7l—15 1 4pm. US See l‘ll 34 Farmers Market .\laiixlieltl Par-k. ll}iirllantl Street. 33" 3Hle lflam ‘pm l'ree .\ eliariee to hu} trexh protluee rliieet lroin the l.tllllL‘l\
Other events
Glasgow Black History Tour .\lereliaiit (it). Bell Street. l'iee See Sun I‘)
Crafts for Scotland and Hobbycrafts Sl:('('. l‘llllltt'\lttlt Qua}. flh’TlltNll-Illllll, Villain spin £5 to tlieei See l'll 34
Gravity and Grace - Tapping the Subtle power of Hatha Yoga R()l\'l’.v\ llouxe. " .\xlile} Street. iS-l ’l-IS l -Ipiii F5. See ll] 33 Birch Bash lhiiiiie'loe .\looi. .\lugtloek (‘ountu l’aik. ('i‘aieallian Roatl. .\liltigaue. 05h (illitl Illaiii noon. I ipm. l'iee. llelp elear l)i'uriielo_e .\loor aritl lltl ll ol all the imatline hiieh
Holy City - Urban Myths Rentieltl St Steplieii’x ('entie. 30ft Ilath Street. “3 (it—ti "pin l'ree. 'l'he lirxt ol the llol) (‘it_\ L'\Ctll\ \tliieli eieate a mate loi people \xantiiig to qtlt'\llUtl the relemnee ol laith in eit} lite totla} and \torxliip iii their ti\\ll \\;i_\.
Tuesday 28
Book events
Diran Adebayo (lilllt‘l') ()l .\ltltlt‘l'll .'\rt. Queen Street. 33‘) I‘Nh. (ritlpiii. l'ree. .\leet Saga l’ri/e “inning \xriter l)iran .'\tlL'l‘il)tl. author of Some Krml of [flat A. I’irrl o/ Ii/mk llrx/nn .lIn/rI/r.
Play Piece 'l’ron ‘l'lieati'e. (is ‘l'rorigate. 553 4307. (1.30pm. U r£3i. 'l'lieati'e tll\k'll\\ltlll group.
Cultural Meeting (iariietliill (‘oiiiiiiunit} ('eriti'e. 3| Roxe Street. 0703‘) 330307. 7.3” ‘).3llpm. l‘ree. 'l'he iiiontlil) riieetirig ol the (ilaxgtm llraiieli ol the Seotlaritl (‘hiiia .'\\\UL'I;lllUll.
Other events
Tudor Connections at the Burrell llurrell (‘olleetioiL 3W)“ l’ollokxlitmx Rotttl. 33” 35W). ll.3ll;iiti. l'ree. .»\ 'l'titlor themed tour around the litirrell lL'tl h} \'r\ ietiiie liai‘tlle}.
Stop the M74 Motorway Sr l-raneix ('etitre. ('uriiherlaiirl Street. iiil'otn iamNorg. \\ \\ \\,|;iiii"4.org. 7pm. l-'ree. .-\ puhlre meeting ealletl h} the .l.-\.\l"J (iroup to \top the building; ol' the [Stltl million .\ITJ llltllttl'\\;t} e\teri\iori. Speakerx on the ewnmg \\ ill itielurle Roxie Katie .\lSl’ and l’ati'iek llarxie ol the Green l’art).
Wednesday 29
Musicworks Covention Ratliwm SAS Hotel. :\l';."\le Street. 553 (ill3-. “95. (M er Hllll tlelegatex \\ ill come from around the “Ulltl to attend the 3iitl annual lnter‘natroiial ('roxx .\lerlia .\luxie ('orixeritioii. Some of the [UPIL‘\ up for tll\L‘ll\\IUll and debate \\ ill lllL‘llItlL‘ the relatiorixhipx hemeeii muxie. 'l‘V. tilm. radio. rie\\ media and game\ ax \\ ell ax the ehangu “Hill” the llltlll\ll'le\.
