lL'dlltl’llIL' fillL'\l UL and it I‘lL‘llIHla HI llIU5lkdl 4}le tntludtng houw. l.attn. |a//_\ groom-x dixu- and Rtkll
I Kayos at ()pium I Ipin idlll l'rcc \VL'L'kl} \IL'Ial and “Rh l)J\ (.lilll'L' Mollal and John lt'ottl llogxltcad kccp lltc (IU\‘-\l\ a moxhing
I Manga v Scratch at the \L'nuc
I Ipin 5am. LII) IL'KI 34 .-\ug onI_\ 'l‘uo ot Iadinhurgh'x Icading L'Iuhx IHIII torgcx Ioi tqu almight} night ot hrokcn hcatx In the Mauga tornci uc haw the llill'tlLUlL' drum & ha“ ot lad Ruxh and I(_\inc 'I_\mt' \'.lIIlL' \tiatth haw 'lon} \t'gax and l’iiint- (‘ut\ thtatt h l’ciwitxt \lcpping tip to thc platc \u [m 'i!( I'.
I Progression .il ligo I Ipin 5am U350 31 .\ug l)L'lL'l\ Maitiii. (Ln (iiaiit and Man I)oh\on .llt' ioincd h} ont- ol thc higgcxt llillllk'\ in Iiouw l’t'tc 'Ioiig tmaking lll\ lIl\l ludinhuigh .‘ippt'aianu' in tiw )caixi. tIlUlI_L'\Itlk' Mt'dit'int'h and l)t'\_\ll Maxit-Ilo
I Quirky at l’iiw ('ount‘il
Ill, illpm 4am, I'it-c hcloic midnight;
£3.50 .IllL‘I. 31 .\ug I'oitnightl). lzt'It't‘tit'
lllll\l\' polit'} taking in C\L'I_\lllIll}_‘ li'oin St'l'jg'ltl \lk'llilt‘l Iti tt (ill) (.illlk'tl (it'l'dltl Irom M.i\\ t( ‘aincl licatxi. \t'il \iiiiih lllll\ll llah} I and Kt-nn} l’Iantaxia tundt'igtouiidi.
I Salsa Sunday at tlic \tt-tlm.
7pm midnight H iI .r\ug. .l.IllIL'\ (‘oinht' and Kcith l)llllllt‘ piox ItlL' thc llllhlk' \\ ith a Ullt‘ hour \alxa (laxx .it thc \tai't ol lllk' cwnuig.
I Spinning Wheel at In lot Rim l'nion. I 5am. F5” L35“
1930.5” £3.5tli. \Vcckl}. 8w Hm.
I Sunday social at ('ahat't‘t \ollatt‘c. midnight 5am. l’ilt‘t'. 31 :\ug. Monthly .\ Inc l.alin t'\tia\agau/a \xitli Il;iiiiho}aiit Iiiiik and \t'ai'tng. tropical. \oul pio\ idmg llu' lllll\l(;ll hackdrop lot a iiighl oI \cnxatioual \uinincrtunc Iun Icalui‘ing liw inuin~ Iiotii Rumha (‘aliciilu
I Tackno at .\Ia\\;t tIoi'iiicrI) ('Iuh Mcrt'adoi. IIHIIpin 3am. U» 1U). 31 :\ug. Monthly. ltx hack to llu' llooi~ loi' 'l'i'ciid} \chl} and Iici' iniinitahlc part} im\ ol lxll\\'ll claxxicx. I-t'xtixal \pcctal. thcnic thy. I’ai't} \ iht‘x arc guarantccd ltthC-Ilk'dt‘“,
I Taste at lhc l.lt]llltl Room.
