l’erplexrix lll\L‘t and [)1 (alx III are inrned h} [lulxl titlil xkiml \Cl t. \\ Vlltlltl‘lt' .tlltl Mare lal’ hung the hrnken heatx

I Opal Lounge at ()pal l.nunge. ltipni iani. £5. \Veekl} l-unked up \neal hniixe and danee elaxxtex tiniri Stew ie (i and (‘alluiri \liirra}

I Planet Earth at (‘itrux ( 'Iuh lilillpltl iairi. £5. \Veekl} \tiixie tinrii I07) thrnugh tn l‘ih‘). nr' in nther \xnr'dx. a health} dnxe nt punk. neu \r.a\e. neu i'nrnantie and eleeti'n pnp,

I Platinum Plus at ('nnriiiple\ ttnr'ineil} (‘Ithaxar lttprn 2ani £(r ttun tnr nne \xith ll}eri. 22 \ug \eu hip linp. ltirik. Rtkll and mu] night dnnn l.eith ua}. l:\peet the ndd lixe I’A nr hand. ennl Mix and art e\|iihitx all in the elaxx} enx iinrix nt thix enmeited ehureh. I Pogo Vogue at linngn (‘luh

lttpru 5am. £(i t£5i. 2‘) Aug. l-.\perirnental eleeti'nriiea xkirting all the \ai'intix lnr‘rnx nt niuxie triaehinex make. the llllttl e\ei l’iign \'ngue III the \L‘“ Street tiddt'exx ax the linrtgn inn\ ex lnek. xtnek and hai‘r‘el aer'nxx tn Alnra} llnttxe, Rexidentx' xpeeial \\llll Brian d‘Snu/a. l)i' Air. 1)] Run and l)irt_\ nn ax inan} deekx and teehuieal gadgetx the} ean get their handx nn ihaek again in ()et at the llniign‘x ire“ \enuei

I The Primitive Urge at \Vee Red liar. tttpiri .iani. £2. 2‘) Aug. A night lrniri the urine nhxeure enrnei‘x nt the “mild \\ e like In eall punk. garage and rnek. l'eaturing tlie likex nl .\lelt Banana. the ('r‘arnpx. Butthnle Sui‘terx. ete.

I Pure at Studin 24. lttfittpni 5ani. Hi. 2‘) Aug nnl}. 'l‘he iiiiglit} l’ur'e return in their nld xtniuping gi'nundx nt lidiiihui‘gh hit a nne-ntl lith hii‘thda} xpeeial “ith .\lixx Yetti. lige Barn taxi Ili\et. .\lat'xhal| Jel'lei'xnn and nt enurxe lllL‘ t'exident lL‘ttIlt till )ttl'L'I I“ Ilt‘ll. ltr'aiiixtnriu. the Bill. Sand} l’arix .lni' Ill and Rnh l)_\ lair lttl' a xerinux hnuxe and teehrin \xnr'k nut. See fur/rm:

I Radio Babylon at l'.gn.

ltt._i()pni .iaiu. £5. 22 Aug. .\lniitlil}. Radin Bah} lnii xti‘ikex haek. The .\lerr_\ l’raiikxterx. Bi'aiiixtnrni and _\nui' hnxtexx. the di\ ine .\lixx l’enn} l’ni'nxtar. guide )nu thrnugh an eeleetie llll\ nt' gt‘nn\} danee tttttxie‘. CleL'lt‘nitl-tlixcn-lit'etlkx ttttd pnxt-xkntil ltltlk.

I Roadblock at l’n .\'a .\'a.

ltlpin .iain. l‘ree hetnre l lprn; 4 £5 alter. Weekl}. Nieei l5 xtnpx the tr'at'tie in had iiiuxie \xheu xhe digx up the hext in tunk. dixen. linuxe and hlnek rnekin‘ heatx.

