Glasgow Clubs "

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to clubsglasgow®, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Glasgow listings are compiled by Kenny Hodgart.

Glasgow Thursdays


I Back to Mine at the l.ite Bur. ’l'itnex the. Free. \Veekl}. liter) ’l'htt. the l.ite Bur part) ix tttken o\'er h) ;t dill‘et'ent celehrit). [)1 or media pltt) er. doing \thttt the hell the} “tint to on the deckx.

I Bennet’s ttt Bennet‘x. l lptn .iillll. £3 (£3). \Veekl}. ('rtt/_\ nigltt ttt thix tnoxt populttr ol’ gtt} \enuex. The) itl\\il_\\ get tt grettt croud iii and the utter pttrtiex ttre ill\\‘tl} x xontething to behold.

I Budda ttt Bttddtt. l lpnt .iltlll. £thc. \Veekl}. Relttunched \enne htlek on truck with (lL‘tilll\ xtill the.

I Blunt ttt (‘ottierx 'l'hetttre. ()pnt lttnt. A ne\\ night in ll)ndl;tnd'x church-conte— hoo/er featuring hip hop. R&B illltl tlillleellitll “ith l);t\ id Mac. and hetttx. glitch tllttl electronicx \\ ltlt .\'el.

I Cheeze tit Strutltcl_\de Stttdent'x .'\\\()elittl()lt. ()plll .iillll. £thc. \Veekl}. 'l‘he higgext ttnd tttckiext xtttdent night e\ er.

I Columbian til the Ax} ltnn Back Room. 8pm ltllll. l-‘ree to ('t'Sl' tnetnherx; £l otheruixe. \Veekl}. l’ut xotne ht'ettkin' l’ttnk in _\our trttnk \\ ith thix entertaining night ol xtttdent ntztdnexx.

I Dirty Thursdays at Blanket.

l lpttt 3am. £5 (£3). Weekl}. (iet deep tl()\\ll and dirt} e\et'} 'l‘httt'xdtt} \tith Ranntond Woodx ttnd .\';teent timing tip xoine ol' the (noxt hoot_\lieiotlx Rtkll in the cit}. \thile Bill} Milligttn xerxex tip the hext xtudent clttxxicx ttnd dirt} pop tunex. I DogGod at Q Bur. ltl..5(lpllt .ittllt. £2. \Veekl}. .\'e\\ night of eclecticixtn ttt the beautiful cluh under ('orinthittn. lt \\;lx cloxed for ;tgex but no“ the} 're getting hltek’ into the groote. l’tn‘e clttxx.

I The Edge at the l-Ldge. (‘ottthridge

l lpttt .ittlll. l-"ree. \Veekl}. (int‘) llettne} hlttxtx the (‘ottthridge tnttxxn e into l-ridtt) “ith the \er} hext itt funk} \oc;t| houxe. I Fire Wire ttt Bttttihoo. 5ptn Btun. £3 (£3). \Veekl). (irtthttnt l‘erguxon xpinx Rtkli ttnd chttrt elttxxiex itt rootti l. \xhilxt l)l tottxt ix in the red rootn pltt} ing indie pop and rock. In the lounge. Rohin B planx an eclectic mix of dixco. funk and xolll.

I Freakmoves ztt (ilttxgou School ol Art. llptn 3am. £3 (£2). \\'eekl_\. l'ltrtt- line hip hop night for the xtttdentx. \\ ith I)Jx Dunn and .\'ice. l-ur 22 A'- 391(1): (ill/t 'xi-Ijxl't‘urt/ huh/cm g’r'l l‘R/f/f (‘Il/I‘V u/l rite/II.

I Homework ttt \‘atult. llptti .itnn. £5 (£4). \Veekl}. Inn and Ste\ ie tnttn the ho\. xo till inxecuritiex ox er the lunex ill‘L‘ (lixpelled. 'l‘hix night tlitnx lot' xltltlenl huppinexx \\ ithottt coinprotnixing the quulit} le\elx.

I Hype ttt ('uhe. I luillpnt .iilllt. £3 (£3 ). Weekl}. lint l);t Bext tetnnx up \\ltll the ll}pe crew to pttt on at night ol t\\i\te(l. ultrtt-l‘unk) houxe. l’lent} ol'chettp hoo/e tnttkex thix it fun night ottt.

