Music rock & pop listings

Sunday 7 continued

I Kain, KiP, The Needles, The Stunts and The Figure 5 Nicc'n’Slca/y. 42] Sauchichall Strcct. 333 0637. 7pm. £5 t£8 \Vcckcnd tickct). SCL‘ Salt 6.

I Forgotten Sons and Chain 'l‘hc ('athousc. I5 l'nion Sti'cct. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £6. ()x‘cr- I4\ \Iio“. .\Iari|Iion tributc.

I Engine 'I'hc Scotia. 1 I2 I 14 StockvchI Strcct. 5.'2 S’68l. 4pm. I'rcc. Rock coxcrs rcxidcnc)‘.

I The Cobramatics 'l‘hc Scotia.

I I2 I I4 Stockucll StI'L‘L‘l. 552 868i. 0pm. I-‘t'cc. Rock'n’roll rcxidcnc}..

I Big Blues Jam Studio ()nc. (il'(t\\CllUt‘ Ilotcl. (irtmcnor 'l‘crt‘acc. 34] 65 I6. 6pm. I‘il‘cc. Iloxtcd b} tlic NC“ Blucs Stit'tci's with contributions l'rom Sttidio ()nc rcgulars such ax RcV I)oc and thc .\'immo Bt‘titltct'x.

I Phil’s Sunday Session l'ixgc Bcatlta. 232 Woodlandx Road. 564 I506. 6pm. I‘rcc. Bring _\our oun instruman I Live Music MacSorlc} s. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 8581. 0pm. l-‘rcc. 'I‘hrcc bands to bc conlirmcd.


I Schneider TM and Christ ('abarct Voltairc. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6I76. 7pm. £7. SccSat 6.

I Carpe Diem, Dropkick and Kara Allstars ’I‘hc \cnuc. |7 2I ('alton Road. 557 3073. 7pm. £5. .\|i\ oi local indic and rock.

I Basement Jaxx (’oi‘n Iixchangc. \cu Markct Road. (iorgic. 443 2437. 7.30pm. £I6. 'I'hc punk. lunk Itouschcadx maxh up thc bcatx and bring thc part} back to Iidinburgh. Scc Icatut'c.

I The Listening Room IIIL‘ BIUL‘ Manor. 2 SpittaI Strcct. 220 5030. 8pm. Suggestcd donation £2. Scc Sun 30.

I Subbuteo Pitch Invasion and Natural Act \Vliixtlc‘bittkic‘x. 4 () Sotith Bridgc. 557 5| I4. 0pm. l.ocaI indic action.

Monday 8


I Iron Maiden and Funeral for a Friend Sli('(‘. I"innicdon Qua}. 0870 0404000. £25. I|ca\_\ mctaI o\'ct'|ord\ back to \ho“ _\oung prctcndcrs \uch ax thc Darkncxx how to rcall) \hakc \omc foundations. Mostly nonscnsc btit ot' SUIIIL‘ historical intcrcxt.

I Michael Franti 8. Spearhead and Keller Williams ()ttccn Margarct l'nion. 22 l'nixcrxit} (iardcnx. 330 0784. 7pm. £12.50. t'Itra- charixmatic didactic rappcr and \ingcr u ho hax \traycd I‘tn'thcr into thc mainxtrcam as hix carccr hax progrcsxcd. Ilc'x lost somc cdgc but litix gig \hould still bc a part}.

I The Bootleg Beatles Rt)_\al ('onccrt Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. £l7.50/£l5.50. 'I’hc Bjorn Again ol‘ thc Bcatlcx tributc markct.

I Ben & Jason King 'I‘ut‘x \Vah Walt IIut. 272a St \'inccnt Strcct. 22] 5270. 8.30pm. £7. Winsomc indic pop tluo

\\ ho t'clcascd an album caIch IIt’l/u and no“ announcc thcir split \\ ith an album CitIlCd (fund/nth

I Jubello, Your Scarecrow, Reiser and Masque 'l‘hc I3th \otc (are. 50 60 King Strcct. 553 1638. 0pm. £4. .-\Itcrnati\ c rock.

I Starsky and The Ju Ju Ten Stcrco. I2 I4 Kclxinhaugh Strcct. 576 50I 8. 8pm. £4. :\nothcr intriguing c\cnt Ironi thoxc good pcoplc at .-\coti\tic

A I‘Iiai r.

I Funhouse Sttidio ()nc. (h‘oanor Ilotcl. (il’()\\'L‘ti()t' 'I'ct‘racc toI'I' BVrcx Road). 34I 65I6. 0pm. taco Bliics.

I Acoustic Jam Nicc‘n‘Slt-a/x. 421 Sauchichall Strcct. w 9037. 8pni. I"rcc. With a Ircc drink ax inccntix c I'or participants.