I Rogue State at the Venue. ll.3(lpin 5am. £7.50. 22 Aug. .\'e\\ hip linp and drum «k haxx xhiiidig \\ trielr plaux tn highlight the hext tip-and- enining urider‘grnund xtai‘x. l't'xli\;tl tare“ ell part) “uh I” lx'extr'el i(ii'aiid (‘entraltjniiiiiig lneal tamuritex l.i\e Seieiieex. Ritehie Rut'ttniie and lllag l nn the hip hnp llnnr. \iliile l-'..\'() and Beaxt take eare til the Ilkll dim nxtaii‘x. \'ixua| nnxlaught prn\ ided h} ’l‘np Snil l’i'nieet. I Sativae Recordings Night at lign. tlpiu 5am. £3. 2‘) Aug nnl). the might} Sathae Reenrdiugx Ihnnie tn ('hr'ixtian \ttgt‘l. D] “C”. Neil l.andxti'uinin. Adam K. Jamie l.idell and iiini‘et returnx tn the eapital. hniue tn the hard. nhxeure and dnixnright tread t'ueker} that ix qualit} teehrin. Rexidentx Stex e (ileirernxx and l)a\ e 'lar'r‘ida are iniued h} Ra and in the tlti\\ltxlttlt'\ arena are S) ntliexixer DJ. ’lvl‘nexhag l-‘irtih and (‘CILWllill ML‘L‘ltttlIlL‘x tltu‘t.

I Sistas at Maren‘x l.eixure ('eiitre. lttpiu 3am. £-t hetnre midnight; £5.5I) alter t£2 \\ ith ll}Ct't. \Veekl}. \Vnrld inuxie niaxh tip with the hext in Atriean. reggae. ragga. hhaiigra. Rth and hip linp. Drink prninnx all night and the ndd lix e hand.

I Soul Biscuits at (’aharet \nltaire. Midnight 5am. £7. 22 Aug. \lniithl}. .\'axt) l’. lixtr‘a and (iltln pi'nx ide the hip linp. funk and lettt'ield hreakx. ax the} xa} ‘entertainiuent with integrity textual xpeeial and alter part) t'nr‘ the liiliii l‘t‘xllHtl xereening nt~ I’urli .tlnnxrer \\ ith the eaxt Iiiieludiug .\laeau|a_\

(‘ulkin. \ihn might C\L‘ll xpiii a te\\ reenrdxr di'npping h}. l’lux. it that ain't ennuin t'ni’ )nu. Ruxxell Sinininiix‘ l)el .latti l’neti‘} Sneiet} “it! he nn hand

\\ ith their xtr‘eetxx ixe i'h_\iriex.

I Spinning Wheel at in int Rt)“ l'iiinn. l 5arn. £7.50 £3.5(t

i£(i.5() £7.50). \Veekl). See 'l‘hu.

I The Time Tunnel at .\Iaxxa It'ni‘inerl} (‘luh Alereadni. Ittpiii .iani. £5 (£4 \xith their \Veekl}. 'l‘i‘eiid} Weird}. Shnxihi/ Jaxe and Bell) l’ni'd dixi'upt the xpaee—tiine enntinuuin “llll tunex ti'nnr the Mix. 70x and 80x. ()r ina} he it'x itixt the alenhnl.

Chart & Party

I The BIG 0'18! :tl Monti.

‘lpiri .iaiu. l‘ree hetnre l lpiu; £3 alter Ilree tn nienihei'xt. \Veekl). A t'aiitaxtie xtai't tn the \\ eekeiid ax )nu ea\nrt In all thnxe pnp elaxxiex t'i'niii the taxi lix e dCL'ttdex.

I Boogie Juice at l.'.-\iiaehc. ltt..itlpiri 3am. £3 hetnre l lpni'. £5 alter. \Veekl}. l’la}irig nut the hext lll Rtkli. eliart arid ttink} ta\nuritex.

I Disco at Jongleurs at Jnngteuix. Midnight 3am. £4 (£3). 22 Atig. See 'l‘hu.

I The Dog’s Balearics at Rexnlutinn. lttfitlprn 3am. £5 hetnre midnight: £(i alter (£3 £4). \Veekl}. 'l'he hext lhi/a and ehart danee nuiriherx trnin thrnughnut the xiiinniei'.

I FAB Fridays! at (’it}: l'.ditthttt‘gh. 5pm 3am. l‘i‘ee hetnre lttpiri: £5 alter. \Veekl). Rexident .laiuex l.nngunrth xpinning a llll\ nt ehart. part} and eniriniereial Iunex.

I Office Affair at Sulma} \\'ext liiid. 4pm 3am. l‘i'ee hetni'e 9pm; £5 alter I£-li. \Veekl). (‘Iiart tunex. hultet and cheap tlt'ittlex. \Vhttl L‘l\L' dn )titl tiL'Ctl lU ruake a hint nt )nurxelt in lt'nttt nl' _\nu enlleaguex‘.’

