Glasgow Mondays


I Burn IIl \l \\ llpIII ‘IIIII I II'I' lt'l xlIIll wt IIII} puh I'l Iluh. :1 In L"-Cl_\l‘llk' I'lxI- \\L'k'lxl:. l)lx \Illllldll .IIIIl /I'ux pII'xIIlI' mm the lIIjgng'xl .IIIIl lI'lljJL'\l llllllllllL‘ xIIItl IIIj.'hl uul III lll\lltl_\ llk't'tll‘lll lnI lhI' \IIIIkI'Ix. .IIIIl lhI'Ic'x .len .I :uI-xl .IppI'IIIIuIII' I'II‘I} llH\‘- .llltl .lj,_'Illll

I Breakaway IIl lhI' \lIIIIk llpIu ‘IIIII t.‘ ILM \\I-I'l\l} \lI'I .llltl \IIIlI Ihnp lhI-II IIIIIIIIII- lIII'IIII IIl IhIIIl t.I\IIuIIlI'x I)I.'tIIIIlI'l} IIIII- lHl llII- pIIIl} \Cl

I In Bed with Jim Da Best .II llIIIIIkI'l IlIIIIIII'Il} lit-Ill IlpIII {IIII Ll I!._‘I \\I'I'kl} .lllll III\IlI-x _\IIu to hIx lIIIuIlIIII lIII .III I-\I'IIIII3: IIl pIIplIleII lIIIxh. luIIk} xlul and .I uhnlc lIIl I'lxI' hI'xIIlI'x

I Budda .Il lluIlIIII IIpIII {IIIII LlhI' \VI'I'H} RI'IIIIIIII‘hI'II \t'llllt' hIII‘lI Hll IIIII'k “llll IlI-lIIle xlIll thy

I Passionality IIl (‘uhI' l l illpIII {.IIII Lz ILII \\L't'lxl_\ I).l ShIIIIII RIIIII'le I'IIquI-x lhIIl thI' “L'L'lxk'lltl Ix \lIl}lll_‘_‘ .Ihw \IIlh lhIx pIIxt III-I'lIIIIIIl llllell IIl pII'IIxIIIgg I'hIII‘lleI} tIII lhIx ya} IIII\I-Il I'Iuml.

I Undercover .Il lilIuIlIcl. llpIII .iIIIII. Lil ILCI \\I‘I'kl} SI'I'I'I'l IljJL'lll .lIIII I)II liI'xl pIIIIx luIIk} lllllhk‘. IIuIIlIl) Rtkll IIIIIl pI'I'lI'I'l pup lllllL'\ NI )0“! can nul} I’II'IIl} IIl IhIIIlIx pInIIIIIx hunt _\Ile thIkI'II IIIIII xlIII'I'Il. llltl SI'I'II‘I .Igcul llII-IIII'Il pIIIlch III'I‘ IIlI lhI'II' \III}.

