Edinburgh life

lrlr’l‘rrr‘ti‘tr 'tlifc“ :Ll'nt‘y? Vt!

round up the lat/ml. (1 .‘Ta'Lor';,'l.wllincj5 l5'r.‘r.Ltt:nl 200a no you tlonh'r ltzwo lo . . . lf'l Sounds of the Seas lhrs year 's testrval rs openetl wrth an enchantrnr; ortyssev of storres. songs and musrc. mapprng the west coast from the ()lyrle to Cape Wrath takrng rn l, arly's Hock rn the Sounrl of Mull. St Krlrla and Skye, Wrth Margaret Bennett. lan Stephen and mustcran Norman Chalmers. /r/ ("1 ()ct. St (Jew/Ia}; Ila/l, N/(idr'v Street. 55/ :'>/’.”-1, /'.-"Jf)/)Itt, S‘x' /.‘\:')/.

r7": Diwali Celebrations The l (lrnhurgh llrnrlu Mantlrr and Cultural Centre rnvrte you to torn them rn celehratron ol Drwalr Wltlt musrc. storres. dance and (lrrnks. Sat 2’5) Oct. C/tr‘rst Church f.,'.)/scopa/ Church, Holy Corner. Brurrtsf/e/(i. 5:37 55/24. (it’a‘tlpnt free.

[it Secrets from the Dark Forest Mythology and scrence rnsprre American storyteller Susan Strauss as she examrnes the tapestm of myths from N()t‘(ll(:. Japanese. Costa chan. Russran anrl Natrve Amerrcan cultures. Sat 2:3 Oct. Roya/ [iota/m: Garden. 20a Inver/e/th Hort: 3-18 993?. fpm, 513 tl‘fir. n The Forth Stanza

Verse prrnts celebrates rts four star success at the 2002 tOSIIUTI Trrnge. With a (turcktrre hlend of poetry. musrc. song and story. Wrth Eu MCCaDe. Martrn Maclntvrr—E. \er Murtv. Stoutart Mercer. Dougre Watt and acclarmetl Gaelrc and Scots srnger Annmarre MacHurv Mon 2/" Oct. St Cecrrra's Hall, N/o’dn Street. 5557 5372-1. 7.45pm. 1‘7 (95/.

Sr nth-.JI Sittnytvlllltt‘] Festival “JUU'J, Various

venues, i'rlmlturqh, it!) I


102 THE LIST "

Fri 1 7, continued


The Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Scotland l<t‘:\.tl Ilrclrlarrd (‘crttrtx lrrslrxtort. l“ “3"” Illam <prrr L" tL-lr (.rllrnf; .rll tashrrtcrc lctrdrrxts tlrrs cxcrrt toxcrx all tornrx ot ktrrttrrrfg. rtccdlctrattx and trcatnc \l.lll\

Documentary Film Projection llhllllll lrantarx d‘l towc. lilx'andolph ('rcxtcrtt. 33* < 4m \oon Ircc \ \ltklllllt'llldl} on tltc \xotL ot .tllhl. \xrrtt-r .rnd pocl. Hcrrrr \lrthaux loll-mat h}. .r lccturc trn l rcntltr it} .lcatt \lrchcl \l.rtr|por\

Saturday 18


Irish & Scottish Gaelic Poets and Singers \ottrxlr l’oclt} l rhr.rr_\. Q ('trchton'x (low. ("anonyan ‘V 35‘!) I’crlorrrratrcc Ill conrrcctron \xrtlr tlrc l cahhar \lor c\hrhrtron .rt tltc (‘rtt \tt ('cntrc \cc \rt tot c\ltrl\ttton dctarlx


Conference: Monet and French Landscape Painting Raul \ltrxctrrn. I ('lrarnhcrx Strcct. .11"

§ll 1L3” {lat St-C l'll lfl

Other events

The Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Scotland Ro}.r| llrgltland ('cntrc. lrrgglrxtorr. “5 trill“ Illarn 5pm. L5 tHr Scc In I‘,

Le Hibou Et La Baleine Irrxtllut l-r'arrcarx d'l:co\\c. I ‘~ Randolph (‘rcxccrrL 225 53h!» \oon. l'rcc. .\ doctttncntat} tilnr on thc lrtc and uork ot \erch \tco|.r\ Bornrct lolloucd h} a drxctrxxrotr ahotrt Irrx uot'k

Sunday 19

Other events

Toy and Train Collectors Fair Ro}al Highland ('cntr'c. Inglrxton. “* (rjtltl, lirmxxc or bu} lronr a rangc ol to_\\ and r.rrl\\a_\ collcctrhlcx.