I Ipiii 5am. [5 hcl'oi‘c I Ifillpm; L'h' altct‘ «u» incinhci‘xi. \M'ckl}. 'I‘Iic capital‘x inlainoux Sun iiiglil \cxxion CUIIIIIIULN apacc. I‘ixhci' & l’i‘icc \uppl} a progi'mxixc mi\ ol' houw and gai'agc in tho main room \xhilc Martin Valcntinc and Sin c \Vanclt'xx \\o\\\ tIic utiwd/ga) croud \xith qu I'unk) I'S houxc gcinx through tltc hack. llank llolida) \pccial on 34 Aug \\ ith Jon I’lcaxcd and hacki'ooin gticxt .Iohn Ili'ounlic tl'oi' thix night onl} cnti‘} £5 hcl’orc II..‘~IIpin; L'ltl «£6 incmlwrxi al'tcri.
Chart & Party
I Devils ‘n' Angels at
('awndhh l)i\a. Itlpni 3am, Lthc. \Vcckl}. Saug} tun at tho IlL‘\\l_\ i‘ctittcd cluh. \\ 1th a Iicawn and thI thcnic. tccl li'cc to drc“ to \llll and hoogu' to chart dangc all night long
I Disco at Jongleurs at .longlL'lltx midnight iltlll Lil (Ni. 34 .-\ug Scc l'hu.
I Mood Live at .Mood ‘Ipin ‘~aiii l‘iu' hcloic I lpiii. E3 .llIL'l itiu' to IIICIIll‘Cl\I, “cg-kl). Mood opcnx II\ tloot\ lo a \L‘lu‘liotl ol thc \‘Ullllll_\ Ix top (ou‘tN haiidx. \inilc l).|\ \[Hll llll\ Itoin :tt'l'iixx lllC _\C;tl\.
I Peppermint Lounge .tl l’cppctimnt loungc. Ileiii 3am.
Ira" N “rt-kl). I’cppcrmint l.oungc\ I).l \quad including Kingdom I'M'x l'l;t\L'l' \ltltlk‘l} And) 'Mi\' Markham and Roh 'l'ca pla) out thc than and part}
L‘l;t\\lL'\. Edinburgh Mondays Club
I Audio Tourism at l’i\o llai (‘Iuh 0pm 3am. I'rcc. \Vcckl}. .-\ \clccuon oI uplt'ottl tau and olhcr I'unk} loom Ii‘oin Ilohhn t'l'i'ouhlc .I.
I The Bongo Club Cabaret al liongofluh. Itlpni 5am, L" [X IE5 L7I. 35 .-\ug. Scc Hm.
I cc Blooms al (‘(' lllooiiix. IlHleni 3am. I‘rcc. \VL‘Clxl). 'I'Iungx iiicllou out tol' \o thc} claim) at llll\ ga) cluh. “fill an uphcat diwo \ClCL‘IlUlI.
I La Clique at thc Spicgcltcnt.
I Ipiii 3am. {III IBM 35 .\ug. Soc 'I‘Iiii. I Fleamarket Funk at (‘ounling IIouw. "pin .iaiii. 9.5 193.50), 35 Aug. SL‘L‘ III“.
I Funky Fresh at thc \‘cnuc.
Ilpm 5am. Uhc. 35 .-\ug Xv“ night I'roin Roguc Statc drawing on thcu‘ [)1 pool I'or thc hL-xt Ill Iunkcd up hip hop and dtih i‘cggac. Ii\pcct tlic IikL‘x oI' Rcdo. Illag I. Ritchic Rull'tonc. li\ti‘a. I)cnion. J Scal. :\-(‘hi and .\'co on \ai'ioux nightx. I Latin Quarter at Medina.
9pm 3am. Iii‘cc. \Vcckl). Rclcaxc )oui' l.atin part} \Pll'll cwr) Mon. With I'i'cc \alxa lg'xxonx Irom I’ctcr Rogcrx at 0pm thcn \alxa and uorld hcatx Irom Jatnu ('onihc until cloxing.
I More on a Monday at ('it}: Iidinhurgh. I Ipin 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. Morc tuna. morc promox. inorc tun?
