like,shoe busmess
A great theatrical feet
The latest instalment of ARCHES LIVE! is reaching for the Skye.
\.‘.'nr;l:, Mark Fisher
here \xux II )nung |IId_\ \\lln |i\ed in il xlllm.
Her nlune \\;Ix Sine l.nner;Ig;In. IIn .-\IIxIr;I|i;In
perlnrnler \xhn lllIH ed In SenIIIInd. She ereuled pl;I}x egIIIed ('I‘m'lxl'll. “hieh \xnn ll l‘ringe l'iirxl ill 2(llll. .llr Rig/II I‘ll/(ml). \I‘hieh \xux IIhnuI II h_\pnehnndriIIe \xhn’d gixen up xIIIIIkiIIg. :Ind .lnr n/ [/H' ll'urm. \xhieh Inured In Sueden in 2003. Then nne dII} xhe deeided In pul nn II nne—unnlun xhne.
She Ihnughl Ihix \\;Ix iInpanunI heeIque iI ix xhnex
expeeiull) high-heeled xhnex Ihrnugh \xhieh \xnnlen lind hnlh pIm er and npprexxinn. The) make \xnInen IIIHer IInd Ihe) qulxe IheIn IInenInl'anIIhle.
Sn Ihe _\nung |ud_\ \xhn IiVed ill u xhn\\ ix ereuling ll quirk} enlned} eIIIIed ‘I'Iru'l .lll' Hm" inxpired h_\ l.;Id_\ \luehelh‘x er} In 'unxe\ me here and lill Ine. l'rnIn Ihe ern\\n In Ihe Ine. Inp-l'ull nl' direxl eI'ue|l_\.‘ \Vh}. \xnnderx l.nner;Ig;In. \xnuld II \xnlnun leel Ihe need In dn Ihul'.’
:\nd in Innking inIn Ihe \xhnle xhne huxinexx. xhe dixen\ered xnnlelhing xurprixing. ll \\;l\ Inen \xhn gnI inIn Ihe high IlL‘L‘lL‘tl llllllg‘ lll‘\l. 'NlL‘ll \\L‘I‘L‘ Ihk‘ lirxl penple In \xeur heule xhe xII}x. 'lI xIIIrIed nuI le II \er) xinlple lhing nl' _\nur L‘il” quxele heing ruixed IInd Ihe Inuxele pulxing xhn\xing nl‘l‘ )nur ealll' quxele. In Ihix xhnxx I \xill lulk ill‘lllll Ihe mixed e;I|l‘ and “hat Ihe hell dnex iI hm e In dn \xilh Ihe \\;I) \\e leurn hnu In he men illltl \xnlnen'."
'l‘he perl‘nrnlunee ix purl nl~ .‘l'I'IIIW I.I'r¢'.' 3009’ (par! /). Ihe xuhlerruneun IheIIIre‘x illlllllill pl'nngIIuIne nl‘ inIriguing neu \HH'Ix h} lneul urlixIx. .-\lxn nn xhn\\ \xill he .S‘lll'uru'uler (l-[I'I'IjI'I/Iine um/ Kill/ling). II dIInee und xnund enlluhnrulinn. l’u/n'r. u xulire uhnul hureuuerzle}. and King Hum ('nm II xhn\\ IIhnuI lilxix l’rexle}. .-\nd In enmplele Ihe InuIIiInediu e\perieuee. )nu‘ll he IIhle In xee .IIHI Snml' 'lilll'llex I lliml In X/mu' l'uu. illl e\hihilinn h_\ l.nner;Ig;In. \xhn nI'igiIl;Ill_\ qudied line all
62 THE LIST ’-
phnlngl‘uph}. l'euluring unugex IhuI lllllll‘lll her \xnrk ux il perl‘nrrner.
|.nner;IgIIn herxell hIIx plu)ed II purl in pre\lnux erIxnnx nl' Arr/rm I.I’I'I'.’ zInd xeex iI il\ ;I I'IIre nppnrlunil} In gel de\ixed lheulre In lI‘nnI M an IIudienee. "l’he \enue ilxell ix unique heeuuxe il :Illnxxx penple In ennle nul \xilh un idea and lake II rixk nn \xnrk lilill Ihe_\ IIIighI IInI xee Ihe end rexulI nlfl' xhe x;I_\x. "I‘he_\ Iel pe‘nple plu} in Iheir xpuee. 'l‘here ure \er} l'eu \enuex \xhere )nu eun gn lll :Ind x;I_\: “l‘\e gnI Ihix ideu. l hznen’l gnl Ihe linul prnduel )e‘l. huI il‘x gning In he Ihix. xn 111le me.”
'l‘hix ix expeeiull} iInpanIInI l‘nr Lnnerugun. \xhn de\ixex her \xnrk lzIrgel} nn her nun III l'rnnl nl' :I \ iden eIInlerII IiI'x nnl} in the luler xIIIgex Ihul Hunnuh Bunk ix ennling ill (l\ :I dexixing drunlulurgl. l'nlil xhe geIx in Ihe rehezu‘xul rnnnl. xhe hux liIIIe In xhn\\ l'nl' herxell'. 'I‘Iu Ir_\ing In enmhine pielurex und unrde xhe x;I}x. ‘Sn il- xnlnenne \\ ere In :ka me In xhn\\ IheIu Ihe xeripl il unuld he ll hiI ennl'uxing.‘
Sn hnu‘x iI xhuping up'.’ 'l'xe \\;llllL‘tl In IIIelde Ihix Inpie l'nr _\e;Irx.~ xhe x;I)x. ‘l'\e l‘ell like er)ing nuI “IInxe\ me here" IIx \\ ell. xn uh} \mIIlIl Ihix inlpulxe \xrillen h} ;I InIIn eenluriex ugn xlill Ilppl}‘.’ In Ihix xhnu l‘Iu lnnlxing ill Ihe ruixed eull' und \x’huI iI hux In dn \Iilh gelling xnnle\\ here. II‘x :I huge Inpie. 1 me lilil‘} ILIIL‘\ Ll\ :I \ehiele IInd Ihe high heeled xhne IIx (l x_\ Inhnl. lI'x ll lnl nl~ l'un. l'nl IIxIxing quexlinnx IIhnul IIIuhiIinnx l'nr hnlh xe\ex. \Vhlll dnex ernlieixing II \xullx hzne In dn \\ iIh gelling \xhul _\nu \sznI‘.”
'l‘n lind nuI. )nu xhnuld hnhhle ulnng In Ihe .-\rehex.
Arches Live! 2003 (part 1), Arches Theatre, Glasgow, Mon 15-Sat 20 Sep, see listings for details.
Re: Tread/n9 The Boards
\\"i .4. ‘ I .
‘. . I": . “» ' 2 ~ '. 2'” I" ' l)\'.' (a. ‘ ' I l‘. a... ‘i I" ll lufu‘i'”
In I f' "II:
A welcome return from Vickie Liddelle
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