gtiddamn lurik as Shaun and Annic gixc tltc Bcnnct'x part} ptHSC cxactl} \\ hat thci u ant: ctimmcrcial tlancc mixcd \iith a \c‘lcctitin til 7()\, S()\ and ‘)()\ ltilx.

I Bombafusion at tlic Stilllltlllillh. .\'c.\t datc lhc.

I Boogie Wonderland at Iin\_\. llpm 3am. £7 (£5). \Vcckl)‘. Big night til tlisc‘ti ltit' lltthc \\ ht) llkL‘ lltL‘ll‘ lititi/L‘ chcap and thcir IllllC\ lunk)‘. Straight lun and _\tiu kntm \\ hat that‘s likc. _\’all.

I Break Yourself at Liquid l.tiungc. NC“ tlztlL‘ llk’.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Big tuncx and \c\} IIOIISL‘ grtitixcx \\ ith rcxidcntx A] and Ian 'lhtimpstin. Budda lt)()l\\ tti hc gctting hack tin track altcr thc rc—launch.

I The Buff at thc Bull. Bath l.anc. ltlpm 3am. £5 (£3i. \Vcckl). Nick I’cactick. .Mark Rtihh. Brian Rtihcrtxtin and chan Stmcnx ctitik up a littlc ncu \clttitil jal/ littxittcsx at (ilaxgtm \ tic“ ja/I. \Ulll and lunk cluh.

Q Caledonia Soul at \Vtitittsitlc Sticial. 9.30pm 3am. £5. 24 Jan. Mtinthl}. ('alc} \(illl is marking Martin l.utltcr King Di!) tl'S puhlic htilida} on I‘) Jan) \\ ith a \pccial ltitik at ()(l\ \(illl lrtim thc timc til thc ciin rightx nuncmcnt. 'l‘hcrc\ illSU \(Hllt‘ rarc Ntirthcrn Stiul “ith gucxt [)1 (Eu) llcnnigan lrtim I.L‘L‘tl\.

I Chakra at Stiundhaux. \cxt datc thc. I Club Budda at (’luh Budda. l)tunharttin Rtiad. ('l_\dchank.

I lpm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Budda’x ncucxt \cnturc takcx thc party to (l)tlchank. Vancc lrtim litiulmard ix hcltitttl thc tlcckx.

I Club Cuba! at ('uha Ntirtc.

9pm 2am. l-‘rcc. \Vcckl)‘. (ict in ttiuch \xith )tiur Latin \pirit at llti\ claxx} night til tlancc. ’I‘IIL‘ Iittcxl l.;tliltti hcatx ztt'L‘ \upplicd h} l)tincan. l‘arah and Shanntin. Makc \urc _\tiu arrix c carl_\ tti guaranlcc cntr).

I Club Taboo at tlic Bull. Bath Lanc. 9pm 3am. £5. 2-1 Jan tinl}. (‘laxxic .\'c\\ Rtimantic and St)\ muxic. aimcd at rccrcating thc undcrgrtiund cluh \ccnc in carl} Sllx l.tindtin. l’lundcr thc CUSIUIIIL‘ dcpai‘tmcnt COS tlicrc arc pri/cx ltir Ill()\k' in dalt-ltitiking thx t)llllll\ all tti mark thc launch til Bti) (ictit‘gc’x \tagc \lttm til thc \amc namc at thc King’x.