I Spanish Fiesta Night at til Barrio. ltlpm 3am. Ira-c. \Vcckl). A right old kncm-up lor thc Spaniin and
Sneaky guests at Moving Through, Sat 23 Aug
Spanhh‘loung gonununu} hmtcd h} I).I\ Sanghw and l‘.\lcl‘.ttt and tuaturtng llallIL‘llLIlllIU ~u.ught through to Ilixpanig chart lut~
Chart <3 Party
I Decadence at RL‘M‘llIIIHII
ltt.,‘\tlpin 5am {-1 tt3t \Vcckl} ()k m lalt‘ enough it\ Mon. hut that'\ no cwuw. ghccx} mum and ghcap \lllllk\ all night Ioiig.
I Peppermint Lounge at I’cppciinint loungc lllpm ‘~ain
l'lL'L' {-3. \\t't'l\l_\ \k‘k‘ SUI]
I Tasty! at Mood “pin iatll I-icc hcloic I Ipm. {3 attt-i IIlCt' to mcmhcixt \VL'L'hl). l<L'\l\lClll I” l).t\ ltl S [‘l.t)\ lllk' hut in lllI\ liom (ilk to thc picwnt da) \klIlI .t lk‘dllll} tlt‘\k' HI \‘llL'n'\} x'l.t\\tt'\ tliioun in toi good incaxuic
I Toss the Boss .il \\ ht \ot ’ IIIpni iain. L5 till II dig-\xcd iipt 35 .-\ug. l'oi‘tiughtl) Iitcwicnt \tudcnt night icwlling iti \'lIL'\'\} llll\ throughout tlu' )6;th
Edinburgh Tuesdays Club
I Audio Tourism al l’i\o llal ('Iuh. ‘Ipm 3am. l'lL'L‘. \Vcckl}, Monkt')ho_\ tll‘opx lltL‘ lut‘akx lk'dh .tlltl ltouxc,
I Chicks on Decks at ('it}. Iidinhui'gh. Ilpm 3am. U \Vcckl}. lit-lid} \Vcnd} guidm _\ou lliiough tqu night oI aux-xxihlt- Iiouxc toi all. Our Ictnalc I)J polit‘} continua through iii Spoi‘txtcn \\ itli ()Ii tuning a \clu‘tion ol ltlL‘llim gi'oo\ C\ and mild.
I I Luv R&B at l'aith tloiincil) \Vilkic Ilouxct. ItHlein 3am. U. \Vu‘kl}. Dom maul} \xhat )ou’d mpg-ct nu\iiig up lhc IIUIIL‘\I \clcclion ol Rxll. plux plcnl} ot' tll'lllI\\ proinm. I)rc\\ (odc l\ 'xtudcnt \t‘\)' l\\L'll that‘x uhal II \a}\ ltL'l'L‘I.
I Lyrics to Co at ('ahai'ct \‘oltaii'c,
I Ipiii 5am. I'rcc. 3o Aug. Monthl). :\n opcn mikc Iup hop lain \C\\IUII llttxlk'tl h} l.I\L‘ SCICllL‘L'\ :tntl l).lRC\l(l. \Vlllt tllll‘ and i'cggac in thc Ioungc ll'tilll Itch) Soul lli-I-i.
I Motherfunk at tho lltllk'}\'tlllll\. Illfillpin 5am. l'icc. \Vcckl}. Mcxxrx (iino. It) or and Spectrum l'i‘cak thc Iunk I'antaxtic at thcii' conxixtcntl} rainincd night oI claxxics old and ncu.
I Obscene v Fat Mess at Bu tliii'iiici'l} Bani Bout. 0pm 3am. I'rcc. \Vcckl}. 'l‘hc ()hwcnc crcu tcam up \\ ith lat M0“ to lakc o\ cr Baiiihu on a
\xcckl} haxix owr thix lIL'l'L' l'cxtixal thing.
