Clubs islings

Edinburgh clubs continued

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Asylum at Studio 2-1. llptn Rant. [5. 7 I‘ch. l-ortnightly. 'l’he Mixxion’x do“ n attd dirty hrothcr xpecialixing itt rock. tttt tnetal and otlter hardcore \(lllIHIS.

GAudio Deluxe at the Iloneycomh. llpm 4am. L‘I5. 7 l-'eh. Smooth. xottllul hottxe at thix xhindig hoxtcd hy rexident ('raig Stnitlt (Iluxh llttxh). \yho e\ en Itax the like ol Kenny ‘l)ope’ (ion/alex xinging ltix praixex: ‘('raig hax done a real good ioh educating .‘our cro\\d.' Itt lact the Maxter at Work ix hack iii the houxe to tnake up lor Itix no xhoyy on I .Iati (reduced price lor ltL‘IxL‘l Itttltlt‘t‘x lt‘Uttt lItL‘ NC“ Year date). I Audio Tourism at I’iyo Bar (‘Iuh ()pm 3am. I‘ree. \Veekly. ;\ xcrioux alternatiye to con\ ctttional night cluhhittg.

I CC Blooms itl (.(' Illootttx. l()__§()pm 3am. I't‘ce. \Veekly. l).l .-\Ily ix hack again \\ ith tnore ol her trademark high-camp-to-hottxe decknical e\pertixe at thix aluayx hoaching gay \enue.

I Colours Live! at the Liquid Room. ltt.3()pm 3am. L'll). 21 I-ch. Monthly. (‘oIottrx in\ ite their paIx lor another xexxion ol tlte hext itt houxe. 'l'hc \L‘L‘Uttd \L‘\\I(lll HI 3004 xcex (I t'exidentx‘ xpecial \\ itlt .Ion Mancitti attd Stnokey (k the Battdit.

I Doin’ it After Dark at IIoncycottth. lllpm 3am. £I5. 3| I‘eh only. (iroo\c Armada tour their neyy mi\ alhum \\lll1 an c\c|uxi\e hack-lo» hack l).l xet leatttring li\e \ocalx lrom M(‘ Madd aitd percuxxion lrom Bongo .lexttx. Itt axxociation \yith l)o 'I‘hix Do That and Raghttll Recordx proy iding xtlppttl'l itt lItL‘ Ittt'ttl HI. .Ittttlx IlllllL'I'IlL‘ItI and Neil Anthony.

. The (ll \Vt‘t‘ RL‘tI Ilitl‘.

llpm 3am. £4.50 l Ht. \Veckly. Still tlte hcxt mi\ ol indie. (illx garage. northcrtt xottI. xka. 70x pttttk aitd ncyy “me you're likely to xtagger acroxx. .\ \ycIl lo\ ed inxtitution tltat t'elttxcx to change.

I El Barrio at H Barrio. Illpm 3am. I'l’t‘t‘. \VL‘L‘IxI}. SCL‘ ‘Iilltl.

I Fiesta Latina at Icy iol Rim l‘nion. 9.30pm 2am. {-1.50 (£3.50). l-I I'clt. Monthly. Still goittg xtrong alter

86 THE LIST' "I-t ."

ten yearx ol xttpply ing the hext itt xalxa. merengue. mamho and other Latin rhythmx cottrtexy ol I).I l’ancho \y ith a lree dance L‘Iztxx It‘ottt the Sitlxtt .-\ngelx at 0.30pm.

I Ginuwine at ligo. lllpm 3am. £5 helore midnight: £7 alter. 7 l‘eh. New

R&B and ltip hop itight lrom mainlloor

rexidentx Ritchie Rulltone. Sl. attd M(’ I’rolixee and (iino manx the haxement.

I Give it Some! at the Boitgo (‘Iuh.

llptn 3am. £3 helore midnight; £5 alter. l-l I‘ch. Monthly. Iieaturing the hext in lttnk. xottl. iaH and all that inxpired hip hop.

I Headspin at the Bongo (‘luh NC“ (lillL' 23 l'hL‘h.

I Hoffbeat at Berlin Bierhattx.

l lptn 3am. £5. 7 I-‘eh. The l‘unkeymagic guyx and llollheat \\ ith more ol that deep houxe you loye xo much. With a maxxiye third birthday party thix ix trttly the ne\t xtage iii the eyolution ol Itottxe cluhx.

I Jak-N at the Venue. l lptit 3am. £5 (£4 memherx). I4 I'ch. 'I'he l)i\erxe l-"rcqttenciex collecti\c are hack lor more techtto and hard heatx \y ith rexidentx l‘ttk .\'ttt and Sekon/ joined by Baxx lnyaderx lor at “end and \yonky Iiye xet.