I Colours at thc Archcx. l lpm 3am. £10. 24 Jan. Scalc lltc hcightx at (llaxgtm '\ higng llt)ll\L‘ part}. it ith a littlc hpr lrtim Jtin Mancini. Smtikc} atitl thc Bandit and thc man \\ ith tlancc tlltlxic‘ in ltix hltititl. Sch l-tmtainc. I'tir I/Il.\ t/tllt' till/i 'xl-IJXI . ('(ll'tl/I(I/(/('I'\ rt't‘t'ii't' 3 ltir / t'nIIji;

I Cook DJ at Masxil. ()pm midnight. £5. \VL‘Clxl}. 'lltix i\ a grcat curl} L‘ltlli idca. haxcd tin thc pl‘L‘lttl\C that [fix gct lt)iltl\ til lrcc ltititl. and can makc thc tidd mcal. 'I'hc) pla_\ thcir lunk) I'CL't)l'll\. thc) ctitik )tiu thc ltitid. and )tiu jtlxl laugh )tiur hcad till and t'ti_jti_\ thc u htilc L‘XPCI'IL‘IICL‘.

I Cube Class at (’uhc. l lpm 3am. £7 (£5 l. \Vcckl). ()ltl-SL‘IIUUI llt)ll\C claxxicx and up«tti-datc anllicmx arc tlic tirtlcr til thc da) at thix packcd Sal nightcr. thankx tti main rtitim man Matt IL' liunk. ll] lltL‘ l)tlk'h I).\I(i \L‘t‘\t'\ up Rtkll.

I Death Disco at tlic :\t‘L‘llL‘\. \t'\t tlttlL‘ Zl l'iL‘ll.

I Deathkill4000 at Barll}.

llpm 3am. £5 t£4i. \Vcckl}. A hit til

hair mctal. a t\\ ixt til hrcakctirc and \timc

hanging tcclinti. \cr\cd \xith l;t\ltlttg\ til clcctrtipunk and a \lth til Scantlinax ian t‘tick tk Hill.

I Defected in the House at Max. llpm 3am. £l3 (U I i. 3I Jan. (iradc .\ 4/4 lltllISL' and l)clcctcd anthcmx \\ ith llclgian \xtindcrkidx Junitir Jack. Kid (’rcmc and Jun Mancini.

I Divine at (ilaxgtm Sclititil til .-\I't ltlt)\\ll\litll\l. ltlpm 3am. £0 (£5 £4i; £3.50 (BSA \tudcnlx. \Vcckl}. l’urc claxx lunk.(i(l\ and 7(l\ grtiti\ cx and a lti)al crtmd gti intti lltc mix tin lltlx \cr} lting running (ilaxgtm rcxitlcnt'x night at thc \clttitil.




I The Edge at lltc litlgc. ('tiatlit'itlgc. I lpm 3am. £5. \Vct‘kl}. (itirdtin Millcr and Paul Rca juxt can’t hpr mixhchm ing at thix night cclchrating all that is tlchauclicd and lun. “m c a lrtilic \\ ith thcm.

I Eskrima at (ila\gti\\ Schtitil til :\rt. l()pm 3am. £7 (£4 £(ii. \Vcckl}. .-\ grcat \icckl}. \\llll rtilling rcxidcntx .ltinnic \Vilkcx. BIN). In itch. and Martin (Ruh— :\-l)tllil. “IIU pla} tincc a nitinth \\llll ncxi up--antl-ctiming I).l\ Turn and ('ltixc. Brcndan. l‘cli\. and Dirt}'r_\.

I Freakmenoovers at (illhgtiu Sclttitil til :\t‘l. lllptlt 3am. £7 (£4 Ui). \Vcckl}. 'lhc licxt dcdicalcd hip htip cluh in thc cit}. in thc mclting ptit til thc .v\rl Schtitil cicr} Saturtla}.

I Fuel at l‘ucl. Bixhtiphriggx.