So mpcct onI_\ thc hmt in drum & haxx action ll‘UllI thc ()hxccnc crcu in thc th)\\ll\l£lll'\ ai‘ca. \Vhilc I-at MC“ pro\ idc a more chillcd )ct lunk} \ ihc in thc hai‘ “ith a touch ol hoin attd a Iitilc hit
I Opal Lounge at ()paI Loungc. Itlpin 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. .-\ mith hag oI lunkcd up \ocal hoin. Rtin and claxxic dixco I'roin 'l‘oh) Saltonxtall.
I Punk Ass at ()piuni. Ilpm 3am. l'ircc. \Vcckl}. Nu“ 'l'uc nighlci' ax I)J I’uaul} dixhcx out thc hcxt llI hardcorc. \katc arid punk.
I Rhythm! at .Mood. 9pm 3am. tru- hcl'orc I 1pm; £3 al'tcr tlrcc to incinhcrxi. \Vcckl). .\ \ltltmlll llll\ ol Rtkll. Iiip hop and \oul li'oin l'C\ltlL‘lIl |)a\ id 8.
I Salsa Buena at l’o .\'a Na.
IIIpin 3am. lat-c. \Vcckl}. .Iainu (’onthc (Salxa Rtunantica/Salxa Vim/(’Iuh Latino) and Latin lixploxion coinhinc to giw _\ou a night ot hot \alxa magic? Ahxolutc hcginncrx \alxa lL‘\\UIl\ h) I.atin l",\plo\itlll thchn 3pm - 9pm. I Split at ('aharct Voltaii‘c.
I lpiii 3am. l'rcc. 3 Sop. Mottlltl). l)ruin & haxx with Slldtlnuxlxlll. thc Dropout UL and a \inattcring ol \ci‘} lttlL‘ltlL‘tl local gumtx. l)ltl‘. L‘lL‘Clt'U. houxc and Iunk arc all in \Illtllt) 3,
I Vibe at Iigo. I Ipiii 3am. £3. \Vcckl). Ncu ga} night \xith JilllILN Longxiorth on thc dcckx. the Dancing Stud Mullins. tlic Singing llait‘} Blokc andth Miming .\'un. I)on't \a} “C didn't “am _\a.
Chan & Pam I Nursery at (‘awndixh l)i\.i ltlpin ‘am ‘3“ «:3. ticc \\Illl Snapta\
hctorc midmghtt \\cckl) \ pla_\ aica tot adult\ I“ 1th (llllll‘lllg‘ lldlllC\ cto and thc Ill.llll\llL‘dlll chart and tht artton
I Peppermint Lounge at l’cppcrtnint loungc ItIpin \un
INC {4 \\'cckl_\ Scc Sun
Edinburgh Wednesdays Club
I Audio Tourism at I’m» H.” (‘Iuh ‘Ipin idllt I tcc “ct-kl) Jamit' lituhanan. \iid} lliot'k and \ \l}'k‘ on lllk' tlL‘t'ln
I Bling at I‘o \a \a Itlpiii iaiii lit‘c \M'ckl} l)a\ id ('taif: lab do\\n tlu' Iinvxt lx’.\lI and Iup Iiop lioin tlic l.I\I lk'll _\C.tt\
I Dipt at \china IHpm iam U113! \M'ckl} ("hilc t\ I iiiic picxcnt llIl\ llt'\\ night oI thc l‘k'\l in t'laxxit' old xkool Iiip hop. tunk. \oul and R.\ll tiom \a~t§ I' and I’ Stil/ \t't'otnpanit'd h) hodx paintcd danu‘ix .uid puit‘uxxion (HIIIl‘IIIdIlHIl that l\ \uic to pat'k a I‘llllx'll I Drop Zone at tlit' llllllt'}\‘t\llll‘
I lpm 5am lit-c \\k'k'l\l_\ \c“ iuaiiagcnicnt. llL'\\ iiiglux loi lllk' Iloncy‘onih l’ait ot tlicii iuidxu-t'k lll.ttlllt‘\\ \w haw a \t intillating nu\ ot dttiin t\ l‘;t\\ in lllk' main room lioiu (} Mar tManga I. l-.\( ) tMixt’hicl i and llcaxt tRoguc Statci \\ ith hip Iiop. ragga and liiiik in lllL' hawk iooiii ttom lllag | tRogut' Slalcl and l).ll<t'tlll tlzl chundoi.