I Office Party at ('a\ eudrxh/l)i\a. 4pm 3am. l‘ree. Wee-kl}- \eu night nl alter unrk xillinexx and eheex) tun. Bucking hrnrienx. garnex and irinre In

Tasty Tim guests at ‘Luvely, Sat 23 Aug

f. r


got an opinion.about a Show? react@list.co.uk

keep the xuited inaxxex entertained. liuttet t'nr pi‘e-hnnked pai‘tiex tax \\ ell ax It littx piek tip \Cl'\ iL't't.

I The Party Continues . . . ai l’epperiuint l.nunge. lttpin iain. £3. \Veekl}. 'l‘he l’eppernrint l.nuiige all xtar’x hung the \xeekend i'e\ellerx the hext nuixie xeleetinu in [Hull Ste\ ie (E. Jereni) 'l'hnirix and lnh} Saltniixtall di‘np Rtkll and elaxxiex alnrigxide an tip lrnnt rui\ nt' ehai't liitx.

I Why Not? at \Vh} .\‘nt'.’. ltipin .iani. £3 hetnre llprrr; £5 7.51) alter. \Veekl}. (illttt'l. tltttte‘t‘ illlll ltitttxt' hit the \\ L'Clxt'lltl

Edinburgh Saturdays


I Ascension Goth Club at \Iaren‘x l.eixure ('eiiti'e. |It,.il)pni .iain. £5 «£3 lithkR iriernherxi. 23 Aug. .\lniithl_\. ln axxneiatinn \xith lidiiihui'gli l iii\er'xit} 'x (inlli ttlttl Rth Sitclcl) (Uttlt‘x llIIx L‘ltL‘L‘t‘) ltlt\ til tip-lit-dttlc dut'kticxx t'eaturing all the latext gnth. i'nek and iriduxtrial greatx.

I Asylum at Studin 2-1. Ilpni 5am. £5. 23 Aug. l-nr'tnightl). 'l‘he .\lixxinii\ dnu n and dirt} hi'nther xpeeialixing in i'nek. nu metal and nther hardenre xtitllltlx.

I Audio Tourism at I’im liar ('Iuh. 0pm .iain. l-ree. \Veekl}. A xer'inux alternatn e In ennxeirtinnal night eluhhing Irnrii (ienrge 1‘ I25 Augr and l'tink) 'l‘ranxpnrt 1fo) Aug).

I Bio-Rhythm End of Festival Party at the Venue. llprrr 5am. £ttt «£8i. 30 Aug. Bringing thix textual thing In a elnxe \x ith a iriaxxne tine-up iiieludiiig l-(‘ Kahuna and Phil Kieran tBugged ()ut'i alnngxide lneal xuppnrtx Bean} and KipS.

I CC Blooms at It lllnnnix

llt ztlpni iarn l-ree \\eekl} [H \II} ix haek again \\llll iunre nI her trademark high eainp-In hnuxe deeknieal e\peitixe at thix .i|\\.i_\x hnaehiug ga_\ name

I La Clique at the Spiegeltent

llprrr iani £ltt i£‘li 2‘ \ug Nee llitr I Colours Live! .it the l nitrid lx‘nnni ltlpni ‘ain £the h .\'ep \lnnthlx (‘nlnurx in\ite their palx Irnin Suhliniinal In the eapital Int airnthei xexxinn nI the hext in hnuxe \nd thix tiirie .irnund it‘x ll.iii_\ '(‘hnn ('hnn' Rnniern taking the guext xpnt \\llll liix dehut artixt .dhurii t/irirt li'I m’t nn the \\a_\ and ‘l (in ltaek' killing the \l\\ .\l(' thix xeai Ihix xhnuld he lint ax hell .lnn \laneini and \nrnket .\ the Ilandit .iie Ill lt‘\l\lt‘ll\t'

I Cushy at \iehnl l \l\\.tlil\

llprrr z.iin £2 2‘ \ug ltl l'uan .lainex il uture \nndle. (‘itx ('aIer plaxx kitkin' hnuxe nruxie nI all \aiietiex ()eeaxinnal xuppnrt Irniri .\le\ \xer) aird l ee Murray I Diggity at the l'.\l.ll‘ll\lllllt‘lll

lllpin iarn £i hetnre llprrr. £5 i£5 niernherxi alter \\eek|} I).| lahiiln/ and Hair} l.(i get dnun \\llll then had xelxex. NIH”): \\lltl\l}lt‘ Rtklt. hip hnp and xlt'L'Cl xnttl