I Instant Access ttt Suh ('luh.

llptn 31m). £3. \Veekl). :\ clttxxier 'l'hu night there ne\ er \tttx. (ilit/} (lecor .tnd xonie rttther ‘e\otic' dttncerx xltottld keep )ou enchanted uhile 'l‘il'l' l’ettchex (Rttdio Magnetic. llehttdo) ttnd the Sub (iroundxkeeper (ilenn (' tttke }()tl tip the garden path with their ttddictixel} lunk} xoundx. itlltl retuorked (lttncel'loor clnxxicx. ()n let) 5 there'x xollle li\e xinging l't‘oni lrixh \xonder \xontttn Malireztd. I'm' 33 A'- 391ml (HI/V '.’l-I.i\!' t'rt/‘r/ hull/en eel IVRI'J'. ('HII'\ all night.

I Loaded at Liquid Lounge.

lllptn Ruin. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. ’l'hree lite httndx kick the night oll. making \\;I} lor

.loe Kline on (leckx \\ ill) xolne indie. mod and xottl ttt lttnt.

I Madhouse ill the Shitek.

l().3(lptn .‘sttin. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. ('.l and .-\nd_\ tttke )tlll to the brink ol inxttnit}

\\ ith xotne ol' the tnoxt outrngeoux ttnd cottrttgeoux xtttdent ttnthentx.

I Old Skool Reunion ill .-\l‘cli;tox. llpm .‘stttn. £5 (l't'ee £2.50). \Veekl}. ()ld xeltool techno clttxxiex itlltl (lixeo xt) le tttnex for the lien/ted xtttdentx dtmn :\l'elltlox \\;t).

I Psychoacoustics tlt .r\d l.ih. .\'e.\t tlttle the.

I Pinup Nights lit Black. Queen Street. \e\t date the.

I Polo for Me til the Polo Lounge. ltlpin lilltl. l'it'ee. \Veekl}. You. the luck} punter. tttke the helm tonight. ttx reqttext cttrdx att'e tnttiltthle o\ er the hill' and in the hoolh. .\'otice lor the uniinttgintttix e onex: ‘l tttn Whttt 1 ;un‘ ix prohibited h) ltm ttnd punixhtthle h) xpttnking.

I Record Playerz til (ilttxgtm Seltool ol'.r\rt. ll).3(lptn 3.30am. £3 (£2). \Veekl). lli-l‘i Settn (lli-l'idt'lit} ) ttnd llthllptlpp} (l)i\ ine) perl'ornt chettp deck xttckin‘ to dixcetttt. dunth electro ttnd Xllx phttnk. the} ;td\ ixe )otl to net tip. drexx tl()\\ll ttnd phi} ettx} to get.

I Retro ill 'l‘rnxh. llptti .itllll. £4 (£3). \Veekl}. l);t\ e Young. Stet en lirottn and the Krill} Kttrttoke tetnn pl} their \tttrex ttt thix lttlittloux night under Pitt Street. .\ xtudent night \tith xtunning tunex. xtunning looking people and it xtnttttering ol‘ drinkx pt'otnotionx.

I Skint at the (‘ttthouxe. | lplti .iitllt. £4 (£2 ). \Veekl}. Yer) tnttch tt night to rellect \xhttt'x going on in (ilttxgott ttt the moment. 'l‘ough chenticnl lire;th ttnd hetttx. rock and indie for ti crtmd ntuch like the one otltxide the (killer) ol Modern .v\rt.

I Speakeasy til the t'nitetxul (Sttuchiehull l.;tne). lllptn Zuni. l‘ree. \Veekl). l‘or thoxe \t ho feel like tt le\\ drinkx alter the put). but don’t \tttnt logo cluhhing. Spettkettx} ix lot _\()11. The inuxie ixn‘t coinprontixed. and the \ ihe ix chilled.

I Soul Shaker ttt .\l:\S. l lptn .‘sttttt. £4 l£3l. \Veekl}. :\n tllltll\e()\ ei‘ed gent. \Ve lt;t\ e (I nti\ed hug ()I~ electro. techno, houxe and funk courtex) ol' Dirt} l.itl'l'). the .ltlltk};tl'(l Dog and John Mitchell.

I Switchback ttt Sn itchhnck. :\llllle\litlltl. | lpttt Zuni. l‘ree. \Veekl). A new xtudent night iii the \Vext. and ti line option lol‘ thoxe thttt like to putt) on it 'l‘htn'xdtt}. Scott .\luirhe;td ttnd ('hrtx Mancini h;t\ e till the ttnthetnx.