I Edutainment at lago. Itlpiii iain. L3 \Vcckl} \t-u Rtkll night tioni I).I\ Ilccl and .I ll( )\\’ dithg out tht' Iiip Iiop and ragga \\llll lllk' ou'axional \uipiiw in \Itllt' \ut‘Ii ;i\ hoot} \liakc contmtx. M( "x and \uiiiiuci‘ Rtkllm‘k
I Fleamarket Funk al (‘ahait-t Vollaiic. Ilpm igtlll I-it'c \Vcckl} local outlil playng llIL'll o\\n kind oI hig haiid tunk ui Illl\ lIt'\\ \\L‘k'l\l_\ rcxidcnt') \\ llll a \mattci‘ing oI l)_I \uppoi'tx and UIlIL‘l llH‘ ilk'l\. 'l'ltc Skattci'hcm lL'\ do lllL'll danu-ahlc Iunk} i'cggac thing on 3" x\ug.
I Fried :tl ll-llk'k' lilltlt‘l'uiitltl
I).I5 3am. l'i'cc. \Vu'kl}. lndiv (Iuh \IiaiiicIc\\|} pllllltlL‘lllljJ llk‘ll hark cataloguc “lllt cwr'ulung ti'oin lllk‘ Sinithx to l);tl\_\ ('hainxau.
I Low Gravity at lhc lJtlllltl Room. IlHllpm 5am. U (£3 \tudcntxt. \Vcckl} ‘l'iii going doun to la La l.and' I Iiopc to lllL‘CI }oti thci‘c iii la la l.and.‘ l‘.lL'L‘It'o. tlle‘U. duh. llollw lk'ulx \Hlll Ll a-drink dancin‘ ltth _\otl can‘t aIIoi'd .\'()'I‘ to. \xitIi Bcan}. (iai') Mac and randotn gut-xtx.
I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.oungc IIIpin 3am. £3. \Vcckl}. Mtdut'ck \L‘\\IUII Ii'om 'I'oh} Saltonxtall andqu tllNL‘U. Rtkll. liiiik and houw inain up. I Rude at Mood ‘)pin iam. I; i. \Vcckl}. NC“ night oI Iunk}. llll‘I_\. glamour IiIch ltollxc ll’tllll l'L'\lthlll\ .'\lk'\ .'\\ cr} and Kcri‘ \\ ith a \iiiattci‘ing oI local gucxlx,
I Toxic at ()pium. I Ipm iain. l't'cc. \Vcckl}. \cu hard a“ rock and llIL‘ldl night Ii‘om local l)J ol ill rcpulc ('Iaii'c Mollat. John and thc odd gucxl.
Chart & Party
I More Midweek at (u): Izdinhui‘gh. I Ipiii iitlll. I; i. \Vcckl}. Morc ol lhc \ainc,
I Peppermint Lounge at l’L'ppCl‘lllIlll Loungc. Itlpm ‘sain. l'rcc £4. \Vcckl). Sec Sun.
I Planet at ('awndixh/lhui.
IIIpin 3am. £3 iL'3; lrcc \xith Snaptm hclorc midnight I. \Vcckl}. (ham and part} \hcnaniganx.
I Sugar Blue at \Vh) .\'ot'.'. Itlpni 3am. £5 «Hi. 37 Aug. ('hart. Rkll and dancc action at Illl\ llIiIIIIl) \tudcnt} night.
for GLASGOW CLUBS see non-festival magazine