Glasgow Tuesdays

Club I The Beat Delivery IIl l.II1uIIl

lounge IllpIII ‘IIIII. [-1 IUI. “Ix-kl}. [)1 MIN l’lIIIl IIIIII llI-II lI‘qu BIIIIIII \luukx plII} IIl lhIx IIIghl IIl lunk I'clcclII'II lhIIl Ix IIIIIkIIIg: II I'I'III IIIIIIII' lIII' lecll. RI'III IIquII‘ [ll;l_\L'Il ll} lllIth' “lln ll“ I“ ll lk‘\l. I Tuesdays at Bamboo III ltIIInlmu. llpIII iIIIII. [3 till. \Vcckl}, I)J .\lI;_'ucl Ix III the Rat RIIIIIII [ll;l}lll:_' lhc llllL‘\l Rtkll IIIIIl IIIp hop. and III the luungc \Ic llIl\L‘ RulIIII ll plII_\IIIg_' IIIIIl lIIII'k xuultul gI'uIIxcx. I Budda IIl BIIIlIIII. llpIII iIIIII. (the WITH). RI-IIIIIIII‘III-Il \cIIuI‘ luck Ull lI‘III‘k \\llll IlI‘lIIIIx xlIll the I Escape Route III lllL‘ Sub (‘Iuh llpuI 3IIIII. I‘I'cc III-lurc IIIIIlIIIgIIl; [3 Intel. \Vcckl). .'\ III-u IIIgIIl IIIIIkIIIg II pI'upcr xlIIh Ill IIllI‘I'III; II guml clubbing IIpllIIII Ull II 'l'uc, lzchIpI' Ruulc hIIx gut II I‘uhcr'cnl III-xlhlec. II hut-l} xkcxwtl IIquII' puhc} IIIIIl \ItlllL‘llllllg IlllllL‘ \L‘I‘I'L‘l Ill‘UllllIl L'\ L‘l'} \‘l‘l'llt'l'. Slt‘II/I lquxc \ IhI'x “llll II l\\lecIl t\\le. III IIxxIII‘IIIlIuII \\llll hIIgI'I'II' lllIl\lL‘l\ .\g_'cIIl I’I'IIIIII'IIlcuI' \\lltl \\lll hc gu III; IIuII} luIIIthl I'IlIlIuII gIll pIII‘kx IIIIIl I'IIIIIIIIguI'x on 7' (la. [in II" I-IIIxx. XII [ll't'l It’ll. I FUN .Il ('uhc. ll.3tlpIII .iIIIII. £3. WITH}. l-unk) IIIIIIIIII' IIIIII \I‘I'} IIIIught}. pIII‘kcIl \\ Ilh pII‘IIxIIIg pup IIIIIxIc. ll‘tllll SIIIIII ll Ruhcrlx IIIIII ShII/lII-llIIllIucIl IIl lhIx gII) IIIghl. I Laid III llII- SIIIII‘lI. Illillpm .“‘Illll. £5 IUI. \Vcckl). ‘I‘hc hcxl IIIIIl lIllcxl IIIIhc- pup-ruck-guIlIII‘-hIp lIIIp»RI\ll-I‘IIIII't-IlIIucc lhc IIllIIIIIIlc xluIlcul line I Juicy Tuesdays III BIIIIIIcI llltl‘lllL‘l'l} Bull. llpIII .‘IIIII. L11 IL‘II. “'cckl}. StII} tI'I'xh. xlII} _\quIg_': pet Mn lIcIl IIII 'l‘uc \\llll BIII} .\lI|h;_'IIII III the hr; back III'III'IIIIIII \\llll IIIuIIlh-IIIIII'I'IIIg; xluIlI-IIl lIIquI‘Ilcx uhIIc Scull ‘l‘IIIgcrx' .\lc.\lI||IuI pI'InIIlcx \UlllL‘ lull llquuI' l'IIII III the ll‘ulll thlI'IIIIIII. I Fool’s Gold IIl .\l.-\S. llpIII ,iIIIII. £5 IUI. “Ix-kl). .-\x “10 llIllllL‘ might xuggcxl. lhIx Ix II IIIglIl ut' llltllL‘ IIIIIl I'uck‘u'rull lIII' IIIl ut' llIIIxc \Ihu lxlll‘“ lIIIIl I‘IIIthIIg IxII'l IIIl IIhIIul ham and hI'cIIkx. I Snoopy Tuesdays III lllIInlIcI llpuI FIIIII. £5 IL‘SI. \Vcckl}. JIIIII l’cIIIIulx IIIIIl (‘hIII'IIc Bum II C\ cr} ’l‘uI-xIlII) uIIIlcr II \IIII'III. cux} xI'cuI'It} lIlIuIlIcl IIl xludcul \‘l;l\\lL'\. pup and RIkB t'I‘IIIII Scull 'l‘IIIgcrx' .\lc.\lIllIIII IIIIIl BIll} \hlthuI. JIIII l)II llcxl Ix IleII lllL‘ IIIIIII th‘c. I TIT III 'l‘I'IIxII. IlpIII SIIIII. ‘5 IN I. \Vcckl). l’IIuI X'JII‘ plII_\x out RIKB IIIIIl lIIp hop. (EI'III‘IIII‘ l'I'I‘guquI hle _\Ull \\ Ilh lhc xluIlcul I‘IIIxxch III RUUIH I and Rob B Ix III the lhu‘Il I‘IIIIIII plII} In; pIII‘l_\ IIIIlthIIx and hat lllllL‘\.

