I Hebrides Ensemble (‘(‘..\. 351) Sauchiehall Street. 353 4900. 8pm. £10 (£81. See Hi 7.
I Four Seasons by Candlelight l'xher Hall. 1.othian Road. 338 1155. 7.30pm. £14.50 £33. The .\lo/art Festival Orchestra pla} \‘ixaldi'x L‘ltlsxtc‘ I-inir Seamnx. Handel's I Kttmr‘ That .111 Redeemer I.it'et/t and Bach\ Air on the (1' String in full 18th centur} L‘lellllle and atmospheric candle light.
I The Edinburgh Light Orchestra Queen'x Hall. (’lerk Street. (168 301‘). 7.30pm. £4.51) £13.51). :\ selection Ul- ligltl classical faxouritex \xith guext \Ultiixl l’eter :\1e\ander \Vllstttt.
0 Maxim Vengerov Royal (‘onceri Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S000. 7.30pm. £13.50 £17.50. lle’x onl} 38- )earx-old. and a full} Iieenxed heart-throh lit _\ou like that kind of thing]. llis good lotth of course. pale into insignilicance \\ hen )ou hear him pla} prohahl) the \xoi'ld’x leading \ it'luoxo \ iolinixt. Vengerm returns to the Ro}a| ('oncert Hall to Perform Brahmx' \iolin Sonata no 3 in I). lio/in (’mu‘erto Ill) 3 in :1 and Hit/tit Sonata no / in (i. The \ttllttlth are atnong the most euluixite and impassioned \xorkx in the \ iolin repertoire. and this a prett) one-off chance to hear them p1a_\ed \er}. \er} \\ ell indeed.
I Meadows Chamber Orchestra Queen's 11:111. (’lerk Street. (i118 301‘). 7.45pm. £8 l£| £11501. \Vunderkind (iarr) Walker conducts Scotland's hext amateur orchextra in an eclectic and challenging programme. featuring .\'ei| Black ax the \oloi\1 in Strauxs' ()lme (‘uneertin and the e\citing l‘K premiere of conteinporar} Italian composer Sciarrino\ stutnritratto tu'i/it .Vnttt’.
Monday 10
I Madama Butterfly Ro)al ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 S1101). 7.30pm. £17.51) £31). 1.a\i\h production of Puccini's tragic opera featuring the l'krainian National Opera of()de\\a \\ ith international Japanese \oprano. .\lanami llama and a Japanese water garden ax part of the wt.
I Takacs Quartet Queen‘s Hall. ('lerk Street. (ms 3011). 7.45pm. £11 £17
t£5 £151. \ett 11ml] (‘oncertx Societ) presentx the great Btulapext-haxed quartet in a performance of l)\orak\ Quartet in If ilat. Bartok\ Quartet no 3 and Beethmen'x Quartet in (‘ \lltll‘lt minor not to he mixxed. the planing uill he out of thix \xorld.
I A Winning Talent Rtllttxhtit‘lt Theatre. 98 lngratn Street. 553 3-181).
1.15 3pm. £3.51). A \ttt’pt‘lxe programme h) a \urprixe performer tlxxtteitlletl \\ ith the 11a\erhill Sinfonia Soloixt (‘ompetition I Masterclass RS.-\.\ll). 101) Renfren Street. . 33 5057. (rpm. l‘ree. Richard ('axero directs a tromhone masterclaxx.
I Madama Butterfly Roytl ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. .353 80111). 7.30pm. £17.51) £31). See Mon 11).
I Edinburgh University Singers Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinhurgh l'nixerxit}. Bt‘i\lt) Square. (ms 301‘). 1.10pm. l‘ree. John Kitchen conduct\ a performance of accompanied and unaccompanied part- \nttgx h) Schuhert and Schumann. 'l‘hexe pat‘l-xtitlg\ are unsung gems of the choral repertoire. since the not majorit} of choirs tend to neglect performing them. This ix a
Bryn Terfel
Monday 1 December 2003
A UsherHoIl
One of the most powerful, passionate voices of our time.
Cappella Nova With their new Thistle and the Rose programme by the Scottish renaissance choral genius. Robert Carver. Cappella Nova make their first appearance in London. at St John's. Smith Square. Hear it first in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Old St Paul's, Edinburgh Fri 37 Oct; St Andrew '3 in the Square, Glasgow Sun 2 Nov.
Mr McFall’s Chamber They play Hendrix to pensioners. electrify string quartets and are guaranteed to surprise even the most alert of what is likely to be a predominantly student audience in their latest unusual venue. Heriot Watt University. Edinburgh. Fri 7 Nov
Maxim Vengerov He's the first classical musician to have been appointed a UNICEF Envoy for Music. and at only 28 years old. he is quite simply one of the world's most exciting violinists. Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow. Sun 9 Nov
Tickets £15 - £41.50 Box Office : 0131 228 1155 www.usherhall.co.uk
Winter 2003
An exhiloroting periormonce from o world renowned orchestro
0 Clossics
fantastic chance to hear work of rare heaut}.
I Hebrides Ensemble Queen's llall. ('lerk Street. (you 301‘). Spin. £11)
l£3 £131. See Fri 7.
Wednesday 12
I Rigoletto Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 35.3 8001). 7.30pm. £17.51) £31). \‘erdi'x rather chilling but nonetheless \\ itt} tale of lecher} and rexenge \et in the court of the libertine Duke of .\lantua. \xith Vladimir Dragos in the title role. 1.;t\ ixlt \L‘l\ are the backdrop for the tragic tale of Rigoletto the hunehhack. llix much put-upon daughter (iilda. and a rather naxt) Duke. not to mention completel} lttltlttxlle lllllxlc‘.
I Academy Brass Concert RS.~\.\ll). 101) Renfreu Street. 333 5057. 7.30pm. £1) l£-l ). Br} an Allen directs a performance of lllll\lL‘ h) l’aul l’atterxon. Jan Koetsier and .-\t\o .-\lmi|ia.
I Amadeus Rtl}ill ('tiltc‘et‘l 111111. 3 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £15 £35. (‘onductor Richard lliclxox and director Jonathan Best join force\ to lead the (it) of London Sinfonia in a Production of Peter Shaffer‘x award- winning pla}. performing music from .\lo/art'\ \) mphoniex Serenade tor 'I'ltirteen ll'itu/x. ’I'lu' .llaeu' I’lute and Requiem.
Mozarteum Orchesier Solzburg
Tue 25 Nov, 7.30pm
Worm ond serene Symphony No.92 by Hoydn,mognilicenl tunes ond excitement in Mozorl's Violin Concerto
it No.2 & Symphony No.36, profound ioy ond sodness in Schubert’s Rondo.
_ Tickets 210- £20 in i Top seots for 3310 ii you're new to Enleinolionol Clossics y. u
Students 25 per ticket 1 including a free drink }
Box Office : 0131 228 1155
. ’EDINBVRGH' www.usherhol|.co.uk
A UsherHoll
';\i_.l_ j THE LIST 65