Kids listings

Kids Theatre & Dance continued

The Bright Eyed Mariner Mon 15 .\1ar. 7.30pm. £3.50. (iilmorehill(il2. ‘) 1'niterxit} Axenue. 330 5522. Ages 9+. A 11C“ \ ixual dance theatre performance from 'l'abula Raxa based on Samuel 'l'a}1or (‘oleridge'x 'I'lu' Rintr oft/iv .'lll(‘l(‘lll .llurim' \\|tich tellx o1. \tor} of ho“ a uedding dance is interrupted b} the arrixal o1 a lll)\1Cl'iUll\ \ealarer. See re\ ieu. Annie 'l‘ue lo Sat 20 Mar. 'l‘ue l‘ri 7.30pm: Sat 2.30pm & 7.30pm. £12 £15. King'x 'l’heatre. 297 Bath Street. 240 l 111. Feelgood lllllSlL‘ul \chmalt/ courtex) oi" the orphaned red-head \\ ho \ingx her \xa} into the heart of ltard-noxed btixinexxinan Dadd} Warbuckx. \\ ith popular tunes including 'lomorrou. You‘re .\'e\ er littll} Drexsed \Vithout .-\ Smile. lt'x a Hard Knock lite and more. Starring Su l’ollard and Mark \\'}iiler \\ itli Luc) Barker and la} e Spilllt‘llttllxc‘ ;t\ Annie.


Caroline Lawrence: Thieves of Ostia Thu 4 Mar. 1.30pm. Borders Book» ()8 Buchanan Sll'L‘Cl. 222 7700. l0 L'L‘lL‘l‘l'tllL‘ World Book Da}. ('aroline Laurence \iill be reading from her \eriex of Roman

m) xter} \toriex.

Family Fun Day Sat 0 .\1ar. l lant 4pm. l-ree. \Vatet'stone'x. 153 157 Sauehiehall Street. 532 9105 ck Waterxtone'x. 174 :\t‘g}lc‘ Street. 248 4814. Stor}telling. face painting and balloon modelling. plus appearancex b} children's lamurite 1’o\_\. Tall Tales in the Tower Sat 0 .\lar. noon. l’ree. 'l‘ron 'l'heatre. (i3 'l‘ronflate. 552 4207. 1‘un interactn e \tor}tel|ing xexxionx in the lion's ('lock Ton er tor agex 3 5.


That Picture Just Sang Me a Story! Sat (i .\1ar. 10am 5pm. (ialler) of Modern :\l'l. Queen Street. 22‘) 19W). .SCL‘ .\1u\ic.


House of Sand and Fog l ISi Mon 8 Mar. 10.30am. Special screening lor parents and babiex. £2.50. (ilzhgou l-ilm 'l‘lteatt‘e. 12 Row Street. 532 3128. See l-‘ilm 1nde\.

Bugs 3D it'i: Ghosts of the Abyss 3D 0’0 1. Cyberworld 3D ii’(ii time\ \at'}. check l‘ilm listingx l‘or \houing lllllt‘x. £5 18501. l.\1:\.\ 'l'heatre. (ilaxgou Science (.L‘llll‘c. 50 Pacific Qua). 420 5000.


Activities And Fun

Royal Observatory Public Observing iii 5 & Hi 12 Mar.

7 8.45pm. £2.o0 (£1.85); 1amil_\ ticket £(i. Ro)al ()bxenator} Vixitor ('entre. Blackt'ord Hill. (io8 8404. Starga/ing on It‘ll o1 Blackl'ord Hill. ('otne and we the L‘Ulhlc‘lltllltilh. the moon and the planet\ in the night \k} through the telexcopex. Youth Dance Group Went to & Wed 17 Mar. 4.30 opin. £2. North lidinburgh _'\rt\ (‘entre. 15a l’enn}\te|l (’ourt. 315 2151. Agex 7 12. An introduction to learn dii'lerent \t}1e\ l'rom conletnpot'ar} to street dance.

Tour De Force l‘ntil Thu 22 :\pt‘.

10am 5pm. l{o_\al .\lu\eum. 2 ('hamberx Street. 247 4219/4422. ('reate a bubble ulteel. tr_\ ottt an anti grain} \\ heel. \lt‘etclt )iitit‘ mice do all thexe things and lotx more at the interactn e e\hibition on tour l'rom (ilthgtm 'x Science (‘entre.

