Glasgow life
Events are listed by date, then type. Submit listings at least ten days before publication to glasgow©, by post or by fax on 0141 353 2803. Listings are compiled by Jane Hamilton.
Thursday 14
()IIlH ‘:\.'(,‘lllf;
Bulb and Dried Flower Fair (.It't‘nlmnk (Lntlt‘n. I It'IIIIK'I\ Ix’n.ul.
( I.nI.\Inn. (\I‘l I_‘\I II.IIIl *pm 9. I “I It..‘ (Ill! \t'It'tl _\nnI I‘llII‘\ lnI IIIt' nt'\l
Friday 15
Lunchtime Lectures IIunIt‘Imn \II (LIIIt'I). l nut-Int} nl (i|.i\;'n\\. -\3 IIIIIIlt‘mI \Iit't'l. HII * I II I I I‘pln
9.‘ \ \xIIIt' I.In_-.,'In_:' \t'IIt‘\ nI IIIlI\II.IIt'\I In IIII\'\ nn \\ Ill\IIt‘l II'I.II\‘\I IIIt‘IIIt‘\
'11}! III II INN/II _‘IHI\'
Other I vents;
French Wine Tasting Rnukt-n (III-n I’JIk.I).I\1t-I.lntlanl.(illlnnt‘klvih III".\ ll {II .\ {Ilpin tn \n nppnilnnll} In I.I\It' up In \|\ lIIIlk'lk'Ill IH‘M‘JI \\ |Ilt‘\. lunn .lennl I 1cm II \\III\' \ Inc}.mlx .IIIII Ilic \xlnt- nmknn' pinyth .IIIII In ;:.nn .In llI\l_‘.‘III InIn IIIt' .III nl thinking:
Saturday 1 6
Whistler in Glasgow IInIIt‘II ('HIIt't‘Ilnll, :IINI l’lIIIIle\II.l\\\ RUJII. III! I.\.‘,I Illuin II. Illpni, (Ill. \ \IinII t'nnixt' nllt'imy .l Incl} IIIIIUIIIIL'IIUII In (iI.I\j;n\\ .\ \\ III\II\'I t‘UIIt‘t‘lIUlh
‘Ml‘i WORLD PIPE BAND CHAMPIONSHIPS Glasgow Green, Sat 16 Aug, 93m
tnlnpllxlnj; .In IIIII\II.IIC\I IthnIc .IIIlI .: InnI nI IIIc \\ III\IIt'I Iclulml c\IIII\IIInn\ 3.41m “mug, _‘IHI\‘
CCA: Talks and Tours ( I \. WI \lntInt'ImII \IIt'cI. “3 “*Il 2pm llt'k' I<llIIIIIIIL' (WI) \iltntIa} .IIIII \nntI.I_\ Ihcw I.III\\ .mtI Inmx .nt- Int .in_\nnt- \HIII .III Ink-Ith llI Illc \xnII. nI lIIk' ('(' \ pml. I‘lt'M'llI .InII tnInI.‘
Other events;
World Pipe Band Championships (II.I\;'II\\ (mm. (iit'cnthkc \Iiccl. IX‘ ‘hhh ‘Lnn
U L I “ ill lIIt' Inn\I pn'xII;'InII\ cxt‘nl III III\' .IIIIIlI.lI [‘ljk' t.iIt-IIII.II. .IIII.I\IIII_‘_' \nnit' Illll I‘.III\I\ IInIn .nnnntl IIIC \‘M‘IIII In .IIIIIIIII'II In IIIt' pipnnj IIIt'I\‘-II Iw IleJIIIJIIII \I.Ill\ Inf: Ilixplatx. .l \I.III I.nI .lIItI IllllI.Ill
Rock, Rock \IIIIIlll\t‘ IInIcI. I3” II.iI|i SIIt't'I. Ill IVS" 3pm I Ik't' \n (\Inlunnn nI Slcpht'n \.ltlj.i\ .III .IIItI “Illing .I\ IIt' \II\\ nxwx Inx ncxk II|I\k'I I‘.I\t'lI nn IIIt' Iint‘ \InI} nl Inin ’\HllIIl\
Bonk events
Books at the Botanics (Ilkgtm IInI.nnt' (I.IIII\'II\. " Ill ( iimI “wk-in Rn.ul. iI-I 3-13.? IIIJIII ipin III-v \ [‘Ill‘llI.” hnnk nuikt-I III III\' IInpknk IIIIIIIIIIIj.‘
Other events;
Mugdock Superdog 2003 \Iugtlnt'k ('nnnli) I’.nk. (’I.n_~_' Ix’nml. \I .\Iiln;_'.I\It'. 05!) (IlIlII, 3 III.” I I. \II \IIIIPL‘\ .IIIII \I/k‘\ HI (Illf..'\ .Ilt‘ \wlt'nnit' In Iw [ml IIIinugh Ilit‘n' [hum nn .I lun t'ntnw.