I Tuesdays at Bamboo III Huntxm llpIII ‘IIIII L‘ IL: “CI-H} Ill \llguI'l Ix III lhI' Rut RIIIIIII l‘l.l}lll:_' thI' tIIII'xl RAM and hIp hop. and III the loungc kw h.I‘.I‘ RHl‘lll ll pl.:_\1u;_' l.‘.l\l lIIIIl. xuultul pIImxI'x

Glasgow Wednesdays


I Allure In my lllllllL'l ll zHpIII *IIIII Li “cckh (iIIngIm 'x III‘II.I-xl j_'II_\ IIIgghl \\llll lhI' IIIIIIIgg .IIIIl \I-I) lIllk‘lllk'tl I).l l).;III'II \Hllll}: pl.t}III;.‘ xIIIIII' \lll‘I‘ll‘ lllllk'.l_‘_‘\' to .I llllL' (III_\ I‘lImIl

I Bennet’s .Il llI'IIIII't'x


I Budda .Il liIIIlIIII llpIII ‘IIIII Lllu‘ \Vcckl}. RI-IIIIIIII'III-Il \cuuc lIIII'lI Ull lIIII'k \IIlh IlI'tIIle ml! the

I Blaze IIl llIIIIIlIIIII. I lpIII §IIIII Li IL'II. \Mm‘kl} SI'IIIIII‘ ll llHlll\ lhIx III;_'ht IIl luuk lucllctl \tllll .IIIIl RIKH \ gIml \I‘IIIII‘ lhIIl Ix II‘IIll} \IIIIkIII; llj._'lll no“ I Boiling Point In IIIIIIIII I,IIIIII;:I‘ Ill. illpuI .‘IIIII. L" tilt. “Ix-kl} .\ III*\\ xluIlI'IIl Iug_'hl lUl lhmc \Iho IlIIII‘l lIkI- lhI- uxIIIIl I'hccxc Hll IIlch'. \\ Ilh II'xIIII'IIl l),l (it-IIII‘Il \lIIIIIIIIgh plII}Iu;_' xI'\). lIIIIk} huuxc IIIIII ultI‘II l\\ leI'Il Ith'II.

I The Edge IIl lllL' lxlgc 1(‘IIIIllIIIIljgt'I llpIII .iIIIII. £3 IlI‘I'I-I. “CI-kl}, l).l .IIIIIII-x (‘uI‘I‘II‘ pIII_\III;_' IIll lhc hexl pIu‘l_\ lllllC\ ll‘ IIII up»lIII'-Il out IIl-[mm I‘IIIIIII.

I Elastik IIl llIu'tl} IIIII'IIII'I'I} llII‘ I {III \IItc ('luht. I lpIII .iIIIII, LC. “Wkly I).l ()IIII IIIkII :\lll;llltl;l lI'IIIII llIxI IIIIII l).| \lIIIgII-gn. lIIkc Incl lhI' IIquII‘IIl \L'lt'k'lltlll lIII’ lhc lIII’I‘xI‘I‘IIlIlI' luluII' \\llllC 303 lIllxcx II lII'I'IIk lII I‘IIIII‘I'IIII'IIII' Ull IIllII'l‘ llllll_‘_'\. hut-cling; xIIIIIc lllllL‘ll III'I-Ilcd walrugcu IIIlII lhc \mI'III IIl l).llllj_‘ IIIIIl plII_\ III; \lllllL‘ IlIIIIIII l'uIc I‘lu'lru llll\k‘\l IIIlu II I‘IIIIIIIIIIIl} xclcclctl \Ulllltl\CIlPU.

I FAB IIl lhc llclu. llpIII .iIIIII. l‘lk'L‘ lwlurc I Him; [-1 IL‘RI IIllI'I'. \Vcckl}. I’IIul RI'II. (inI'IlIIII .\hllcr IIIIIl ('I‘IIIg: KI'IIIIIIII hlcnIl qu'IIgI‘. lell IIIIIl tuuk} houxc. plII) In; to II IlI'I‘xxI'Il-up I'I'ImIl u ho hclp to IIIIIkc lhIx llllL‘ III the huxII'xl lllltl\\L‘L'lx lllghlx lll (illegIm.

I Fire in the Disco III .\l.-\S.

llpIII .iIIIII. £5. \Vcclxl). (iIII‘IloII RI'Ill} IIIIIl Huhh} l)l}!ll;ll plII} out llIc mm! huuxc.

I Fourplay IIl l'.ll\_\. llpuI .iIIIII. Lll IL'ZI. \Vcckl}. No“ rughl ul IlIIIII‘I‘lI'I‘III tnI' lhc (ilIngIm xcl. (‘IIIIIhI‘IIlgc Sll'ccl “Ill I'III‘k.

