Clubs listings
Edinburgh Saturdays continued
I Wiggle at ligo. l lpm 3am. £‘). 3l Jan. Maggie & Alan Jo)‘ need no introduction and this is their new night ol ga} inn and lrolics. Trendy Wendy and Jon l’leased play tracks that are a little hit catnp. a little bit cutting-edge htit a whole lotta lun. Downstairs Sally l" and Michelle w ill he deploying R&B. hip hop. indie and chart tunes and how could we lorgct the loxel} Penny l’ornstar on hand to meet and greet the punters.
Chart & Party
I Cavendish/Diva at (’aVendish/l)i\a. l()pm 3am. liree hel’ore l lpm: £(i alter. Weekl). 'l‘he lull} relurhished space hosts a night ol all the grt)o\'iest hits lrom the
()()s 90s. with current chart litVCs on the top lloor. Over 25s only.
I Edinburgh’s Biggest Party at Mood. 9pm 3am. l’ree helore £l lpm; £3 alter tl'ree to memhers). Weekl). (’hart. part) and soul hits lroni D] Martin.
I The Party Continues . . at Peppermint Lounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekl}. See l‘ri.
I Relight my Fire at Ahhar. 9pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekl). See l‘ri.
I Shake It at l.’.»\ttache. 10.30pm 3am. £4 helore l lpm; £5 alter. Weekl}. Part} mUsic lrom the (ills right tip to last week. plus loads ol drinks promos to wash it all down with.
I Supernova at Revolution.
10.30pm 3am. £6 helore midnight: £7 alter (£4 £5). Weekl}. ('hart and part} hits all night long.
Edinburgh Sundays
I <any excuse> at l’riVe (‘ouneil l()pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekl}. Back 2 Mine style sets Iron) a selection ol lidinhurgh favourites. lunk}. chilled. uplilting \ ihes. Plus the <an) exctise> promoters are also ollering a lree ‘phone in sick to work service on Mon ljtist ask the DJ ). not surprising when all drinks are £ l.
I Audio Tourism at l’i\o liar ('ltih. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekl}. S-.-\rge and Jamie Buchanan pla} otit a selection ol heats.
I Chocolate Sundae at l-‘aiih.
l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly The Rttli and hip hop Sun session returns with DJ Paul ‘l’oxy' l-‘ox hack in charge.
I DKY at Studio 24. llpm 3am.
£| .50 £3. Weekl}. l)KY strides conlidentl} into its third )ear with resident l)Js Jordi. (iareth and l)a\e pla} ing rock. goth. metal.
74 THE LIST '2? Jan 5; l (:l) 701)”-
,Beiiin, Edinburgh, Sat'i31 ,
j Although Berlin is‘hidden away-inseam» of the We End, it’s a great venue that offers thel‘bestrof both ” worlds for drinkers andyolub. ' year-old Stereotype, it’s
to just sit: around and have,
" conversation, and a reasonablysfizod9'.‘.
1," dancetloor for when you feel the urge.’
In keeping with the ethic of putting
' on high-standard DJ talent, this birthday sees Belgian based production duo Kid Creme and Junior Jack (the latter being the man behind last year‘s big hit 'Make Luv', under the name Room 5) put in an appearance. ‘They're very special ' guests.‘ explains Huggy. ‘And I've been trying for a while to get them up here for their Scottish debut.‘ (David Pollock)
industrial and punk. 'l‘heme nights and lree gills comhine to keep things interesting.
W L‘L‘ls ill. W L‘L‘ls ill”.
I Flava at ('it): lidinhurgh. llpiii 3am. £4 (£3). Weekl}. 'l‘he hugel} sticccssltil Rtfili night takes up its new residenc} at ('it}.
I Gotham at Nichol lidwtil‘ds.
l()pm 3am. £(i £8 t£5 memhers). l l-‘eh. Monthl}. ‘l’etish cluh lor the insane' this is gothic tlL‘L‘tldL‘ltL‘C till night long with goth. clL'L‘lt'o. industrial and LB.“ and a letish theme lrom l)J.\. Suhlesel3 and 'l'liKlll-fil). And how could we lorget the Ministr} ol Burlesque retro showgirls. lipisode 7 ‘:\ (iolltiL‘ Valentines l);l_\ \litssitc't'c'.. Sll‘lcll) L‘nlol‘ccd goth :llld lt‘lisll dresscode.
I Kayos at ()piuni. l lpm 3am. lirec. Weekl). Metal and rock l)Js (‘laire Mollal and John lrom llogshead keep the crowds amoshing.
