Glasgow life

Glasgow life continued

Other events

George Rae’s Fossils IItlltict'ialt \Itixcuin. I nix cr‘it} .-\\ cnuc. 3 3” 422 I. I'icc I'.\hihition ol .\Ii' (icorgc Rac'x lilctimc dcdication to thc tIl\L'U\ ci'} and LUIICL'IIHII ol IH\\II\. including ll'lIHI‘llL'\ and .lllllllHlllIL'\. l’uir or i/n \i III/[\ll (It'll/IILW 21”“, Km krill l‘i'\lll (1/


Boycott Coca Cola Si I'iioch \quaic. Ipni. l‘icc \ glohal action da} agaiiht coipoialc pouci \KIIII a tIt'llIUIINIlilllHll and ho} colt ol (’oca ('ola Iol lIlc tla}


CCA Talks and Tours ('( ‘.-\. W) Saucliichall Sticcl. 352 -l‘)t)tl. 2pm. I‘icc. Scc Sat (i.

Other events

Castle Open Day \IlltthtiL‘Ix (Emily. ('iaigalliaii Road. .\IlIII_L'.l\ 1c. “50 (iltltl. I 5pm. licc, Scc Sun 7 George Rae’s Fossils IItlltlctlall \Iiixcum. l'iii\ci\it_\ .-\\cnuc. 33” ~I22I. I'Ik't'. St‘t' I'll I2.

Farmers Market \Iulhllt'ItI l’ai-k. |I}iid|aiid Sticcl. 2N7 2(llll).

Illam 3pm. I-icc. ;\ cliancc to hu} IIL'NII pioducc duch li‘oiii thc Itll'lllL'H. Scotland’s Gardens Scheme Open Days (iI;l\gti\\ Holalllc (itll‘tIL‘llx. 7 3t) ( ii'cat \chtcrn Road. .3 3~I 2~l22. \ooll -lpiii, I‘i'cc. Scc hchmd lhc \ccncx at thc Botanicx and makc thc ttlo\t ol )our Iaxt chancc ol’ lhc _\car to \cc thc piopagation ai’ca. \atioiiaI licgonia (’ollcction and lilm) lcrii liouxc.

Other events

Frock On! 'I‘hc .'\llllL‘\C. ‘Ia Stcuartullc Strcct. l’ai'tick. l lam. I‘i'cc ItI;l}lllilt‘IL t8 tt'5i lcxcnmgl. .’\ oiic da_\ lcxtnal cclcliratiiig \xoiiicn'x crcatn it} and c\prc\\ion throuin “orkxhopx during thc da} and In c hand\ at \Icc'n’SlcaA in thc cxcnmg. George Rae’s Fossils llunit-rian .\Iu\cum. l'iiixci’\it} .-\\chc. 330 -I22I. I'rcc. Scc I'l'l I2.

Scotland’s Gardens Scheme Open Days (i|a\go\\ Botanic (itlt'tit‘lh. 73H (ii‘cat \\‘c\tcrn Road. 33—1 2122. noon -lpm. I’rcc. Scc Sat l3. Scotfairs Antique Fair .\Ioil' llaIl. \Iitclicll 'l'hcati‘c. (iram illc Strch 237 .lh'55. lilam I3tlpin. [I il'iccl, IIi‘o\\\c \tallx ladcn \xith |c\\c||ci‘_\. L‘Ulll\. Imcn. lllL‘tI;|I\ and antiqucx.

Other events

George Rae’s Fossils Iluntci'ian .\lu\cum. l'iii\ci‘\it} .'\\chc. 330 -I22I. I'l't'c. Scc I't‘l I2.

Alexei Sayle. actor, comedian, author and well known face from The Young Ones and The Comic Strip. is unleashing his first novel on the world. Overtaken is about Kevin who. along with his five mates, live a charmed life. That is until it all comes crashing down around their ears. Sayle will be doing a reading and signing copies of the book. I Atom Sal e. ‘.'.;irorsror‘o::. 7:33» '57 Saatr'ie'XiA 83003. ‘0.” 7‘00. tfzvt‘. F'ee. fix,

78 Son

96 THE LIST -'. ‘5 S's-r

Tuesday 1 6


Whistle-Stop Tours IIuntcrian .-\rt (iaIIcr'). l'nncrxit} ot (iIa\go\\. N2 IIillhcad Slrcct. 33H 5J3I, Ipm. I-rcc Scc II uc I).