I Jungo IIl .'\I’L‘ll;ltl\. l IpIII .‘IIIII. £2 Il‘I‘ch. Wet-kl}. Sludcul I‘IIIxxII‘x. llltllL‘ IIIlIl L‘III‘I'xI‘ III'I‘ lhc III'III‘I IIl lhc IlII_\ IIl lhIx \\ I‘L‘kl) “I'll.

I Joints and Jams III ('uhc.

llpuI .iIIIII. £3 IL'ZI. \VL'L‘lxl). 'l‘hc IIIIIII'Il- \\ IIIIIIIIg cluh hI‘IIng )uu lhc hcxl Rtkll. hip hop and xuul !).lx III lhc (It). RL'\ltlL'lll\ .\lIII'lIII llI'ku'llI. JIIhII 1.}IIIIx. l’uppII SthIgu IIIIIl l).\l(i IIII I'IIlIItIuII owl) \VI'Il. \Vilh I'cgulIII' gIII-xt l)Jx IIIIIl l’.v\x. Il‘x IIII \IIIIIIch' lhIIl .lnIIle IIIIIl .lIIIIIx Ix lhc lIIIIgcxl l‘lllllllllg Rtkli IIIghl III (IlIngIm.

I New Flesh IIl I’I‘Iulcgc. ‘lpIII ZIIIII. £4. \VL'Clxl}. Rock and IIII IIIclIIl IIl lhIx llupc Sum-l huxlch‘). 'l'lIIx Ix II IIIghl lhIIl I‘cl'lcclx lhc IlIwI'xIl} IIl I‘luhhmg IIl lhc

I Shackass Ill SIIIII‘Ix.

Ill..‘~llpIII 3.30am. {5 H43). Wall}. The IIIIIIIIlIIhlc |).l ‘l'IIIle xpqu lhc llllL‘\l III cth'l clIIxxch. “llll II III-Illlh} xIIIIIlch'IIIg Ill, t‘llL‘LNL‘ Illxu.

I Stud’essential III Junglcurx.

‘lpIII .‘~IIIII. l’I‘cc. \Vcclxl}. l‘I‘I'xh xtuIlI-IIt IIIghl IIl lhc cIIIIIcIl) club III the lug building. l'I‘cc L‘llll'} and II thtlIIIIIl IIt III‘IIIkx pI'IIIIqu mean that “It I‘I'mul \\ Ill lk‘ lll l-Illc‘ l-L‘lllk‘.

I Traffic Light IIl Blanket ItIII‘IIII-I'l} Bull. l lpIII BIIIII. £5 IL‘SI. \Vcckl}. Slop Illltl lllL‘ llgllh Illltl gel lllltt l‘L‘Il L‘\Cl"\ \Vcd. 'l‘hcrc‘ll he IIIlIIIIIIlc leIIm lIIlk III the trout hcdruum IIIIIl xc\) Rtkll IIIIIl pup III lhc hIIclx III-III'IIIIIII. \VIIluh IIul tIII' lllL' [lull-lg” puhcc “lltl :_‘l\C ll‘cL‘ Illu‘HllItl [0 III] lhIIxL‘ “ho dam to xll lll the fill xCIIt.

Events are listed by city, day, type, then alphabetically by name. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by tax on 0131 557 8500. Edinburgh listings are compiled by Henry Northmore.

Edinburgh Thursdays


I Audio Tourism Ill l’n.» It.” (‘lIle ‘thu iIIIII I II'I‘ \\I'I'k|_\ SIIIII lllC \II-I'kI'IIIl IIlt IIIII' .IIIIl Inul} \\ Ilh .I \k'l\‘\'ll\‘ll IIl lIII‘IIl lIIlI'IIl

I CC Blooms .Il ('(‘ HIIIIIIIIx

Ill illpul :Illll lII'I- \Mx‘lxl} lIIp lhI- hphl IIIIIIIleII to ill \|\’(I IIIIIII'I‘ III'lIIIII .Il lhIx k'\k'l pIIpulIII pa} l‘IH

I Daysleeper .Il ()pIqu I lpIII ‘IIIII l II'I' \\I'I*kl} .\u IIII-IIII. llllIl\ll IIII'IIII. IIIIluxlIIIIl IIII-lIIl .IIIIl IIle .Ilmul k'\\‘l) nlth l}pc IIl IIII'IIII )uu IIIII lllllllx III