I Theorm ill the Vault. .\‘ext date the. I Phunky Monkey ttt Belo (l'ot‘nterl) Hahn/ti). Spin .5itllt. l‘ree before I lpni: £4 (£3) ttl'ter. \Veekl}. Scott (iruinger. Vance and Richie .\lc('oltn tire on xpinning dtttiex ttt thix netx cluh thttt lookx like getting e\en bigger than Hahn/ti. l’lent} oldl'inkx prontox. l'unk} nnthentx ttnd l'loor lillet‘x tnttke it ;t “inning lhl'lllllltt.

Glasgow Fridays


I Abnormals Anonymous at (ilttleott School ol .~\rt. .\'e\t tlitte 15 let). I Aerodynamico ill the t'nitetxul. \e\t date the.

I Archaos :tt .'\l'elt;l()\. | lptn .ittlll. £5 (£2.50). \Veekl}. .\t;tinxtre;nn chzirt dttnce. xottl tintl cheexe tit one ol the htlxicxl l‘l‘l nighterx in t()\\lt.

I Babaza ttt Helo. (iptn .itttn (l).lx iron) I lptn). l-‘ree before I lptn; £5 ztl'ter. \Veekl}. 'l'he \enue'x legendttr} l‘ri nightx




take the ntttne ol the cluhhing ittxtittttiott thttt uxed to he here. l’uul 'l‘rztynor. Bill)" Jonex and Roxx Macmillan are in chttrge ol the ntttxic. and the) '\ e heen known to rip it up in the pttxt.

I Bluntz ilt (ilttxgtm School ol‘ Art. lllptn 3am. £3. 23 Jun. lletn')’ duh reggae \x'ith xpecittl guextx the l)ixciplex. lenturing the enchttnter. Jontth Dan.

I Bombafusion :tt Soundhttux. .‘x'ext tlttte the.

I Boogie Wonderland ztt lim). llpm 31m). £7 (£5). \\'eekl_\. .\lil(l dixco night with lottdx ol drinkx protnox and u xoundtrttck to ntttke the lttdiex xhttk'e their

I Budda ttt Bttddtt. l lpttt Burn. £thc. Weekly. l)t'inkx protttox and xotne \er)‘ .xex} Rtkli with [)1 \‘ttnce lttitk'e thix not tt hard place to xtttrt the \xeekend.

I The Buff (it The Bull. Bttth l.ttne. ltlpni 3am. £5 (£3). \Veekl}. ()ld xchool thII (it (ilttxgoxt ’x lie“ ext jttI/ cluh. I)Jx Nick l’ettcock. .\l;tt'k Rohh. Brian Rohertxon ttnd Kexttn Stewnx do the needlemn'k.

I Bughouse ttt Suh (’Itth. Next date the.

I Canvas ttt .'\l't;t. l lptn .iitlll. £thc. \Veekl). 1)] Walter pl;t_\x tt plethora of lttnk. xottl and R&B ttt thix hettutil'ul Merchant (’it} hat.

I Casa Futura ttt .v\d l.ih. l lptn .itttn. £5 (£4). .\tonthl'\. ()ne of the hext l’unk- xkc“ ed houxe nighlx in to\\n thexe dtl) \. \\ ith chunk) groo\ ex l‘ront (’hrix. Satin and And} ((‘httk'rnl ttnd xotne percuxxix e action from R|i_\thtnic Rentx.

I Carnaval Group and Club Cabana ttt the (ilttxgou School ol’ Art. lllpttt Stun. £(i (£5). 3() Jun. Monthl). 'l‘here‘x tt next night ol xtllxtt iii the llp\t;tll‘\ llitll. “line in the Vic httr u e

hm e lint/than h()x\;l ttnd xtnnhtt nittxic. pet'cuxxion httndx, it ctttuttlk xhou, cttpoeirtt and Bt‘n/ilinn t)Jx. Bringing together the hext Bt'tt/ilittti ttnd ('tthttn ttt‘tixtx in Scotland. prolitx from tlte night go to xolltltll'lt) ctttnpttignx in ('tthtt and children\ chttritiex itt lira/it.

I City Sessions it! Q (’luh. .‘x'ext dttte the.