The Knit, Stitch and Creative Crafts Show Scotland Rinal Hrghland (‘cntrtn lnglrxton. H5 trllltl Illarn 5pm. {5 lL~ll, Scc In I",

Monday 20

Book events

Martin Bell Qtrccrh llall. (‘lcrk Strch (ms lel‘), ".Rllpnr. £5. 'l‘lrc prolrltc torrr‘rralrxt ttrrncd \ll’ talkx about thc \tatc ot \\or'ld polrtrc\ as rlltrxtr'atcd rn ht\ 11c“ hook. Hitting/r I/Ir’ (id/H u/ llH'. Ilrglrl} rccorntncndcd, Scc pr'c\ Ic\\


The Fashionable Man: Ashley Havinden and DAKS Simpson \atronal (iallcr; ot \lodcr'n .\rt. "5 Hcllttt‘tl Road. 02-1 03””. 13.45pm. l'rcc_ .-\rchr\ rxt .\ladclrrrc (irnxhttr'g gnc a talk on tlrc adwrtrxrn; .rrtrxt and dcvgncr. ,\\lrlc_\ ll.r\tndcn.

Tuesday 21

Book events

Amu Logotse - African Storytelling \orth lzdrnhtrrgh .\rt\ (‘cntr'u l5a l’cnn}\\c|l (‘otrr'L il.‘ It‘ll lllfillarn. l.3llprn. noon tk ‘pm. {I ’l'radrtronal .\tr'rcan talcx and talwlcx cornhrrrcd \xrtlr lllll\lc. may and artuork \\lll1.\ltlll logoxtc. Through hr\ holrxtrc approach ltc hcatrtrtull} c\plorc\ thc conccptx and \altrcx ot .\trrc.rrr .tt‘l\ and crrlttrrc. RccorrrrtrcrrdcdV


A Kenyan Perspective \atrortal I.rhrar§ ol Scotland. (icor'gc IV lirrdgc. 336 Jiill "put. l’rcc. \lttkarnr _\lc('rtrnr. chrct' cwctrtnc ot thc (‘cntr‘al Scotland Racral lxqualrt} l'rrrt. talks to Sum/tn Hr'Iu/t/ axxoctatc Ctltlot‘. ,-\l.ttt la} lrtt'.

Wednesday 22 Sunday 26

"A Terry Pratchett t t::-.1-...: \ x ' t \trt-ct 2W" \oor l.;r.:t;\t:t.:.

lat:th lcrt'. l’:.:1\.':ct'.\:'::\ of lttlc.\l lll\~‘\-l " t‘ [\r, r‘ \r‘,. \ \.:‘. hc Lubrtrt'azxcti In;

:fctttc (littctxrmtxz‘.31c'\ cottxzfit'ttt”. i (re dct rd; To: '.~:;: \th David Kinloch and Gael Turnbull \otttxlr l’octrx l ll‘Y.:Y‘-. (‘trtlttott'd lrtsct .:71~r71'.;'.c *" \ 'o ‘ttprr: lx’cadtrtfx or_‘.::r:\ctl ht. thc

l’oclH \wru l.:'.!r‘l‘. of \co'rartd


Static - Narratives of the Still Life in Photography and Film llllllllr‘llM‘. \\ l otlrr.:rr “that. .‘_‘\ .‘t~\\ l ‘prrr to i *t' ‘.__‘t \ \crr.:r;.:: c\.plortr:‘ thy lll\lrtl_‘. and thy \ tttrt'rrt atorktrrz‘ prattrtu ot \trll ltlc lllltttlz‘ll lcrrx txrxcd ntcdra \ptzrkcrx trtt lutlc \rrra \tc'.crtw:1 tltrcltutator ol tl1c\\ottr\l1\.rtrorr.:l l’hotoz'rapln ( ollcttron

Thursday 23

l )( )etr",

Big Word Performance Poetry llrc Iron. ‘l Iltrntcr \tttrarc. th'h \trcct. .7.‘hll‘l*l ‘t llprrr L i rtfl‘r Htpcrattrx; poctk talxrrct \xrtlr tlrc darkl_\ \Illttt'll\ \ltthacl \lt(irll, l prt'tlt \ltrrr.r\. .zt try“ torncdran \rrah \\ rlwn .rnd lrotl\ trppcrl totrnp (i|.r\\|.c;'r.rrr It'nn} I lll\l\.r\ Hat k trorrr .r rollrt krnj: totrr ol ('.rrr.rd.r lcrtt l\'ttll\ takcx hat k hrs tornpcrc slot .tlttllj.‘\ltlc \ttlla ( imart

Friday 24


Building a Collection: The Royal Institution \.rtronal (i.rllcr_\ ol \t'lllldlltl. lllk' \lrtlllhl. “)1 (CNN