Motormouths ('(‘.-\. 35ft Sauehiehatt Street. 353 JUtll). .\‘pm. £8 rlLtii. ‘l‘he \tteeevlul \pokeii “ortl who returns
\\ ith .-\oile .\larini\ looking at me and lo\ e alongxitle the \\ ell-tr‘melled Saleiia 'Salha' (iotltlen.
Nemis@Musicworks (‘(‘.»\. 35H Satieliiehall Street. 353 4900. Two day of" miixie. film. I” “oiloliolk and iritluxtr} eonl'ereiieex ;itltli‘e\\iiig .\llhlc in Seotlantl.
From scrap to pipes
I Sharmanka Kinetic Gallery Originally from St Petersliurg and created by sCqutor Eduard Bersudsky and director latyana Jakovskaya. the Sharrnanka Gallery is an unusual and amazmg sight. Funny and tragic stories of the human spirit are told through the hundreds of carved wooden figures and scrap metal that make up the lllll':(2éll0 display. Sit in the dark and watch as each part of the exhrhrtron comes alive with movement. light. shadows and haunting ttitlSIC. Ideal for all ages to watch. learn and enjoy. 2nd Floor. 1-! King Street. 5:32 7080. Performances Tue 7pm, Thu 7pm. Sun 3pm (family rriatrriee/ 8 6pm. {‘4 IE3): children 4—6 years free.
I Provand’s Lordship
Named after the Lord of Provand. an official of the Glasgow Cathedral. the Provand's Lordship rs the only remaining budding from the medieval City. Burlt in 1471 as part of St Nicholas's HOSprtaI, rt was saved from dernolitron at the beginning of the 20th century tiy the Provand's Lordship SOCrety. Handed over to the City COLinCrl on 1978. rt houses 17th century furniture by Sir William Burrell and shows what domestrc interiors were like during the time. To reflect its original purpose. the house also has the St Nicholas Garden which grows medrcmal herbs. 3 Castle Street. 552 88 79. Mon—Sat anrn—Spm, Sun
I lam—50m. Free.
I National Piping Centre
The Piping Centre IS the home of bagpipes and offers study Opportunities as well as performances. The museum is located wrthrn the centre and displays hundreds of years of Scottish heritage through its audio-Visual t0ur. Discover the st0ry of the bagpipes. their uses. their amazmg 80und and how they are used today. With an internationally respected archive. this is the ideal place to go fOr information. whether yOu are a bagpipe t0urrst Or a serious musicologrst. 30—34 McPfiater Street, 3:33 0220. Mon—Sat 70arn—4.30prii. £3 (£2).
The shocking gen on the Man in the White Suit
1. He's an aspiring hip hop artist
2. He's a UNICEF ambassador " -
3 He's a veteran of 11 wars ' I
He's on his way to Edinburgh I V; ( D r l I '
Events are listed by date then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to edinburgh©list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Anna Millar.
Thursday 16
Book events
Ricky Tomlinson \\atet\loiie\. I25 l’i‘iiieex Street. 330 3mm, (rpm l he Ro}le l'aiiiil} \ eoueli potato liea\e\ llllll\L‘ll oll \aitl turnitute to (ll\ell\\ .llltl xiin eopiex ol lll\ autobiography /\'rt At. Rantloiii loiiilirixon laet Ill )eah ago. the tuniniiiaii “ax l.tllf_'lll\lllllf_' in a Pl'htlll eell. lllelxt‘tl up ax a l.ltll\.ll and tineoriipr'riiiuxirie ti‘atle lllllttllhl, Riek}. \\ e \altite )titi.