I DEFinition .Il (I‘ll‘Jlk-l \IIIIIIIII‘ leIII ‘IIIII. {h ICI *) ( )I'l \lIIIIlhl} \Ile} I’. .ll’ .llltl l’ Sl}l/ IIIle .I Might IIl luIIIIIIlIthII hIp hup \Vllll xpcI'IIIl gucxl l.\lI.I pII-xI'IIlI'I RmhIc} l’ llc‘ll uIIIlIIulIlI‘Ill} hc pcIlIIIIIIIII; Illlllk'll|\ qu‘h IIx "lmghhghl ut lhI- (IIIle‘ and '|)I-IthIlIIIII' \kllllk‘ .IIII' llIIhIlhII IIIIIIIx lhc tuI'IIlIIlIlI'x.

I Dfrnt Drum .Il (.Ill‘dlk'l \IIIIIIIII'

I lpIII .iIIIII. Lil IUI 2 (M \lIIIIlhl} \cu III;_'hl \\llll II ku'uI-Il lIIkI- IIII lllL' I'luh lIII‘IIIIIl \\llll the 'l InulIlc l).lx III lull cllccl. l,I\c xcl lI'IIIII ()pI'IIIlIII’ IBI'IIIII‘I'IIIIII xlIImIII; ux hIx III'I’I'I'I xIIlI' Ull \}lllll\. \III'IIIlI‘I' IIIIII .\|l’(' 20””. \u' (iIIllII\\.I_\ lIleI‘x I'IIIIlI‘IIl IIl lhc xI‘I‘IIIIIl I'IIIIIII IIII' xIIuII‘ lull IIIIIII‘I‘ llIIIII' ruck

I Dope IIl I’I'ppI-I'IIIIIIl lounge

IllpIII iIuII. £3. “Ix-kl). .\ pure IIIIIIIlullI'I'IIlI-Il lIlI'IIII IIl (lil\\lt' IIIIIl I‘IIIIII'IIIpIII'III'} hIp hop lltllll Rob 'l' and Sixlkl.

I El Barrio IIl lxl HIII'I'III. lllpIII iIIIII. MW [5. \Vcckl}. SIleII IIIIIl IIII-I'I'IIguI- \\Ilh l).| \IIIIII Ik thc l.IIlIII l’ll\\k'.

I All lllI‘ liltllglt (illlll,

lllpIII ,iIIIII. [5. ‘) ()cl. .‘\lllllllt'l' huge ll Ho} III;_'|Il \\llll hII' III‘lIIIII. I).lx. plI'IIl} IIl hIp hop. kuIlc lIlIIIx. I'IIIIIpI'lIlIuIIx IIIIII pI'I/I'x.

I Genetic IIl ('ItI'ux ('luh. llpIII 3IIIII l’I'cc lII'l'III‘c l l..‘(lpIII; {I illlL‘l'. \Vk'k‘l’xl}. SlIII II IIIIghl) pnpulIII' xIIII'I‘I- thIII \llII\\L‘Il\L‘\ Illlcl'llzlllu‘. lllIllI‘ Illltl lII ll. NU xIIIIIkIIIg: IIl flu. but. IIIIIIIl.

I Groove City Radio III lhc Hung” ("Iuh lllpIII .iIuII. l'l'I‘L‘. ‘) (M. The two xuqul IIl Ihxco \\ Ilh I‘I‘III III‘III Ihqu I‘IIIxxII'x IIIIII II Iluxc (ll hI'In} luIIk.

I lndigitous IIl thc \I'IIIII‘.

lll.3llIIIII .iIIIII. U». ll» ()I'l. l’x}I‘lII'IlI-|II‘ lI‘IIIII‘I‘ pIII‘l_\ III the IIIIIIII I'IIIIIII \\ Ilh Iluh III lhc (‘IIIIchz

I MIBZ IIl (‘IIWIIthxh/DHII. IllpIII ZIIIII. l'I‘cc hclI-I‘c IIIIIhIIghl; U IIllI'l'. \Vcckl}. ’l'hc III-x1 III 1 S hIp hop. I‘IIggII IIIIIl RIkll ll'tllll ’l‘cc-lN’l‘ IIIIIl Mr H. IlIII'k \\llll lhI' xIIIIIc lllll\lk’ )IIII IIll luxctl xII lllllL'll IIx lhc} tIIkc Incl lhIx III-\I wuuc.