Play Piece Iron 'I‘hcall‘c. (ifs 'I‘rongatc. 552 426". (3,3IIplil. H 19.2 l. Ihcatrc tIl\L‘ll\\l(tll group.

Other events George Rae’s Fossils IItltllcl'lan \Itixcuin. l'nncixil} .-\\chc. 3 3t) J22I I'l‘cc. Scc In 12

Wednesday 1 7


Pleasure I’aixlc} .\Iu\cum «k .v\rt (ittIIt'llC\. Hiin Sticct. I’aixlc}. 33‘) 3I5I. l2. 3(lpm. I‘lt't'. .-\n art dcpartmcnt \hort talk on thc currcnt c\hihition.

Other events

Drawing and Painting Classes I’ollok IIouxc. I’ollok ('ountr} I’ark. :I)(lIII)(III(lI\\Il.I\\\RH;I\I,()I(\()>1I(I Illam Ipm. (K. Scc \Vcd Ill.

George Rae’s Fossils IIttlllcl'latl .\Ill\t‘lllll. l'nnci‘xit} .'\\chc. 33“ ~l22I. I'i‘cc. SL'C I'll I2.

UGC Film Discussion Group Ilordcrx liookx. 2X3 Buchanan Strch 222 “ta/III). (i.3(I|illt. I'l'L‘t'. .\Icti'o'\ Izddlc IIill'l'lMill Icadx a (II\\‘ll\\lUll on thc latcxt ttl'l'l\;tI\ on thc lug \crccn. Speakeasy IIIC (iIa\go\\ l.(;ll'l‘ ('cnti‘c. II I)i\on Strcct. 22l 7203. 7.3llltm. .\ cclchration ol' thc \[tokcn uord and lilll\lt‘. Hook )our dot on thc \oap ho\ or chancc II on tlic night.

Thursday 18

Book events

Michael Anthony Jackson Iiordcrx Iiookx. 2X3 Buchanan Slrcct. 222 7700. 0pm. I‘rcc. 'l'hc author rcadx lroiii hix latcxt \\Hl'I\ lilt' l,(’\\l'll\ l-‘rom Illilun '\ Ili'mm.

Alexei Sayle \Vaicixionc'x. I53 l5? Sauchicliall Sti'cct. 332 ‘lltl5. 7pm. (’omcdian. actor and all round ohxcnationalixt. Sa) Ic tIl\L‘ll\\C\ Ilt\ Iil’\l iio\ cI. ()l'l'l'lil/H'II. Scc photo caption.


Kenny Hunter (iilIIL'l‘_\ ()l‘ Motlcrn ,-\rt. ()uccn Strcct. 22‘) I‘)‘)(i. (i.3()piii. l’rcc. .\ \Iidc talk h} artixt Kcnn} Iluntcr \\ho “ill hc dixcuxxing Ill\ \Hil'k \xith particular locux on thc [Jo/I. I/li' l’ot'i (Hill Illi' [him ('ulli'r.

Other events

George Rae’s Fossils IIuntcrian .\Iu\cum. l'niwi‘xit} .-\\ciiuc. 33t) 422l. I'l‘t‘c. Scc I'l'l I2.

Merchant City Festival \at'ioux \ciiucx. \Icrchant (it). 3-1] 0844. Scc \VL‘tI I7.

Know Your Weeds (iIil\:_‘ti\\ Iiotanic (iardcnx. 73H (ii'cat \chtcrii Road. 33-1 2422. 2pm. I‘i'cc. I.carn I10“ to idcntit) and control thc common

\\ ccdx in )our gardcn \xith curator I’aul .\Iallht‘\\\.

Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.

