Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication for Glasgow to Fiona Shepherd at glasgow®, by post or by tax on 0141 353 2803 and for Edinburgh to Henry Northmore at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Mark Robertson, Henry Northmore and Fiona Shepherd.
Ticket information
Tickets for most shows can be obtained in advance from:
Tickets Scotland 913$) Argyle Street. Glasgow 0141 2304 f)l:')t.
Tickets Scotland 177' Rose Street. t-rlrnbtrrgh. 0131 2’90 37134.
Ripping Records 91 South Bridge. 01:51 970 [010.
Way Ahead 0141 133‘.) 813813.
I Celtic Connections we also IoIk Iixtiltgx.
I The Black Keys King Tut\ Wah \Vah Hut. 373a St Vineent Street. 3315379. 8.30pm. S()I.I) ()I'T. I'S dtio “ho \tir up a hluex roek rumpus. Thix is it rexehedttled date. alter their NtH emher tour “ax eaneelled due to exhamtion.
I Basement Breaks The I3th Note (tire. 50 ()0 High Street. 553 I038. 9pm. £3. Homegrrmn hip hop. with No aetx and an open mie \Iot to round thingx oIT. I High Roller, Cleartall and The Commercials Nie~e‘ii‘8le;i/}. 431 Sauehiehall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. .\|od-\t_\Ie indie roek from High Roller. I Kilo, Tenpercenter and The Ghosts Bin-ll}. But) (‘l_\de Street. 0870907 0999. Split. £4. Indie rock in an ()tt\i\ win.
I The Unstoppable Flying Raincoats, The Score, Soulcellar, Ladyfunk and Chase The ('athouse. l5 I'nion Street. 348 ()()0(). 7.30pm. £4. ()\er-|4.\ \hou. Indie t‘ttL‘k.
I Palamino The Bunker Bar. 193- I99 Bath Street. 339 I437. Spin. £the. .'\ Iauneh part) Ior thl\ neu Ioeal outlit “httxe epon} mottxl} ~titled IiI’ is out on ('onxole Reeot‘dx the da} alter. The hand ha) e drau n linourahle L‘Ultlpttl'ixollx \\ ith the ('oral. Bull'an Springlield and Athlete.
I Voulez Vous Kingx Theatre. 297 Bath Street. 340 I I I I. 7.30pm.
£ I050 £14.50. Ahha trihute aet. non in their I Ith )ear.
I The Pendulums Tehai ()\ na. 43 ()tago I.ane. 357 4534. Spm. £3.
I’x} ehedelieIoIk.
I Jam Session Samuel l)im\.
()7 7| NithxdaIe Road. 43.3 0|07. S.3llpm.I-‘ree. Hoxted h} Independenee. I Live Music Loaded. liquid Lounge. ()4 \Vext Regent Street. 35.3 ()333. I0pm. £3 (£4 on door). \VeekI} \hou ease ot~ Ioeal artixtx.
I Live MUSiC NIHL’StH‘IL‘)» 43 Jamaiea Street. 34S 35:“. 9pm. I‘ree. Three hand\ to he eonlirmed.
I Anamorphic and Refuse Boy The Venue. I7 3| (‘aItoil Road. 557 3073. 7.30pm. £5. Indie \Ntlh more the. I Endorphin and Ellis llerioi~\\';iu I'nherxil} I'nion. Rieearlon. 45I 5333. 9pm. I'ree. .\Ii\ oI original roek and pop \\ ith eateh) guitar ril'l'x t'rom Iindorphin (students and their gtle\l\ ()ltI} ).
I Peter Michael Rowan ('at'e I{t)}ti| Bixtro Bar. l7 \Vext Register Street. 557 4793. 9pm. I‘ree. .v\eou\tie roek originals and emerx.
44THE LlSTi'l' Ja' firm?" i
I Soulstarr and Red Grenade Whixtlehinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| 14. 9pm. Free. Young indie aet Soulxtarr are l'oIlou ed h} old \ehool roekerx Red (irenade.
I Unnecessary Surgery, Discipline and Bulb Bannerman'x. Niddr} Street. 55() 3354. 9pm. £3. A night oI teehno. jungle. hip hop and punk \iIIine\\.
I People 8 Planet ('aharet Voltaire. 3() 38 Blair Street. 330 ()I7().
I lpm 3am. £tI)e. One on. ttmdraixer \\ ith |i\ e tuixted and mixhapen Iunk Iront the .-\hdomina| Shimmer) l‘eaturing Surlaee Iimpire.