Scottish Tattoo I<n_\.l| (‘nnt’cil II.II|. I 5.111t'liit'li.ill SIIt't‘I. ‘5‘ Nllllll. "pm.
Glasgow Life
Enjoy a whistle-stop tour of Whistler 2003
tl.‘ ill LII» NI \tnlllxIl IIIII\I\ .IIIII «Llnt‘t' \pt-tmt IlI.Il I.IkIII;' nn IIIt' IIIt-Int- nI IIIc mmmyn‘ nl (ilt'ntnt‘ II'.IIlIIIIIf.' l‘l|‘\‘\ .\ \IIllllI\_ I‘l.l\\ I‘.III\I t'Imninnnxlnpx.IIIcIIIIIII\III;'|1I.iIInn III;'|I|.IntI I).Int't'ix .IIIII Inp \lllg'lllj.‘
Monday 18
Other events;
Creative Writing Group III‘IIII‘I\ IInnkx, 33‘ IInt'Iann \Ilt't'l. 33.7 " 'llll 5 Illpin \I.I\I.III I).II\'I\I‘II III\\I\ .1 \\llI|llj.' g'inup npcn In .nnnnc mlt-It-xIt'tI lll tIt'wInpnig: IIIcn tImInt' II.II| \\'\\ im'inlwix .II\\.I_\\ \xt-ltnnlc
German Language Cafe Huldch IInnIn. SKI IIut'Imnan Slit't'l. .733 ""‘llll "pin \ (Imnt'c In nnpinw _\nnI |.In§:u.ig_'t' \klllx \\IIIIHII1CI (it-mun \[‘t‘.II\t‘I\
As sure as summer follows spring and hangovers follow the Christmas party, the World Pipe Band Championships will be taking place in Glasgow this year. Returning to the city for the 18th year, the event is expected to attract more bands as well, and more people enjoying the day. Last year, over 7,000 musicians took part in the competition, making up 230 bands from around the world. Last year‘s winners, Field Marshall Montgomery, will be back from Northern Ireland to defend their title for the fourth year against bands from Scotland. Canada, USA. Australia, Oman and Tokyo. To make judging easier the championships are divided into categories such as grade 1—4, drum majors, juvenile and novice juvenile grades. As well as bringing visitors and over £300,000 in revenue to the city for the weekend, it also attracts at least 30,000 spectators. On the day before the championships there will be the ‘Beat the Retreat‘ street parade from Blythswood Square, which gives a taster of what to expect on the Saturday. On the day there will be a highland dancing competition and displays, as well as a traditional craft fair, children's activities and the all important beer tent. The march past of all the bands that have competed during the day and the prize giving will take place from
5pm. (Jane Hamilton)
Tuesday 1 9