13 15pm ltcc llclcn \ttt.rllc\ z'ncx .r talk on lltc tclallonxltrp ltct\‘.ccn thc \atronal (rallctrcx ol \otlarrd and thc Ix’o}.rl lnxtrtutrorr

Saturday 25

Other events

Homes Overseas Exhibition lx’o).rl |lr;:lt|.rnd ('crrtrc. Irrz'lr\ton. 3* (Clllt llt Warn *pnr L tltccr lrttg'cl that \xrnlcr‘x |tl\l .rtotrnd thc totncr .rrrd 33o \karrn )our cocklcx on prattrtal .rd\rcc on tuning a hotrxc rn lltc \rrn Clairvoyant Readings \llc\l.rlt \m (iallc'r). "* lircad \trcct. '1‘" li‘\ \oorr 3pm, ‘5 ('l.tlt\<t}.rttl\ l ornxc and \Ian (‘otlc ottcr a look rnto tltc ltrtrrrc

Verse a little bit: Jem Rolls is back in the saddle at Big Word Performance Poetry. The Tron, Edinburgh, Thu 23 Oct

I“ "\

Shore Poets I'vmr mm our. r‘ *c‘ ( “'t‘ ;;\t -;"'.‘T‘. 1‘ ill \::t‘:tc‘.‘. l.‘.c“.\r‘7' I": Ir.":l‘;;”...::t'. (3:20.12; l .1“: are 13‘.» :yorttl'rk puck

K\o,,.l, . “‘0‘,

Homes Overseas Exhibition Rout llr:'?:'.::‘tit ctrtrt' H t\_‘ltt| \_-\-

Monday 27

[‘3 k -'.w'"r:\ obin Hobb - Fool’s Fate \\.:tct\lonc \. “(t't't It:\j:_ \ Hoop rt'.:d\ tr l.:'.‘.n\ \l.:rr \crrcx

Tuesday 28

ll ks

Lil Lochhead l\'o\.rl l \tt'unr lltcalrc (lllllillJ‘. \trctt .‘ l\ 1\1\ hprtr I tcc I’rc \lro'J. talk lltc ctlcrxmtcrrt

lot hlrtzrd rrrtt'rprctx ltcr «run t lr.:t.rt tt'tx

lll"ll\'.r‘?‘. \‘

l,‘\ l':r:rtc\ \Ztcct "~ t: l and I.;':t.r\\ .;r;tiror r‘lllalltl\l"1l\1l\‘l.:\l rrrtttc

Ill lth nun nortc ‘.‘.llll .r \clct tron ol rnonoloz'rrcx hour I'. I’r. ' IL. \.

1/;er ;'.r.'\ and ntort‘ .r\ \lrc t‘tct‘.rt\‘\ lot hcr orrz'rrral work It /.r to :‘o up at tltc l _\\currr ( ha I. out thy pruruu rrr llrcatrc llrz'lrlt rt'tonrrrrcndutl

Wednesday 29


Beginning to Write with Liz Lochhead lx’o\.rl I \tctrrrr lltcaltt‘ (irrndlrn \trcct. _‘ l\ 1\1\ llt {H.rrrr ln tontuttt tron urtlr l m hhcadK rtrtro‘..rtr\c plat lifwu.’ ptodrrtcrl at tltc l \tt‘rrtrr lltc |\|,r_\‘.‘.llt'lll

am" lrt l‘t‘lltt'

.rtrd poct prcxcrrh thrx rrrlortrrcd cwrtt .rrrrrcd .rt lttrddrrtjj \xrrtcrx \t'c lltt'altt' tor prc\ tcv. .rtrd pctlorrnarrt c rrrtotrtratrorr

Thursday 30


After Hours - Tour of Modern Scottish Portraits \altrtttal I’ortt.rrt l (‘lllt'k'll \llk't'l. lt,‘ l “Ml” ltl‘lll

I rcc \ projxrarnrnc ol .rltcr :'.dlct_\ llrttll\ c\crrt\ lc.rltrrttt:' a tour lsd h\ l)orr.r|d \rnrth. drrcttor ot tlrc \clltcrlto‘u. ( cttttt' After Hours - Renaissance and Baroque Music \altollal (“Ill-n or \totland. tlrc \lotrnd, (Cl h.‘l|'t hptn Itcc \ profit'rarnrrrt ol .rltt'r zadlcrj. horrrx c\cnt\ urtlr rtttrxrt hour I tlllll‘llli‘ll

l nncrut} Rcrrarwantc \Itlz'ctx. drrct tt-d h} \ocl H'Ix’cziart