I Joy at the Venttc. llpnt 3am. L'll) (L'S mcmherxl. l-l I-‘eh. Monthly. l'p- lrottt. d't'ty houxe grooy ex on the tnain lloor lrotn Alan (k .Maggie .on and

Brett King to work you up into a lather

on the main lloor. I’lux 'l‘rendy \Vendy attd Sally I-“x cheeky mi\ ol xottl. lunk and chart itt the do“ nxtairx xuite. .\'ote that .loy ix a cltth lor gay people attd their lriendx and thix month ix their Valentine'x xpeciaI.

I Live at the Witch Trials at (‘aharet Voltaire. (Ht) lllpm. [5. l4 I‘eh. l'nder le rock cluh \yith Matt and Dr (ion/o taking it to the next Ieyel ol deranged dark mttxic in axxociation \\ itlt (iotham and .\'ighttte\\ x.

GLuvely at the liquid Room.

Illpm 5am. £13(Ullmemherxt. 7 I‘eh.

Monthly. :\ xtttlcy xttit‘e‘t‘. gL‘Ltt'L‘tl touardx a gay/mixed crou d and lealuring a muxic policy ol lull-on. driying houxe lrom rexidentx ’l‘ommy K. (il’. .\'e\\ton & Stone and Jared. Another era/y night lrom the\ely lolk ax they introdttce their ‘liighth \Vondcr ol the World ligy ptian theme lor their eighth birthday.

I Messenger Sound System at the Bongo ('luh. llpm 3am. £7. 7 l‘eh. I‘ortnighlly. Baxx ol himeI-xhilting proportionx ax the tttighty Mexxengcr Sound Syxtem hlaxtx out the hext Ill righteoux rootx and duh reggae \\ ith llL‘\\ regular M(' lxlttt. Birtltday Special lot” Bob Marley \\ ith a trihttte to the great man featuring M(' Stix Dan.

I Mingin’ at Stttdio 2-1. llpm 3am. £5 helore midnight; to alter. 2| l‘eh. Monthly. Rexidentx Brian l)etnpxter and Alan .loy hoxt the uxttal Mingin' madnexx. lilthy houxe and t\\ ixted trance lor a lrixky attd predominantly gay L‘t'oyy d.

I Mission Jnr at Stttdio 2-1. 7 lllpm. £5. \Veckly. (ioth. rock. pttttk and ol courxe all that ntt metal xtull that the kidx craye xo mttclt. So il yott ex er \yondered “here all thoxe hlack clad yottthx lrom the tt‘lt ol ('ockhurn Street \yent alter dark look no lurther. 'I‘he hext and original under le metal gathering iii

lo“ I].

I Mission at Studio 24. llptn 3am. £5 (£4 meniherxt. l-l l-‘eh. l‘ortnightly. \ight ol tnetal titayhcm. goth rock and more lrom the dark xide a real Iidinhurgh inxtittttion.

I Moving Through at (‘aharet Voltaire. lllfillpm 3am. L'S (Hit. 7 I'ch. Monthly. .-\ lree lloyyin' jam that pitx the \\ itx ol liye hreakheat drenched hottxe outlit 2\l() agaian the turntahilixnt anticx (ll llt‘iItISPIIl lllII-_lllh\. IllL‘ Rt‘xttttdllcc.

I Musotica at the Vetttte. ltlpm 3am. L") (L'S memhcrxt. ll l-‘ch. .\'ight ol techno and electronica lrom rexidentx .I(‘. I)og. Roach & Boitex. plttx gttext action lrom (iemtaro I.c I’oxxc (aka Program It the NY producer hehind xuch trackx ax 'I)ominatot". "I‘\\ixter’ and "I‘he ()men‘. alxo a Iixe xet lrom Stephen Bron n.

I Opal Lounge at ()pal lounge. Illpm 3am. £5. \Veekly. l)a\e Sheddcti \yith ltix mi\ ol dixco attd lttnky houxe trackx.

I Progression at the liquid Room. lllfillpttt 3am. {the l4 l‘ch. Monthl}. l)erek Martin. (iay (irant and .-\Ian I)ol3xoll (tt‘L‘ 'Illlllk‘tl It) l.ayo (V Bttxhyyacka? lor a lottr Itottr xet to mark their Valentine'x Ball til you knon their alhttm‘x called lure Slum you'll ttttdet'xtand \yhy it all makex xettxe alter all). With pt‘e-cltth xcxxion at (‘ily (‘ale lrom Spin.

