Clubs listings

Glasgow Fridays continued

I Fluid at 'l‘raxh. l lpin 3am. to (£4). \Vc‘c‘kl}. lik'ill l()().x l.lx;t l.llllL‘\\(l()(l. Scntt Mitcka} and Ran B all pla) ax rcxidcntx at thix raucnux part} up at thc mad cnd nl tnn n. Funk} hnuxc. urhan pnp and lnadx nl' chcap hnn/c makc thix a \\ Inning pt'npnxlltntt.

I Fresh at thc l’nln l.nungc.

l lpm 3am. £5. \Vcclxl}. Michcllc and And} takc chargc nl~ thc inuxical duticx in thix dclicinux. inixcd .\lcrchant ('it} cluh. ththcr _\nu'rc in thc 'l‘rnpli} Rnnm (II' nn thc danccl'lnnr. lltc‘ ltlttcx nill l'ucl )nur happincxx.

I Fridays at Blanket at Blankct llttt'tllc‘t‘l} Bcdl. llpm Rant. {(1 (Hi. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc big hack rnnni hax an R&l£ lla\a c\ct'} l-‘rida'\ nhcn R;l)lll(llltl \Vnndx. Naccm and Stuart .\lc('alluin takc it in turnx tn talx'c _\nu nn a trip c\cr_\ n cck nhilc Bill} .\lilligan hringx xntnc .\lntnnn l'un niixcd nith part} claxxicx lll llic lt'nnl mom.

I Friday Street at liquid l.nungc. llpni 3am. £5 MA). 30 Jan. .‘\Iniithl}. (‘laxxic tund xntlttdx. (lll\ px}ch and nnrthcrn xnul claxxicx at Scntland‘x prcmicr innd night. Mikc) ('nllinx. l’aul .\lnlln} and l)a\y Quinn arc inincd h} (ilaxgnn hand thc l’igurc 5.

I Fuel at l‘ucl (Bixhnphriggxi. 10.30pm 3am. £4. \Vcckl). .\'cn cluh \cntut‘c lrnin thc (it grnup. nhich ix attcinpting tn c\pand thc awragc (ilaxncgian'x idca nl‘ n hat n cclxcnding incanx. l’aul Rca pla_\ x cluh claxxicx. Rtkli. lunk and an}thang nitli a grnn\ c. Snuthxidc and Nnrthxidc it'x xtarting tn gct likc l.nndnn in hcrc. .\ n cc hit.

I Full On at l’ri\ilcgc. l(l.3()pin 3am.

L“) 11.7). \Vcckl}. 'l'nni \Vilxnn. (icklxnhn).

Stcnart (irccn. William l)anicl. (ia\ llnuxtnn. Stti Him and (iii) l‘crri arc _\nur hnxtx at thix n cckl} dancc night dnn n nn llnpc Strcct.

I Funhouse at Barll}. l lpni 3am. H (Bl. \Vccld}. .-\ night (it clucd-up punk and cathartic indic pnp nnnxcnxc. lt'x pngn-a-gngn nitli Radin l'x Vic (iallnna). Mr Paul Nccdlcx and [)1 Alpha \ltlc‘ltc‘ll.

I Funk Room at thc :\l'L‘llL‘\. \c\l datc Ill l'AL'l‘.

I GOOdfOOt at thc Ri\ct‘\itlc Sticial. .\‘cxt datc thc.

I Glasshouse Transmission at \Vintcr (iardcnx. (ilaxgnn (irccn.

Spin latc. Li‘s. 30 Jan nnl}. .\ night nl' hcdnnixtic Victnriana at nnc nl'

(ilaxgnn 'x hcxt-lmcd hcaut) xpntx. .-\cid hnuxc \ctcran Andi'cn \Vcathcrall prmidcx thc xtiitahl} cclcctic xnundtraclx tn a night )ntt nnn'l lnrgct. .Scr' pri'i'ir'ii'. I Heads Up at Suh (‘lulx llpnt-Satn. LS (i l’ch. .\lnnthl_\. Rc'xidcnt l’aul

(‘an lc). hnxx nl Snnia nll-xhnnt l’cnctik. ix inincd h} xpccial gucxt llcrhcrt.

I I Love 1970 at Slt‘;tlllc‘l}tlt‘ Studcnt‘x .-\xxnciatinn. 0pm 3am. L‘thc. \Vccld}. :\x thc naiuc xuggcxtx funk} lun 7(lx claxxicx all night lnng.

