Clubs listings
What’s cock and what‘s rock in the world of dance
Various Artists 13%;» Hit} (jurli llr’flltfltlllttl‘.) 0..
and (Llllll‘fll min. T'W: 'rrax tint af’.
l riitl tra'm.
you'd (:thtr’Lf llfrf'l f'w t; flittf‘d (ratherr'rr; ’l‘).‘.’.'l l(:l‘tt"7 artiste at llt(:£tl"“.1(tllilttcltlll‘rriiltfl'ti. llrrttiiirr .'rt<: ‘.‘./llt(l (thir'it: te'r;to':eé. at tiiiier. out on the whole a sure fire reiaxarit.
Various Artists r‘ilegasmrr (Men (’00.? ll ()orrrrrrtirii<:atrori:;r
to trust. :t':; l Corn. A(1()ll(l'(2ll()l‘. ot
If ever there was a lill)(}l
hits. hoht; and tracks; found (l<)‘.'.’tt the hack of sofas; that are rust too ‘litlt‘fl true to tlii;t2a':l. Agrair‘. it's riiaXiiiiian <:tri|lat;e ‘.'.’|lll a ltlltlx‘, treati; (lll‘JUll heart.
Bugz in the Attic [dbl/(S / rm) f." ll't'll)l'l(;l 0... Yet another iltSlllllllOl‘. we have (:()lt‘.(? to rely on. Fahrrt: otters; another line ll‘lX (ll) lrorn the nine strong; Bitty. (:i‘t Stunt; lrorn techno to hip hop ll)ltlf3ltlltt) through soul and house on the wayi With ease.
Paul Oakenfold Great lt/zr/I ll-)erte<:to‘r I He may he the biggest DJ on the planet. hut he doesn't half lt‘lX together some right shite. this; it; (:iit:r:o:l and totally (lateu. Corrie iii, Mr Oakerrtold. your time is; ill). Kenny Dope //7 the House tl)ete(:tr\.'er 0.. Kenny Dope S§lt()‘.‘.’f§ us; why Master at \'\'ork ain't jtlfil some flash pseudonym. Smooth at; you like and trouser. as; it get; iii a deep US stylee. Bit too yottally and hands in the arr for :xorrre. hut the rnrxrntr's pherrerrrerrai.
Koma + Bones Sr’lllfftk’fx‘l‘thkf (Thursday Cltll)l 0..
Larreashire hreakheat’? It'll rrexer work. Well tough -- it does. A unique take on the form. (l(}\’()l{l of London trerrtlyisrri.
The Herbaliser HerhaI Blend tSolid Steelr O... Slick hit: hop With a seriously ttrnketl up edge. as Jake and Ollie rework all your favourite tracks from Wu- Tang to DeoeLrte.
Agoria B/oss: rrr Past .00. Your yum. French techno. Don't ya JtlSl love it? ert’ully playful. fresh and exquisitely some. Crunchy yet light.
(Henry NorthmOrer
78 THE LIST .T- 'e .‘ ‘ “
Glasgow Saturdays continued
I Subculture at the Siih (‘liih
llpiii z.irrr Llll \\eekl\ l‘itltl houtx ot the hext xongx )oii'w e\ei heard. Siiheiiltiiie liklk\ it week It]. \\eek out. and )oii knon that it )oii head doun here. _\ou'll he \\ ell on _\our \xa} to lta\ ing a good night out
I ill the \\Hi\tl\tilt' \itt lllprn :dttt L“ ~1()et l'oi'tnightl} lhe l’x}t'lit‘tlt-lit‘ ('ahaiet (‘liih retiiiirx tor the tiixt ot itx tixiee inonthl} inxtalnientx Rexideiit l)Jx l)uriean Stipeitl) and Ian |.ainaii.i \\lll he turned h} ‘llatt} ltox' lroin |’apa(‘ool tor the e\ening. and l'.iiil}ii l'ltlll .ixxixtx \\Illt xe\} xlide xhonx Surreal pail} antiex are proinixed in the town ot a krioek donn gaiiiexhon \x itli other ll\ e aetx the
I Syntax at Soiindhaiix \e\t date the I Tiger Tiger at 'l igei ligei
llpiii lain. Ur \Veekl} Join the part} at tliix heairtiliil hai la\oiired h} tlroxe nearing xiiitx .iiid e\penxi\ e diexxex l‘he iniixie polie) ix eoinrnereral tlaiiee and the iihiqiiitoiix Rtkl‘l,
I Tongue’n’Groove .ir Blot: \t-xi date the.
