Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, Sun 24 Jan

Five reasons to check the track

1 200-1 is Ol‘,"‘ll)l(lf$ tear. the l‘l()(l(}l‘fl Ol‘:,lllt)l(18 began in Athens rn 1806. and this

';, ear they‘re going home

.‘srth no Skinner or Barldlel. thankfully. to he seen. the (:ornpetrtroi‘. also sees the shot put return to the small town of Olgnpra. unhere the Classlea Olympics l()()K place. If :.()lt.‘.'(} never seen super irl men and .vomen in sill}, hips; tear their round a 'tllllllllgl track and throu‘. lll(3"lf§(3|‘.(}f; into the air. nor. is an rrleal time to get .vito tr‘e groove.

British hope... Kelly Holmes

2 Some of Britain's tor: athletes; are using (‘tlasgesfls (:o'npetrtroo to stake their (I at": for

the Athens (:o'npetrt.on. Kerr. Holmes is (:()"lt>(?t!tttt an the

’5)(7~Z)"i. l uropear: (Sil'n

()ha'nplon Jasor‘ (iattlliOl '.'.rl pe awning to oro'.e iris Splitttitltl (Il(}(l(3llll£llf$. and -1()0"i rurtner and former \..'.’orl(l lnooor Ci‘a'npron .Jaotre Hauleh rs; seekrng to ill-loft? to top t'or'n. John l~/l£t’,()(:K a'io l)t;‘arne l ailero Haze also tirade themserxes a'.a.raole for

selection, the (:<)”it)etrt.():i oe all too real. espeeralr. .n the

athletes; nape tr'arlrtronail, l:een strorto.

100M. '.'."l()l(} lSrtatr's

3 It's not gust about getting selected. ertiter; the Norsrreh Union lnternatro tai rs; one of the Re, lnooor meets; of the seasov‘. and t'<:-att."»::-:; athletes; ‘ro'r‘. 8.112(200. Ital, ano litresra. as '.'.'e.i as; a ‘.'.’orro' Select. lea”‘~ ‘.'.'hr<:h is; expected to feature a range of international (Z()l‘ll)(}llt()"f3. ineltidrrig \‘.'or?:l 800": (I'ta'np on Marla Mutola.

4 It'li he the ‘.(Elll.(} lor the first serious world re<:or<l at“.e"‘-pt o" {no .ear Hassar‘ Po

‘.£lttlt(3l S‘~.'<:«t.ana leofanox'a broke the ino’oor reooro’ at Keir-n llal: last ,ea'. before breaking it again in Brr'nirnghav'i three .'.'eeks later, ller <:o"rpatr ot Verena lf;!lll)£l,(}~.’£l. "‘-(E£lll.'."l‘,il(}. broke the outdoor "(I'(I()lfl :r‘. Oatesl‘eail thrs; fill""‘l(?'.

5 Mrs Is proper sport. pare anti sv'iple: there are no o‘fsrde traps. no Se tiltiéleS ano no (trot: goals. lt's about who‘s; best. not .'.'ho tappetl ‘.'.'lt() in the January tra'is‘e' moo:

Anti .t's; “doors. so the .'./eather roan "‘rl'ltl Its;

().'.l‘r'.'.'i(1r<(3(ll)llf3itt(353f3. da"‘<;-s; S'nart

I I retrets for are avar/ao/e vra t'.»".'.”.'.:tn’<at' n’enesx‘e.‘ or or; rereprronrng Obj/(t .10.” 8.000.

Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication. Sports listings are subject to change, so please check in advance. Listings are compiled by Maureen Ellis.


I Lacrosse: Lacrosse Open Day l'elte\ (tillt‘élt‘. l'elle\ (ittllL‘l‘). lithl l'elte\ Axenue. 333 323]. 7 8.30pm. l-tee. (‘apital\\e ('luh llll'()\\\ open itx training \e\\l()ll\ lor mo exeningx. Beginnerx. amateurx and prox are in\ ited to eome along and help kiek \tart the \eaxon in thexe eoaehed open e\ening\. liquiprnent ix prmided. \o jttxl hring along a pair ol guttiex and get \tuek in. For more inl'ormation eheek otrt \\ \i\\.eteam/.eoin/ eapital or phone 0777‘) l4lo55.

I Climbing: Walking in a Dangerous Place :\tl\elillll‘e (‘enir-e. South l’latt llill. Ratho. 333 (i333. 7.45pm. £4.50 £5. Young. traditional elimher Ben lleaxon gi\e\ a talk on \ome ol' hix highl) -puh|iei\ed axeentx l’rel'erring tilt-\iglll hold and teehnieal routex. he reeountx \onte ol' hi\ \earier epixodex \\ hen leadittg ;l\eellt\ Hero“ llllll' eontinentx.