I Disco Inferno at l'gn

llHttpni 3am £.\‘ i£n in Iane_\ drexxi Aug .\lniithl}. A night nI dixen eieain nu tun Ilnni‘x. (ilainnied up and Ill )niii taee dixen aetinn linni I).l l.n\e. \iek Silxer. .\l(‘ ()tix. l'unkiuaxtei l‘l}\'l and DJ ('axanma. Super hig part} time tnlkx ax it‘x their ltlth hirthda}

I Doves: Disco DJ Set at the Venue. ‘lpiii .ittllt. £l2. ill Aug niilx In mark the i'elauneh nt the ApnealHtxe Senttixh (‘ireuit the} ‘\e dralted lll iinn nther than the rnagnitieent l)n\ ex Ini a DJ xet. “ith li\e perlnrinaneex linni Allnii/n. l’arka and inni'e.

I The Egg at Wee Red liar.

llprrr Kain. £~l.5()i£-li \Veekl). Still the hext tltl\ nt indie. (ittx garage. iinithei'ii xntil. xka. 70x punk and NC“ \\;I\ e xiiii'i‘e ltlu‘l} lU \lttgglt't' Ate't‘tixx. .'\ \\ t‘ll lll\t'll inxtitutinn that r‘etuxex tn eharige

I El Barrio at lzl ltai'i‘in. lllprn iairi. l'i'ee £5. \Veekl}. Salxa. l.atin and niei‘eiigue “Illl Sr ('nenniit iplux in e per‘euxxinn lr'nin l’epe Santaniaiiat.

I Eye Candy at .\laxxa tlttl'lllt‘ll} ('hih \ler'eadni. llpin iairi. £ltt i£.\‘ ttl' £(r it 'nutragenuxl} drexxed' t. \Veekl}. Rexidentx the l'.}t’ ('andi 'l‘u rm and .\'e|at llartnn linxt their inlatnnux giant and inainxtreairi hnuxe part} in the next. I} relurhixhed \eiiue. Reineniher In ‘drexx glani nr xerain'.

I Flaunt at .\laxxa tlnrruei'l} ('luh Alereadni. llprrr iain. U”. *ttAug. Baek tn llaxiex prexent thix night nt llttielexx eltth elttxxtex that made llnttxe niuxie \\ hat it ix tnda}. With .\'eil .\'a\arra and ()lixer' Lang.

I Fleamarket Funk at ('nuniing llnuxe. 7pm .lani. £5 I£.l.5tti. 2 i Aug. See 'l‘hu.

I FUN[I(] at l’ri\ e (‘nuneil

lttpin 3am. £5. \Veekl}. See l'l't.

I Funkysensual at I’n .\'a .\’a.

‘)pin 3am. l'ree hetnre llprrr; -1 £5 alter. \Veekl}. llnt llll\ nl xe\} lunk) hnuxe niuxie tr'nin l)J Beneh} and Rudd} Mae. I Give it Some! at Bnngn ('luh. llpni 3am. £5 hetnre iriidnight; £7 alter. 23 Aug. l'eaturing the hext iii tunk. xnul. tall and all that inxpired hip hnp limit the lil Segundn iiinh.

I Greazed Up at Spider'x \Veh (‘ellar Bar. Xpiri 2airi. £5. 3t) Aug. Rnekahill} and rnekin‘ |)J aetinn li'nru ’l'nin and Paul

_‘ x

I Henry’s Late Nights at ttenri‘x Ja/l ('ellar. midnight 3am. £(i £7. Weekly l.i\ e ia/l and the hiruxe l)Jx take )ntt ruin the \iee xrnall hnurx. Rurnha (‘aliante iuaxh Latin. (‘uhaii and Next ank \ihex tngether.

I "offbeat at Berlin Bierhaux.

l 1pm 3am. £5. () Sep. The liiirikeyriagie gu_\x and llnlllicat put nri a new night in a next \enue \xith rnnre nt that deep hnuxe _\nu ln\e xn iriueh \xith Senttixh ex-pat .\lurra_\ Riehardxnii bringing a tnueh nt~ Spain In prneeediiigx.