I Nexus IIl Sluthu 24. lllpIII XIIIII. Ll \Vcclxl}. .\ III-u IIIghl lhIIl llll\L'\ lhc huxl IIl rock. metal. IIIIluxlI'IIIl IIIIIl goth \\ Ilh II touch IIl I‘hccxc. l'I‘IIIII )IIIII' huxlx SIIIcll}. K}llnll. llII/ IIIIIl Rt)\\.

I Noche II! (It): IztlIIIhuI'gh.

llpIII SIIIII. £3 lIclnI'c IIIIIIIughl; H IItch'. \Vcckl}. .\ IIIghl IIl lIIuIIlIIII' I'lIIxxch to cullng L'Ilgc I'I‘II'IIxI‘x lI‘IIIII ‘I'nlquhlu \\llll Inc pcrcuxxIIIII tI'IIIII l’cpc SIIIIlII .\l;ll'l;l.

I Opal Lounge IIl ()pIIl Lounge lllpIII .iIIIII. £3. \VCL‘lxl}. (‘lIIxxII‘ IlIIIII'c IIIIlthIIx IIIIIl tuIle) \ncIIl huuxc tI‘IIIII HI I Sanitarium IIl SulmII}. 5pm 5IuII. l-I'cc, “CI-kl). \cu ruck IIIghl lI'IIIII liIlIIIlIIII'gh Ruck. chIluI'ng hIc hIIIIle IIIIIl IIIlI-I‘III'IIxc l)Jx I}IIII cIIII tut _\uur I‘chICxlx and lhcrc \\ Ill be lug xcrchI

\ IquleI plux plcul} IIl tll'llll\\ pruIIqu.

Isteutrs Clubs

Friscodisco ll»..- r~

l(:.l(,"'xrtx Li‘ilfl,’ It'd .l‘I;l~ lrultx


iltllt’?:.’ l’l't‘» ‘.I'I‘-.'.I:33 IIIIIII‘. IIIIII'

'lIIthIlII, III: l‘).n’:{l ll‘li) 4. III: ms (1 Sl)€:(?l(li treat ‘l‘ stop: I; l lIIIIr ItlII: Slll) CIII'lII ;II.I‘.~I (In: IIIII'I, Hum/I. f'l/ 3 ()IT.’

30 presents: Roni Size ‘.‘.’I: all hate Pop lrrlz 7" IIIIIl .'.'ItII (JOIN reason. But t'I‘IIt's III, ltu’lfi’fl‘. to Illslrke tlIIs Inc-x: l) l st; I sac-arch. The Joy of Deg-«ans. r35); )t:(ll(lll')' when (MW! 8. hast; legend HIIIII SI/e Is lll\.'()l‘./(tt I'. The Venue. Tu 3‘ Oct.

4hero More legerI-II'III‘. IIII.I:I 2". bass figures are ill tou'xn for yet more oIIeIIIIII; ‘.‘.€;I’:'I\’(:ll(l (ZelelIIatIons III the ll(:.’.’ iI/I'Ix'. III;.'. locatIon Bongo. Stucl,’ the, 'II: SDOlllllg us. The Bongo (I’lll), III 3 Oct.

Manga Jesus. ,m. '.'.'£lll for II kIller drum 8. bass; IIIIIIIt and then three turn up at once. Arlrlrng further quanrlarres to ,our Clubbng clIOIce toIIIIIlIt are l / Rollers IIIIIrl II lll‘/,_‘)l(:T‘,' questl kIckIrIg off at Mange. The Honeycomb, I II it Oct.

Bio-rhythm presents F Comm v Compost Two of EIlII‘Iburgh's most popular. Elllfl III demand, producers 0st (In head to head, Auua Bassrrxo rpscturerl; steps up for l: Comm :rhrie Ilo MalIk deleutls Compost's honour. The Honeycomb, Sat 4 Oct.

Messenger Sound System The suhlrrue rluh cluh settles; Into Its new home. Skanksng, The BOIIgo Club, Sat 4 Oct.

Access Access Jumps across the street to Its he permanent venue. Dahbltng In a on of DetrOIt techno. electro and deer) o'rIvIng house. It has Creme de Menthe and Rob Dylan on hand for Ms Freshers Relaunch speoal. The Honeycomb, Fr/ 70 Oct.

Super Saturday Just one month old and already gaIrIIm a reputatron for Itself. Three floors of drrty funk. breaks. trance. R88 and urban soIInds to trckle your fancy. The Venue. Sat 77 Oct.

1'. 1 THE LIST 79