Neal Stephenson Borden l‘lnolo. [hit 30. lot! Kinnaiitl Retail Park. (5' JtlJI. "lint l’opular xerli author .\eal Stephenon \ierix eopiex ol lll\ late\t hook. Quit Axi/ier. the in\eiiti\e lollou up to ltlx lte\t \ellei. ('1 \plo/ionrri or! Michael Kerrins .\ortli litlllll‘lllleI .'\l'l\ (‘entie. [5a l’enrhuell (‘oui‘t. ‘IS 3|5I. “pm. Ll. \i'e _\ou \llllllg eoiiilortalil} "lalex l‘.l\L'tl on folk and eoriteriiporar} lill‘lL'\ \\ rtli \tot}tellet
.\lieliael Kerriiix Talks
Post Performance Talk t-eurxat llk‘ull't‘. l i 3" \le‘ttl\itlt SII'L'CI. 53‘) fillllll. l'ree pmt shou tll\ell\\lttll \tith lllL'llll‘L'l'\ (ll lllL‘ .lI'IIM li'llt/ [lit llrr’ll eoiiipan} George Bernard Shau '\ \xontler'liill} “l‘lllell pla} L‘\.:llllllL'\ the paxxionate l’etltotlx. one of the mm! tll\llll:_'lll\llL'tl iiiilitar) l.tllllllL‘\ in Bulgaria. See 'llieatre ll\llllj_‘\ for full tlL‘lilll\ ot perloi'iiiaiieex.
After Hours - Solo Cello l)L';tll (iallL‘l‘). -3 l‘lellttl'tl l{1t.ttl.(t3—llt3llll (rpm. l-ree. .-\ programme of after gallei}
4 His ‘lucky white suit‘ is not always so lucky .- .
llHtll\ e\erit\. teaturrne a \olo tello Pt‘llt‘lllldlltt' lroiii \\eiitl} \\etlier|i} The Bionic Man Ilerior \\arr
l run-hit}. l tliiihureh litl\lllt'\\ \ liool. Rieearton. l-l‘l §l H l» Winn l’rotewur ('liiix louaiii/ori of lrripeiial ( ollez'e loiitloii lall\\ .iltntll the e\\ lllll‘.‘ rieu aye ol teelinoloe} llhl‘llt‘tl lit iiattiie .llltl hurling}
Book events
Bill McLaren lloitlerx llookxl till 30. loit Kittriaiitl Retail l’ark. 15‘ tltll \oori l'iee Rueeei l.ill\ \lll'llltl lie liami} to hear that the leeentlar} eoriuiientator l\ \tiuttinj.‘ into toxin to \l_L'll Lt'lllk'\ ol lll\ riev. hook li'rrzrr'r, \ (iii 44'] Hr nu \ tillt/ / rift Iliirir. /\ RiChard Cram littltlt’h “fullnxl till 3!). l‘Hll Kiririaiitl Retail l’atk. (5" Mill "pm lll\lttll.tll Rieliaitl ()rarii enex a \Iitle \liov. ot llll.lf_‘\'\ troiii lll\ nee. liool. lit: \t uh \l’i’iqu/rrxlor .. \lk‘llltlllli' \tt‘lltN til \utllhll llle
Bi-Lingual Reading liixlrtul l‘l.tlle.tl\ tl'ltoxxe. liRantlolltli ('iexeent. 33* Sififi “pin lree \ l~i llllj._‘ll.ll ieatlirie ot .lt‘all \lit liel \latilpoi\\ prme .llltl poeti} on the theme of traxelliiie
Conference: Monet and French Landscape Painting Royal .\lll\L'tllll. 3 ('liariilieh .\tieet. 31 ‘13 l‘) -l~l33 L {ti r13” L3<l ltoolari: antl itilo (fill H31 \ \tllllk'lL'llLk' oieariheil l‘} l\'l\tl.tl \ll\ RL'\t'illLll lnxtrtute. lutlinltutelii. \‘-lll\ll litelilielitx the lalexl international lt‘\\'.tlell on \loiiet Speakeh irielutle .loliii llouxe. Seeoleiie l e .\len. l taiieex lot-.le .iriil .\tlriaii l.e\\i\ (AllL'elK out .\it ll\llll_'_.'\ lor lllll tlL‘l.l|l\ of the llllplL'\\l\L‘ Hone! Iii. Semi (Ult/ l/Ir .\ui li'I/Ir ml and \‘mnrtrrrrlx /\"\ /\\,\’ e\hihitioii