I Missing at ('aharet Voltaire.
l(l.3()pin 3am. £4 l£3). Weekl}. .\'ew cltih night lollowing the same lorniat as 'l'rouhle . . tlormerl} at the Bluenote). Willi a team made tip ol l)Js and promoters lroni (iet- 'l'ogethei'. Departure Lounge. Sa} Sainhal. Sonica. l)lrnt Drum and Big Beat. )Ull can he sure e\er) genre ol electronic. ia/l inlltienced music will he represented. Samuel P. l5resh Air and li\e sa\ 135 Jan) with Skope and ll-Raw i l l‘eh).
I Tackno at Massa. l().3llpin 3am. £6 (£4). 35 Jan. Monthl}. lt‘s hack to the llooi' lor 'l'rend} Weird} and her ininiitahle part} ini\ ol kitsch classics. Sw ing )otir sporran lor ‘Mc'l‘ackno‘s Burns .\'ight Superf.
§ Taste at the Liquid Room. llpiii 3am. £5 helore ll.3llpni: £8 alter t£o nienihers). Weekl}. The capital's inlamoiis Sun night session continues apacc. l-‘ishei‘ tk l’rice sltppl) a progressiie nii\ ol house and garage in the main room. While Martin \iillL'llllllC tilld Ste\ L‘ Waneless Wow lllL‘ mised/ga) crowd with lunk} LS house gems through the hack. l l‘eh marks the Silllth 'l’aste so too can imagine it‘ll he a higgic with the hest tunes l'roin WW 2004. liree entr) to the last So menihers. lrec
drink to L‘\L'l"\tlllt‘ in helore l l.3llpin and a li'ee ('l) at the end ol the night.
Chart & Party
I Devils’n’Angels at ('asendisli/l)i\a. l()pm 3am. £thc. Weekl). Sauc} lun at this newl_\ relitted club. with a heaxen and hell theme. l‘eel lree to dress to stiit and hoogie to chart dance all night long.
I Essential Karaoke at .~\l)l);ll'. lllpiii 3am. l‘ree. Weekl). Sec Tim.
I Mood Live at Mood. ()pin 3am. l‘ree helore £l lpm: £3 alter llree to lilt‘ttilk‘l'sl. Weekl}. .\lood opens its doors to a selection ol the countr) 's top co\ers hands. while l)Js spin hits lroni across the _\ears.
Edinburgh Mondays
I Audio B:low at llcnr} 's (‘ellar liar. 9pm. liree. 2r» Jan. .\'ew night to highlight Scottish producers. whate\cr their genre. lroni electro to dtih to hip hop to ltiiik. Li\e residents are Mangomad and load with DJ skills lion) lie-Sides. Blag l and a lcw othci's popping in lroni time to time.
I Audio Tourism at l’iso liar ('luh. 0pm 3am. l'il‘L‘L‘. \VL‘L‘H}. :\ selection til up-lront tan and other lunk} toons lt‘ottt llohhes l'l‘rouhle . .).
I Blooms til (.(‘ Blooms. l().3()pin 3am. l’i'ee. Weekl). 'l‘hings mellow out torso the} claim) at this ga_\ club with an upbeat disco \L‘lCCllUll.
I G2 at ('iti'tis ('liih. ll).3l) 3am. l-‘rce helore l l.3l)pni: £3 alter. Weekl}. Light altei'nali\e ol indie. emo. clccti‘onica and lo—li.
I Latin Quarter at Medina.
9pm 3am. l-‘ree. Weekl}. Release _\our Latin part} spirit e\er) Mon. With lrec salsa lessons lrom l’eiei‘ Rogers at 0pm then salsa and world heals l'rom .lanics (‘onihc until closing.
I Mediterranean Night at (‘aharei \‘oltaii'e. llpm 3am. £2. Weekl). .\ night ol Mediterranean music lrom resident hands 'l‘tihcki tconteinporar} and traditional (ircck) and l’cna ll.atin :Mllt‘l'lc‘dlt l‘olk). .v\lro ('tihan. Latin. salsa. (ireek music and world heats lroin l)J llcnritpies and lriends.
I More at ('it}: lidinhnrgh.
l().3()pni 3am. £3 hclorc ll.3l)pin; £4 alter. Weekl). More times. more promos. more ltiii at this student night hosted h} llari'} :\ilts\\t)l‘lll and his sidekick l).l liahcs.
