Classes in Sound Izngmeeitng. Song“ tiling. Rock \Ill\lt'. (itntal. Kc)I\o.nd.
I’enn} \tliixlle I'.\ce||enl teaching. lacltiltltcx and prices. I'lce park Ill}: .‘lllti calc \\t'\lt'l H.llit'\ Izdncalion ( 'cnlrc Ill il HI JZUI, I Singers, Songwriters, Bands. i)“ )Ult ltt't‘ti .t ('tealoel} I’toduced 'I’op ()ualit) Demo (I) to help pro mote _\Hlll\t'il antl’ot )otlr lllll\lt' ’ \Ve ptm Me a complete \Itixic Recording aitd I’ioduclton Sen ice comliined \Kllil Marketing and Promotional assistance lot next artists and \tilt;_'\\l'llt'l’\. l’hone: (II ‘24 xx: SS3.
I Drummer and bassist required lot Izdtnhurgh hand \Hlll recording e\pertence ((1) mail alile lll l'oppl. \Itixt like Bolt
D} Ian and lime atnhition. I’hone lll ii MW) S505 ot' (I77)! 330 S15.
I Interesting Driver Wanted to help \toman \xilh .\ll'. escape lrom Iidinhurgh l'or tl;t_\lrip\ into hills. beach etc. Some klltiu ledge ol' \\ Iteelchair .‘iccc\\ ll\t‘llli but not t‘\\t‘llll;l|. tlio\ numher: -l7.\'/l)
I 'Love Commuters' Wanted lor Documentary Do _\ou and/or )otn' partner tra\el hetueen Scotland and Iingland In “C lttgt‘lllt‘l".’ It'll )tilll‘ \ltil‘}. Participation not lime consum- ing. 'l'el: (I7‘).\‘t) 503 420.
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122 THE LIST ‘11 Oct
Flat Pack Friends “e one building lkea tk l‘Iat I‘aclt lurniture. ('all ll\ lot a
quote on 0| 3| ~10“ 53'”. Can we build yours for you?
: e. 44.. INTRANSIT
small flat move specialists
Movmg boxes. bags and a bed?
friendly dependable stress-tree
0131 229 8361
t‘\l;II\II\Itt‘ti I‘m:
Book-keeping servrces. Charities and small businesses. Payroll, VAT returns, management accounts, SAGE training. Arts sector specrolist. Contact Nada Hudson T:0I3l 466 0l36 E:nI2I
Platform beds. cupboards. and joinery. For a free estimate phone Gordon Russell
01383 416 265
Edinburgh and Fife
To advertise in The List call
0 1 31 550 3060
Meat and No Veg? \Vttlliti _\i\ll like to it‘SL' \H‘lghl. ha\ e tnore energ} or lead a ilt‘ailhlt‘l llit‘Sl} it' ' ()ne»to-one dielar} adx ice and corporate e\enl\. ('aII RR Nutrition on 07967 479 152
I The Pilates Studio I\ no“ open' One to one lessons. quahlied lll\ll'llt’llttll. matxtork tk eqtnpment. Introductor} ol'l'erx' 'l'el: (IIJI 053 0‘3].
Yoga at Rokpa House (ilaxgoxx \ \Vext Iind. ('Iasxex lor all Ie\el\. Various soles. Dru Ilatha |}engar Shadow Please |ea\ e email or postal address. Call 0141 569 1525 for information leaflet
I Seed. The School tor l".\periental Iiducalion. lIidinhurgh Branch! otters iridi- \ idttal hod} \lot'k treatments in Shiatsu. (‘raniosaeral 'I‘herap). |._\mpatic Drainage Massage. Aromatherap). I’rolessional training. \xoi'kxhops. courses in Shiatsu. 'I'ai-(‘hi-(‘huan .\lo\ement and ('realh it}. ('ontact Audicia: (ll 3| 557 5050 \\ \\ \\
I Classes in Tai Chi. Yoga. ('hlllcxt‘ NIL‘tilL‘lltL‘. .-\romatherap}. Rela\ation. I‘irxt Aid. Ii\cellent teaching. facili- ties and prices. Free parking and (til-c. \VCSICI' “(IIICS liducation (‘CHII‘L‘ (H31 «H: 320].