Dance Workshop Sat 0 .\lat‘. Sat 1 laitt tk 1pm. £1.50. .\'orth lidinburgh Artx ('entre. 15a l’etni_\\\ell (‘ourt. 315 2151. Dance \xorkxhop l‘or 3 (i and 7 l2-_\ear old»

The Antonine Guard Sun 14 Mar. Sun 12.45pm. 1.45pm & 3.45pm. l-‘ree. .\lu\eum o1 Scotland. (’hamberx Street. 247 421‘). .\1eet Sc‘tlllillltl'x laxt retnaining Roman legion. l.egio \'l \‘ic‘ltil'itt. 'l‘he .-\ntonine (iuard. and Winn er the real truth about the Romanx in Scotland.

Risk l'ntil Tue 30 Mar. .\lon. \Ved & 'l‘hu 10am 5pm; 'l'ue 10am 8pm; Sun

noon 5pm. l‘ree. Ro}al .\1u\eum. 2

100 THE LIST :1 '92,. 9.4”, 70..-



MacRobert, Stirling, Sun 7 Mar; GilmorehillG12, Glasgow, Mon 15 Mar .00

For the next hour we will be tossed upon the high seas within the powers of Samuel Coleridge and Claire Pencak’s imagination. The seafarer’s tale - a physical journey through storms, ice and drought and a psychological journey through hubris, fear and guilt - has been adapted by Pencak and performed by Tabula Rasa dance company to an original live score.

But we begin at a wedding. The

traumatised mariner collars an unsuspecting guest and, rather than engaging in small talk about the canapés, full epic storytelling ensues. It’s a good way into the dark tale. A sprightly pas de deux lifts the mood to one of joyous celebration and Nepalese dancer, Charan Pradhan, makes a most charming blushing bride with wide, twinkling eyes and coy smile. And as the narration of Peter Grimes moves on, festivities slip away and life on the open waves takes over. Although the sense of story within a story isn’t crucial to the enjoyment and understanding of the piece, there isn’t quite enough clarity connecting the two worlds - something that is also problematic at the end when the story returns in full circle. However, on board the ship, balletic moves morph into street dance styles which shift into reels and all to the haunting tune of Tommy Fowler’s score for violin, clarinet and percussion. The changing moods are conveyed powerfully as the dancers tell the story with their faces, not just their bodies, and Peter Grimes narrates with not just his voice, but movement and gestures too. Gallons of white silk spill out onto the stage becoming stormy seas, the fateful albatross, the calm of the deathly lull and hundreds of little lights call up the night sky - ‘the stars were dim and thick the night.’ There are scenes which are completely captivating and times when the rhythm of the language comes together with the evocations of the music and the pulse of the dance, but the story telling just doesn’t quite come off. You are left with

a sense of being dazzled and impressed but somewhat bemused. (Ruth Hedges)

('hambers Street. 247 4210/4422. Are .‘ou a risk taker” Find out all abottt \that the} are and uh} \\ e take them in llll\ tun interactix e e\hibition ultich includex .\li\xion (’ontrol and a clitnbing “all. Performance Skills Sat o .\1ar. llatn & 1pm. £1.50. .\'ortli lidinburgh .-\rt\ (‘entre. 15a Penn)“ ell ('otu't. 315 2151. Agex 10 13. lmprme )our performance \killx at this theatre \\tll‘l\\ll()p \\ ith 'l‘atiana Reid.

Bruce and Bannockuburn Sun 7 Mar. 12.45pm. 1.45pm. 2.45pm & 3.45pm. Free. Xltlxc‘llllt o1 Scotland. ('hamberx Street. 247 421‘). Agex 8+. Hear about how the Scot\ at Bannoekburn sent liduard ll packing alter he marched an arm} into Scotland. First Impressions Sat t3 Mar. 1 lam tk 1pm. £1.50. .\'orth lidinburgh .r\rt\ (‘entre. 15a l’etut}\\e11('ourt. 315 2151. .\ lamil} \\tit'k\ltt)p led b} artist Julie l);t\\\oll introducing the work ol' sculptor llenr} Home

Music Children’s Classic Concerts -

Going Global Sun I4 .\1at‘. 5pm. £9.50 (£51. See (ilaxgott.

