Film index

Thursday l l December 7.30pm Newtongrange Silver Band &The Kevock Choir Friday I2 December 8.00pm The Queen's Hall presents Flook in Concert

Tuesday l6 December 7.30pm Liberton High School

Thursday I8 December 7.45pm Scottish Chamber Orchestra

Friday I9 December 7.45pm

Saturday l3 December 7.45pm SCOtt'Sh Ensemble

Scottish Chamber Orchestra Sunday l4 December 2.30pm Clarsach Society Sunday l4 December 7.30pm

Newtongrange Silver Band &The Kevock Choir

Saturday 20 December 7.30pm Cappella Nova presents Candles by Candelight

Tuesday 23 December 7.00pm Dunedin Concerts Trust presents The Messiah

pretty good. When a half-blind ex-pri/e- lighter (Maguirei teams up \\ ith a millionaire (Bridges). a mustang breaker t(’ooperi and an undersized horse. things begin to happen at the finishing line. The tnen bring .S‘mliisruit incredible heights. helping him earn. Based on the true slur} of the beast that “on the Horse of the Year in I‘Bb‘ this is one slur} from depression-era America that does not imohc freight trains. hobos and Wood) (iuthrie ballads. Selet‘li't/ I't'lt'th’.

The Shape of Things I IS) 0000

t.\'eil l.aBute. l'S/l'K/l-‘rance. 3003i (iretchen .\lol. Paul Rudd. Rachel \Veisl. Fred Weller. 97min. Art and artifice are Lallute's I“ in obsessions and here he combines both in a stunning dissection of eonletiiporar) body- consciousness and our obsession \\ ith ‘the surface of things the shape of things'. When Adam tRuddi tlisco\'ers lively] (\Veis/i in an art galler) abotit to deface a classical marble stattie because it's ‘false'. the beginnings of a sinister plan are set in motion. Agreeing to date this geek} nobod). lively] slt)\\'l_\ transforms him from zero to hero. ll) cracking the skull and deb ing around “ith a scalpel in the subconscious of contemporar} culture. LaBute questions our commitment to a culture \\ ithout depth. Ile also ponders \\ hether art. in such a place. can e\cr hate an) meaning. It‘s a contemplative drama that engages the mind. not the heart. This is an interim \sork b} a filmmaker \s ho has just begun to rediscmcr his sll‘itle. St'lt’t'lt't/ I‘t'lt'tlst‘.

Shrek lb) 0.... (Andrea .-\damson. Vick) Jenson. lIS. 2001i\’oiccsof\likc Myers. ('ameron l)ia/. liddie Murpli). Utlmin. Shirk \sill ha\ e Walt l)isnc) turning in his cryogenic free/e tank. This trul} subtersise animated lilm takes pot shots at fair)tale lintholog}. \shile singling otit l'ncle \Valt's beloved Snow ll'ltilt'. ('ilitlt'l‘t'l/u. Pillow/tin. et al. l'nder the guise of a quest to rescue a princess from a dragon undertaken b) the epoti} motis green ogre tsshich kids \\ ill |o\‘el. Shirk also ruthlessl} pillages corporate Disney. satirising its theme parks and executives. And who‘s behind all this‘.’

Producer Jeffrey Kat/enberg of l)isne_\ rix'al studio l)i'eain\\'orks. also formerl} head of. )ep. Disne). (irmi't'nnr, (iluwmi:

The Sons of the Great Mother Bear ttbci tJosel Mach. liast (iermainK‘Icchoslmakia. 199m (iojku Milic. 03min. The first of the \sildl} successful series of Indian films from the Iiast (ierman I)lil-‘.-\ Studios. VIA/Ir Sum HI Illt’ (il't'u! .llul/u'r Bi’ur tells the stor} of )oung chief 'l'okei-itho of the Dakota tribe. driven from their reserxation b} corrupt and sadistic \shite invaders. l'nlike .-\merican \Vesterns. all the I)lil":\ films portray the Indians as the heroes and the “bite settlers as the \ illains. encouraging a huge ctilt lollouing in the east. Part of the Red Westerns season. I’ilm/muw. [Min/Hugh. Spellbound it» 00000 iJet't' Blitx. t'S. ZIHIBI 07min. Brilliant docuinentar) abotit eight children in their bid to \s in the IW‘) Spelling ll championship. .\lagical. this stased in ['8 cinemas former 3“ months almost unheard of for a documentary (ii-"IL (ilmeou': I'i/m/muw. I'ft/irilnu'eli.

The Spirit of the Beehive t IS» .0... (Victor Iirice. Spain. 1073! Fernando l‘ernan (ioinei. 'l‘ercsa (iimpera. Ana ‘l‘orrent. Isabel 'l‘elleria. 98min. In rural Spain after the ('i\ ii War. the people‘s apath} is llll'tm it into contrast with the fren/ied acti\ it) of bees. .\lean\shilc. a soung girl is alone in dreaming of liberation. through the gentle giant figure of Frankenstein. \\ ho she identities \\ ith a )oting but doomed soldier. Mood) and haunting. lirice’s debtit is a caImI} mm ing masterpiece. (175]. (i/(HL'HH'.

Spirited Away tl’(it 0.... tlla}ao .\Ii);i/;tki. Japan. 200] l Voices: l)a\eigh ('hase. Rumi lliragi. Sidonie \on Krosigk. .\li_\ll lrino. Jason .\larsden. IZSmin. .»\t more than l\\n hours long. an) Japanese animation \\ ith a children‘s certificate can onl} be a hard sell for \sestern audiences. Despite “inning the best animated picture ()scar and getting a heax} push from l)isne_\. .S’pirilt'tl xlll’tll didn't get the audience it deserted in the States. Which is a shame because lla}ao .\li_\a/aki's film is an animated masterpiece and trul}


h iwali,

E d and Christmas,

Winter Lights .

Summons-20m mllar M-Opm‘l‘uaa-Sat Lpln-‘pnisfln eta-«um


Saturday 20th December. 1pm - ’lllll

the hiddengortbns

tramway - 2! altar! drive - alumni

all events free


nva luau} WC 1 0



A room/non A

Clerk Street Edinburgh EH8 9jG Box Office: Ol3l 668 20I9

qh: the hq of live music in edinburgh

the I foundation

48 THE LIST 1 1 DOC 2003—8 Jan 2004