I General yoga for health & remedial _\oga for acute & chronic health condition\/ proh- lems. Backpain. stress. pregnan- L‘}. digc‘fliu‘. L’slllct‘l‘ L‘lc. Posture. breathing techniques. deep l'L‘lttMtllon. “CUNL‘ I‘ltlt‘s. call lilaine on 013] («176126.
Relax Refresh Loosen tight muscles and joints. liase stress. aches and pains. lmprm e sleep. circulation. digestion. (‘onnect to )our hod). 'l‘herapeutie massage. Janet Bremner 0131 661 7738
I Reflexology. Reflexology relaxes. reduces tension and stress. revi- ta!ise\. enhanch body's o“ n heal- ing I’L‘SUUI‘CCS. \ll'c‘llgliiclt\ immune x) stem. and imprm es both health and life. Iatt-(i.S.S.R.. .\l.S.l.R. lll.‘~l 550 3383.
School of Sufi teaching. De\ elop profound intuition to get spiritual insight through anakening the heart. \\ ith the help of meditation. \Veekl) meetings. Tel: ()lZS‘) 740 300 or mobile: (I775 I70 774].
Heart centred meditation .~\ natural path ol ll.lll\lt\l‘lll.l lion ltom “llhlll that balances splrllualtl) “llil e\er_\da_\ lite \o lees ()pen to all regardless ot background or persuasion.
Contact: 01875 830 358
(Edinburgh) or 0141 579
5926 (Glasgow)
Therapy for trainee art therapists. Ii\perienced lllt'l‘dl‘hl otters a ct‘eatne approach to personal therap} incorporating dreams and artuork. lior lice inlroductorx halt horn
Call Elaine 07'903 120 980
Massage therapy - ('ome and who in the ltearl ol' the Sottth l.anarkdnre country \ldt‘. tit‘-\ll'c\\ and Ice] llg'hlt‘l'. .\Iatthe\\ llallam I'I‘Iil. Diploma
in .'\natom.\. l’h_\\io|og} and Bod} Massage.
Tel: 01698 793 344.
Counselling (Hiring. Structured Support. Whatm er _\our problem. \\ e cart uork together to find a resolution and empo“ er \ou to mm e on. Janet Bremner 0131 661 7738
Sheila Hartley Counselling tn I-dinl‘utgh Se\ualtt_\. Ix’elaltonshtpx. I'atentlng. Beteawntent. Depression. Redundanc} attd othet \t‘ll\l toe l\\llt‘\ e\ploied in a sale and nurturing space Please call
01 620 829 574.
I Counselling. Katinka Harrison. lel tl"“~125‘>-I Iii I'ttll) quahtied I'dlnhtngh based I-tee initial compltmenla l'} \L‘\\lolt
Winefride Daly B.Ed I'rainee l‘\)t'lttttltt'l.tpt\l ('otlnsellot \xotkmg at
Ieanmotk I-dinI‘tngh Sate \up (‘UIIIM' \pac't‘ [1‘ c\pinlt' l\\tlt‘\ and en alile change Sliding \caIe Ilt'L'Ulltlhlt'
Call 01620 824 152 for further details.
Life getting you down? let h_\pnotlterap) change that' Il_\pnotherap) can help xx ith man} ol illt‘\ leI‘lt'llh pho hl.t\. amid}. ner\e\ i‘ttl tut lilt‘l tit‘ldliS (till 07971 299 583 (Edinburgh)
Dramatherapy BUUSI ctiliiltit'ltt‘t' ilIlti t'itplll}: \ll'.tlt'glt‘\ rising \lltl}lt‘Hlllj:. rolepla} and dratna games.
.\'e\\ group \litl'llllj: soon Introduclor} \t‘\\lttll old} {5. Call 0800 093 8350 or visit www.
Sat 18th Oct 2003 £40
Sat 25th Oct 2003 £55
Yoga and Pilates
enquiries® T: 0131 557 9567
Introduction to Massage for Individuals
A relaxing day to teach you how to give a fantastic massage
Introduction to Alexander Technique
Learn how to move without tension and improve your posture
Daytime and evening classes from £7
new participants welcome throughout the term while places are available
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14a Broughton St Lane Edinburgh
To advertise in The List call
0131 550 3060