I Basketball: Glasgow Storm v Glasgow 02 liaxthank :\e;uletit). 2r» .-\eadem_\ St. 88‘) 3003. 7.30pm. Free. Seottixh Itatiorial league meeting hemeen the t\\o (ilaxgtm \ltlt‘\.


I Rugby: Edinburgh Rugby v Neath/Swansea Ospreys .\leado\\hank Sportx (‘entre. l3‘) London Road. ool 535l. 7.30pm. {l5 £20

ltlll “3). Still riding high in the lleineken (‘up tahle. lidinhurgh \\ i|| he hoping to hruxh axide the Inn l_\ -p|aeed ()xpre} \.

Saturday 24


I Football: Rangers v Livingston lhro\ Stadium. lidmixton l)ri\e. 0870 o00 l‘)‘)3. 3pm. l‘ree. Lin} put the l'rightenerx on .v\le\ .\tel.ei\h\ men earlier in the xeaxon. holding them to a draw at .-\lniond\ale. Rangerx ean’t al'lord to drop an} more poinlx. \o e\peet a more

eon\ ineing (ll\|illl}.

I Athletics: Norwich Union International Kehin llall International Sports Arena. I445 .-\rg} Ie Street. 357 3535. U0 l UH: lamil) tiekel £20. The eream ol' the \xorld\ athletex make their \\a_\ to (ilaxgoxx l'or another hotrt ol' traek and lield aetion. 'learnx lroin (ireat Britain. Northern Ireland. Ital}. Sueden. Ruxxia arid a limo \eleet eompete in a \ariet} ol' exentx ax a huild tip to this )mr'k ()l} rnpie (iamex in :\then\. See pre\ ieu.


I Football: Hearts v Partick Thistle l_\ neeaxtle Stadium. (iorgie Road. 200 720l. 3pm. l‘ree. the .lamhm \till ha\ e e\ er}thing to pla} lot' lhix \eaxon poxxihle liuro lllelll\ltlll and Seottixh ('up glor}. l’artiek 'l'liixtle ean onl} po\e a minor threat ol upxetting thoxe plans.

I Basketball: Edinburgh Kings v Dunfermline Reign Meatltmlmnk Sltortx (’entre. l3‘) London Road. hot

535 l. o30pm. £5 (£3). the Settlllxll haxkethall league (‘hampionx eontinue their 2003/4 eampaign.

Outside the Cities

I Football: Kilmarnock v Hibernian Rugh} t’ark. Rugh) Road. Kilmarnoek. 0|5o3 535IS4. 3pm. l’ree. l)i\eotmting eup aetion. hoth \idex \\ ill prohahl} rememher 3003/4 ax the \eaxon helter hext littl'gtttlell. (‘an the} redeem their l‘oi'in hel‘ore the \plit'.’


I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Milton Keynes Lions Bruelretttl :\rena. Kingx lneh Road. 5o] ll40. 5pm. £7 L'lll (£5 LS); lamih tieket £20. Seotland'x otll} pro haxkethall team hax e tallen on poor l'orin ol' late. htit a good perl'ormanee here \hould hooxt llagging eonlidenee.


I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals ,\turra'\lie|d lee Rink. Ri\er\dale ('rexeent. 33" (N33. (rpm. it'4i. lidinhurgh'x leading iee hoeke} learn pla} a home matelt. \\ ith oppoxitiolt to he eonl'irmed.

to ‘l‘annadiee.

Outside the cities

I Snooker Classic Rolllex llall» Kingdom (‘entre. (ilenrothex. 0| 5‘):

(rl I hit. ".30pm. {l5 it'l3i. Stephen llendt'} aitd Ste\ e l)a\ ix go head to head. hel‘ore l)a\ ix entertainx \\ itlt hi\ triek \hotx lll tlll\ “trinket-loop} \ltim eaxe.


I Football: Celtic v Kilmarnock ('ellte l’at‘k. Kerrylale Street. l’arkhead. 55l So53. 3pm. l’ree. .\lartin ()'.\'eill\ men ptit li\ e paxt Killie earlier in the league With the home athantage. eoutd the} unprm e on that \eoreltne‘.’

I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Chester Jets llraehead :\rena. Kingx lttelt Road. 5(il ll40. opnt. L'," (It)

t£5 {Sig l'amil} tieket £20. (’hexter ha\e pl‘tn ed Llll'liettlt oppoxitioll liil' tlte Roekx ill the paxt. (‘an their neu \igningx \llil“ their north in tlte lllilj.’

I Athletics: DM Hall Combined Events & Masters Championships Keh in tlall International Sportx .r\rena. H45 :\l‘g} le Street. 470 753 l. l‘ree. Seotli\h .v\th|etie\ meeting in the traek and lield ealendar.