ll).3()pm 2am. £5. \Vcckl}. ()uc til thc ncucxt (il nightxptitx and hi all acctiuntx a damn gtitid night. l)J\ Bill} .ItlllL‘S and \Valtcr .\Ic\ah spin hip htip. chart \UlllltIS and cluh claxxicx. gi\ ing thc Saturda} night crtmtl cauxc tti gct tltm n. I Fundamental at thc ()uct-ti Margarct l'nitin. ltlpm 2am. £4 (£3). 2-1 .lan. .\ nth night at lllL' ()M \xith l).l\ 'ltim Mtirgan and Max itl 'l'urncr ctixcring thc \xhtilc \pcctrum til llUth‘ and tcchnti. I Groovejet at 'l‘raxli. llpm 3am. £8. \Vcckl}. l’aul .\".Iic pt'cxitlcx ti\cr thc cit} \ lllthl ptipular Rtkli and \tllll night. attracting a lti_\al crtmtl c\ct‘_\ ucck. Rtitim I ll:l\ lltc llrtmn Brtithcrx pl;i_\iitg \tical and ctimmcrcial IIUUSL‘ and Rtitim 3 hax l)a\ c \\ ith thc part} anthcmx.

I Haptic at liquid l.tiungc.

l()pm 3am. £7 t£5i. .lati Z—l. Mtinthl}. .v\n c\cning tin linc. \ilkcn htiuxc mu\ic \\ itli rc\idcnt\ (iianni. (‘tilin l)a\ ic and .\ll\\ I'iltlll. SpL‘L‘litl gtlt‘xl I).I Q.

I Higher Ground at Rl\L‘l\ltlL‘ ('luh. \L‘\l tlttlt‘ lliL‘.

I Hi-Karate at liquid ltiungc.

ltlpm 3am. £8 t£(ii. 3| .lan. Mtinthl} llip htip. lttnk and hrcakx \\ ith \cil McMillan and (tan ltirtl Ian.

I Homecookin’ at thc liL'lt). lllpttt-t 3am. I‘rcc hcltirc l lpm; £5 altcr. \Vcckt}. l).l\ Stcu art .\lc('allum and .ltic lligginx kccp thc muxic jammin‘ and lltc tlancc lltitiriumpin' all night lting. Rth trackx mi\cd \\ ith thc tidd claxxic and tiltl-Slultil laxtiuritcx. .\ ncu \cnuc ctinccpt. hut thc \amc altitutlc tti hai ing a gtitid timc. \U gct tin it.

I Homegrown at Banihtiti.

lllpm 3am. £3 t£(ii. \Vcckl}. Stc\ ic Mitltllcttin. l)tiniinic Martin. and Sctitti l’i likc to put tin a hit til a \llt)\\ ltir llic Batiilititi Illil\\L'\ till at Sat. l‘ittttk) lltill\L‘ muxic and \timc ttip ntitch Rtkll.

I Inside Out :tl lltL‘ .'\t'L‘ltt‘\.

lllpni 5am. £l7. 3l Jan. Mtinthl}. ‘l'uti til thc liiggcxt namcx lll tlancc mu\ic. 'li'cxtti and (in) ()i'nadcl. takc tlic rcinx ttiniglit. and thc \ ihcx in thc .v\t‘cltc\ gct tlic mcga»cluh trcatmcnt. l’rtigrcxxn c llUllSC. l)titch trancc and (icrman tcchnti \ttimpcrx arc \cr} much tin thc agcnda. I Jamboree at Rcdx. l lpm 3am. £7 t£5i. \Vcckl}. Jtilin l.)tin\ and Martin

play Back toithe Future, Sat 31 Jan

Ilcxkcth til \'cl\ct RUUIIIS lamc mix up a hlcntl til ctimmcrcial Rtkll and \Ulll.

I Club Kinetic at ()uccn Margarct l‘nitin. .\'c\t datc thc.

I Kevin Austin at ('amax l.'\l'l;ll. It).3()pm 3am. £7. \Vcckl}. (‘tintinuc dancing tti thc main rtitim \tilllHIS til ltnik. (ll\L‘ti and cluh anthcmx \xhilc tltc liic cntcrtainmcnt takc a \xcll-dcxcricd hrcak.