Whistle-Stop Tours IIlIIIIx'IlJlI \II (i.l|It'I_\, I lll\\'l\ll\HIIII.I\1'I‘\\.\“ IIIIIIImtI \IIK'CI, “It * III Il‘lll I m- II.III IInIII Illt'IlIlt'Ill IHlll\ nI Iht‘ IInnIt‘Imn'x
\\ III\IIt'I \Il\l‘I.I\\ I'm: II mun YIN/C
()tller ex'entiz
A Walk Through the Rainforest I\II\I\It‘ I’.II.Itt'. IIII' IIIIIJIlh (nntlt'nx, 'II' (mun \\k'\I\'III Ix’n.uI. III .‘1.‘.‘ .‘j‘lll Ilt't' \ \ Imm t' In cwlnn- IIII' t1I_\\ utt‘pnnml [‘IJIII tnlltxnnn III III\' tninlmm nI t'\j‘\'ll
Screenwriters Group lsnnlm IInnkx I.“ IIntIann \IIt't'I. .‘_‘.‘ " 'IIII ' {Ilpnl (ICI .uI\ I\I' .intI \III‘I‘HII .II‘I'III IIIk' .III nl \HIIanJ InI IIIt' \\Ik't'II IInIn I‘IIII'I Iikt' Inlntlt‘tl [\cnplc
Wednesday 20
Book (?\.’()llIf;
Speakeasy IIIt-(il..\;-..\\ |(i|II (rum. I I I)I\nn \IIt't'I. .T.‘I "3H: 'Inlun \ \CIK'I‘IJIII‘II nl IIIt' \pnkt'n \‘ol‘ItI .lIIlI mum IInnk tnm \lnI nn IIIt' “up I\n\ n! I Imnt t" ll nn Iht~ lllfJIlI
When Granny Clears Out the Cupboards l).lI\It'_\ \Iuwuin .\ \II (l.lIIk'I|t‘\. IIIjgh \IICCI. I’.n~|t"\. \tx‘l *I‘I IIII‘III I ICC \.IIt‘llt' RI'III} It‘.IiI\ .l I.III\ nn IIIt' LiIt-xl It”\IIIt' .It‘tjulxllinnx
Ten at One Talks IIlllIIt'llJlI \II (i.II|cI_\. I Inwmn nI (iInxgnu. \_‘ IIIIIIImII Slit-CI. I‘ll § III Ipln I II'I' It'n lllIllllIt‘ I.III\\ nn \cIt'tIt-tl \MIIIw IInn: IIIt' IInnIt'IMIh \\ IINIt'I Illxplnx I’m: n/ II/Inl/Ir "VIII"
Other events;
Scotfairs Antique Fair \Inn ll..II. \IIIt‘IIt‘II IIImIIt'. (imm Illt' SIIt't'I. IV’ -1\*5 Ill.nn -I Illpnl {I II‘n'w IIIIWKN' \I.III\ IIIIICII ‘MIII 1m t'IIt’I}. \Hlllx. IIIICII. nmldk .IIIII .IIIIIIIIII'\
Badger Watch \t’nIIhII \\1III|Ilt' IIIII\I. I .III\ HI (.I\IIL' Rt'u‘l‘» t'. “I i<< N53": "pm 2.0 It": \ [tuninle \‘~.III\ InIIn\|.t'tI In. IIIt‘ nppnilnml} In \[NII I\.qu_'t-z\ lll IIIL'II II.IIIII.II \lll'll‘lllhIlIIL'\
Thursday 21
Book events;
Michael Dibdin IInIIIt-Ix linnkx. SKI IInt'Iann Slit-CI. 333 “It” 0pm 'IIIc .mIIInI I;III\\ .II‘I‘III In~ I;IIt'\I “Ink. I/u/uxu Lin Anderson ()II;II\.II\ “INIIx\Il‘IC_ I IIII 0. IInt‘Imnan (l.lIIL'IIC\. IIIILImnun \IIt-t'l. 1“ I‘llll It Illpm In't- 'Ihc .mIIInI l.III\\ .II‘IIIII I)/1I!IIIIIIt'I1t'\|. \IIIIII' nan InIIntIntm; Inn-nut xtlcnIle RIIHIM \Idt‘It'HII
Lee Bul: Talk (‘('v\. WI Suuglnt-lmll SII'L'L‘I. ‘53 -I‘)llll “pin. I'I'ct' Ruhct'm (iHItIHIl \L'\I\lll III\t'll\\t'\ IIII' ItIt'.I\ I‘CIIIIIII IIIL‘ \Uilk HI 1,! (' “Ill