jazz listings Music
Suedish metal collectiVe \t ho. ltt}‘.stc‘t'ittttsl_\'. keep attracting the accolade of ‘greatest hand in the world. So far. they ha\e failed to hrihe/threaten The list. so \se'll just sa} that they're ()K for a laugh.
I Jamelia The Bedsit. ('aledonian l'nisersit). ('ots'caddens Road. 332 ()6Sl. Split. £4. British Rth diva returning to commercial strength after taking a couple of years off to hring up hah).
I H20 featuring Ian Donaldson and The Chris Gorman Band Kiitg 'l‘ut's Walt \Vah Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22l 5279. S.30pm. £7.50. Scottish one hit \Hintlet's in the earl} S0s. hoping that someone has mone} left ()VL‘l' after hu) ing their Simple Minds tickets.
I Bouncing Souls and Tsunami Bomb The ('athouse. l5 l'nion Street. 24S 6606. 7.30pm. £S. ()ter- l4s shim. Melodic punk stlt'\‘i\()t‘s from New Jerse}.
I ballboy, The Starlets, desc and The 55s Sloans. Arg} le Arcade. 22l S917. Spm. £4. lidinhurgh-hased Sl. Records' annual ('hristmas part). during \\ hich the lahel .shous off its musical “ares. hallho} promote their \\ himsical nets album The Sax/i .lli' I'ill/lr’l' ll'nrr' (llltl ()I/tr’l' .S'Irrl‘l't’s.
I B Movie Heroes Paisle} Siutlents‘ t'nion. Storie Street. S49 4l57. 9pm. £3. See Wed H).
I The Kiteflying Club 'l'chai ()\na. 42 ()tago Lane. 357 4524. Spm. £l.50. Improvised sounds.
I Midnight Swimmer 'l‘inderhox. lS9 l§}i'es Road. 339 3|0S. 9pm. Free. Acoustic set.
I The Counterfeit Clash Studio One. (iros\enor Hotel. (it'ttsVeltnl‘ 'l‘crrace (off B}'t‘c‘s Road). 34] ()5lfi. 9pm. l-‘ree. ('lain and other cmers.
I The Vagabonds 'l‘lie Seoiia.
ll: l l4 Stocktsell Street. 552 ShSl. 9pm. Free. Popular coVers.
I Jam Session Samuel DU“ ‘s.
()7 7] .\'ithsdalc Road. 423 ()lll7. S.30pm. l‘ree. Hosted h} Independence. I Live Music Nice'n'Slea/y. 43l Satichieliall Street. 333 9637. 9pm. £3. Benefit night.
I Live Music l’ur) Murrys. 96 Mastsell Street. 22! 65l l. S.30pm. £4. The climax of the King of Bands competition. \sith the four finalists still to he chosen at time of going to press. I Live Music Loaded. Liquid Lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. 10pm. £3 (£4 on door). \Veekl} shoucasc of local artists.
I Live Music Mc(‘huil|.s. 40 High Street. 552 2l35. 9pm. l’ree. Nets hand night. line-up to he confirmed.
I Live Music MacSorle}s. 42 Jamaica Street. 24S S5Sl. 9pm. l‘t'ee. 'l‘hree hands to he confirmed.
I Medics Review the Liquid Room. 9c Victoria Street. 225 2564. 7pm. £thc. Mixed hag of acts for medical students.
I Mick Harris, David Jack, Giant Tank and Vinyl Vandal The Bongo (‘lulx Mora} House. Holyrood Road. 55S 7604. Spin. £7 l£l2 tiso da} Pilssl. The second of mru 44's ettd of _\car (it) lizist e\cnt li>\\' (liilsl is hctter than \\'estl. l-‘eaturing Mick Harris of Painkiller and Napalm Death lame
pla) ing in his Scorn (hea\_\ electronical and ()uoit ldt'ill & hass) guises.
I Live Music Whistlehinkies. 4 6 South Bridge. 557 5| l4. 9pm. See 'l‘hu
I Peter Michael Rowan (‘at'e Ro)al Bistro Bar. 17 West Register Street. 557 4792. 9pm. l‘ree. See Thu 27.
I Live MUSiC ('aharet \‘oltaire. 36 3S Blair Street. 220 6l76. l lpm 3am. £thc. Details to he confirmed hut a shots case to help raise ftiiids for a charit} hased in Harare. Doctors for Human Rights. \\ ho help torture \ ictims.
Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Kenny Mathieson.
I The Michael Deans Quartet Beer ('afe. ('andleriggs. 552 9Sl5.
9 l l.45pm. l-"ree. Modern iaH quartet led h} tenor sasman Deans.
I Niki King Quintet Ham's Ja// (’ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. £7. Jan standards meets contemporar) soul and nu-ja/l \ ihes from Perrier Jazz Aisard-u inning singer. .\'iki King.
I Jafla Human Be-ln. 2 S West ('rosscauseiui). 662 SS60. 9pm. l-‘ree. Jafla. standing for _ia// and funk and latin and fronted h} .r\merican \ocalist Jess Abrams. host this ueek’s shim case of underground .\'u Sotil and liunk musicians.
Friday 28
I Jamie Cullum and Amy Winehouse King 'l’ut's Wait Wait Hut. 272a St Vincent Street. 22] 5279. S.30pm. S()l.l) ()l "I‘. \ets poster ho} for the commercial ia/I scene. \\ ho blends in Radiohead co\ers and such like to his assured |i\e set. See listings panel.
I The Fusion Experience The liquid lounge. 94 West Regent Street. 353 6333. 5 Split. liree. Residcnc) from this ja/l funk trio.
