Brazilian singing sensation Fernanda Porto plays the Arches, Glasgow, Wed 15 Oct; Cabaret Voltaire, Edinburgh, Thu 16 Oct

Itxltlllll. 811111. LN 1U»). 'l'ht‘ (1th 341111111 \1111' t‘1111l111111‘x lo 111x111r1' \11tl1 lll\ 1111111111~ hlcmi ol lolk. hl11c\;1111l l;1//..


I The Incredible String Band chtrc“ I'1'11'_\.('|_\1lt' l’lat‘c. ZN" 55l I. 3pm. {I5 .\ 111'“ |111c 11p hax lht‘ ortgmal lllt'lllht'l\ 11111111x Rohm \\'1lh;1111\o11,

I Power of the Accordion (1111- ('11\\;1t'h11k. R11~x11111 (‘111111111I (‘1-1111’1'. K1113; Slrt‘cl. 553 ()",i i. X. illpm. I'1'c1‘, (ivorgc (i1111t~ prt'wnlx .111 ct‘lt't‘ut‘ 11‘1‘1‘1‘11111'1'ot't‘laxxlt‘al .1111l l1;1\11'111 iimopmn muxu‘.


I The Listening Room 'l‘l1c 81111- lil.1/1‘1'.Spllt.1l Sum-1. 23‘) 51W). $11111. .v\t‘ou\l1t' mug“ 1'111‘1‘\ 1113.411.

I Hen \Vcc I'o|k(‘|11h. R11\;1l();1k. I11l'11'111111‘} Strccl. 55," 3""(1. 3.3011111, (3. North ;\111c1‘1t';111 x111;1l| harp 111111 Sharon Kno\\|c\ .1111! 8111- R1t‘l1111'1lx pla} Scolx and lr1xh.

I Live Flamenco l-.l Hun-111, \\'c\1port. 33‘) .\'.\'ll5. llpm 3.1111. l'rcc,

Borders 080th Sides of the Need

l-L11-11111111I1.(13‘111111‘113511. £35 1‘43111, SCL‘ i'll 5‘.

Monday 6


I Me Suena Tu Cara ll11- [)11111 '|.1\1'111.\i.11'k1‘18111‘1'l.335 lll.\1

.\ illpm I‘11'1‘ \l11»|hxp.11111‘ H1.1/1|1.111

Tuesday 7


I Andy White |11111 lhmlrt'. I11~11_:'.1l1'. 553-1311" 511111 {"1151 lh1x lit-[LN .11'1111xt1t‘ 13111.11 111.1}1'1 .1111l x11191'1 ptomolcx |11\ l.1tc\1 .1lh11111 Hm ‘JII OSusheela Raman |l1c \11-l1m. \l}f}lt‘ Stu-1‘1. 5‘15 lllji M1111 Ll_‘1L|lll \\111111'1 ol ‘chl \1'\\1'1~1111'1' 111 thc HIK' lx’.11h1» ‘~ \\1~1l1l \iux1t' \\\.111l\ l|11x _\t'.11. R.1111.111\xt'.1\c\hc1 “1113111l'11yl1xh.1111l \.1111\11~[111I1.111l.111;11.1;c\. \t111‘.111 p11111\1'\..11111 I 111111\1'.111|1.111111~11}


I Harlem Gospel Choir (gut-cm ll.1ll. ('Ic1k .\11cc1.11(1.\ Illl‘l 11111111 tl-l |1~11111lc11111 I‘le h} \Ilt'n li.11lt'_\ .1tlt'1 3111115; 111\p11.1111111 \xl11l1-.111c111l111_~_‘ .1 cclcht.1t11\111~l |)1 .\l.111111l111hc1 K1112. .I1 .11 1l11'('1~tt1»11(‘l11h..11111~11|l your: \111111: I Agustito’s Big Band 11 11.11111». ltl~l\\1'\li’1l1l.::"\\ll5 1 111111 1.1111 [um l.1\c.\'p.1111\l1tolk.1111lll.11111-11t1» 11111x1t‘ lollouctl h} i'11'\1.1 |..1111111 (it-l 111111 11.111t‘1113; \h11c\ 1111'

