Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.


I Das Rheingold Theatre R0)ttl. 282 Hope Street. 332 9000. 2.15pm.

£19.50 £39.50. Scottixh ()pera'x firxt-rate Rine (ire/v returnx home. git mg (ilaxgoxx audiencex their turn at the Wagner experience.

I BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra Rt)_\ttl ('otteert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm.

U I I8. The BB(‘ Scottixh ix xtrengthening dail} under the )outhful \italit} of chief conductor llan \‘olkm. \thoxe imprexxix e xter promixex a xuperb performance of Berg‘x .t’ ()I't‘ltt'tll'u/ Pieces. 0/) (i. .\le//o xoprano .v\lice ('oote joinx Paul Whelan in Mahler'x de\axtating orchextral xong c_\ cle Um Kim/m: lllllltlt'l'llul‘ll. The programme concludex \\ ith Schubert'x Soup/tony .\'n (I '(irt'rll ‘.


I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RSAMI). l00 Renfrcu Street. 332 5057. lpm. £6 l£4i. ()ttlxltttttlitlgl} talented and x} mpathetic baritone Roderick Williamx ix joined at RS.-\.\Il) b) pianixt l'ali Pa\ri in a recital of Schumann'x lexxer-knou n and tltttlt‘t‘pltt)t'tl gem. the /.t('i/¢’I‘kl‘t'i\ ()1) 24; tt xelection front \Volf'x jo}ottx Ilit/t'i'ltixt'lim l.f('tl('l‘/)Il('/Il and a final cotttetttpot'at'} offering from the great .-\le\ander (ioeht'. Highl} recommended.

I Masterclass RSAMI). lllt) Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. Free. The delectable Roderick \Villiamx folloux hix lunchtime recital \\ ith an open maxterclaxx for xtudentx of the RS.-\.\l[). lt'x free. and a great chance to obxer\ e muxical tranxformationx taking place before _\ottt' e_\ex no maxterclaxx ix \\ ithotit itx re\elationx and laughx.

I Young Sintonia (ilttxgtm t'nixerxit} (‘oncert Hall. l'ni\erxit} Atenue. 330 4002. 8pm. £5 i£3l. Scott Stroman conductx the north of lingland’x auard-

\\ inning )ottth orchextra in a performartce of tnuxic b} Tippett. .\lo/art. Beethmen and Stt‘tn inxk}.


I Michael Bonaventure Met-Luau Hall. Brixto Sqttare. 650 438l. l.l0pm. lirce. ()rgan recital featuring the tnuxic of (‘rane. McQueen. Bonaventure and Anderxon.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xher Hall. I.othian Road.

228 ll55. 7.30pm. £l0.75 £25.50. Stephane [)eneve bringx the RS.\'() to lidinburgh for itx \xeekl) concert featuring the nonderful Jamex lihnex ax xoloixt in Pt'okolie\"x Tin/in (‘uncerru no /. Programme alxo includex Ravel'x Suite: .llrIl/Ir’l' (ioow a treat. no matter hou man} timex _\ott hear it and l)\'orak'x .S‘rnip/iont' .\'n 8.

0 Cappella Nova Old St t’aut‘x (‘hurch. 63 Jeffrey Street. 668 20l‘). 7.30pm. £9 £12 (£6.50 £8.50). Singing from the celebrated ('hoirbook of Robert ('arter. Scotland’x greatext Renaixxance compoxer and maxter of pol_\pltott_\. to mark the 500th anniverxar} of the marriage of Jamex l\'. King of Scotland. to Princexx Margaret Tudor in l503 the alliance of the Thixtle and the Roxe.


I Die Walkiire 'l‘heatre Ro}al. 282 Hope Street. 332 ()000. lpm. £l8 £250. See Thu 30.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra Ro}al (‘oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. “2.50 £20. See l'it't .3l.

