Laurence l-‘ixhhurne. l37min. 'l'hree ho}x from a xmall xuhurh in Boxton xee thingx in their childhood they ma)he xhouldn't. Yearx later the paxt comex hack to bite them on the arxe. Seamlexx xlightl} \Hil‘lli} \erxion oi l)emii.x l,ehane'x hextxeller. hut ax tixual liaxtuood deliverx xomething that ix hoth timelexx and ixxue led. Burner \il/tiei'. lat/inlmru/i. (il’l. (iltlst’mt; New Guy (Ilk Gun) t 15: tBilge lihiri. (ISA. 2002) Kell} Miller. Scott Janex. Jonathan l'l‘l‘elman. 'l‘ohi-l.}n B}erx. 85min. (iregg hax got a neu job. but h) the end ol the tirxt da} he ix beginning to \\ ixh he hadn't. The place ix full of \x‘eirdoex. juxt at the point \\ here Lleeltlu It) knuckle dtmn and get on with hix “til‘k. thingx take a more xinixter. Much praixed coined} horror. that \xax a big hit at the lxtanhul l’ilm l‘tNllHll. l'l/Hl/IHHH’. Iz'iliii/iiujeli. The Nightmare Before Christmas tl’(}i CO... tllenr} Selick. [8. 1903) With the \oicex ol (‘hrix Sarandon. l)ann_\ lilt'man. ('atherine O'Hara. 70min. Jack Skellington. the xkinn} trickxter king of Hill/tHt't't’llhttt'll. ix l'C\llL‘\\ \\ ith mete.“ and needx tl neu challenge. xo he hatchex a plot to kidnap Santa and createx a mi\ed-up Yuletide “hich ixn‘t quite \\ hat the kidx ol' the uorld e\pected. Produced and haxed on a xtor} and characterx h} Tim Burton. thix ix a real imaginatn e treat deliciouxl) dark xtop-motion animation on the big xereen. Non/i l-filiiiliuruli :ll‘h (‘i'nrric lit/inliurg/i. Out of Time 1 13A) .0. t(‘arl Franklin. 18. 2003i l)en/e| \Vadiingtoh. Iixa .\lendex. Sanaa Lathan. l)ean ('ain. John Billingxle}. Robert Baker. |()5min. ('le\ er. mixt} film noir that titilixex both \Vaxhington'x conxiderahle laid hack charmx and l“ranklinR gilt tor xtructure and atmoxphere. But \\ hen the creditx roll thix “ill be inxtantl) l‘orgettahle. We xhould e\pect more l'rom the man \\ ho made (Mr I'll/H' More and 1M 1/ III u Blue l)r¢'\\. See re\ text. page 35. (it'lii'm/ Ilt'lWUH'
Peter Pan tl’(il tl’J Hogan. t‘S. zoo}:
Jaxon lxaacx. Jerem) Sumpter. Rachel llurd- \Vood. l.udi\ ine Sagnier. (Nu m \Villiamx. Riehard Brierx. 105mm. Big xcreen \erxion ol' J.\l Barrie'x claxxic children'x hook h} the director ol .Uiu'ir'l'i \li'iltline. 'I‘hix ix alxo the tirxt occaxion in cinema lil\lUl’_\ that a ho} hax pla} ed the lead role. See mini prex ie“. page 34. (it'llt'l‘tl/ I'('/(’tl\(‘.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl l 12m 0000 l(it)l‘C Verhinxki. ('8. limit Johnn} l)epp. (ieol‘l‘re) Rtixh. Orlando Bloom. Keira Knightle}. Jack l)a\enport. l33min. Rattling good pirate _\arn from the director of .llrillu'lllllll. Jack Sparrou Il)eppi and Will 'l‘urner t Bloomi hrax e the (‘arihhean Sea to xtop a xliip ot' piratex led h} (‘aptain Barhoxm IRuth l‘l/Hl/lttllu'. lat/ruliuruli.
Playtime tl’( it C... tJacquex 'l‘ati. l’rance. WOW Jacqttex lati. Barbara Dennek. Jacqueline l.econite. l52mm. .\lonxieur llulot.