I Life at lilc t('tirinthiani. ltlpni 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. :\ ltirmidahlc night til ltnik ltir lllt)\L‘ \\llU Iikc thcir ctttct‘tainmcnt maturc. hut \till iammin'. Rt)\\ Macmillan prcxcntx a \clcctitin til Stilll. lunk and tllSL'U augmcntcd \\ ith tiriginal \amplcx and ltlt)[l\ tti guarantcc a ncii lakc tin lamiliar \tHllltlS.

I Lite at (‘tirinthian 0pm 3am. £thc. \Vcckl}. Mtitlct'n ncu liar and cluh at llll\ gtirgctiu\ Ingram Strch tttcga—\cnuc.

listings Clubs

'lhc) al\\a_\\ put a ltit intti thcir \cnucx. \(i tr} tti makc an clltirt. \\ ill )tiu'.’

I Lush at thc I’tilti l.tiungc.

lt).3()pm 3am. £5. \Vcckl}. l‘caturing And} in thc 'I‘rtiph} Rtitim \\ ith hits lrtim thc ()II\ In thc Stlx. uhilc 'I‘tim prti\ idcx an up-lrtint tlancc \clcctitin in thc tnain rtitim at tlic cit_\ '\ [)I‘L‘lllt‘xl ga} cluh.

I Mas at Max. llpni 3am. £8 t£(ii. \Vcckl). Stitttc til tltc Iinc\l litittxc l)J\ artiund put thc htitimpit) -htitimp intti )tiur Saturtla) night.

I Melting Pot at Rncrxitlc ('luh.

l3 3am. £10. 31 Jan. Mtinthl}. 'lhcrck ahia'n a \trting .\'c\\ Ytirk llaitiur tti thcxc nightx. \iith Simtin ('tirdincr and Bill} \Vtititlx rccling tiut thc nu IIUUSL‘. undcrgrtiund tllSL‘tl claxxicx and much Cle‘ I‘C\IKIL‘\.

I Midnight Marauders at Ri\ct\itlc (‘luh. .\'c.\t datc thc.

I Miso at l3lh .\‘titt-. .\'c\t tlatt- lhc.

0 Mish Mash at thc l‘nitcrxal. | lpm 3am. £l() t£t\‘i. 3| Jan. Mtinthl}. ()\L‘tll l‘ulltinc. l)c\ in Stcu art and Ntirdin /.atiui kccp thc \UlllltIS ctiming lrcxh and \harp ltir ltltl-l. Mixh Maxh L'tlllllllllCS to pack a punch ltir prtigrcxxn c ltlthlc in (ilaxgtm. I Moda at Mtitla. 0pm 3am. I‘rcc. \Vcckl}. l-inc (ilaxgtm I)J tand ltitithallcri Barr} (‘tcmmcl tll'UPS htimhx at thix hcautilul har in tltc ga} dixtrict.

I Monox at thc Stiundhaux. Nut datc llk‘.

I Opus at ()plh. 2pm 3am. l’rcc. \Vcckl}. 'lhcrc'x a li\ c wing hand lrtim l\\tl. and thcn it gctx lunkicr \\llll DJ Paul lrtim \‘i'ickctl Stiun/ pla}ing until thrcc in thc mtirning. ()h )L‘\.

I Papacool at :\d l.ih. l lpm 3am. £5 (£4i. 3l Jan. Mtinthl}. l)tixt} tiltl \tilll I'L‘L‘Ul'tl\ and ntitidl) ja/I \ ihcx. \Nllll thc cicr-ptipular Bill} and Mat.

I Rapture at Mcdia. l lpm 3am. £thc. \VL‘L‘kl). 7()\ and fills clttxxicx lt'tittt ltttttcx Rll\\t‘ll. and gucxt l)J\ c\cr} l\\ti \xcck\ makc thix a lun night tiut.



VALID FROM: 22/01/04 UNTIL: 04/02/04


‘CC '\ Ix,

PARTICIPATING ClUBSI (please see IflleIOUdI Club ttsttnqs tor OISCOUOI details)




'nm In i C I? 3' m Q.


i--: .‘ ~'- THE LIST 69