I Bert Jansch 8: Bernard Butler Barri)“ land. 344 (ialloxxgate. 553 4()0I.S.30pttt. £I(). Tieketx: 353 S000. Intriguing eoIIahoration hetueen esteemed Seottixh IoIk roek gtlitat‘lxt Janxeh and one-time Suede \u)nderl)o_\ (and eardearr} ing Janxeh Ian) Btttler. l’rll'l HI (Iv/lit” (THNHT’IUIM.
I Juliet Turner and John Spillane Tron 'I’heatre. 'I'rongate. 553 43()7..S’pm. £I0 l£S|. Irish \inger/xongn riter \\ ith a pop approaeh to rootx muxie. \xhieh hax led to support \Iot\ \\ IIh Natalie Merehant. Brian Kenned). (iahrielle and Sting. l’rll‘l (lite/lit” (rill/It'r'llrlllx.
I Azzuri, The Owsley Sunshine and theonewhoflew BarI'I}. Zoo (’I}de Street. 0870 907 0999. Split. £4. Melodie tteottxtie \et\ Iront three Seottixh hand\.
I Flawed and Julia 13 .\'iee'n‘SIea/). 43l Sauehiehall Street. 3339()37. 9pm. £3. I.o-ti indie \UllntIx. I Five Stories High, Stone Autumn, Glasvegas and The Autumn The I‘err). 43 (‘|_\de I’Iaee. 439 1010.9pm. £5. I.oeal hand line-up. I My Turps Hell, Free Radicals, Lummox and The Blimp The StltlntIIItllh. 47 H}de Park Street. 33! 4()59. 9.30pm. £() t£5 memherxt. Monthl) \Itt)\\L‘2t\L' ol‘ Ioeal handx.
I Endor, Glitterball Vegas, Star 69 and Acquitted Ian} Murr} \. 9() .\Ia\\\ell Street. 33I ()5I I. S.30pm. £4. ineluding entr} to poxt-gig eluh. Bill ol' upeoming Ioeal indie handx.
oug Hoekstra plays the Village, Edinburgh, Wed 28 Jan
I Big Licks .\|aeSor|e)\. 43 Jamaiea Street. 348 S5SI. 9.30pm. Free. .\I()R roek.
I The Jack Daniels Band Satnuel I)o\\ \. ()7 7| Nithxdade Road. 433 0|07.S.30pm. I-‘ree.
I Frank O’Hagan 'l‘lie Seotia.
[13 I I4 Stoekxx ell Street. 553 8681. 9pm. I‘ree. ('oxerx ol 1)) Ian. the Band. ('reedenee.
I Live Music The I3th Note (tile. 50 ()0 High Street. 55.3 |()3S. 9pm. £3.
I Tim Lomas, The Hustlers and Pseudofunk \Vliixtlehinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| 14. ()pm. I‘ree: £3 alter midnight. .r\n aeouxtie \et Irotn Big Hand'x I.oma\ \Ittl'l\ things oIT with t‘unk} heatx throughout the night.
Saturday 24
0 The White Stripes and Blanche SIi('('. I’innieston Qua). 0870 0404000. £33.50. Jaek'x been a I)u\_\' ho) Iatel} pIa_\ing hattjo and doing \ome ol' that aeting stul'l in ('u/i/ .iltllllllrllll “hen he i\ not tending \tith old ehumx the Von Bondiex. Thexe gigx are a ttiee ne\\ _\ear \urprixe Mr Ian\ “ailing patientl} It)!” more Stripex aetion \inee Jaek'x linger injur} put the duo out oI L‘Ullllll|\\I()n Iaxt manner.
I Bob Geldof 8: The Rent-o- Killers and Juliet Turner (‘arling Aeadem). I3I Iiglinton Street. 0905 030 3999/0870 77I 3000. 7.30pm. £|7.50. (ieIdot hitx been :I ('eItie ('onneetionx guext helore. pla) ing hI\ om) material hexide old Boomtoxtn Ratx lituittt‘itex. Here. he mi\e\ up the \ante eomhination “Ilh hix haeking hand. See In 3.3 tin JuIiet 'I‘urner. l’ru'l of (iv/lie (intimation). I Haven, The Pedestrians attd Engineers King Tut\ \\'ah “ah Hut. 373a SI \ineent Street. 33| .5379. 3.30pm. £7. like the White Stripex.
Ha\ en ha) e been out ol' the pieture reeentI} uhile guitarixt .\'at \Vatxon reem ered Irom BeIIx I’;t|\). I'nIike the White Stripe\. thix mundane guitar hand u ere not tnuelt ntl\\et|. But the) haxe art alhum out at the \tart ol' .\Iareh tor Ihtm‘ “ho are interested in their middle ot‘ the road indie pxeudt)-anthem\.
