
I Ben Nevis .\rch Slrt'ct .‘s‘ itlprn l‘lt‘t‘. SL’NHUH

I Lismore Bar Hurnharlnn Rnad h. lllprn. l'rcc St'sxrnn

I Finnegan’s Wake \r \‘mu-nr Str't't-l ‘lprn. l-ru' lrrxh lllt'lllt' h.” urlh lrw mum:

I Jinty McGinty’s .\xhlnn lant‘. Hycx Rnatl. 9pm l'lt't'

I Victoria Bar lirrggart ‘trrrn l'lt't' .\t'nuxlit' hand


I Scotia Bar Sltk'h“ t'll SIIL‘CI

x illpnr. l-n-c. |.r\c hamlx

I Lismore Bar l)urnhartnn Rnatl. 0pm. l‘l‘u'. Smith/lrlxll \t'\\lUll.

I Finnegan’s Wake ‘St Vincent Street, 248 4989. 9pm. Free. Irish theme pub. Live bands. I Park Bar My} lt' Slim-l. nt'ar Kclx til Park. A“) l7l5. ‘tprn, l'r't'c Highland


lhursdays I Sandy Bell’s l'nrn‘xt Road. 335 375 I. will]. St'xxliill. l‘l't‘L‘, . Antiquary Bar SI Slt'llllt'll‘\ Sll't‘t‘l. Slnt‘khl'rtlgc, ‘lprn. l'n'c. ()pt'n Inlk I West End Hotel l’alrnt'r'xlnn l’lat'c, H.3(lprrr, live. [he rnuxit‘. I Central Bar [nth Walk ‘lprn. l'lt'k', I Ensign Ewart l.;r\\nrn;ulu't. ‘lprn. l'l't‘t'. I Hebrides Market Street. 0pm. l'lt't‘. no rnuxrt: ndays I Sandy Bell's l’nr'r'twl Road. 335 3751. 0pm. l’rcc. I Alan Hunter and Friends Walcr'lnn Bullet. Waterloo Plan: 550 7507. 0pm. Free I Ensign Ewart launmar'kcl. ‘lprn l'i'L‘L'. l.I\L' HIII\I\'. St‘nlx/ll'hh \C\\lnlt. I The Hebrides .\lar'kcl Sun-r. 220 43 l 3. ‘lprn. l‘r'cc. l.i\c rnuxrc. I Thistle HOtEl .\lannl' l’lau‘. 33.5 M44. 0pm midnight. l-rcc. lfrw Sunllixh ruuxic.


I Sandy Bell’s limit-xi Rnutl. 225 375 1. 0pm. l’ru‘.

I Harbour Inn l-ixhrnur'kt'l Squar'c. Ncuhm on. 0.30pm. l'lt't'.

I Royal Oak lnl'rr'rnar) Slr'cct. 557 3070, 0pm lill latc. l’r'cc. lnl’nr'rnal \cxxion.

I The Hebrides .\lill'ht‘l Sun-r. 230 43 I 3. 9pm. I'ru'. rm- rnuxit‘.

I West End Hotel l’alrncr‘xlnn Plan: 335 M50. ‘tprn. l’r'cu .-\ccnrtlrnn mm.- iu the har'.


I Royal Oak lrrlir‘rrr;rr‘} Stu-cl. 557 3070. l‘r‘cc. ltlpnr—lalc. lnt'nrrnal llllhlt‘ upstairx and Wu‘ l-‘nlk (‘luh tlU“ nxtgur'x. I Sandy Brechin and Friends linxign limu‘t. 14m nrnar‘kcl. lnp nl High Slr'cct. 335 7-140. 0 l lprn. l‘r‘cc. Au‘nr'tlrnnrxt and inxlrurncnlalrxl palx, I Sandy Bell’s l’nr'r‘cxl Road. 325 375l. .-\l'lt'rnnnn l'r'nrn lprn l-‘rcc. St'\\IUH in thc larnnux l'nlk puh.

I Harbour Inn l-‘ishnrar‘kcl Square .\kmhuwn. (Mllprn. l5r‘vc. Scxxrnn.

Mondays I Session Sand) licll‘x. l‘nr'r'cxl Road. 335 3751. 0pm. l-rcc, lr‘rxh IlIlI\IL'.

Tuesdays I SQSSIOI‘I Sand} llt‘th l‘itl'l'LNI Rnatl.

335 375l. ‘lprn. l'ru'.


I Sandy Bell’s l-‘nr‘r‘ml Road. 335 375 l. 0pm. SL‘\\iun. l'IL'C, Singcr/guilarixl (icnrgc Hull and fiddler/xingcr' .-\tl;rrn Jack hml an owning.