I El Barrio at lil Barrio. l()pm 3am. l‘rec. Weekl}. .\ right old knees-up lor the Spanish and Spanish-losing communit} hosted h_\ 1)] Sanche/ and leattiring llainenqtiito straight through to Hispanic chart hits.
Chart & Party
I Matric at Rmolution. l()pm 3am. £4 (£2). \VL‘L‘kl}. SL‘Ullttlltl\ higgest capacit} student night with a mix ol cheese. chart. rock. pop and commercial dance. [I drinks pi‘oiiios should help wash awa) those Mon hlues.
I Tasty! at Mood. 0pm 3am. l’ree helorc [l lpm; £3 itl'lc‘t‘ tlt‘cL‘ lt) lttL‘lltlk‘l's). \VL‘L‘ls‘l). Resident l)J l);l\ id 5 pla} s the hest in hits lrom ()l)\ to the present this with a health) dose ol chces} classics thrown in lor good
Edinburgh Tuesdays
I Audio Tourism at l’iVo Bar (’liih. 0pm 3am. l‘rec. Weekl}. Monkeyho} drops the breaks. heals and house.
I The Club Foot at llenr} 's ('ellar liar. lt).3()pm 3am. £3. 3 l‘eh. l‘ortnightl). 'l‘w isted and misshapen ltiiik hosted h} house hand the .r\hdominal Show men with regular guests along the lines ol Li\e Sciences. Surlace linipire and the llL‘\ (’oalition. l’llts [)1 skills l'roin :\—('lii. ('arnien. l)en_ii. lntinit}. Slicllsttit and 3 Sticks.
I Creative Context at Berlin liierhaus. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3 £3). 27 Jan. .-\ di\erse night pi'o\ iding a lunk) hlend ol hip hop. reggae and world music lroin the ('(' residents.
I Fairtunes at the Bongo (‘luh l()pm 3am. £4. 27 Jan onl_\. Jan. lunk and world music raising lunds lor ethicall} minded lidinhurgh l'ni\ersit_\ societies.
I I Luv R&B at I‘aith. l().3()pm 3am. £3. Weekl}. l)oes e.\act|} what you’d cspect. mising up the hottest selection ol Rtkli. plus plent} ol drinks promos. Dress CUth is 'sltldt‘lll sc‘\_\' to Cl] lllitl what it sa)s here).
I Lyrics to Go at ('ahai'et Voltaire. l().3l)pni 3am. l‘ree. 27 .lan. Monthl}. 'l‘r} this li\ e hip hop and lunk jam out lor si/e. l’lent) ol lreest} le hattling. guest M('s and scratch) business going down all i)\ er the shop. l.i\e Sciences and l)JRedo man the main room while ltch} Soul lli-l‘i are in charge in room
I Motherfunk at the llone} comh. l().3l)pni 3am. l‘ree. Weekl}. .\lessrs (iino. l"i‘_\ er and Spectrum lreak the lunk lantastic at their consistentl} rammed night ol classics old and new. I Opal Lounge at ()pal Lounge. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekl). .\ mixed hag ol liinked up \ocal liotise. Rtkli and classic disco lion} [)1 ()ll.
I Punk Ass at ()piuni. l lpm 3am. l'hl'L‘L'. \VL‘L‘lsl). \L‘u ’i-llL‘ litglllc‘l' its l).l l’watil} dishes out the best in hardcore. skate and punk.
I Rhythm! at Mood. “Pm 3am. l-‘ree helore l lpm; £3 alter (lree to members). Weekl}. .\ smooth ini\ ol RtUi. hip hop and sotil lrom resident l)a\ id S.
I Salsa Buena at l’o .\';i .\';i.
l()pm 3am. l‘rec. Weekl}. James (‘onihe (Salsa Roniantica/Salsa \'i\a/('|iih Latino) and Latin li\plosion combine to gixe _\ou a night ol hot salsa magic? Absolute beginners salsa lessons l3} Latin lisplosion between 8 0pm.
I Split at (‘ahai'ct Voltaire.
l lpm 3am. l‘ree. 3 l-ch. Drum & bass with Shadow skill. the Dropout DJs and a smattering ol \er) talented local guests. Duh. electro. house and lunk are till ill studio 3. I Vibe at ligo. llpiii 3am. £3. Wet-kl}. (Ea) night with James Longworth on the decks. the Dancing Stud Mullins. the Singing Hair} Bloke and the Miining .\'iin. l)on't sa_\ we didn't warn _\a.