Clubs listings

Glasgow Saturdays continued

OTraxx at The Soundliatix.

ll.3()pm 5am. £9 (£7). 0 Dec. lt’x memherx (matriculation card-holderx quality ) and their guextx only tonight. Laurence llughex joinx Simon (‘ordiner for a houxe and teclmo l'exl. \y hile Andre“ I’irie and Billy Woodx entertain in the har. playing dixco. lunk. xoulliul hone and \y hatey er elxe it takex. l-iir l/Il\ (l(lll’ (III/y 13-115]. i‘ill‘r/ lln/(It'l'y g'i’l f." (If/5 (l()(H' price (1” Hie/II.

I Wired at :\x_\ lum. ('aledonian l'niyerxity I'nion. l()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. (ilaxgoyy ’x longext running alternatiy e indie night \\ ith drinkx promox aplenty.

I Upstart at the Liquid Lounge.

l()pm 3am. £8 (£5). 2‘) .\'o\. Monthly. .\ little ol eyerything that hitx the xpot \yith le‘L‘l’x chargex Michael Peck and Ke\ Steyenx giying it large “ith the hip hop. l'unk. heatx. hreakx. houxe and dixco. Im- I/Ily (l(llt' ()II/_\' ‘.'\-I.I..\I'(’(II'(/ llii/(li'l‘y L't'l 1'3 wilt/nor price u/l Hie/II.

Glasgow Sundays


I Bennet’s at Bennet'x. l l.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. In yyhich \ye are conlronted hy a xtrange phenomenon. loin playx tunex loy ed hy ll-year—old girlx. plux xome hangin‘ handhag. to equally appreciatiye gay titer). l-‘unny old \yorld. I Bite at the ('athouxe. l().3l)pm 3am. l‘ree helore | l.3l)pm; £3 l .50) alter. Weekly. .-\ tnilder mi\ ol' indie and rock than you'll lind at the city 'x premier rock \enue on l‘ri or Sat.

I B’Lo at B'l.o. ‘)pm-3am. liree hel'ore l lpm; £5 (£3) alter. Weekly. 3() \o\ xeex xome rcprexeutation l'rom Minixtry ol' Sound. .\'ice and Smooth and l'ltra Vinyl Recordx. l.ook otit your Sunday hext lor that one.

I Boogaloo at the Social. 9pm 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. .\ neyy regular night at thix xyyanky neyy name. The night prexentx hlock xtyle party grooy ex. hip hop. urhan Rth. xcratch mi\ing. liye percuxxion and guext M('x eyery neck.

I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue hack on track \\ ith detailx xtill the.

I Candy at 'l‘raxh. l lptu 3am. £4(£3). Weekly. l.ay hack and languixh in a medley ol' xyyeet tunex and an atmoxphere l'uelled hy a “hole load ol [:1ny pt‘otttox.

I Club Tropicana at the (iaragc (Attic). llpm 3am. £3 (£2). Weekly. Indie. hoth claxxie and contemporary.

\\ ith a ltealthy doxe ol' Britpop,

I Come to Bed at Blanket (l‘ormcrly Bed). llpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Scotti B and Mark l)onelly are your hoxtx at thix neyy karaoke night. replete \\ ith real hedx and microphonex. Indulgence iuxt reached neyy heightx on Sauchiehall Street.

I Definition v Audio at Barlly.

l lpm 3am. Weekly. What hringx Definition and Audio together ix a xhared enthuxiaxm l'or playing muxic that makex you \\ ant to dance xo much that you drop a drexx xi/e. yyithout the lormality ol' haying to drexx a certain \yay. No need to xtand on ceremony here. With a xoundtrack to your Sun like thix. lorget Mon morning. and come doyyn to Bai‘l‘ly tor the perlect end to the \yeekend.

I Disco Badger at Bainhoo.

ll).3()pm 3am. £4. Weekly. Scottie B. Dominic Martin and Rohin pleaxe the Sunday throng in the \enue \yhoxe marriage M Rth and houxe hax heen an unqualified xuccexx.

I Dream at Strayyherry l‘ieldx. lt).3()pm 3am. £l5. Weekly. l’ilteen qtiid to get in'.’ You’re ‘ay in’ a laugh. ain't ya'.’ But “an: the har ix completely lree all night. xo xtop moaning and get drunk.

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86 THE LIST .V ' \‘z. iiir', ."