0 Kinky Afro at thc Suh ('luh.

llpin 3am. L'thc. 23 Jan. .\lt)llllll}. 'l‘hc .»\l'rn gctx xci'inttxl} tnuxlcd thix ninnth ax .\Iatthcn Bcnnctt and [)1 l’riincS lll’titll rudclynatncd lncal lahcl Sciuinal liinixxinnxl gct dnnn In a l'nur hnur. l'nur dcck clcctrn-lcl'tlicld xnutidclaxlt. 'l‘hcrc arc alxn c\cluxi\ c \lnnkc} \tttx (‘l)x l’nr thc lirxt ltltl puntcrx thrnugh thc dnnr.

I LiveVEvil at (ilaxgnn Schnnl (it .'\it. llpin 3am. Ht) tL'Si. () l-ch. .\lnnthl_\. Jnin rcxidcntx l’aul chct. .\lnrph_\. \clncct. Siinnn l) and .\l(' (iulu\ hit a trip intn dccp xpacc druni & haxx. .\latri\ t\'irux/.\lctrn Rccnrdingxl. nnc nl' thc gcnct'atinn nl' drtun & liaxxhcadx nhn canic thrnugh l,nndnn'x Spccd cluh. ix thcir liugcl} -rcxpcctcd gucxt.

I Latin Fever at lla\ana. ()plll 3am. l't'cc. \Vccltl}. l).l Kcith l) xpinx up xninc (‘nlunihiaiL (‘uhan. \cn anlx and .v\lrican xalxa. adding a tn ixt nl' l.atin chart. Rtkll and glnhal hcatx tn thc rh}thinica| xtcn. litxl}.

I Lite at thc (‘nrinthiair lllpin 3am. Uhc. \Vcckl}. 'l'hc (‘nrinthian l'acclil't

68 THE LIST 7? la' '2 i «fl-l,

gctx intn lull xning. nith thc l.itc bar and club taking in cr n cckl} pi'ncccdingx. 'l‘hix cluh n ill ha\ c i'cgulai‘ appcaranccx l'rnin all nl‘ thnxc nlin makc thc (il particx gn n ith a xn ing.

0 Manga at Suh ('luh. llptn -lani. {Ill ([8). 3t) .Ian. Mnnthl}. :\n cighth birthda} cclchratinn and thc launch (it a ncn innnthl} Suh ('luh t’cxidcuc} lnt‘ thc prndiginux lidinhurgh cluh. .\langa rcxidcntx (i>.\lac. 1)] Kid. thc (icncral and .\l(' Snnn} ha\ c .\larcux lntalc\ and ('alihrc tl)nininic .\lartinl l'nr cninpan}. prn\ iding a lian nl rcaxnnx tn hc pnxitn c alinut drum «k haxx in letl-l. St't' [’I't'l‘lt’ll'. I Medicine Wheel at thc Suh ('luh. .\'c\t tlatc thc.

I Moda at .\lnda. Uplll 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcckl). l)arrcn l)unn caxcx hix na} thrnugh thc night n ith thc lincxt in hnuxc. garagc and Rtkll.

I Music for Pleasure at lllc‘ Art-hcx. .\'c\t tlatc thc.

I The National at lllL‘ .'\l‘L'llL‘x (‘al‘c- llar. Nut datc tbc.

I National Pop League at thc \Vnndxidc Sncial. S-l5pin 2am. U. 30 Jan. .\lnnthl_\. ’l‘hc pnctx and drcanicrx rcclaiin thc xtrcctx. ()r thc \Vnndxidc at an} t'atc. \tht‘c clxc can )nu hcar Squcc/c and ()rangc .luicc and all thnxc lahulnux indic rccnrdx _\nu ltu'gnl L‘\l\lL‘d'.’

I The N00 Groove at lltc l‘nncrxal. Sauchichall l.anc. llpni 3am. L5. 30 Jan. \lnnthl}. 'l‘iinc tn gct up thc lanc and xhalxc a lcatlict' tail. l.ct Nick l’cacnck and Brian \\'illianixnn gct _\nu nn )nur lcct l‘nr a rnnip thrnugh xnul.

ia//. dixcn and hnuxc nld and nu.