'Wodnes‘day 17


I Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living ('ollinx (iaIlci_\. l'iiixchit} ot Slrathchdc. 22 Richmond Strch 513 255K. .-\ inaloi \olo \hou ol “ork cclchi‘ating thc 2U _\cai caich ol tc\tilc ttl'll\l .lilli Iilackxxood

I Superficial or Inherent Sim-i Ind. 20 King Strch 552 2I5I Digital iIl.‘t\\lllf_'\. photograph} and coniputci' animation c\p|oi'iiig lIlClth\ and idcax ol c\i\tcncc h} .Iuhc Rcad. I There and Back Iliillg‘ilIL‘ Studiox. IN .\|hioii Sticct. 552 2322. \ group \Ito\\ llhpllL‘tI h) an c\changc pi'oicct \\ ith Iaiin (‘hcarxahhagh \Itixcum & .4\rt\ ('cntrc on North IN. I Universal Print Show VI I’i'oicct .'\I\lIlI_\. (‘ciiti'c loi' Dcxclopmcntal :\l'l\. |.\‘ :\II\lUll Strch 552 2822. 'l‘hc \I\IIl annual iiitcrnational c\|iihition ol conlcnipoi'ar} pl'lllh.

Scottish Artists Il'acc) .\Ic.\'cc I’inc .-\rt. ~17 I’arnic Strch 552 5027.

I lam 5pm. I‘i‘cc. \Voi‘k h} Scottixh tll'll\l\ including I’ctcr Him \on. (icrard IIurnx. I’at Scmplc and Sandra Iicll.


I Lip Service :\t‘ta. lIlc ()ltl ('hccxcmarlwt. I3 I‘) \thIIx Strcct. 5.52 2I()|. h‘ Itlpin. I'rcc. 'l‘lic (ilaxgou chcrtor} 'I‘hcatrc ("ompain doc\ ilttpl'in ixation ill thc \l} |c HI '“Iloxc Linc l\ ll Alumni"

I Phil Kay IIlc I3lIl Notc. So on King Strch 553 I033. 3pm midnight. L5. Scotllind\ li‘cc-l'oi'm comcd} inacxtro Iilth" )ou on a \lll‘l'L‘ilI journc} into his unprcdictahlc imagination.


I Gypsy Talisman ('alc (’oxxachok. Rll\\lllll (‘ultural (‘cnti'u It) King Strccl. 553 0733. 8.30pm. [5 (UL Authcntic Rll\\l;tll g}p\} group from Mmctm pcrl'oriiiing traditional inu\ic. \ong and dancc.

I Big Vern & the Shootahs Mcrchant Squai'c. 'I’hc (‘oiii‘t};ii'd.

7| 73 Albion Strcct. 9pm. fill). A night of will and hlucx muxic from Big Vcrn and Iiix Blucx Iii‘othci'x \t}lc Shootahx

I Late Night Piano Bar ('orinthian. l‘)l Ingram Strcct. 552 Hill. 0pm. I-i'cc. .onh Morgan play traditional \Ilo“ tuich

I Riff Raff Blacklriars. 3o Iicll Sti‘cct. 5.52 592-1. 9.30pm. I'rcc. I)i'uinincr Hill Kcttlc Icadx lIll\ quai'tct through \ti'aight—ahcad and imprm ixcd llltKIL‘l'll iau.


I Winston Churchill’s Neck Ramxhorn 'I‘hcati‘c. 93 Ingram Strcct. 552 4267. 7.30pm. U) H225” Hi. Strathchdc 'I‘hcatrc (iroup pci‘l'orinx :\iidrc\\ .\lc('ulloch\ pla} haxcd on an Ih‘-)t‘tii'-ti|d \\ ho ix cmhroilcd in a u ch ol~ othcr pcopIc\ Il\L‘\. Sci in an Iia\t Iind hiix gai'agc in l‘)77. thc coming ol agc drama ix a iournc) through cruclt}. laughtcr. l'ilL‘l\lli. \cuial intriguc and ti'adc llllii)lll\lll.

Other events

Cutting Teeth \'cnuc thc. Mcrchant (‘il_\. (I773 34.56345. Noon. Iii-CC. SCC thc ncu dc\igii ol' ('utling 'I‘ccth maga/inc on a largcr \caIc.