I Open Mic Liquid Loungc. 04 \cht chcnt Strcct. 353 6333. 0pm. lat-c. Acotlxtic lltlhtL‘. pocti'}. ctc.

64 ' '



i. i


2 SI

Five Deez are part of the Ninja Tune Solid Steel Roadshow which calls at the Arches, Iasgow, Fri 5 Dec


I Acoustica ('abarct \‘oltait'c. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6I76. 7.30pm. I‘t'cc (\oluntar} contributions on c\it I. Scc .\|on l.

I Open Mic \Vhixtlcbinkicx. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5| I4. 0pm. Scc Mom I.


I The Wonderstuff, Voice of the Beehive and Bentley Rhythm Ace ('arIing .-\L‘itt|Clll). I2I Iiglinton Stt'cct. 0005 020 3000/0870 TH 2000. 7.30pm. ('.-\.\'('liI.I.I-LI). Rcl'undx from point of purchaxc.

I My Ruin, Charger and Murder One ()uccn Margarct l'nion. 22 l'nixcrxit} (iardcnx. .330 0784. 8pm. £8. ()xcr-I4x \hou. 'Iairric B’s mclal maclstrom.

I The Bootleg Beatles Ro}a| (‘oncct't Hall. 2 Sauchichall Strcct. 353 8000. 8pm. £I7.50/£l5.50. Scc Mon 8. I Mustard Plug, Howards Alias and Skarsoles King 'l‘ut’s Walt \Vah Hut. 272a St Vinccnt SII'CL‘I. 22| 5270. 8pm. £7. ()Vcr- I4\ Slit)“. Ska punk outfit from (irand Ritpidx. Michigan.

\\ ho ha\ c tourcd cxcr} \\ hcrc from Brazil to Japan.

I Strike Anywhere, New Mexican Disaster and Santo Caserio \icc'n’Slcal}. 421 Sattchichall SII'L‘CI. 3.33 0637. 0pm. £6.50. IIardcorc anthcmx \\ ith a pop \L‘ltxihilit} Irom lllix Richmond. Virginia outlit.

I Miss Black America, Animation and Reasons for the Insanity Bai'll}. 260 (txtlc Sti'cct. 0870 007 0000. 8pm. £4. I’unk/garagc} rockcrx I'rom Bcdl'ordxhirc.

I Scout Niblett, Swearing at Motorists and Sons 8. Daughters Stcrco. I2 I4 KcIVinhatigh Strcct. 576 5018. 8pm. \ViII'uII} ollbcat I‘olk) and blucx} dittic\ from .\|\ .\'ib|ctt. touring \\ ith ()hio guitar"n'drtnm duo S“ caring at Motorixtx. haich ax a two-man Who. I Otterley (ilaxgtm School of :\rt. I68 chlrcxx Strcct. 353 4530. 7pm. l-‘rcc. Iix-ntcntbci'\ oI~ Yumm} tar and (iangcr.

I Any Chance 0’ a Coffee? 'I'chai ()\ na. 42 ()tago l.anc. 357 4524. 8pm. £1.50. I~‘o|k—oricntatcd \cxxion.

I Maxine McCotter Bcanxccnc. 1‘) Skinng Strcct. 632 8000. 8pm. I'rcc. l.aidback sounds.

I Phil’s Session t'ixgc Martha. 233 Woodland\ Road. 564 I506. 0pm. lircc. \VL‘L‘k‘I) jam.


I The Ex, Deerhoof, Alleschwindel and Giant Tank Studio 24. 24 26 ('alton Road. 558 3758. 7pm. £8 t£|2 t\\o da) paxsl. mm 44 prcxcntx itx cnd ol' _\car (io Iiaxt c\cnt Ii>\\' Iliaxt i\ bcttct‘ than \chtl to cclcbratc and promotc tnorc cxpcrinicntaI/impro\ ixcd lltll\iL‘ in Iidinburgh. 'I'hc |il'\l da) kickx oil \\ ith Dutch littixic‘al coIIccti\ c thc Ii\ intcmczn ing ja/I. ptmk. claxxical. cthnic and morc. .-\mcrican\ Dccrhool “ho combinc rock. garagc. pop and I‘rcc ja/l as ucII as local impro\ outlit (iiant 'I‘ank. Scc prc\ icu.

I Wild Strawberry and Ella Bell 'I‘hc Liquid Room. 0C Victoria 80ch 225 2564. 7pm. £tbc. Local band night. I The Darkness ('orn lixcliangc. .\'c\\' .\1arkct Road. (iorgic. 443 2437. 7.30pm. £I3.50. ()Id \L‘Ilool mclal muthas \\ ho haw rcccntl} \upportcd

c\ cryonc from “up l’urpIc to Robbic Williams and haw \ct thc chartx alight. I._\'cra bod} \tlih arc guarantccd.