I Harbour Inn l‘rxhnrar‘kct Squaw. .\‘cuhawn. .\Tillprn. l‘r'cc. Snug: and instrumental wwinn.


Events are listed by date, then city. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to Ruth Hedges at ruth@list.co.uk, by post or by fax on 0131 557 8500. Listings are compiled by Ruth Hedges and Carol Main.

Thursday 4.


OScottish Opera-Das Rheingold l'llt'allt‘ RQMIl. llHI‘L‘ \llk't'l. ti: ‘tlltlll 15pm Ll.\ L35“ llt'\ll lrnrn rlx t't‘xlalrtxrll) .rt't‘lalmt'tl \tarrrrr}; lt‘lk' .rl llll\ )t'.rr\l.tlrrrl\rrrf_'l1lcxlnal.\t'nuhhtlpcra n'lurrh hnrnt' In gnt- ( il.r\;_'n\\ .Illtllt'llkC‘ lllt'll turn nl thc lirxl part nl \\.r;:nt'r\ R'Plt Ring: ('ylc Hm t'nrnplctc pintlut‘nnn nl lhc rnnnurnt'nlal uan r\ lllt' t'nrnrmm '\ t'rrxl \rnn' I‘VI It I\ t‘nntlut'lnl h} th'hartl \rnrxlrnny .Illtl tlrrt't'tctl h} Inn .\lht‘l} 3 hr\ '15 mm»

Saturday 6

G asgow

0 Scottish Opera-Die Walkiire 'l'ht'alr'v Rinal. 383 How Slrt'cl. H3 ‘llltltl, 5pm [IN (35“ Sct'nntl rn lllt' St'nttrxh ()pt-ra'x Ring: ("HIV lllalalhnll

ll\ rm pcrlnrrngurt't' nl \\.r;:nt-r\ Hllllllllllk'llldl \knrk \rnu' I‘Vl (‘nntlut‘lul h} th‘hartl .\rrnxlrnnj: and tlrrct‘lt'tl h} l'rnr .\Iht'r}. thrx nnc'x a long}. 5 hr\ zll rnrnx. hut it you h} ll] .r llaxh \n no Ht't‘tl lnr a t'lrxhrnrr,

I Musical Reflections (‘nnt-t-rr Hall. l’nnt-rxrl) nl (ilaxgnu. l'nncrxrt) .\\t'|lllt'. ill) 3"ll.\' .\prn [l3 (‘nnt‘crl lnr piano. \ll'lllfJ\ .tlltl \mt‘t' lt'alllllllf: \\Hll\\ l‘) Helm“). Run-l. l-aurc .rnd l.l\/l. tlk'\l\t'tl h_\ Philllxl (iux/lm l'crnn ax part nl lllt' \Vhrxllcr 3H1)i t'clchralrnnx

I Come and Sing! (‘nnu-n Hall. (ilaxgnu l'nm'rxrt) .\Inr't' rnln: UV” ‘llliVHll. l'lt't'. .\n cwnl lnr lllU\t' \\lln \\Ullltl lllu‘ In \rngg. haw nmt'r \ung: or think lhc} cannnt \mg. (in on haw .r go.


l drnl>urgh

I Organ Recital with John Kitchen 1 \llk'l Hall. I nthran Rnatl. 3351155 zHpm LllI Ll5 (it) nrjganrxl .lnhn krtt'hcn lwrtnrrm Handclk ( )u-rturc .llltl \l.Il\ll lrnrn lht‘ (’11ii‘ll‘Iltrll'()I(1.'l‘/ll'.\\.l?llk‘l‘\ \l.ll\ ll lrnm larrrrirarmr .Illtl |)\nr.rk\ l .rrggn llnlll \( n Hui/ti \urr/r/rurn on lllt' rut-nil} rcxlnrnl WI 1 \nrrn.rrr .Illtl Hmnl nrpan

Wednesday 10 Glasgow 0 Scottish Operaéiegfried lllt'Jllt' Rnyrl. 353 How \lrcct. ii. Ulitltl 5pm tlh [35H llIlltl Ill thc \t'nttrxh ( )pcr.r\ Rlllj.‘ (‘y‘lc rn.rr.rlhnn rlx rm pt‘rlnrrnant'c nl \\.i§:rrt'r\ tnmplt'lc rnnnumcnlal \xnrk \rnt'c l‘lfll (‘nntlut'lctl h) Rit‘hartl \Illhllullj,‘ .Hltl tlrrt't'lctl h_\ Inn \Iht-r} \nnlhcr long). 5 hr\ ill nnnx. \n t'nrnt' Plk'PJIt'tl “llll llllt‘l\.ll \uxlt-nanu‘

l dinhur'gh

I Get Organised! The Scottish Connection l'xht'r Hall. Inlhran Rthltl, 333 lli.R ll” 1.50pm [3 Juli” Kilt'ht-n pn'wnlx thrx lunt'h hnur rnlrntlut'trnn In organ rnuxrt‘