I Free Sundays at (he l'niycrxal.

l lptn 3am. l‘ree. Weekly. Hip hop. l'unk. .xoul. reggae. houxe and iii/I all in thix great. yirtually unknown yenue juxt hehind Sauchiehall Street.

I The Good Vibrations Sound System at Liquid Lounge. l()pm 3am. £5 (£4). Weekly. A new Sunday night xhindig from the people at ('arhon Recot'dx and l’iyelllliaxt Recordx. Taking the xpirit ol houxe niuxic and houxe partiex and cookin' it up real nice. ('arhon and l‘iyelllliaxt are coming together with a \ ixion to create xomething xpecial.

I I Candy at 'l‘raxl) l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. l)J Roh B playx tunex that “ill keep yott dancing all night. hig anthemx and lloor tillerx lo hring out (ilaxgoyy ’x heautilul people.

I Liquid Cool at the Belo. ()pm 3am. £5. Weekly. .-\l. Krix Keegan and Ian 'l‘hompxon play top-notch yocal garage and hoaxe to a cluh packed \y ith hyper- hedonixtic tyyentyxomething reyellerx. all ol~ \yhom xeem to haye l‘orgotten that they hay e \york in the morning. [1' quality tunex and glainoi‘oux anticx are your hag. Sun at Belo ix unmixxahle.

I One Sunday at the Tunnel.

llpm 3am. £4 (£l ). Weekly. The Rth continuex yy ith the Tunnel creyy on thix xinl'ul Sahhath celehration. Wear nice clothex lot‘ adtlllxxiotl. pleaxe.

I Optimo at the Suh (’luh. l lptn 3am. £8 (£7). Weekly. The Suh ('luh don‘t do quiet Sunday x. lnxtead they iny'ite all- comerx for a dt‘exx-up/comc-ax-yotl-at'e xaturnalia that hax to he one ol the moxt muxically diyerxe cluh nightx around. lixpect to hear country and “extent ax much ax teclmo liouxe.

I Opus at ()pux. 8pm 3am. l-"ree. Weekly. (iilex playx the piano all night and into the morning. too. A line mid toyyn \enuc l'or thoxe \y ho like the iyoriex tinkled \\ hen they xW ally.

I The Priory at Blanket. l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. 'l‘hix cluh'x xomething ()l' a mixnomer. l'nlexx ol courxe dancing all night to l'unky houxe and R&B ix how you detox. (‘ut/. l.ixa l.lllle\\ood. Watxon and Richard l.eyinxon are the lioxlx.

I Salsero at Bamhoo. Next date the. I Streaker at Shack. 10.30pm 3.30am. £5 (£3 ). Weekly. 1)] Jttlllex ‘the Boy‘ (iardner xpinx the trackx l’or thoxe enjoying immature anticx and naked lun. 'lilllx xotlndx like a good laugh. eh'.’ QSunday Shoutin’ at Max.

1 lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. .v\ cluh named alter Johnny ('oporate’x lloor-lilling Defected claxxie \y ax alyyayx going to he pretty darn line. It getx ey en hettei‘ on 7 Dec yy ith a guext appearance from (’hicago houxe don Marxhall Jel'lerxon. For 7 Her only 'xl-Iiyl' (‘un/ Ito/(lpm eel £3 (ll-"(IUUI' price (i// Hie/11.

I Sunday Surgery at (‘uhe

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. (‘ameron (‘raig dixpenxex xome xaly e for your xoul in thix diyerting yx indet'-do\\ ner \y ith a medical theme.

I Sunday Best at the Shed.

l().3()pm 2am. £3 (£3). Weekly. liuan .\'ei|xon and Andy Rohertxon are in charge of the tunex at thix maxxiyely popular xouthxide cluh. Jtixt he quiet when leaying the premixex. pleaxe.

I Temptation Sundays at Tiger 'l‘iger. 13.30am 3am. l’t‘ee. Weekly. 1)] Willx from ()pm playing l‘unky houxe and cluh claxxicx to an alyyay x \yell-heeled croyy d near the Merchant ('ity.

I Transistor at the Polo Lounge.

l lpm 3am. £5. Weekly. Real pop lot‘ real people yyith l)Jx .\'iall .\lc.\lurray and Wayne l)i.\on.

I Urban Vinyl at Blanket. l lpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Raymond \Voodx. l’aul \‘Jie. .\'aeem and Stuart Mc('al|um hring thix \yild Sunday night to Sauchiehall Street lor dedicated lolloyyet'x ol urhan muxic. 'l‘he \ery hext in hip hop. R&B. xoul and ex ery kind ol‘ urhan heat.