Wednesday 8


I St Andrew’s in the Square Ceilidh \t \111l1cu K 111 my \1111111c. ()tt \.1l1111.11l\1't. \I \111111‘\\ \ \ut't'l. 5;\ fulfil ' §I| It) {MPH} L5 I [11.11 \111111-11111l \xcclx 11.11tt111z' .1ll \\1-l11\1111' .111111111111111:‘1\c1111m

I Singing Session 1‘.111- \11111112 \1 \111ltt'\x\ 111 tht' 511111.111: \t \111l1c\\\ \1111.111'.1»ll \.1lt111.11k1‘1.51Xt1lljll

\ ‘ltpm i11'1' \1111'1'1x .1111l |l\lt‘llt‘l\

\\ 1'l111111c


I North Sea Gas i1l111h111;‘hlolk (“lll'M (alum-t “.tl.ll1\‘l’lt‘JMlllx'tflhfli .‘ i 1" \11111 L" IUH \11\\ v.11h .1t1' kc11§ 111l1llt-1 |1111()l1'.111..1111'\\ hnc 11111111 lhc \1'11'1.111 I 1l111hu11'h t11111\1~1111‘

Thursday 9


I Briege Murphy \1 \111ltt-\\\ 111 tl11'\1111.111'.1~ll \.1|ln1.11kt'l. M

\111111’“ \ \111'11. 5ihf1ll.‘ll 511111 to \11hllc 1'111l.11 \x111k.11\\11tutnpoxutonx .1111lx1111;'\t1o1111ht-(11 \1111.1§:l1 11.11l1111111

Friday 10 ()11sgow I Frank O’Hagan Band ll11-

\1‘1111.1li.11. Ill .\l1u'l\\\1'l|\111'1'l. 55.7 .\11.\| ‘lluu \1'1' I 11

l d111l)urgh

OFrankie Gavin ()111‘1'11\ ll.1ll. (‘Islk \111'1'1. N15 Jill" 511111 {If 1ljllll. ll11-l)1-l).11111.111t11l1l|111;' \111111m111 I1.1\111'1l1111111'1l.1111l1t'1‘1111l1'1l \\1lh 1h1‘ lx’ulhng' \l11111'x\1'l1111l1 \11'1111I1111.1111| Slcplmnt'(11.1111'II1. 11m 1111.1\111.1|| \1'1lll1xhl11111 81‘1' [111'\11‘\\.


I Penicuik Folk Festival \.1\;1;11 “UlGC Hnlt‘l. Hug! anL (ll‘NiN

(15'3115 i. $111.1]! l111'111||_\ illlk'k'\ll\1ll

\\ 11h 1'1111t'1'1h. 1‘1'1I11lh .1111] \1111kxh11px.


I The Zulu Open Mic ll11111xx111‘l1 (‘1*||.11\. I W Saut‘lut'hall hut-1'1. 552 lllllh. 1 "pm. l‘11'1' St't' H1113.

I Grupo Sambando \1111111. I: K111;'\('11111't. K111): \llk'k‘l. 55‘ I-llll). 011111.|‘11'1‘.l.1\1'11111\11'l111111l1\1‘11l Izutopc'xtopli1.1/1|1.1118.1111h11


I Congestion Charging Ceilidh St l’t'lt‘t‘x (‘hutt'lr 111111111 |’|.1t'1‘. N1" “N ‘5. 5 ||11111.L.\1t,-11 \l lx’ \ St‘otlaml l11111l1.11\1-1 \\llll li1*||.1\lt‘\;1|\ (‘1'1I11Ih li.1111l.1lll11'l11'l11111111llt'.1l111'111p I).1\1' l'1.111t'1\ .\ \l.111'1(‘.1111pht'll

I Ceilidh SI H111lc\(‘c1111c. Ill ()1\\1'll lt'1‘1;11'1‘. VH1 I‘lll5

ill ll illpm {51(51Jo1111l11-lit-Ht- 51.11 H.1111lto1 .111 1‘\1'11111;; ot 11111\1t' and dance. i'11111l1.11\1'1 1'1111h} Iht' .v\1l11ll 1111111111}: I’rolt't'l.