0 Traxx at Souiidhaux. ll iltpin inn L") ilfr. 4 (let. Morithl_\. 'l'ia\\ return to the Soiindhaiix in line ioekin' xt) le. \\ itli ('ar'lox .\ l)oiningiie/ pl.i}iiig li\e. Srinon (‘ordineiu loin (lttll't'lllll. .v\ndie\\ Pine and Hill) \\'oodx are t )oiir i'exidentx. xo _\oii are in \er} xate handx_
I Vegas at the Renti'en l'eri_\. ‘l. illpin 3am. [X We il 'lahiiloiixl) di‘exxed‘i ll ()et. Monthl}. .loin thix great ti'axelling part} one more time. \iitli l‘i'ankie Siiinati‘a. lingx} Seagiil. l)ino Maitiiii and the iixiial aria} ot inind-heiidrngh heaiitrliil xhimgirlx.
I The Winchester Club at the \\'oodxide Soeial. ‘lprn Iain. £5. I“ ()et. Montltl}. (treat night at thix delightliil underground inirxie eluh. ax the .'\t\lt'l' Set and the |.iiekxinithx appear. \Vith rexpeet eoining to thexe aetx li'orn inan_\ diller‘ent areax. thix ix a hit ot a eoiip tor the \Vlllt'lltNlt‘l'.
I Wired at .>\x_\ liiin. (’aletlonian l”ni\ei'xii} l'nion. lllpin 3am, £3. \Veekl}. (ilaxgon'x longexl running alternatn e indie night \\ itli drinkx prornox aplent).
I Upstart at the liquid lounge. New date the.
I The X-Factor at Soundhaiix. New
dale ll‘L'.
Glasgow Sundays
I Bacchanal at Soiindhaiix. .\'e\t date the.
I Bennet’s at llennet'x. | lfillprn 3am. £3. \Veekl}. ln \\ltlL'lt \\ e are eonlronted h} a xtrange phenoinenon. loin pla} x tiinex |o\ed h_\ l2-}t‘;ii‘-irlil girlx. pliix xorne hangin’ liaiidhag. to eqiiall) appr'eeiatiie ga} inen. l’iinn} old \iorld. I Bite at the ('athoiixe. lllfillpin 3am. l’ree hel‘ore | l.3llpin; £2 il; l .Slh alter. \Veekl}, .-\ inilder ini\ ot' indie and i'oek than _\oii'|l find at the en} ‘x prernier r'oek name on I'll or Sat.
I Boogaloo at the Soeial. ‘lprii Fain. liree. Weekly .\ ne\\ regular night at thrx x\\;ltll\_\ neii \eniie. The night prexentx hloek xt} le part} groin ex. hip hop. iii'han Rik”. ‘ei'ateh inning. ll\ e pereiixxion and gtlext .\l(\ e\er_\ \\ eek.
I Budda at liiidda. l lpin .‘Htlll. (the. \Veekl}. Relaiiriehed \eniie haek on ti'aek \xith detailx xtill the.
I Candy at 'l'i'axh. llpiii 3am. L'Jt U r_ Weekly l.a_\ hack and langiiixh in a rnedle) or x“ eet tiinex and an atrnoxphere l‘iielled h) a “littlL‘ load ot taxi} proinox. I Club Tropicana at the (iarage i.-\ttier. llpiii .‘Hltll. £3 it‘ll. \Veekl}. Indie. hoth elaxxie and eonteinporar}. \\ itli it health} ditxe Ul- llrilpop.
I Come to Bed at Blanket il~‘orinerl} Hedi. I lpin Sam. {-1 till. \Veekl}. Seotti B and Mark l)onell} are )Ullt' hoxtx at thix neu karaoke night. replete u itli real hedx and inierophonex. lndtilgenee llhl r'eaehed
nen herglitx on Saiiehieliall Street
I Definition v Audio .ii llai'll) llpiii Fain. \\'eekl}. \Vliai hi'ingx l)elinition and .\udro together ix a xhai'ed enthiixiaxin tor playng niiixie that niakex )ou \\;llll to danee xo iniieh that _\ou drop a diexx xi/e. \\ itlioiit the loi'inalit). ot
lia\ ing to diexx a tenant \xa). No need to xtand on eei'einon) here, \Vitli a xoiindtr'aek to )iriii Siin like thix. lorget Mon morning. and eoine donn to liarll} lor the pei'leet end to the weekend
I The Priory at Bamboo,
Illillpin iain. H. \\eekl} llig night tor thix \\e|| loxed Rikli Siin nighter. ax ll lloinh lr'oin .\l'l'\"x I/lt [.lilx dr'opx h) 'l‘hix ix going to hlood} ioek. and _\oii knou it. _\ou xlagx.