Numbers at .\d lib. llpin 3am. £5. \lntitlil}. 33 Jan. Marcia Blatnc


People’s Palace, Glasgow, Fri 30 Jan

Schnnl l'nr (iirlx takc cnnunand nl thc tuncx tnnight. 'l‘hc} 'rc inincd h} [)1 linhh} ('lca\cr and inaxtcr nl' \‘ixualx. Rctina (ilitch. lnt‘ xnnic inind-pnpping L‘lL‘L'll‘UniL‘a. St'r' [)I't’t'lt'ii'. I Nurture at ('luh (it). .\'c-xt tlatc thc. I Offset at ('uhc. “hille 3am. L'S tLSl. \VL‘L‘lxl}. l)ancc claxxicx and lull hntixc li'nni rcxidcntx including Sim .\lillcnniuin (iirl and l'nrincr /)/(l\'/)(l\' L'cttlt‘cl'tild Rclk‘lxlxatll 'l‘L‘iIStlillC. Slic‘ gctx a littlc xuppnrt (ha ha) l'rnin Siinnn l‘n}. (iar} (‘urlc_\. .lint l)a licxt and Richard l.c‘\ lllell I Opus at ()pux. Spin 3am. l‘rcc. \Vcclxl). DJ Paul drnpx xninc xniaxhing tuncx and takcx thc ()pux xct intn thc innrning n ith hix Wickcd Snun/. Pressure at thc Archt-x. lllpin 3am. L'lS’ tum. 3t) Jan. .\lnritlil}. l’rcxxurc launchcx intn 3004 in ridiculnuxl} lull-l'rnntal inndc. Ynu'll xtrugglc tn lind higgcr natncx nr hcttcr l).lx than .\lntnr ('it} tcchnn tnaxtcr ('at'l (‘raig and (‘hicagn hniIxc dnn Dcrriclx (‘artciz Slain alxn hax c hnuxc purixt Ynuxcl alnng l'nr thc part). Hclinitcl} thc placc tn hc. I Red and Gold Room at .v\rta. ltlpin 3am. l’rcc hcl'nrc l lpin; £7 altcr. \\'ccl\l}. l).l .\lichacl ()‘Shca pnpx tip tn xpin nnl} thc lincxt xalxa and l.atin tuncx In a \cr) n cll-hcclcd :\i‘ta crnnd. I Release at thc :\rchcx. l lpin 3am. L‘thc. 33 Jan. .\lnnthl}. Stni'niin‘ hrcaltx and xninc druin & haxx xlinn inanxhip n ith 'l‘urntahlc Scicntixtx. Baraka. ('}phc't‘ and l).\l(' champ l).l Kctilat'n, a man nhn xcratchcx lilxc hc'x gnt l'nur I Rockit at Bainhnn. 5pm 3am. £7 tL'5i. \Vcckl}. ()nc rnnin lintixc. nnc rnnni

The Victorians may have erected their botanical gardens for our quiet meditation and spiritual improvement, but they never got to hear Andy

Weatherall in set, did they?

For it is Lord Sabre (of Paradise) himself, perhaps the world’s most tireless turntablist, who will play host this month at one of Glasgow’s most superbly conceived dance parties.

It's a world apart from Trongate during the day, but add a night sky, lights, flags and visuals and the Winter Gardens on Glasgow Green start to feel quite wildly exotic. Katie Carmichael of Glasshouse Transmission, the brains behind the project, says: ‘We saw the chance to put contemporary music into an interesting space. Nowhere else in the city could you dance amongst palm trees, cacti and waterfalls, under a huge ceiling" of twinkling glasaflfl iron structures.’ g

Weatherall’s tough”machine funk proved strangely compatible with

the venue’s lush Victoria Andy, I think a lot of nigh ,

n he piayed in March 2003. ‘Foers like? end into one another,’ says Carmichael. ‘But at this venue it’s different.’ (Kenny Hodgart)

* {_ f


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ii, I i

fill; I

xnul and tank and xninc chillnut in thc Inungc. An inimcnxcl} pnpular night nith innxt xhadcx nl‘ npininn.

I Sensoria at :\d l.ih. I lpni 3am. £5 (Hi. Jan 24. Mnnlltl}. l’nxt punk and ncn n'a\ c bullctx l'rnin thc 'l'at'tan Arm} 'x \cr} nnn 'l‘ani ('n_\|c. thc man n hn prntnntcx Alan .\lc(icc'x l)cath l)ixcn. I Shoogakube at Snundhaux. cht datc thc.

I Sidewinder at :\d l.ih. Nut datc llk‘.

I Stateside at Liquid l.nungc.

ltlpni 3am. £5 tUl. \Vcckl} tc\ccpt 30 Jan). (ic‘l )L‘t' at'xc Statcxidc hit a night ()l. lunlx. xnul. iaH. hip hnp and hrnkcn hcatx n ith rcxidcntx .-\arnn l’ctric and .\lichacl Ral'l'crt}.