Saturday 13


0 Scottish Opera-Gotterdammerung ‘l‘llk'llll't' Royrl. 333 Hope Stit't'l. H3 Ulllltl, lpnr. UH [35“. l-nur'lh and linal oi the St'nllnh ()pcra'x Ring: ("Mic rnar'alhnn rl\ lirxt pt-rlnrrnant‘c nl \Vagnt'r '\ t‘nrnplt'tt' mnnumt'nlal unr‘k \rnu' l‘)" l. ('nntlut‘lt'tl h} Richard .\r'rnxlrnng .Illtl tlllt‘t'lt‘tl h} 'l‘mr .\lht‘r}. llnx rx lllt‘ t'\lrr|;rr‘.rlrri;_' \‘lllllil\ In an .mcxnrnc t'r'calrw CNN”.

0 BBC Proms in the Park l’at‘rlit' ()ua). nut to ( ilasggn“ St'rcnu' ('t'ntrt'. tlHWN) ltlllillll. Tillpnr. l'lt't'. lilll llt‘lu‘lt‘tl. -l-llt' HlH‘ St'ttlllxll

Stressed out, but the gym’s too much like hard work? Try singing. An hour of exercising the vocal cords can do wonders. Even if you think you can‘t sing, haven‘t ever sung anywhere other than the bathroom, or have happy memories of singing as a child and now want to get going again, then Come and Sing is for you. For a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon you can not only find your own voice but will be helped in finding a choir of others that you can join in with on a regular basis. (Carol Main)

I Come and Sing is at the Concert Hall, University of Glasgow. Sat 6 Sep.

t‘lassu‘a‘ 8. or‘era listings Music



Scottish Opera - The Ring Cycle I know. I know. you may well he pretty srok of all this Wagnerran stupor by now but rt rs the (:rownrng aohrevernent rn Scottish Opera's history and rn SCUHISH mnsrt: rn general think of rt as; the ()[)(}l(lll(: equivalent of Hohhre erllrams doing Knehworth for tour nights, With a different stage set and set list each night and you're some ol the way there. Theatre Royal, Glasgow. Hill 4, Sat 5. Wed 108 Sat 1380/).

BBC Proms in the Park See listing. left. for this extravagan/a led by the BBC SCOlllSli Symphony Or'ohestra. P.’1(:r/r(:Ot/aic Glasgow. Sat 13 Sep.

S} rnphnrn ()rt'ht‘xlr'a and Il\ t‘nntlurlnrx llan ankm and John \Vrlxnn arc |Hlllt'(l h} tenor and .\l(' .lilllllt' .\h‘l)nuj_'all. \nprann Ina .\lllllt'. lllt' National Ynulh ('hnrr nt Scotland. pranrxt Slt'wn ()xhnr‘nt' and Kan-n .\Ialhrt'xnn \\ rtlr ('apcr‘t‘arllrt' lnr an k'\t'lllll_L' nl HL‘HI t'l.'|\\lt'\. llt'ht‘l\ arc nn\\ lrkt' gold (luxl. hut that are hw hr \t'lt't'll link up around lllt' l'K


I Hover: Chamber Choir of Armenia (ilaxgnu l’nrwrxrt} ('hapt-l 3pm. l'l‘t‘c. tlnnalrnnx at door, (inltl rnt'tlal \xrnncr nl lllt' Inlt'r‘nalrnnal (‘hnrr Ulynprad 300” Ill l.rn/. .\rmrra. llllx lughl} rcgar'tlud .\r‘rrrcnran group L'Hlllt'\ tn Syntlantl ax part nl a l'K lnur Spccralrxrn}: in .\rrncnran \ilt'lt'tl rnuxrc nl a ma) old lr';ulrlrnr1.a\ \wll ax lnlk Illll\lk'. rtx namt' rnt'anx \nn}; warm}: on the \xrntl’,


I Hover: Chamber Choir of Armenia (‘annngalc Kirk. Rnyrl .\lllL', 7.30pm. l'r’cc. (Irrrlallnlh al tlrmr. Sm" Sun l4.

Tuesday 1 6


I Joseph Long thllhllnl'll ‘l hcatrc. Uh Ingram Sin-cl. 553 343‘). |.l5 3pm. £3.50. 'l‘hu acclaimed plunlxl play Hccthm cn\ Snnzrla rn A l'lal. alongxrtlc rnuxrc h} ('hnprn and lirahrnx.

3v: / THE LIST 61