I The Cathouse ttt the (‘ttthottxe ltl.3()|)tti .‘stttn. £l hel‘ore llptn: £4 (£3) ttl'ter. \Veekl}. Riding high on the nu tnetttl “the. tltix ix one ol‘ the httxiext nightx iti t()\\ll. Rock. grunge. indie and at dttxh ol' hrettkhettt ztcroxx three lloorx ttt (ilttxgotx ’x top \entte l’or rockerx ttnd ttlternttteenx.

I Club Budda :tt ('luh Buddtt. l)ttnth;trton Street. ('l}dehttnk.

l lptti .5tllll. £thc. \Veekl). 'l‘he \xeekend kickx oil do“ n m er \\ ith tl xlou. chillottt xoundtrttck.

I Coded ttt Vault. llpttt 3am. £5 (£4). \Veekl)‘. The) 't'e l‘ront it record xtore. xo the tunex are going to he l‘rexh and highl} funk). ttren't the)? A rotating roxter ol' l)Jx affiliated to 23rd l’recinct xttppl} houxe-led grom ex (it the new club.

Ste\ en .\lc('reer_\ ix the main man. htlt the pool of tttlent includex Bill} Kilkie. Bill} Woodx ttnd .-\tnttndtt l’rice.

I Crash (It the Shed. lll.5(lpnt Inn). Lit (£3). \Veekl}. littttn and And} Plil} the linext ol'eter}thing ttt thix hlittding xouthxide club that itl\\;l_\'\ xeetnx to he httx}.

I Critical Mass til the (ilttxgou School ol :\l't. .\'e\t date the.

I Creation ttt ('orinthittn. I lptti .ittni. £thc. \Veekl}. l’nul Ren and Ke\in .-\uxtin Plil} in the l.ite httr ttnd tlten l)J ttt thix line eltlh do“ nxtttirx in the big el;l\\}

I Destiny :tt l)extin_\. l lptn .‘xtttn. £the. Weekly l)extin_\ 'x relttunch continttex \\ltll up-l'or-it pttrt) tunex. houxe ttnd RtUl l'l;t\;ix.

I The Edge (it the lidge ('otttht'idge. llptti .itnn. £5. \Veekl}. Rexidentx .r\le\ lx'ettne and Scott (it'nnger hring )011 the hext itt houxe ttnd cluh clttxxicx.

I Electrobix ttt litu' Bloc.

Spin 2.30am. £thc. 33 Jun. .luic_\ electro \\ ith :t lung} techno l\\ lxl. et)l|l'le‘\} of l).lx Kel'lll. .\lcl). Ste\ ie (i. Scott ((‘onl‘uxionl and Jen") Britdxhtm.

listings Clubs

Kinky Afro. Well established as a Subby favourite. Kinky Afro has carved Out its own distinct musical style over the years. The fusion should get even more twisted this month as DJ Prime8 joins Matthew Bennett for a four hour. four deck somdclash. The Sub Club. Fri 23 Jan.

Numbers Marcia Blaine School for Girls confound the literary trainspotter and keep the faithful entertained at this hugely diverse electronic spectaCUIar. Ad Lib, Fri 23 Jan.

Caledonia Soul The long- running northern SOuI night takes a sidewards glance at Martin Luther King Day and launches a special celebration of 60s soul from the hey-day of the American civil rights movement. Woods/de Social. Sat 24 Jan.

Manga The night that's been in the vanguard of the drum & bass scene in Scotland for the last eight years begins a new monthly Glasgow residency. Tonight's guests. the fabulously soulful Mancunian junglist Marcus Intalex and the hugely- acclaimed Calibre. are testament to the strength and diversity of drum & bass right now. The Sub C/ub. Fri 30 Jan.

Pressure Fans of Pressure don't normally like to miss their monthly blowout. This time it w0uld be just plain stupid. as we're confronted with a line-up that‘s gomg to be hard to (Op this year. Chicago's king of house Derrick Carter supplies the boompity boomp while Detroit boy Carl Craig takes the techno lover to the brink and back. The Arches. Fri 30 Jan.

Mish Mash Oscar (pictured) and co have got the Universal rockin' like it was carnival time lately. With Mish Mash now a staple on the London calendar. the prodigal sons have vowed to up the ante in Glasgow again this year. and if you like your dub house suffused with a little dancehall jazz. that's excellent news. The Universal. Sat 31 Jan.