I Dream at Strauhei'i’} l‘ieldx. Illillpni iain, US, \\eek|}. l'rlleen triiid to get in ’ You're '.i\ in' a laugh. ain't )a' Hut \xait: the hai ix eoinpletel} tree all night. xo xtop inoaning and get drunk
I Free Sundays at the l'ni\eixal llpiii .iain l'i'ee \\eekl_\. llrl‘ hep. liink. xoiil. reggae. houxe and ran all in thix great. \irtiiall} irnknonn \enue |tl\l hehind Saueliiehall Street
I The Good Vibration Sound System at liquid lounge. lllprn ‘ani 2L5 tL'Jr. \Veekl}. .-\ ire“ Sunda} night xhindig limit the people at (‘aihon Reeoi'dx and l'l\t':lll‘..t\l Reeordx. laking the xpir'it ot houxe inuxie and houxe pai'tiex and eookin' it up real niee (‘arhon and li\ellllzaxt are eorning together \\ itli a \ ixioii to ereate xoniething xpeeial
I I Candy at 'l'i'axh. llpiii iain. H tilt. \Veekl}. l).l Roh ll pla_\x tiinex that “I” keep _\oii daneing all night. hig anthernx and tloor tillerx to hung out (ilaxgim ‘x heaiitiliil people.
I Liquid Cool at the Helo ‘lprn iain. £5. \Veekl}. .-\J. Krix Keegan and laii 'l‘hoinpxon pla_\ top-noteh \oeal garage and houxe to a eliih paeked \\ itli h}per hedonixtie tuentpornethrng i‘e\ellei‘x. all ot \\ horn xeein to ha\ e torgotteri that the} lime uork in the morning. It qtralit) tiinex and glainoroiix antiex are )Htlr hag. Sun at Belo ix irriinixxahle.
I National at ('uha \orte. Starting Ztr
‘- - r of Escape Route's resident A lectric Society (who. naturally. _: remain anonymous) articulates what " 'ngs to Jamaica Street: ‘We would
~; ‘ Iogise for ruining your life, your
" ause once you come to Escape
ill be impossible to leave. The night
ed because we are offering an escape ‘ life, your week. (Johnny Regan)
I One Sunday at the liiiiiiel
llpiii iain til it'll \\eekl_\ 'l he Rikli eontiriiiex \\ itli the 'liinnel eieu on thrx xinliil Sahhatli eelehration. \\eai niee t'litllltN litt .itlltttxxlitlt. pleaxe
I Optimo (Espacio) at the Sui» (“lutr llpiii iain t" IUH \\eekl_\ 'l he ling. pliix Rax llogle and \Vairioi ()ueeii are in ehaige at thix inxtalrneiit ol the \\ ieked Snnda) nighter llimel xliredding ilatieeltall llll tltitxe .tl‘i‘lll tit litek.
I Salsero .it llatnhoo. \e\t date the I Streaker .ii Sltaek
Ill iilprn ‘ Warn. [5 itli. \Veekl} l).l .lainex ‘the Ho)" (iat'tlltt't xpinx the tiaekx lor tlioxe euro} ing ririinatuie anth and naked liin 'l liix xoiindx like a good laugh. eh ’
I Sunday Surgery at ('tihe.
llpiii iain L5 itli \Veekl} ('aineron (‘iaig dixpeiixex xoine xa|\e lot )oiir xoiil in tliix dneiting \xrndei dounei \klllt a iiiedital theme
I Sunday Best at the Slit-it
Illillprri lain Uitlr \Veekl} liiaii \eilxon .iiid .\nd} Rohertxon are in eliaige ol the tiinex .it thix tlt.t\\l\t'l_\ popular xouthxide eluh .luxt he tllllt'l \ilien lea\ mg the pi'ernixex. pleaxe,
I Temptation Sundays at 'l iger 'liger' l2 Wain iain l‘ree. \Veekl} l).l \Villx trorn ‘lprn pla_\ing ltlltk} houxe and eliih elaxxiex to an ;i|\\;i}x u. ell heeled
t roud near the Merehant (at)
I Transistor at the Polo lounge. llpiii lain. L5. \Veekl}. Real pop tor real people with l).lx \iall MeMur'i'a} and \Va) ne “war
I Urban Vinyl at lllanket, llpiii iarn. Ll itli \Veekl} l<;i_\rnond \Voodx. l’aul \"lre. \aeein and Stuart Me(‘alliini hiing thrx \‘-tltl Stinda} night to Saueltiehall Street tor dedicated tollonerx ot urhan rniixie 'l he \er) hext in hip hop. Rik”. xoul and e\er} kind ol urhan heat.
I Vinylicious at limitim n.
Midnight Rain. £5 (Ur, Weekly The \er) xex} people troin Soirlxa hring iix another line night ot houxe ill” and gainex.