I Dominic Alldis Ensemble RSAXH). Hll) Renfreu Street. .352 .5057. 7.30pm. £l2 l£8l. .-\n intriguing and tantali/ing proxpect: pianixt and \ocalixt Dominic :\lltllx leadx hix jal/ enxemble together u ith the Paxao String Quartet in a performance of Michel l.egrand'x magnificent film xcorex of the ‘60x pinup/Him (Iv (‘ln'r/mure and l.('\ (lt'llll’l.\(’/l(’\ i/r' Rm‘lti'liirl. The} TC like no other film xcorex )ou'\ e e\'er heard braxx). big-band pi/a// meetx a\ant garde ja/l. \xith the odd great low tune throw it in. and ax colourful ax the lilmx the) accompanied. Not to be mixxed.

I “Mo’s Company (killer) of Modern .-\rt. l l l Queen Street. liree at door. I lam and 2pm. Stor_\ teller ii“ an .\lc\'icar tellx tall talex to muxic \tritten xpeciall} for the purpoxe b) contemporar} compoxerx baxed in Scotland. who u ill pt‘obttbl} be on hand to pla) their part. .\lttxicianx are Hector Scott and Shinobu Miki. huxband and \\ ife \ iolin and clarinet duo.

I That Picture Just Sang me a Story! (killer) of Modern Art. Queen Street. 22‘) 1996. I lain & 2pm. \Vorld- trarelling xtor}teller liu an .\lc\'icar tellx a tale or tuo with the help of objectx in the gallery and modern muxic group Tuo‘x (‘ompan_\. The group commixxioned nine Scottixlt eotttpoxet‘x to urite tttttxie lo intertwine “ith liuan'x xtoriex. and the outcome ix full of art. fun. audience participation and xtoriex \\ ith a difference. I Young Sintonia (ilttxgou ('atltedral. ('axtle Street. 552 8W8. 7.30pm. £5 i£3l. See liri 3l.

Glasgow I Banquet of Musick St Andre“ ‘x in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andrew 'x



Tickets: £|7 - £6

Monday IO November 7.45pm

Dvorék, Bartok & Beethoven Booking Hotline: 0| 3| 668 20l9

Concessions: £ l5 - £5 thequeenshall, clerk street. edinburgh. eh8 9jg, www.queenshalledinburghtouk

New Town Concerts presents

with a programme featuring

64 THE LIST :z'. ()i: '1‘; Ne. 233::

Street. 543 0020. 3pm. £5 1“ {Jr :\ programme of under-rated Baroque maxterpiecex from acroxx liurope. including (’axtello. l.eclair and Telemann. Q Cappella Nova St :\tttlt'e\\ ‘x in the Square. off Saltmarket. St Andre“ ‘x Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £‘) £l2 (£6.50 £8.50). See l-‘ri 31.


I Dominic Alldis Ensemble Queen'x llttll. (’lerk Street. ()(ib’ 2(ll‘). 7.30pm. £tbc. See Sat 1.

Tuesday 4


I Gusztav Fenyo Ratttxltot‘tt Theatre. ()8 Ingram Street. 552 348‘). l.l5 2pm. £2.50. The highl} acclaimed pianixt performx a xeriex of Preludex and l-‘tiguex

b} Bach and Bela Bartok. Edinburgh

I David Parsons, Hazel Brooks and Francisco Del Amo Si ('ecilia'x llttll. Nltltlt‘} Street. 008 2(ll‘). l.l0pm. l-"ree. .-\ concert of earl} muxic featuring three talented pla) erx on baroque lute and theorbo. baroqtte \ iolin and \ iola da gamba. .\ltixic b} familiar friendx Ha}dn and ('orelli. and two lexxer-knoun. unxung talentx of the l8th centur}: Kropffganx. l‘alkenhagen.

Wednesday 5


I Siegfried 'l'lteatt‘e Ro}al. 282 Hope Street. 5.32 900”. lpm. UH £250. See Thu 30.

I Masterclass RSI-nil). loo Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 2pm. l’ree but ticketed. The great Philip l.angridge directx a maxterclaxx for opera xingerx. I Symphony Orchestra Concert RS.-\.\ll). l00 Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 7.30pm. £8 t£5l. ('elebrated conductor Mart} n Brabbinx directx the RSAMI)

S} mphony ()rchextra in a performance of muxic b} Beethm en. Shoxtako\ ich and (ieorge Benjamin.