I Rewind :11 the liquid Room. .\'e\t tlillL‘ 33 I'AL‘I‘.




I Sophistifunk at ('ity: lidinhurgh. l lptn 3am. £7. \Veckly. Rexident [)1 .Ioltn Iltttchixon playx lttnked up R&B rcmi\ex and hottxe tttnex to a heautilul crowd.

I Super Saturday at the Ventte. l().3()pm Rant. [5. 7 I"eh. Monthly. Another neu'ie lor the Vetttte \\ ith three Iloot'x ()I' lttztxltetl-tlp xountlx lt'om lttnky hottxe \ ia R&B to lttll on trance with a maxxiye l)J roxter in the xhape ol: Key \Vright. l’agan. Smokey & the Bandit. Wreckage. ()li and l‘roxty J. I Tease Age at (‘itrux (’luh.

l lptn 3am. l-rcc helore l 1.30pm: £5. \Veekly. 'l’hix indie xtaluart dixhex up eyerything It‘otlt xyy ittgittg (i()x ltilx lo haggy Manchexter layex ax \yell ax a hoxt ol cttrrettt .V.lII-.' chart hothercrx. I Thee Jailhouse at 'l‘ey-iot Rim l'nion. llpttt 3am. £4. l-I I-eh. Rigltleottx rock and old chtooI metal in a claxxic .’\(‘/l)(’. Motorhead attd Saxon \ein. plttx a leyy ol the ne“ contenderx that meet the grade: :\ttdioxlaye attd that kinda thing.

0 Ultragroove at (‘ahat‘et Voltaire. llptit 3am. £l() (£8). l-l l-‘eh. Iidinhurgh'x pect'lexx real houxe party xery ex up tracky grooyex, xottIlttI \ocalx and tribal ttmex in Stttdio I from rexidcnt (iareth Sommeryille joined hy the maxterlttl .\'e\\ Yorker .lon ('utlei‘ attd mi-ia/x local hero .loxeph Malik.

I Vain at 'l'eyiot Rim l'nion. Next date () Mar.

I Vegas at ligo. l().3()pm 3am. L‘) (£7 il lahttlottxly drexxedt. l-I lt'eh. Monthly. Ilep daddy xyying. cottntry claxxicx attd xlea/y Iixtening \\ ith your high-kicking hoxtx. Frankie Sumatra. Bttgxy Seagull. l)ino Martini and the xtunning Vegax xlttmgit‘lx. And do try to titakc an ellort \y ith the drexx code. eh'.’ Valentitie'x xpccial we Him! 1]). I Velvet at (‘ommplex lllpm 3am. £6 (£5). 7 l-‘ch. Monthly. Valentine‘x \yarm-ttp at thix \yomen'x night lor gay girliex and their xpecially inyited hoy lriendx (men can only gain admixxion il accompanied hy a lady I. hoxted hy Nllt'ItL‘IIL‘ (In). \Viggle). I'in' [lily (/ult' rut/y '.'l-l.l\ll('(ll'(/ huh/(V's eel [I (if/i (/(HH' price (1H High].

I Wiggle at ligo. Next date 28 l‘eh.

Chart & Party

I Cavendish/Diva at (‘ayendixh/l)iya. lllpm 3am. liree helore I Ipm; Ui alter. Weekly. The lttlly relurhixhed xpace hoxtx a night ol all the grooy iext ltitx lrotn the (i()x ()(lx. \\ itlt current chart lay ex on the top floor. ()yer 35x only.

I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood. ()pm 3am. l‘ree helore l lpm: £3 alter (lree to metttherxt. \Veekly. ('hart. party attd xottl ltitx lrom I).l Martin.

I Relight my Fire at Ahhar.

0pm 3am. I-‘ree. \Veekly. See l’ri.

I Shake It at l.‘.-\ttaehe.

10.30pm Sam. [4 helore l lptn; £5 alter. \Veekly. I’arty mttxic limit the (i(lx right up to Iaxt \yeek. plttx Ioadx ol drinkx promox to \yaxh it all down \yith. I Subway West End at Suhyyay \Vext Iind. (rpm 3am. l-"ree helore 9pm; £5 alter ([4). Weekly. ('hart. dance and cheexy tttnex all night long hahy.

I The Subway at Sulmay.

7pm 3am. L‘l. \Veekly. See l-‘ri.

I Supernova at Reyoltllion. ll).3()pm 3am. to helore midnight; £7 alter (£4 £5). \Veekly. (‘hart attd party ltitx all night long.