Old fashioned scientific experiments Norwegian style in Bent Hamer’s Kitchen Stories
ttixxling \\llli the modern uorld ax tixual. lollo“ x a group or .v\meriean tourixtx around a garixh and hi-tech Parix ol' concrete and glaxx. l‘ndenalued later 'l'ati. \\ itlt the actor 'lati'x xlapxtick of old ox erxhado“ ed h} 'l‘ati the directonx maxterl) control ot' the \\ idexcreen trame. (il’l. (i/mgmi.
Rarities, Late Fragments and Advertising Films tihei i()xkar l-‘ixehinger. l'S/(ierman). \‘ariouxi thcmin. .\lore xupine animated \\Ul'l\\ h} the great ()xkar l’ixchinger. ('heck out hix remlutionar} itheni .\luratti cigarette commercialx and much more. (il-"l. (i/uwmt. Reconstruction I Is» t'l‘heo Angelopoulox. (il‘eet‘e. l‘)~(li ltltimin. :\ltf_'clttpottltix\ liN leatut‘e chartx the murder ot‘ a man “ho he returnx to hix \ illage l'rom e\ile in German}. 'l‘uo \erxionx ol' the crime are re-enacted. and the inan'x \\ He and her lm er implicate each other. I'i/Iii/iuuu'. l'.t/iIi/ttu'g/I.
index Film
The Santa Clause 2 it‘i 00
t.\lichael l.emheck. l'SA. 2003i Tim Allen. lili/aheth Mitchell. Judge Reinhold. 104mm. l)id \\ e reall} need a Sunni (‘limu' xequel‘.’ .-\pparent|} xo. ax Santa hax to find a \xit‘e lk‘ltit'c (‘lll'ixtmax or Clw he ltixex hix jtih.
(Y El. (i/uwuu;
Santa vs the Snowman 30 «Pm t\'arioux. l'S. 3WD) 32min. [MAX hig xc‘ree'ii pt‘exettttllion. I.ll.’\.\'. (i/usgun. Scaramouche il’tii ((ieorge Sydney. t'S. IUSZI Steuart (iranger. Janet Leigh. .\lel l‘errer. 1 18min. lirrol l-‘l_\nn \taxn't the only xuaxhhuckler in lloll}\\tiod. l’ourteen )earx alter l"l_\mi donned hix green tightx to pla} Robin Hood. Britain'x oxxn hero. (iranger.
\\ tL'ltlL‘tl “mild and \lltil‘lx it) great L'liliCCl lli llil\ riproaring tale of re\enge. llon \er. out to a\enge hix l‘riend'x death. (iranger reckonx
\\ ithout a poxxihl} ineextuoux relationxhip “ith Leigh. I'iliii/iouxt'. Ift/iii/mrg/i. Scrooged tl’( ii .0. (Richard Donner. [8, 1088» Bill Murra}. Karen Allen. Robert .\litchum. John l‘orx}the. llllmm. l‘nipteenth xcreen \erxion ol' Dickenx' ('lirisrnim ('uml. \\ ith .\lurra_\ ax a mixerl} telex ixion e\ec tlt‘tt‘l'lttitied to L‘\pl0tl the )tiletide \Chetlttles for all the} are \xorth. lle learnx the error of hix \\;t}x iuxt in time for a cringe-inducing linale demanding peace on earth and good “ill to all men. l)expite |a\ ixh et’leetx and a motle) eonxtellation ol' guext xtarx. thix ix a lormula coined) of contemporary cynicixm uhoxe uneaxil} \ icioux humour xeemx at oddx \\ ith the xpirit ot' the original. .-\la.xtair Sim.
\\ here are )ott no“ 1’ (ii/rim. Iz'tli'iilmrgli.
The Sea Hawk tl'i t.\lichael (‘urti/. l'SA. lU-ttii lirrol l‘l} nn. Brenda .\larxhall. (‘laude Rainx. Donald (’rixp. l‘lora Rohxon. |27min. Suaxhhuckling tun l'rom l‘l}nn‘x moxt prolific and magnetic period. I’ilmlmuw. Iz‘tliiilmrgh. Seabiscuit tl’(ii 0.. t(iat'} Roxx, l'S. 2003i 'l'ohe} .\lac(}uire. .\'ick .\'olte. ('hrix ('ooper. Jel’t' Bridgex. lfitlmin. Making tilmx ahout horxex and horxe-racing xhould clearl} he made an eweutahle ollt‘nce but here ix one that xlipped under the \\ ire and ix actuall}
Starts tomorrow
“nothing short of a M
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