I Scottish Chamber Orchestra l'xher Hall. I.othian Road. 228 H55. 7.45pm. £7 £22. Joxeph Sucnxett conductx the S('() in a performance of Beethm ett'x Leonora ()t't'rltm' no 2. the o\erture to hix opera Iii/elm. attd ax the highlight of the exening the legendar} Stephen Koxacm ich (IS the xt)lt)i\l ltt Beethm en l’frlltn (.(UHY'I'HH Ill) 3’ and 4. Ko\‘;tce\ ich'x pla} ing ix at once profound and e\tretttel) accexxible a perfect interpreter for \eteran S('() xupporterx and thoxe unfamiliar \\ ith the t‘epL‘t‘lUlt‘e lelGC.

Opera and Ballet lnternational perform Ri‘goletto at the Royal

Concert Hall, Glasgow, Wed 12 Nov


I BBC Radio 3 Midday Concert RSAMI), I00 Renfreu Street. 332 5057. lpm. £6 t£4l. Pianixt Barry l)ouglax Performx Beethmen'x I’nino Sonqu in I" ntinm‘ ()p57 and Schumann'x l-iunme

I Masterclass RSAMI). too Renfreu Street. 332 5057. 2.30pm. l‘ree. Barr} I)ouglax litlltrux lttx Iunclttime recital “ith a free maxterclaxx for RSAMI) xtudentx.

I Scottish Chamber Orchestra Ro}al ('oncert Hall. 2 Sauchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £6.50 £l‘). See Thu 6.


0 Mr McFalls Chamber llet‘iot Watt l'nixerxit}. Jamex \Vatt ('entre l. 45l 3444. 12.30 l.20pm. l’ree. lt'x “ell north the lunchtime bux ride out of tou n to xee lill\ L'\L‘li'L'L~lCL‘liLi Lill\ClllhlL‘ \ll'Ul lllCil' xtuff. The group'x core quartet prexent their trademark fuxion of ja//. folk xong. tango. claxxical and rock: including Shoxtakm ich. the lixtonian :\r\o Part. little “in: b_\ Hendri\ t}ex. Jimi. thix ix (’roxxover Programming) and a he“ “(it'lx b_\ .\'ick .\lo_jxenko.

I John Kitchen Reid ('oncert Hall. lidinburgh l'nixerxit). Brixto Square. 668 20“). l.l0pm. l-‘ree. Organ and harpxichord recital b) ottr great ('it) ()rganixt John Kitchen. featuring the muxic of .\leck. Marcello. \'i\aldi and Taglietti.

I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l'xher Hall. l.othian Road. 228 l I55. 7.30pm. £l0.75 £25.50. Walter \Veller conductx a performance of Beethmett'x ()t'i'rlun': I’ronii'I/n'm. .\lo/at't'x .St‘ni/i/tont' no 9. Stt‘attxx' Horn (‘nni'erio no 2. featuring l)a\ id .\lc(’lenaghan. and Beethmen'x Stilt/i/mm‘ no .8. A nicel) compiled programme \\ ith itx xhare of xumptttoux romanticixm-n ith- a-big-R and uitt} claxxicixm.


I Hebrides Ensemble ’l‘olbooth. Jail \V} tttl. (ll 780 274000. 8pm. Ell) (UH. Arguabl} one of Scotland'x bext conteinporar} muxic enxemblex for the xheer energ} and commitment of their pla) ing. the Hebridex linxemble premiere “an id l'ettllexx} 'x rte“ piece. RUN/II. Set amid a backdrop of Stirling'x neu and architecturall} intriguing Tolbooth centre. the work ix a muxical e\poxition of room: roottt to mow. room to e\plore. room for muxic.

Saturday 8


I Royal Scottish National Orchestra l{o_\a| ('oncet't Hall. 2 Sattchiehall Street. 353 8000. 7.30pm. £l2.50 £26. See in 7