I McKenzie & Medboe Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. Spm. £5. ()riginal compositions and haunting melodies from this lidinhurgh hased duo as part of the nets Xig/ag Jan (‘luh
I Green Juice Henr} 's JaI/ ('ellar. S Morrison Street, 467 5200. Midnight. £5. lilectronic hreak-heat iii/I from (ircen Juice. featuring sasophonist Martin Kershau and DJ l'i'ost}.
I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra Queen’s Hall. ('lerk Street.
66S 2019. S.3()pm. £l2 £l4 (£6). KC\llt MacKen/ie. Jim Mullen. Phil Robson and Mike \Valkerioin the S.\'J() to play music h) the legendar} guitarist. Pat Methcn}. drau ing on his man} sounds from Latin to countr) to hallad and funk. See panel.
I Niki King Quintet Henr}'s Jal/ ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 5200. S.30pm. £7. See Thu 27.
I John Burgess Quartet .s'o Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 2265097. 9.30pm. l-‘ree. Tenor saxophonist Burgess fronts this innotati\e foursome. drats ing on influences as di\erse as (‘ohain. Radio Head and 1)} Ian.
Saturday 29
I George McGowan and his Orchestra Merchant's (’orner. lS John Street. 552 3Slll. 2.30 5.30pm. I’ree. Drummer Mc( iou an leads his big hand \tltlt guest \oeultsts.
I Scottish National Jazz Orchestra RSAMI). I00 Renfrcu Street. 332 50.57. Spin. £42.50 (UH. See l'ri 2S.
I Campbell Considine and Stewart Harrison Duo 'l'lie Supper (‘luh. Merchant Square. (‘andleriggs. 9pm. Swinging ia/l \ocals \sith Stets art Harrison on hass.
I The Fusion Experience Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30mi]. liree. Sec PH 23.
I Groove Diggaz chr) 's Ja// (‘ellaiz S Morrison Street. 467 5200. midnight. £6. .\ dose of the funk from lidinhurgh's premiere heayns eight soul outlit. featuring \UL‘allsl 'l‘on} King and the talents of Martin Kershau on sa\.
I Toto’s Jazz Quartet Harr} ‘s Bar. Randolph Place. 539 Sl00. 3.30 6pm. liree. Angie King joins this funk} quartet to pro\ ide the meals.
I Niki King Quintet Henr_s\ Ja// ('ellar. S Morrison Street. 467 .5200. S.30pm. £7. Sec Thu 27.
I 80QSt House Band at) Queen Street Bar and Restaurant. S0 Queen Street. 2265097. 9pm midnight. l‘ree. Modern ia/l classics from this d}namic the—piece.
Glasgow I Paul Towndrow and Friends Beer ('afe. (’andleriggs. 552 9Sl5. 2pm.
Tommy Smith was aware that the SNJO had not yet featured a guitar player as soloist, and decided that a set of big band arrangements of music by Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays would be an ideal vehicle for the project. When he received them, though, he discovered they contained no part for a guitarist, so he has had to come up with those himself. He has invited four guitarists — Jim Mullen, Kevin MacKenzie, Phil Robson and Mike Walker - to take on three tunes each, in what should be another memorable outing for this excellent band. (Kenny Mathieson).
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Preston Reed and Arild Anderson Guitarist Preston Reed‘s (pictured) idiosyncratic and highly virtuoso ‘hammering on' style of percussive fretting is usually accompanied by the equally percussive thud of dropping jaws in the audience. This summit meeting with the mighty Arild Anderson is one to savour. Henry '8 Jazz Cellar. Edinburgh, Fri 5—Sat 6 Dec; the Tron, Glasgow, Sun 7 Dec.
Marc Copland and David Liebman Another not to be missed duo partnership. but this time a more established one. Pianist Marc COpland and saxophonist David Liebman are both celebrated leaders as well as highly creative improvisers. and this one-oft visit at the CCA is a high priority item in a busy weekend of top jazz. CCA. Glasgow. Sat 6 Dec.
Steve Hamilton Trio and Triangle Head Both pianist Steve Hamilton and saxophonist Mark Kershaw (who leads Triangle Head. but doesn‘t have one) are familiar laces at Henry's. but both lead new line-ups in this intriguing double bill. Henry's Jazz Cellar, Edinburgh. Wed 70 Dec.
Free. Modern ia/I standards and originals from the pen of alto-saxophonist
To“ ndrou.
I Blues Sunday l.auries Bar. 34 King Street. 552 7l23. 2 4pm. l‘ree. Regular nets hlues session featuring Rex Doe and the (‘ongregation
I Perdido Budda. l42a St Vincent Street. 243 22l2. 4 7pm. l‘ree. Mainstream Latin ja/l and meals.
I Campbell Considine and Stuart Harrison \Va\_\ ()'('onnor's. 44 West (ieorge Street. 354 SIS-l. 4 6pm. lirec. Vocalist and pianist (‘amphell ('onsidine performs _ia// standards u ith hassist Stuart Harrison.
I Tangalo 'l‘ron 'l'hcatrc. 63 'l‘rongate. 5524267. Spm. £6 i£4i. Taking on tango \\ itlt ia/l. this fusion is a hreathless force featuring Phil Alesander on piano. Mario ('arihe on hass and Jat ier ('hernikoff on drums.
I Hotclub ('afe (‘ossachok. Russian (‘ullural (‘cntre. 10 King Street. 5530733. S.30pm. £3. .\'igel ('lark lguitarl and ()leg Ponomaret l\ iolinl perform a tribute to the masters of string ia/x suing Diango Reinhardt and Stephane (irappelli.
. 'fo‘. " [>017 33.7.5 THE LIST 65