I Cosmos, Bubblecraft and Regular Slinky The l-‘ei-r}. 42 ('Iyde I’Iaee. 439 I0l0. 9pm. £5. I.oeal hand \houeaxe.
I The Kytes, LXR and Laker Bat'I'I). 3()0 (‘I_\de Street. 0370 9070999. 8pm. £3. Trio oI guitar hands.
I 50 Calibre and Broken Oath The 13th .\'ote (are. 50 ()0 High Street. 553 I()3S. 9pm. £3. Metaleore.
I George Michael/ Freddie Mercury Tribute Bourhon Street. I08 (ieorge Street. 553 0l4l. 7pm. £5 (£9.95 \\ ith dinnerl.
I Open Stage The Halt Bar. lot) Woodlands Road. 5()4 I537. 4 Split. I‘iree.\\'eekl.\ xexxion for IoeaI lltthIL‘Iitlh. I The Needles 'l‘lie HaIt Bar. lot) Woodlandx Road. 5()4 I537. 9pm. I’ree. .'\|)erdonian garage heat eomho ot‘ note. I Live Music Niee'n’SIea/y 43I Sauehiehall Street. . 33 9()37. 9pm. £3.
I Andy McCabe, Mexico and Jojocoke \Vhixtlehinkiex. 4 () South Bridge. 557 5| I4. ()pm. Iiree; £3 alter midnight. (initar roek and emerx. GThe Magic Band and The Fire Engines The Liquid Room. 9e Vietot'ia Street. 335 35()4. 7pm. £I5. ('aptain Beelheart may not he imolxed hat the rext ot the hand have t'eIormed to plough through tripped-out roek \ ihex uqith a \u it‘ll} reformed hire Iinginex in \tlppm't. I Beatwife, grainkorps and The Vinyl Vandal Suhua)‘. ()9 ('im gate. 335 ()7()(). 7.30pm. £4 t£3|. Improxixed ptm er eleetroniex \\ ith laptops and turntahle experimentx.
I The Early November, Hidden in Plain View and Your Code Name is: Milo The Venue. I7 3| ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £7. I)ri\e- Thru Reeordx tour ineluding Philadelphia's entU-Ixh the Iiarl) .\'o\emher.
I The Owsley Sunshine, The Rushes and The Gallery ('aledonian Baekpaekerx. 3 ()ueenxt‘err} Street. 47() 7334. 8.30pm. £4. Bah} Tiger goex all pop \\|I|l great up-and-eoming aetx Irom (ilaxgou and Iidinhurgh (photo II) required l'or entr) ).
I Strawberry Jam I’orext (kite. 9 West Port. 33I 0337. 9pm. I‘ree. ‘I’ruit_\' open jam \exxion.
I Never Mind the Sex Pistols Here’s the Bollocks and Sad Society Spider\ Web (‘eIIar Bar. 358 .\Iorri\on Street. 477 347]. Spm. £4. I’ixtolx trihute aet.
GThe White Stripes and Blanche SIi(’(’. I‘inniexton Qua). 0870 040 4000. £33.50. See Sat 34.
I Arab Strap King 'I‘ut'x \Vah \\'ah Hut. 373a St \‘ineent Street. 33I 5379. 8.30pm. £l0. Aral) Strap heap on their idim} neratie pathm and mixanthrop}
\\ ith traekx from last )ear\ e\eeIIent .UHIIr/(lt' (II [he Hug A'- I’I’III alhttm. I’rrrl (II (iv/[Ii (rill/lr'r'lllnltx.
I King Creosote, Pip Dylan, Down the Tiny Steps, The Pictish Trail, The Supergiin, Viva Stereo and On the Fly \IeeiniSIetl/y 43| Sattehiehall Street. 333 9()37.3pm. £5. I’il'e‘x I‘enee (’oIIeelh e prexent another of their Sunda} Soeial e\ent\. \Ito\\ea\lng their \ai‘ioux aeouxtie. l‘olk and amhient eleetronie ttl‘ti\t\. \xith pttxxthle additional \peeial guextx. .\ tie“ eotttpilation. livin- Reunited. \\ i|I he autilahle in Iiehruar}.
I Laura Boosinger Tron ‘t‘lieatre I’o} er Bar. 'I‘rongate. 553 4367. Spm. £8.50. Appalaehian mountain ntusie hrought to lite on hanjo. autoharp and l duleimer. l’rn'l of (elite (ionizer/roux. I Second Fault, Seven Stone Under and Elchupacabras BarlI}. 3()0 (4)th Street. 0S70 907 0999. Split. £4. (M et'- |4\ \him. Stoner roek/metal line-up.