I Football: Hibernian v Dundee tiaxter Road. II .-\|hion l’laee. (th lt\'75. .3plll. l’ree. ll' Hitltli} \\.illi;tttt\0ll\ \ide hai e their mind\ on ne\t \xeek'x trip to llampden lor the (‘IS \emi. then Dundee eotrld iuxt niek a point or three here.

Outside the cities

I Football: Livingston v Hearts .’\lmond\a|e Stadium. .»\linond\a|e Stadium Rtltltl. l,l\ lllgNlttll. ll l Sill) -l l Willi), 3pm. l‘ree. .-\nolhet' l.othian derh} should we lleartx eeinent their hid tor a limo \pol. ('an [ix \} prox ide art upxet at home'.’


I Football: Partick Thistle v Rangers l-‘irhill. so l‘irhill Road. 57‘) l‘li'l. 3pm. l’ree. The BBC lttt\\L‘\ \xill he ltoping lot a repeat ol' the tour-goal meeting L‘.tl'llL‘l' llll\ \L‘;t\till. 'l'he .ltlgN \\ ill he hoping the \eorehne ix rexerxed ax the} p|a_\ ho\t to Rangerx.

I Basketball: Glasgow Storm v Dunfermline Reign Seotxtottn l.t'l\lll'L' (‘enlre. l)ane\ l)ri\ e. Seotxtoun. 05‘) 4000. 3.45pm. l‘ree. (iltlxgim take on Dunlermline Ill the Seotttxh National

listings Sport

league. hoping to a\enge their del'eat in \(HL‘IHlk‘l'.

I Athletics: DM Hall Combined Events & Masters Championships Kehin ltall International Sportx Arena. I445 :\rg} Ie Street. 470 733 l. l’ree. See Sat 3|.

I Athletics: Scottish Athletics 4K Cross Country Championships & Trials Bellaltottxton l’ark. liellahottxton l)l‘l\ e. 470 7.3: l. l-‘ree. Athletex eonipete ill a 4km route in thix ranking L‘l'(i\\ eountr) e\ent.

I American Football: Super Bowl Party \Valkahout. 7 Renlreu Street. 233 .3300. [5. See photo eaptioit.


I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals V Fife Flyers \lurraflield lee Rink. Rherxdale (‘rexeenL 337 (N33. (rpm. U0 tL'oi'. {Io lamih tieket. Still riding high in the l‘BXl. league. the ('apitalx uill ha\ e a tough text “illl a \ ixit l'rom the l’il'erx.

Tuesday 3


I Ice hockey: Edinburgh Capitals v Newcastle Vipers \ltrr-nnlieltl lee Rink. Rherxdale ('re\eent. 337 (N33, (ll‘llt. U0 tUil‘. lamil) tieket £30 ('aletlonian (‘tip \emi linal mateh.

Wednesday 4


I Basketball: Scottish Rocks v Thames Valley Tigers llraeheatl Arena. Kingx lneh Road. 5(il l I40. 7.30pm. L‘" L‘lll t£5 LS); laniil} tieket t3“. .\leeling\ ltel“ een thexe l\\o \ide\ ha\ e produeed eloxe eallx thi\ \L‘dxtitl. it ith one \ ietor} apieee. lhe Roekx \\ ill he hoping the home athantage \\ill \u ing the tie in their l'a\our.


I Rugby: Bell Lawrie White Scottish Schools Cup Final lielltllttllhtnll l’ark. llellttltttthtnll l)l'l\ e. 43" 5454. 7pm. l’ree. Junior linal leaturing Seotland‘x rugh} \tar\ ol' tolttot‘l'ou.

I Football: Hibernian v Rangers llampden l’ark. l.etherh} t)ri\ e. olo o000. Spin. l’ree. In a repeat ol' the Seoltlxh ('up third round tie. llihx take on Rangerx in the \emi linal ol the ('lS ('up. .'\lter knoekrng otrt (‘eltie lrorn the eompetitton. llihx \\ ill he aiming to make it an Old Firm douhle.

The eyes of millions of gridiron fans and a smattering of insomniacs will be on Houston, Texas as the climax to the NFL Championship is played out at the Reliant Stadium. Last year Dexter Jackson spurred the Buccaneers on to win the title, and this year the Eagles, Colts, Panthers and Patriots are all still in with a shout. The Scottish Claymores are inviting around 800 fans to feast on a chunk of the TV action at the annual Super Bowl Party, this year held in Glasgow’s Walkabout. Pre- game entertainment is provided by the likes of Beyoncé, Aerosmith and Janet Jackson, and the match begins at 11pm. l/‘./(ill<.'rl)()rr';‘. Glasgow. 0M! 2222’ (3800. Sort .7 Feb. from Sip/7:. 5‘5).

‘--: .‘ 7- THE LIST 85