I Band Showcase \Vliixtlchinkicx. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5| 14. 0pm. SL‘L‘ Inc 2.

Wednesday 1 0


I Elton John Sli(‘(‘. I'Ainnicxton ()tia)‘. 08700404000. £50/£32.50. I)amc Iilton hax bccn \hrmxdl} aligning himxcll' u ith hip at'li\l\ \uch ax limincm and (‘oui'Inc_\ |.o\ c in rcccnt tiincx. bttt do hix audicncc carc‘.’ .\'o. thc_\' juxt uant thcir camp old piano tnan back.

I The Damned (‘at'ling :\L‘itdL‘lti}. I2l Iiglinton Strcct. 0005 020 3000/0870 77I 2000. 7.30pm. £ I 2.50. 'I‘hc htttttl\~i'clint‘tlii[lg L‘pidL‘litiL‘ continucx \\ ith thc Damncd. famously thc lll'\| punk band to makc it on to Iii/i Hf I/u' I’m/n and architch ol \uch cnduring thrcc-chord \xondcrx ax ‘Sntaxh It l'p'. 'I‘hcn ha“ pla) cr (’aptain Scnxiblc IcI't and had a hit \\ ith a \hontunc. uhilc thc rcxt of thc band turncd Victorian gothic.

I Q Bert (ilaxgou. School oI' :\l'|. I68 chlrcu Slt'cct. 353 4530. 8pm. £3 i£4 non-\tudcntxl. Hip hop lcgcnd ax \ccn in thc rcccnt doctnncntar) Sill/It‘ll

pIa_\\ thc only datc in Scotland \tlppot'tcd b) I’rcakmm cs rcxidcntx I)cma and .\'icc. \\ ith spccial gticxtx to bc announccd.

I Danko Jones, Electric Eel Shock, Apartment 26 and The Suffrajets King 'I‘ut'x \Vah \Vah Ilut. 272a St VittL‘L‘tll Sti'L‘L‘l. 22| 5270. 8pm. £6. ()\cr- |4\ \ho“. ('anadian t'ockcrx Danko Joncx. Japancxc garagc rock trio Iilcctric |ic| Shock and kickaxx girl troupc thc Sultraictx club togcthcr on this /\'('I‘I'(Ill_g’.'-\ptilhtil’L‘tl tour.

I B Movie Heroes ’I‘hc (‘athottxu l5 l'nion Sll‘L‘L‘t. 248 6606. 7.30pm. £5. ()\cr- I4x \hou. Jumpalong punk anthcmx.

I Tantrik \iL‘C‘II'SIL‘a/y 42I SauchichaII Strcct. 333 0637. 0pm.

I Open Stage The Hall Bar. 160 Woodlandx Road. 564 I527. 8pm. I‘rcc. \Vcckl} \cxxion I‘or local muxicianx.

I Live Music NiaL‘SUl‘IL‘}\. 42 Jamaica Strcct. 248 858I. 0pm. I‘rcc. 'I‘hi'cc bands to bc conlirmcd.


I Manalishi Underground (‘aharct \‘oltairc. 36 38 Blair Strcct. 220 6|76. 7.30pm. £5 (£3). I'plil'ting indic and rock. chcck \\\\ wapocal} I'or mot'c into.

I My Ruin, Murder One and Charger 'I'hc \cnuc. 17 2I ('alton Road. 557 3073. 8pm. £8. Scc 'I‘uc 0.

I Mexico, 13 Broken Fingers and Page 6 't‘hc Bongo (‘1qu Mom} IIUtN‘. 37 lltil)l'ti6d Road. 558 7604. 0pm. £3. National Sttidcnt .\|u\ic .'\\\;tl'd\ lotlt‘.

I The Joshua 4, Inhibition and The Dazes \Vhixtlcbinkicx. 4 6 South Bridgc. 557 5| l4. 0pm. I.oca| guitar rock (and (ilaxucgian rock from thc I)a/c\I.

I Fractal Jack, Battalion of Flies and Absolute Zero 'l‘cxiot Rim I'nion. I3t'i\to Squarc. 650 4673. 10pm. £3 (£2 mcmbcrxt. .\IctaI. punk and rock at goth club night .-\drcnalin \xith I)J\ taking _\ou through until 3am. I Fleamarket Funk (‘aharct Voltairc. 36 38 Blair Stt‘L‘L'I. 220 6I76.

I Ipm 3am. l’rcc. Scc \Vcd 3.


I Turbonegro and The Hard-ans thc (iaragc. 400 Sauchichall Stt‘cct. 332 I I20. 7pm. £I0. ()\ct‘- I4x \hou. ('amp