


Italian For Fun

10 week evening courses in Italian language. food & culture

Start 7th & 8th October at Eric Liddell Centre. Morningside. Edinburgh

Phone 0131 446 0526 for more information

I Language Support: ('tixtniiiixt'tl (it-intuit ;iiitI \iir'ucgiuri llllIlHII. ll.‘tIl\I£IlltIII. iiitt-r'pictntion .iritl [IIUIL‘CI mun :igt-iiit-iit, l:\t’t'IIt'iit on him \t‘l'- \ IL'L' L'llitltllllt't'tl' ‘IL'I. (II II :33 wk.

I'.Illilll. iiiurliullcltll“ griixtlc

I Classes in French lit-giririt-r‘x/iiiipr'int-i'x. Spurtiin hcgirincrx. Spurtiin inlcrrnctliutc. I'.\cc|lciit It‘iIL'IIIIIjJ. lucihticx iIIItI pt'iccx, I'r‘ct- parking and cgilc, \Vt'stci' II;IIIC\ Iitlut'utitin (‘t'ritr'c IIIKI 443231”.

I Public speaking coach. ()IIL' It) nitt‘ lt‘\\im\. ('onlitlcncc building. puhhc sparking: and pr't-xcritutiun \Lillx. (Kill .IlI\IIll (II 3| 447 VIN) iii' cniuil ur‘utoi'} [N‘W unicorn

I Voice Training. (mt-iii. UIIL‘ \Iltglllf: It‘\\tIll\ It} pl'tilt'\- \iiiiigilx lor' smut-rs tIIltI :it‘tiir'x. .-\ll \l} It'\ L‘ttlt'l'c‘tl Iiit'. [Ilth clutching IUI' iIlltIlllUlh and rule- lcur'iiing IIcgiiint-r'x \tclctiiiic. 'It-I: IIIJI 043 Slim.

Want to play piano? [ruin it ith Iztlinhui'gh l'nncr'xit} (ir'utluutc. II.\Iti\ (Iliinxi. lessons tziilor‘ctl tn \IIII cuch intlnitluul'x IIItl\lt‘iII goals. licgiiiiici'x \wluiinc.

Tel: 01236 730 475 or 07967 152 555.

I Learn Greek with fun! (XIII XICI‘ IIIL‘ ( il't‘t‘It \im tilli

1)] 3| (m7 (il In or (I705: (132 504. I Fiddle and mandolin one In tIIlL‘ lt'xmii» IIL‘gIIIIIL‘I'\ \wlcumu. Irish. Scottish IIIll\It‘ and irtiprmixution. (Kill: (IIJI 574 0040 or L‘Illtlll

ictir‘r‘hixtUI hntrnuilt‘um

I Superb singing tuition tillcr't‘tl I\_\ pi‘iilcssiiintil \ingci' its _\r\ \\ ith Scottish ()pcr'ur :\Il lt‘t‘IIIIItltIL‘\ UH t‘I'L‘tl. Rcluwtl. Ii'icntll} \L‘\\iniI\ in ccnti‘ul (ilttxgim. IIL‘gIIIIIL‘I'\ \\ L‘IL‘UIIIL‘. I’htinc Paul on (IIJI 550 “In”. .\Itihj (I78 I 5 44‘) 4"“.

I Learn to sing III a r‘cluwd. \uppiirtnc cm ii'urimcnt \\ ith ill] t'\pcr'icricctl \UIL'C \wr'lt pr‘uctilioricr. (‘tirrciith running group cluxxcx and intln itluul tuition. .-\II Icwh \tclcniiic. 'I‘cl: (II3I (65170:.

I Cello and piano tuition It) t‘\pcricncctl. Il'lL‘IItII}. pru— It‘xsionul tcuchcr' and pci'lni‘iiicr'. ('hiltlrcn and adult hcgirincrs. i‘c-lctir‘ncr'x untl ;itl\;irtcctl \tu- tIL‘llI\ till \\ clcumc. ('rcutiw. lun ilIItI \upportnc learning. It]: tIISI SSI 453],

the . writer‘s factory

scr‘eenwr‘ibing pr‘ogr‘arnrrie

Introduction to Screenwriting Courses*

Erntoro mm 'xIt‘JVIl‘IIIII’," instincts and study the craft ol scrcmiwritinq. Th..- tirst Ix.’ 1' week courses bug"! at:

GMAC. Glasgow TlIt‘SUJV let 0(I1)I‘('l 7.00-9.009m

University of Abertay. Dundee W(‘(IIIt'\(IrIy 22nd 0t tolwr 5.00-7.000m

l).II.IllI\’--'.IIX‘I ttiy .it .uk

“10 Wlllc‘l'x I «It [My St rrMinriting programme t an be I nntm led at: training®scottishscreen.corn 0141 302 1700

'Onumdl COUY‘JC mutt-nuts pfoxidcd by the UK I-ilrn C OLIIICII

‘n,\'\_.l\ll' '1; ~- I \(t'III‘yHIlltJ'I‘VI

\qurr‘rviqn _\ SCREEN



Department of Adult & Continuing Education

Part-Time Higher Education without fees

We offer adults a wide range of subjects, starting September/October, which are free if you are in receipt of a state benefit'. Subjects include: Archaeology, Egyptology, Art, Computing, History, Languages, Literature, Media & Cultural Studies, Music, Philosophy, Psychology, Science and Social Sciences.

