ro} a1 Highland (‘entre. lnglixton. 08701) 133021). £12 £13 1%); children under £15 lree. A tribute to late British \upei'hike champ Ste\ e Hixlop marks the beginning ol the annual txto-
\\ heeled e\tra\agan/a. ()ther attractions include hundredx ol restored hikex iiiatitilacturers' dixpla} \ atid a photographic e\hihition. [)lll\ the chance to tr} otit quad biking and \l1[)L‘l‘lll()lt)\.
Outside the cities
I Football: Dundee v Aberdeen l)ell\ Park. Saiideman Street. Dundee. 01383 880006. 3pm. A local derh} \iith pride oitl} at \take.
I Football: Dunfermline v Hibernian liaxt [ind l’ark. llalheatli Road. Dunlerinline. 01383 7208(13. 3pm. A place iii litii'ope ix tip lor grab\ a\ Hihs take their chance\ on the hi/arre \urlace.
Glasgow I Football: CIS Insurance Cup Final llanipdeii l’ark. l.etherb} 1)ri\e. olo
He’s only 32, but cycling legend and five-times winner of the Tour de France, Lance Armstrong, has hinted that he might retire soon. But that’s no reason for you lazy Iubbers to relax. Time to work off some of that winter paunch with a training session at Glentress, Scotland’s most popular - and fast-growing - mountain biking centre. A vast network of trails that’s only two miles from Peebles, Glentress offers a variety of excellent routes for everyone from novices to hell-raising, mud-spraying experts. With bike hire available at just £12 for a half day from nearby Bicycle Works (, you’ve got no excuses. Allez les Ecossais!
listings Sport
HEARTS V RANGERS, Tynecastle, Sat 13 Mar
At the end of the day, it’s a game of two halves. Or at least it’s a season of two halves for Hearts, as their strong early season performances have been undermined by the recent grim admission that the club is close to insolvency. So the Jambos play their last ever game against Rangers at Tynecastle as the owners sell up and plan to lodge in nearby Murrayfield stadium. At the same time, Hearts have applied for entry into the lntertoto Cup for the first time in years, and with their third place in the SPL more or less assured, there’s a chance that Edinburgh will see European football again be‘ore long. If not, we’ll surely be able to say we woz robbed.
(i1)1)1). 3pm. l.i\ing\ton lace Hibernian iii the linal ol the ('1S lll\lll';tllee (up. It's the ‘laniih linal'. the} ‘11 be lelliiig U\ all neck in the run-up.
I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Brighton Bears Braehead Arena. Kingx lnch Road. 561 l 141). 5pm.
£7 £11) 1£5 £8): lamil} ticket £31). The Scottixli Rockx lace the loriiiidable Brighton Bears iii lhl\ Bill. leagtie match.
I Ice Hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Fife Flyers Mirna} lit-1d Ice Rink. Ri\er\dale Crescent. 3.37 (30.3.3. ()plll. £11) 1%); lillllll} ticket £2o. 'l‘he llwrx it ill be eager to hold onto the top spot in thix l"B.\'1.pla} oil.
I Motorcycling: Scottish Motorcycle Show Ro}al Highland ('enti'e. Inglixton. 08701) 133021).
£12 £13 1%); children under 15 li‘ee. See Sill 13.
Tuesday 1 6
I Ice Hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Bracknell Bees .\ltirra_\lield Ice Rink. Ri\ei\dale ('rexcent. 337 (i033. 8pm. £11) (£0); liallllll) ticket £36. The Bee\ ll‘;l\ e1 10 lidiiiburgli lot a match against the ('apitalx.
Wednesday 1 7
I Athletics: Scottish Universities Indoor Cup Kel\ in Hall International Sptil‘lx Arena. 1445 .'\i‘g_\le Street. 357 2535. 3 5pm. (ilasgou l'nixet'xit) lace their L‘t)lll)lL‘l‘l);11’l\ lroiii lidinburgh in these indoor athleticx champiomhipx.
Outside the cities
I Football: Dundee v Celtic lit-m 1’ai'k. Sandeinan Street. Dundee. 01382 8800M». 7.45pm. The relentlexx march l()\\;tl‘tl\ the SH. title continue\ as ('eltic lace a pnxxlhle banana \kin. .\'ot that \\e're \uggexting Dundee laiix are litter loutx.
’24, Ma’ .K‘. -1 THE LIST 101