I Subscience at (‘luh (it). .\'c\i datc llk‘.

I Sub Tropical at ('uha .\'nrtc. .\'c\t datc tbc.

I Super Scientists at (‘luh (it). |()pin 2am. £5. 23 Jan. .\lnnthl_\. .\ xi\ dcclx xcratch and llll\ nnrlxnut n ith thc ttxual xuxpcctx. l’nindmtcr. l)r Air. lixpinn. l,ittln .\lixx .\li\it and Snitch l)nc‘ltit‘.

I Switchback at Sn itchhaclx. .-\nnicxland. llpni 2am. £5. \Vccltl}. (il'x ncncxt nut-nl-tnnn \cnuc prmidcx a party xnundtrack tn gct thc n cckcnd xtartcd. Ynu'rc iti thc ll'll\l_\ handx nl' DJ Richic .\lc(‘nlin.

I TFI Friday at thc Barnn} Bar. Strathclylc Studcnt‘x l'ninn. 4pm Sam. [3 (U ). ('hat't. L‘llL‘C\L‘ iltld illltllt‘llc‘c humiliatinn nith [)1 Phil.

I Tidy at thc Shack. “Lillplll 3.30am. £5 tUl. \Vcclxl). l.ct that inlcctinux l‘i'i lccling takc litild (ll. )ntt nhilc l).l lain llanlnn talxcx cnntrnl nl' thc dancc l‘lnnr. I Tiger Tiger at 'l‘igcr 'l‘igcr.

l lpni 3am. m. \Vcclxl}. lhix hugcl} pnpular bar. club and rcxtaurant gncx

n ild al'tci' hnurx n ith a xclcctinn nl' cninincrcial dancc and Rtkll l‘nr all thnxc xtunning ladicx and xnank} ht)_\‘x.

I Traxx at thc Snundhaux. .\’c\t datc llk‘.

I Tronicsole and Tracktion Sessions at .\l:\S. l lpin Sam. [7 (£5). \Vcckl}. chidcntx (inrdnn l,ngan. .\laxh and (Mix llarrix xpin at thix grcat tripp} lintixc part).

I Under the Hood at Suh ('luh. .\c\t datc thc.

I Unity Reggae at Snundhaux. .\'c\t datc tlk‘.

I Urban at thc 'l‘unncl. l lpm 3am. £5 tUl. \Vcclxl). .v\n Rtfill xcxxinn cntu'tcx) nl' l’aul N'Jic at thix rclaunchcd. claxxic (ilaxgnn \cnuc.

I Vacuum at thc Ri\crxidc ('luh. \cxt datc thc.

Glasgow Saturdays


I Back to the Future at thc ('arling :\cadcin'\. ‘)pin 3am. (In (L'lt) in adxanccl. .il Jan nnl}. Shnck hnrrnr? chlc‘t'da} '\ hcrncx dran liiggc‘t‘ c‘t‘nn dx than tnda} 'x. (ict in thc tinic machinc and t'c|i\ c thc glnricx nl‘ Rc/ct‘cctinn-cra dancc. l).lx includc 'l'nin \\'ilxnti. 'l'rcxnr Rcill} and Scntt lirnnn nhilc l’uhlic Dnmain. l)rcain l't'cqucnc) and l‘ltraxnnic arc nut tn prm c thc} can xtill turn it nn lixc.

I Bailamos at lla\ana. 0pm 3am. l‘i‘cc. \Vcckl). l).l Kcith l) hringx )nu a nnrld xclcctinn: xalxa. RNB. l.atin chart actinn and n halc\ ct' clxc nimcx )nu.

I Base at thc 'l'unncl. lll.5llplll 3am. £7 tL'5l. \Vcclxl}. (Mix and .\lartin llcxlxcth. alnng n ith ('hrix llarrix and :\l lx'cnt. n ca\ c a linc lahric nl l'unlx} hnuxc and Rkli at \lllc‘ltcll l.illlL“\ lltlL‘\l dallL‘c cinpnriuin.

I Bebado at Rixcrxidc (‘luh \mt datc llk‘.

I Bedlam at ()uccn Margarct liltntl. ‘lpin Iain. L's“. \lnnthl}. 3| .lan. .\ gnth punk and nu inctal xnundtrack inciting ritual innrtilicatinn and crnxx-hurning atnnngxt thc hlach—clad hnrdcx. .\la_\hc. I Bennet’s at tic-nnci'x.

l lfitlpin 3am. t5. \Vcclxl}. l’ccl thc