- Take your first steps towards a degree

o Receive continuing guidance and support

- Daytime and evening study options available - Your benefits are not affected

- Previous qualifications not necessary

For more information please contact:

Department of Adult and Continuing Education, University of Glasgow, St. Andrew's Building,

11 Eldon Street. Glasgow G3 6NH (nearest Underground - Kelvinbridge). Enquiries 0141 3301835, Brochure - 0141 3301829,emai|

Full course listings and fee waiver details also on our website:

'Evidvnt 0 must be [)lOVIdt‘d that you are in rm (‘Ipl of ()II(' of the following Jobwokors Allowance, Income Support, Inuith ity Bt'nt’fil, Sow-w [)lSdIflf'fYY‘Hl Allowancv,‘.'.’()rkin(; Tax Credit, Housing Benefit or that your net household

income is lower than the threshold for r(‘-( ('IVIHQ In<ome Support

Short interactive online \It'.lll\t‘ \xntriig; \UIII\L‘\ lur .iII IC\L'I\ I‘IIIHII him IUI (Ittuhci IIt‘leIlIIt'l\ t'xpct‘mll} \wlt'nriit' Visit our \xt'lmlt‘ or email: marianne


I Drawing using right \ltIt' til hunt \\t‘t‘I\t'IltI tII.I\\ inf: L'tIlII'\t' III Izthrilttirgh \\IIII .II'II\I .Icnii) Smith. 1&3 \mciiilwr Materials tk lunch Pltl\ltIt‘lI ,‘\II tit-Iconic. particularl} lit-gin lIt‘l\. 'It'l iII il 5M I‘I‘I‘I t-it'ii II} \III(“ Itliit'yiritlt'i twink

I Learn Salsa, 'li) Int Ilt‘t'. luster \L'\\IUII Suntlu} l3th ()L‘liiltt‘l‘ I -1[IIII. .\I.tlt‘ii\. (itint‘ Strut-t. Iztlrnhurgh \Vt-t-kl} clnxscx starting: \Vt'tliit‘xtln) IS ()L'tiihci'. (‘niitut‘t ("girtil J\IIII

ill H .m 2m7


I‘ll‘SL‘HK‘. Mirts’iupx with Wifiwi): Scuw- t H'JIM‘ I‘It‘vuiwrtt (.hnxtrvlicr Brush-m1 l‘I:i'.x .uul [)err IJ‘JIWI‘ Ruth Mtwuiu-nt .IINI [\trxt' I6th, I701 & lath October 2003 The Arches 253 Argyle \t. tilts,in (a: lulu-“thrxv 73 B-vtiis RUIN!“ (:1 l0 .1 III II‘ 4 pm I’ritt‘ { IS i( IO tantra-hunt pm (In lnfrvnutxm .ier [Xi-tilting. 07980 84590) It» .irlultx MIII IQ'.|IYHH)‘_ (hath-litres, (.ll


Learn the magic secrets of fast seduction! IIIk'\I\III‘I\‘ .llII.I\'lI\III. [X‘I\II.I\IUII skillx. t'iihuiixt'tl t'h.iii\iii.i \t‘lll

Ill.lI \\tIII\\IltIp\ \l.ilIlllf.' St'plt-iiiht‘i I" t‘u'r} \\t‘tIIIt‘\tI.l_\ 6 ill ‘3 illpni ( I\t‘t Staix IIHII\('.

IINI l’iiiit‘t'x Slit-cl. lithrihurjnh LIII/\C\\IUII i I\I \l\lI Ii.i|l piit't'l Tel: 0131 466 0265 www.mlationship

\zilxuungt'l I (U )iiliimtnin


- l nnrn tr) partner (Innm‘: to any music; .Iin* l :‘itrn (‘lnurtu ° Corrie alone or With friends (no need to t-nng ti ii..rtner) - Complete beginners; welcome (ivory Wis-3k .it till niqtit:.

(-1 I /\ S)(6()V“J


PLH I I I I Iiursdays (/in w" Sportster t—. R Smith Mottwwn Strum I)UNI)l I Mon Invorc‘asi‘: hotel fl/I I’r-rtn 1m \Ned Ollie *; (:(IIU Int: <i>lyriipia leisure centre inrl grey Placu ABERDEEN limermy‘; Itw Ciiltnr Mills (‘Jttm Cairn Hoati Peterculter Thursdays, TIN.) LUII '“1 O [)ririuqtitms, :5 I IHi ING Iuesdays Opening soon MONTHIY PARTIES my” t tflwt-t 't.t - v 'lzty .' lIw: via-1m / WI: [:K-LND VVC)HKSI IOPS

LULHII IO dance in l nintt'


Mondays Mnrynili ('Lommumty Ital] 3041 Maiytiill Hour}

Vvotlnusulriys; t“.|a:;qriw Uni Union 3? Uniw‘rmty Avontir.‘ ‘v‘v’ont uni) Mondays 8. Ihursdays

“1080?in St Fitt-phr-rm t'iiiil

St Stephens Street tstoclvtsiume

ICI 011574 613 .909 - F mail hi’Q’CGfOCSCOIIand C001

www.cerocscotland .com

Ashtanga Yoga Special

with Ellen Johanessen Saturday|8 & Sunday l9 October Beginners |:OO 2:30pm

£|8 (£l5 concession)

the dance house

Experienced 2:45 4:45pm £24 (£20 concession)

Hillhead High School

Oakfield Avenue. Glasgow 6 I2


Tel:0|4| 334 07l6

Email: dance Website:

“’3 THE LIST 121