I Beating the Bounds (ial|cr} ()l' Modcrn :\rt. Quccn Strcct. 287 3402. 6.30pm. I‘t'CC. NIL‘CI it! tho (iallcr_\ ol' Modcrii Art Ior this

colourtul proccxxion through thc ~ti'cctx ol thc \Icrchant ('it} Iiic“ up and tom in thc thcmc ol \cnctiaii Mada

Cutting Teeth Relaunch \cnuc thc. Mcrchant (’it). H773 3J5o3~15 7pm. I‘icc. (‘clchratc thc rclaunch ot ('utting 'l‘ccth. thc prcinicic ol \Iliil'l lilin (in Sir/mi mi (i/tixgnu and thc opcning ol thc c\hihition

I Horror on the Streets louna Intoimation (‘cntrc. (icoigc Squaw. 2K7 .\.lll2 ‘Ipin L“ 'Iakc pail lll IIll\ coxtuincd “alk round thc haunch \ticctx ol lhc (II) to thc Ranixhoin (‘cinctcrx

Thursday 18


I Jilli Blackwood: The Joy of Living (’ollinx (iallci). l'nncrxil} ol Stiathclylc. 22 Richmond Sliccl. 5 l.\ St'k' “HI I2

I Superficial or Inherent Sim-i l.c\c|. 20 King Slit-ct. 552 2|5I Scc “ml 17

I There and Back Iiongatc Studiox. l.\ .\|hion Sticct. 552 2822 \cc \\ cd I“.

I Universal Print Show VI l’ioicti .\I\I|it}. ('cntrc loi I)c\clopmcnlal \ll\. IN .-\|hioii Sli'cct. 552 2.\22 Scc \\cd I7 Scottish Artists 'liacc} .\Ic\cc I'mc .v\rl. 47 I’armc Slrcct. 552 5h27

| lam 5pm. I‘i‘cc. Scc \\cd I"


I Lip Service .-\I‘ta. IIIL' ()ItI ('hccwmarkct. I3 I‘) \\'a|l\ Sticct. 552 2””. X IIIplll I‘l't‘t‘ SL'L' “Cd I"


I Smokebelch Mawli. 25 I’atlllc Strch 552 79‘)". 8pm. I‘rcc :\ icgulai rcggac mght “llIl \pccial gut-xix llarii m Huh.

I From Russia with Love (‘alc ('oxxachok. Rll\\l;lll (‘ultural ('cntic. Ill King Strch 553 (I733. h’.3llpm, I'lt't' 'I'radilional Rll\\litll muxic \\llII Ic/ Allax on \ ioIin.

I High Roller I 3th Notc (lilc. in (in King Strcct. 553 M33. 3. illpm. L3. |.i\c rock lilihlL‘.

I Singing in the Round ('ait- Sourcc. St Andrcux in thc Squaic. St .-\ndl'c\\\ Squarc. otl Saltmarkct. 513 (i020. H.3llpm. I)oll;tlliill\ \xclcontc, (iucxt \ingcrx pcrtorm a \\ idc rangc ol matcrial.

I The Might Caledonian Mambo Orchestra \lL-i-chani Squarc. 'I'hc ('ourt)ard. “I 73 .'\IIiltill Strcct. 3.30 ltl.3llpm, I'i'cc, I’rcparc to hc hloun aua} h} Ioh} Shiplc} and III\ In piccc Latin cariinal hand,

I Andy Lucas ('ormlhian. I‘)| Ingram Sti'ccl. 552 I IUI. ‘lpm. I'icc. .»\ llll\ ol modcrn t‘I;t\\IL‘\ pIa_\cd on thc piano h} .-\nd_\ Iucax,

I Back to Mine (‘ormthiaiL I‘)I Ingram Strcct. 552 Hill 9pm. I-rcc Ian ’I‘hompxoii play a \clcclion ol track» I The Easy Orchestra :\rta. IIIL‘ ()Id (‘hccxcmarkcL I3 I‘) \VaIIx Strch 552 2Illl. 9pm, I-rcc. .-\ ncu. takc on \omc ol thc traditional cax} II\IL‘lllll:._' \lalldal‘dx.

I The Fusion Experience Blacklriarx. 3o Bcll Strcct. 552 5024. Illpm. I-rcc. Ncu (ilaxgtm-haxcd thrcc- piccc acid ia/l lunk hand lcaturmg Ril}llltlilti Harrix on Hammond organ. Stctl .\Ic('luxkc} on ha“ and Jamic ('urric on drumx.


I Winston Churchill’s Neck Ranixhorn 'l‘hcatrc. 935’ Ingram Sti’cct. 552 4267. 7.30pm. U) 9.") (1,250 Hi. SCC \VL'd I7.

Other events

Cutting Teeth Vcnuc thc. Mcrchant ('it)_ 0773 34563-15. Noon. I'rcc. SL‘L’ \VL'd I7.