I Vinylicious at London 1).

Midnight 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. The \ery xexy people from Soulxa hring tix another line night ol houxe inn and gamex.

Glasgow Mondays


I Burn at MAS. l lpm 3am. Free for .xtall of any puh or cluh; £3 to eyery‘one elxe. Weekly. The higgext trade party ol‘ the year. \yith Burn rexidentx .\‘ormxki and Zeux playing the tunex that you need in your life. All drinkx are one pound. all night long.

I Breakaway at the Shack.

l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Alec and Andy drop their unique hlend of chart layouritex. Delinitely one for the party .xel.

I In Bed with Jim Da Best at Blanket (formerly Bed). llpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Jim iny itex you to hix holltloll‘ for an eyening ol poptaxtic traxh. funky xhit and a yy hole lot elxe hexidex. I Budda at Budda. l lpm 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue hack on track “ith detailx .xllll the.

I Passionality at ('uhe.

11.30pm 3am. £3 (£3). Weekly. 1)]

Shayy n Rohertx enxurex that the yyeekend ix xtay ing aliy e \y ith thix poxt-yyeekend night ol pleaxing chartixtry lor thix gay/mixed wood.

I Undercover at Blanket. l lpm 3am. £4 (£2). Weekly. Secret agent Jim [)a Bext playx lunky‘ houxe. quality Rth and perl'ect pop tunex for your earx only. Plenty ol drinkx promox leaye you xhaken and .xtirred. too. Secret agent themed partiex are on their \yay.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Club I The Beat Delivery at liquid Lounge. l()pm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. [)1 l‘ull l’hat and Ben trom Boom Monkx play at thix night of funk eclectica that ix making a real name lor itxell‘. Real inuxic play ed hy thoxe \y ho loyc it hext. I Tuesdays at Bamboo at Batnhoo. llpm 3am. £3 (£3). Weekly. l)J Miguel ix in the Red Room playing the linext R&B and hip hop. and in the lounge \ye haye Rohin B playing laid hack xoull'ul gt‘ooy L‘s, I Budda at Budda. l lptn 3am. £thc. Weekly. Relaunched yenue hack on track \yilh detailx xlill thc. I FUN at (’uhe. l |.3()pm 3am. £3. Weekly. l-‘unky. unique and yery‘ naughty. packed \\ ith pleaxing pop muxic. from Shaun Rohertx and Shana—Halli“ ell at thix gay night. I Laid at the Shack. l().3()pm 3am. £5 (£3 ). Weekly. The hext and latext indie- pop-rock-guitar-hip hop-RikB-chart-dance the ultimate .xtudent 'I'ue. I Juicy Tuesdays at Blanket (formerly Bed). llpm 3am. £4 (£3). Weekly. Stay l'rexh. xtay young: get into hed on Tue yyith Billy Milligan in the hig hack hedroom u ith mouth-uatering xtudent layouritex \yhile Scott ‘l-‘ingerx' McMillan proyidex .xome lull llayoui‘ fun in the trout hedroom. I Fool’s Gold at MAS. l lpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. .-\.x the name might xuggext. thix ix a night ol indie and rock‘n'roll for all ol thoxe \\ ho knoyy that cluhhing ixn't all ahotit heatx and hreakx. I Phenomena: The Urban Takeover Pt II at l)extiny. 0pm 2.30am. £9 (£0). 2 Dec only. Some of the moxt exciting urhan .xoundx in the [K right noyy including hhangra. xoul. RckB. hip hop and garage. You're in the handx ol‘ the l’unjahi Hit Squad. Mx ScandalotIx. Met/ Trix. 'l’he Kray 'l’yyinx. 1)] llarri and [)1 '/.ed. I Snoopy Tuesdays at Blanket. llpm 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. Join l’eanutx and ('harlie Broyy n eyery 'l'uexday under a \\ arm. coxy ,xecurity hlanket ol' xtudent claxxicx. pop and Rth from Scott ‘liingerx’ McMillan and Billy Milligan. Jim l)a Bext ix alxo the man here. I TIT at 'l'raxh. l lptn 3am. £5 (£3). Weekly. l’aul N'Jie playx out R&B and hip hop. (iraeme l-‘erguxon hitx you yy ith the xtudent claxxicx in Room 2 and Roh B ix in the third room playing party anthemx and har tunex.