I Penicuik Folk Festival \'.1\;1.11 “1111\1'II11I1‘I. H111; RuguLlll‘Hifi (7315‘ lnt‘hldcx li1l1llt- \l.11‘ l'1'1111k11' (1.1\111 Soc ['11 Ill.


I Wilson (hilL' (.H\\.l(hlik. Ru\\1.111(’11|tu1.1|(111111:K111: Sln'cl. 55 i if i; X. illpm. l'tt'c. \t'oumt‘ gun.” [Hut-x t111111tl11-t‘l.1\\11\. t|.11111-11t'11.1111l1.1// “min


I The Listening Room H11- muc “Lt/Cl. Splttal \llct'l. 33‘) 5HW. Hpm

SUV Sllll 5


Both Sides of the Need An hour down tho coast from t d111t>u1gh. tho (1111ot l1ttlo t1sl11ng town ot lyomouth oxplodos 1nto a1:t1o11 whon Both S1dos of tho lwood, tho annual nonnatotu: Bordors l olk l ostwal. takos ovor tho town. It prosonts :1ll tho usual ovonts. a lostwal club. and guosts |1l<o Hort .Jansoh, tho .John MoCuskor hand and tho only UK g1g tor lroland's groat Shahh Notos Vzmous vonuos. [yo/noun). HI I)‘ Sun 5) Oct.

Susheela Raman W111nor ol Host Nowco111or 1n tho BBC Had1o (% World Mus“: Awards. Ha111an's t1)1(:lurodl ro111arkahlo voloo (:arr1os songs lorgod from tho 111115511; of tho I11dIan sul) (;o11t1nont. North Alnca. [Eurooo and tho Mlddlo l ast. Sho's horo mth hor 11111lt1 Instrumontal hand Arc/10s, (,3/{1590114 Iuos /' Oct.

Frankie Gavin Smoo lor111111g Do Dannan and holplng (:hango tho taco of lrlsh 11111s;1(:. wnh a11d;,1(;1ous sott111gs of l landol and oven tho Boatlos.

l ranl<1o Gavm has (:har111od ovowono from Ko1th R1(;hards to Yohud1 Monuh1r1. Soo one of tho world's groatost t1ddlors Inn: on h1s Soothsh tour. ()uoon's Ha/I, ld/nl)1/rg/1. l-r/ IO Oct;

Pol 1/(21///< fo/k Fost/val Sat I I Oct; lo/hooth, SIM/111g, Tue 74 Oct.

I Ian Walker and Jimmy Scott \Vcc i'olk ('Iuh. R11_\;1l();1k. l11l1r111;11‘_\ Sut't'l. 557 397(1. 331111111. 9; i.

I Live Flamenco l-.l “1111-111. \chlpnl'l. 32‘) 330.5. llpm V1111, l'tt'c. SCL‘ Still 5. Pemcuik

I Penicuik Folk Festival \11111111- H111GC Hulcl. [511}:R11111I.lll‘)(1H(172(1Hi. St't' I11 I”.


I The Zulu Live Music Bash 'l'hc Slant]. \\'1 1111llg1ndx R11;11l.llH7U()lN) (11155.(1.ill[1111 £i.5ll.i'or1111g_'hll} muxlt‘ g1111lg11111c1l} guthcrmg tcalurmgg lhc llkL‘\ ot l.111\\';1|l;1t'c. l);1\c l)11tl_\ 11111! l'.1i1l1t' \itliurrc. thc Rndunlx and 1hc.-\l;111 ;\111lc1\o11 lilum Band.