Theatre & Dance

Bear in the Big Blue House Live 'l‘ue 1) & Wed 10 Mar. 2.30pm l;tl\o 'l‘ue 5.30pm. \Ved mat 1 lam). £9.50 £15. l’la}hotm‘. 18 22 (ireenxide Place. 0871) (i0o3424. See (ilitxgtm and photo caption.


Cats . . . the Ultimate Predators l'ntil Sun 30 .\1a_\. \1oii.\\'ed& ’l'hu 10am 5pm: 'l‘ue 10am 8pm: Sun

noon 5pm. £4 (£2.50 £3); l'amil} ticket £12. Ro}a| Nlltxc‘tllll. 2 ('hamberx Street. 247 4219/4422. A iamil} orientated e\hibition dedicated to o\ er 30 knoxtn

\\ iltl L‘ztl \pL‘L‘iC\.

Children in Focus l‘ntil .\1on 1‘):\pr (Itol Sun). 10am 5pm. \lllxc‘lllli ()1~ ('hildhood. 42 High Street. 52‘) 4142.

()\ er 100 photographx depicting childhood taken between 18(i0 and Woo, ranging from \tudio portt‘ailx to \lltlp\lltil\.

HE’S BACK! The 7ft cha, cha, cha-ing, all-dancing all-cuddling bear returns with his pals for more singing, dancing and buffooning.

I (fibril, I. 04/: : ' . 23.9



Scottish Friendly Children’s Laureate Tour'l‘hu 4 Mar. 10.30am. £5 t£3i. Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (m8 201‘). The ('hildren'x laureate Michael Morpurgo embarks on a grand Scottixh tour telling \toriex tall and short. ()rganixed b} the Sc‘tillldl Book 'lil'll\l.

Family Fun Day Sat o .\Iar. 1 lain 4pm. Waterxtone'x «()cean 'l'erminal t. l)8/9 ()cean 'l‘erminal. ()eean Drix e. l.eith. 554 7732; \\';llc‘l'\ltitlc"\. l5 l-l l’rincex .Sll‘ct‘l. 550 305—1 «K \thlc‘lNlUltdx. (icorge Sll'c‘c‘l. 225 5450 See (ilaxgon.


Whale Rider tl’(ii. Thu 1 1 Mar. 10.30am. The Big Scream: \pecial \creening tor parentx and babies. £2.50. The ('ameo ('inema. 38 llonte Street. 228 4141. See l-‘ilm lnde\.

Outside the Cities

Activities And Fun

Children’s Craft Classes Sat 0 .\1ar & Sat 13 Mar. 2 4pm. £4. l’aixle) .'\rt\ (l‘llll'c‘. NC“ Slt‘cL‘l. l’aixle}. 387 1010. \VL'L‘kl) cralt c‘l;I\\L‘\ for b l l-)L‘;tt‘-tildx e\ploring dran ing. painting. cla) modelling and ieneller} making. Booking c‘wcttlial

Theatre & Dance

The Happy Gang: Magic Castle! Sat o .\1ar. 11am «k 2.30pm. £(i.501£5.501. l’;tl\lt‘_\ 'l'oun llall. Abbe} (lose. l’;tl\lc_\. 887 I010. Agex 2 8. Join the all-\inging llapp) (iang in the .\1agic('a\t|e.

The Bright Eyed Mariner Sun " .\1ar. 5pm. £3.50. MacRohert. l'nixerxit} of Stirling. Stirling. 0178o 4(ioooo. .-\ge\ 0+. See (ilaxgon and re\ 1C“.

The Bright Eyed Mariner Wed 17 Mar. 1.30pm. £tbc. ('arnegie llall. liaxt l’ort. Dunlermline. 01383 314000. :\ge\ 0+. See (ilthgott and re\ iexx.


Family Fun Day Sat (3 .\lar. l lam 4pm. l'ree. \Vaterxtone'x. 47' liraehead Shopping Centre. King's Inch Road. Renl'reu. 885 9355. See (ilaxgou.

Telling Tales Sat (i Mar. 1 1am. £1.50 i£| i. Dundee Rep. la} Square. Dundee. 01382 223530. Memberx oi the Dundee Rep compan} tell [alc‘x old and 11C“ to kids ilgc‘tl N.